If the old lady found out about this, she would definitely kick her out of the Jiang family. Even if she didn't, Jiang Qianxue and her father Jiang Yuncai would have no status in the Jiang family at all.

"Qianxue, if you have anything to say, say it slowly. It's alright." Jiang Yunmao consoled her.

"Actually, I know that my father wants to target Lin Jing for this Treasure Convention, but I hope that he will stop. Even if he must do something to Lin Jing, he shouldn't be too ruthless. After all, Lin Jing didn't do anything bad to our Jiang family." Jiang Qianxue's cheeks turned slightly red when she mentioned Lin Jing.

"Qianxue, do you know that your idea is very dangerous?" In fact, he had already decided in his heart that he would support Jiang Qianxue in this matter. The reason he said this was only to make Jiang Qianxue more grateful towards him.

"Eldest Uncle, I know that as a member of the Jiang Clan, I shouldn't be thinking about such things, but Lin Jing …"

Jiang Qianxue's eyes reddened. While she was worried that her father would force Lin Jing into a corner, she also felt that she was betraying the Jiang family.

The torment in her heart had already driven Jiang Qianxue crazy.

"I already know. How about this. I'll tell you the current situation of the Treasure Convention. Your father and Lin Jing are here, but there's one thing you can't say." Jiang Yunmao said.

"I understand that, uncle."

Jiang Yunmao smiled.

"Although this hotel is owned by our family, but I think you've probably not been here many times, so it's natural that you're not familiar with it." Jiang Yunmao began to explain the layout of the hotel to Jiang Qianxue in detail, as well as the current location of Jiang Yuncai and Lin Jing.

"It's on the first floor. There is a meeting room in the southwest. As long as you go downstairs, it won't be hard to find this hall." Jiang Yunmao said with a smile.

"Alright, I understand. Thank you …" "Uncle." Jiang Qianxue was still not used to speaking to Jiang Yunmao like this. She reluctantly thanked him, grabbed her skirt, and ran downstairs.

"Big brother is really willing to help others!" At that moment, Jiang Yunsheng walked out from an unknown corner.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Qianxue wants to find Lin Jing. How can I not help her with something like this?" Jiang Yunmao said in a dignified manner.

"That's only natural. I'm just worried for Third Bro. If Qianxue really did find Lin Jing and tell him everything, then wouldn't this matter become a lot more interesting?"

Jiang Yunsheng seemed to have recalled something especially interesting, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise. He could no longer conceal his smile.

"Now that you mention it, I'm a bit curious. Why don't we go take a look at how Qianxue is helping Lin Jing right now?"

As they spoke, the two of them walked down the stairs.

He had just walked down the stairs when he saw Jiang Qianxue running towards the Treasure Hall.

"Lin Jing, Lin Jing, I have something to say to you."

Behind him, Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao seemed to be watching a show. They watched as Jiang Qianxue yelled out Lin Jing's name.

However, they didn't expect that the scene where Jiang Qianxue told everything to Lin Jing didn't happen.

Jiang Qianxue had only called out a few times when she was noticed by Jiang Yun.

"What are you doing here?!" Jiang Yun walked out of the crowd and asked loudly.

"I saw Lin Jing. I wish to speak with him for a moment." Jiang Qianxue calmly said.

"No way!" Jiang Yun immediately refused, "Qianxue, no matter what happens today, I won't let you and Lin Jing meet."

Jiang Yuncai knew his daughter very well. However, he hadn't expected that Jiang Qianxue would actually come looking for Lin Jing.

"Alright, if you don't let me see, I'll let him see me!" After Jiang Qianxue said this, she loudly shouted out Lin Jing's name. It was just that this time, her mouth was covered by Jiang Yuncai before she could even make a sound.

Jiang Qianxue struggled as she looked at her father in disbelief. At this moment, she felt that her father was actually so unfamiliar.

"Qianxue, Daddy is doing this for your own good." With that, Jiang Yun brought Jiang Qianxue back to her room upstairs.

Upon seeing that Jiang Yuncai had actually brought Qianxue back, Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunzhu hurriedly hid in a corner.

After the two passed by, they walked out.

"I never thought that third brother would be so cruel to his own daughter." Jiang Yunsheng sighed.

"This is nothing. I had long thought that Third Brother wouldn't let Qianxue see Lin Jing. I just didn't think that he would directly pull her down." Jiang Yunmao was also slightly surprised.

"Dad, what are you trying to do?" Jiang Qianxue was brought back to the room where she had just changed. Jiang Yun then walked out and locked the door.

"Qianxue, you should suffer for a while. After the Treasure Convention is over, I'll let you out." Jiang Yuncai also felt that treating his own daughter like this was a bit too much, but for his own benefit, he had no other choice. Compared to his future status in the Jiang family, being wronged by Jiang Qianxue was worth it.

"Dad, let me out, how can you lock me up like this?" Jiang Qianxue knocked on the door loudly. Unfortunately, this was the third floor, which was quite a distance away from the Treasure Hall on the first floor, so no one could hear him.

"I've made everyone wait for a long time, something small just happened. Now that the problem has been resolved, let's continue."

Jiang Yun then locked up Thousandsnow before hurriedly returning to the main hall of the Treasure Convention.

Firstly, he was the host, so he couldn't leave for too long. Secondly, Old Lady Jiang had been paying attention to the Treasure Convention the entire time. If he left for too long, she might be suspicious.

"It's fine at the beginning, but now the next treasure is mine. I have a presumptuous request, I don't know if Mr. Jiang can satisfy it or not?"

"Oh, so it's Mr. Jin. If there's any problems, please feel free to mention them. We will definitely be satisfied." Jiang Yun agreed immediately.

"This treasure of mine is the real deal, but what someone brought here at the scene is a fake. With such a person present, I truly do not want to take out my treasure." As Mr. Jin spoke, he glanced in Lin Jing's direction.

"What did you say?!" Feng Yuqing glanced coldly at Mr. Jin and said.

"You should know what I'm talking about the most. Why?" Or do you want me to say it again? " Mister Jin, who was not the least bit afraid of Feng Yuqing's gaze, asked in an overbearing manner.

"You!" Feng Yuqing was already a level below them in terms of momentum, and even if they said anything, no one would believe it.

Lin Jing knew this was true, so he sighed and said, "Forget it, Manager Feng. Don't say anymore."

"But we can't allow them to slander Baolin for no reason at all."

Feng Yuqing wholeheartedly wanted to prove Baolin's good name. He knew that if he didn't deal with this matter well, no one would be willing to cooperate with it in the future.

"Defamation? How can you call it slander? This fact is already in front of everyone. How can we not believe what we saw with our own eyes and instead believe what you said? That's funny. "

"Everyone, quiet down for a moment. Let me say something fair."

The crowd below the stage was in an uproar, but at this moment, they suddenly heard a loud shout.

"I wonder if everyone will listen to me."

Lin Jing didn't know who would stand up for him in this situation, but when he saw who it was, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Ni Fei?"

"I know that all of you have a very high opinion of the Treasure Temple, but we still don't know the truth of this matter. So, let's just give me, Ni Fei, some face and let Lin Jing and the rest stay here until the Treasure Convention is over."

Ni Fei's words were directed towards Lin Jing, but Lin Jing was not surprised at all. He only felt a deep sense of doubt.

"Lin Jing, what's going on with Ni Fei?" Feng Yuqing was also confused.

Although it was a good thing that someone was willing to speak up for them, this person was Ni Fei, which always made them feel that it was a little strange.

"I'm not too sure either. It's just that Ni Fei definitely would not be so kind." Lin Jing frowned as he spoke.

"Alright, then let's see what he wants to do." Feng Yuqing said.

"Ni Fei, I admire you for still speaking up for Lin Jing, but don't you dare come here just because of the momentum of the Ni Family in the East Sea. Let me tell you, there are some things that you can't solve with a single sentence."

Mr. Jin was clearly dissatisfied with what Ni Fei said.

However, what happened today was not caused by Ni Fei. He was merely a person who helped with the conversation. Therefore, even if Mr. Jin was furious right now, it would not be good for him to vent his anger on Ni Fei.

"Lin Jing, why are you still standing there? Don't think that just because someone spoke up for you, you can cover up the fake story. Let me tell you, the people I look down on the most are you."

Lin Jing tried to recall this man, but he had no impression of him. It seemed that he had never interacted with this man before.

Since they didn't have any interactions with each other, but this guy was actually targeting him, then there was only one answer. This guy was being ordered by someone with the goal of destroying him and tarnishing Lin Zhai's reputation.

"Mr. Jin, right? He looks a little unfamiliar. Where does Mr. Jin usually do his business?" Lin Jing suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask? No matter where I do business, I'm not going to do business with you. "

Mr. Jin's words were firm, but Lin Jing had a strange feeling. The other party wasn't from the literary world, and had only come here today at the behest of others, hoping to embarrass himself.

"I know that our store is very unhappy because of the counterfeit, but what I want to say is that this was really just a misunderstanding. I will definitely give everyone an explanation." After Lin Jing finished speaking, he bowed deeply towards everyone.

"Secondly, no matter what, this matter started because of me. Therefore, I must apologize to everyone here first." Lin Jing's words were filled with a gentleman's demeanor. Even Mr. Jin, who was standing on the stage, had a trace of surprise flash across his face.

However, this expression disappeared in a flash and was well hidden by him.

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