A trace of coldness flashed past his eyes, causing Ni Fei's heart to become gloomy.

In this period of time, he had pretended to listen to whatever Yu Qing said, even lowering himself to interact with Jiang Yun. Other than pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, he wanted to see if this old man would dare to do anything.

According to the rules of the Ni family, Yu Qing was Ni Fei's housekeeper, but in reality, she was also his godfather. Before he officially took over the business, she was responsible for teaching him all of his knowledge.

However, in the end, Yu Qing was still a servant. In terms of status, she was completely incomparable to Ni Fei.

Apart from this, Yu Qing only had the right to suggest whatever Ni Fei was doing while he was out exercising, and could not make any decisions in his place.

It was obvious that this matter had already been overstepped early in the morning. Even Ni Fei had been stopped by him when he wanted to punish his subordinates. The only reason he could think of was "think of you".

If such actions were to be carried out in the main house, the crime of bribing others and having ill intentions would not be excessive.

Thinking of this, Ni Fei narrowed his eyes and coldly said, "Uncle Yu, then what do you think I should do next? Or should I leave the decision to you and leave it to you? "

Yu Qing was an experienced person, so she immediately understood the meaning behind her words. However, he had roamed the world for so many years and had been through a lot. Naturally, he would not become flustered just because of this small threat.

Yu Qing's expression remained as calm as ever. She smiled and said, "Young Master is serious."

"It's not serious. Ni Fei's talent is dull, and he deals with matters in a gentle manner. All these years, if it wasn't for you, Uncle Yu, turning the tide at critical moments, I wouldn't have been able to pass the family exam." We're on the same boat, and as long as the boat is steady, it doesn't really matter who gets the helm. " Ni Fei's expression was cold.

"Young master's words are a bit unbearable for this old servant." Yu Qing's eyes flashed. Ni Fei's words became more serious and were not as simple as a reminder.

"Hehe, what's there to be afraid of? Didn't you guys do well just now? My decision was inappropriate. You were right to bring it up and stop it. People are people. The more people buy, the better, right? " The corner of Ni Fei's mouth curled up into a cold smile.

Hearing this, Yu Qing could no longer remain calm. Although he was Ni Fei's personal butler and godfather, the clan rules were such that one could not rub even the slightest bit of sand off of it.

If Ni Fei seized on this point and didn't let this matter go, then this matter would be spread to the main house. Whether or not this old life of his would have no relation. The key was that his relatives would suffer.

Thinking of this, Yu Qing immediately kneeled in front of Ni Fei and said in an anxious and sincere voice, "This old servant knows his wrongs. Young master, please forgive this old servant for the sake of serving this old servant for so many years. I believe that in the future, I will definitely be able to take charge of the Ni family. This old servant will also do his best to serve Young Master. "

"Aiya, Uncle Yu, why are you kneeling down? Hurry up and get up. What I said was the truth, it's not that serious."

Seeing that Yue Qing had lowered his head, Ni Fei sneered in his heart. However, he did not reveal any expression on his face. On the contrary, he had a clear manner and helped him up.

"However, Uncle Yu, you are right. No matter how close the relationship between master and servant is, it should not be a mess. "I might not have done well in the past, but thank you for your reminder. From today onwards, I will do my duty as a young master, doing everything and doing things myself."

"Yes, young master." It could be said that Ni Fei was personally brought out by him, but he did not expect that he would unknowingly reach such a level. Whether it was because he was teaching too well or because he made a fatal mistake, it was difficult for him to determine.

"Alright, for the time being, we don't have much manpower to deal with the matters regarding the Precious Forest Temple. Let's just let it go for now." Ni Fei waved his hand with a cold light surging in his eyes, "However, it's about time for the Jiang Clan to pack up their nets. A country bumpkin like you act big in front of me. You simply don't know what you're talking about."

"What does Young Master mean?" Yu Qing's heart skipped a beat. If it was any other time, he would have strongly advised Ni Fei not to take action against the Jiang Clan.

Although the Jiang Clan was only the leader of Eastsea City's entertainment industry and their strength was not comparable to Ni Clan, they had already been in operation for decades and were deeply rooted. Even if the clan had a large number of moths, it would still not be easy to uproot them.

Not to mention that even though the Holy Orchid Institute had encountered a temporary crisis, but the accumulation of power from before still had some momentum. Relying on just the strength of the Flying Heaven Tower, wanting to suppress the Holy Orchid Institute was not an easy matter, not to mention there was no need for them to do so.

In comparison, the Jiang family was more pressured by the rise of Baolin.

Therefore, the correct course of action would be for the Flying Heaven Tower to remain calm and unmoved, secretly joining hands with the Jiang Clan to support the three brothers of the Jiang Clan to deal with the Precious Forest Temple once and for all. They could at least make it three birds with one stone. Furthermore, it wouldn't take much effort for them to do so. The Arts City itself would become a complete mess.

The three Jiang brothers were not kind people, they were all ambitious. As long as they were given sufficient resources and had the slightest opportunity to take the initiative, they would not hesitate to make their move.

By then, the Jiang family would be in chaos. If they were to take advantage of the chaos in the Soaring Sky Tower, they would be able to seize at least half of the Jiang family's assets.

After the first bird, the second bird was on Paulinus.

The hostility of the three Jiang brothers towards Lin Jing was obvious to all. The threat Baolinzhai posed to the Jiang family was also enormous. A direct conflict of interest determined that the double hair would not rest until one party died. Therefore, sooner or later, the Jiang Clan would launch an all-out attack on Baolin Temple. This way, regardless of whether the Flying Heaven Tower would take the opportunity to fish for the treasure, or watch the tiger fight from a distance, it would be a profitable business.

And this third bird was, of course, the secret of Baolin-chai.

They had been probing and investigating for such a long time, but they still had not made any substantial progress. The skin on its surface was too thick. If he wanted to see the truth, he would have to tear it apart.

For the Flying Heaven Tower, destroying Baolin Temple was something that they had to do. As long as Baolinzhai fought the Jiang family, even if he won, his strength would definitely be greatly damaged. At that time, the Flying Heaven Tower would be able to accomplish its goal without spending too much effort to destroy them.

Without the support of powerful resources, the Temple was just an empty shell. When the time came, he didn't believe that the people behind Lin Jing would still be able to remain calm.

As long as he exposed a little bit of it, with the Ni family's strength, they would quickly find out. At that time, it would be obvious whether he was a human or a ghost.

However, Ni Fei did not think that way. His thoughts were clearly more radical and he wanted to directly take down the Jiang family.

During this period of time, they had indeed made use of the Jiang Clan's three brothers to arrange a number of traps.

After taking over the Jiang Clan, he would be able to take over the influence of Eastsea City and become the true overlord of this city.

The effect of this action was more obvious. Furthermore, he would be able to obtain more benefits and time would be much faster. However, the risk in the middle was too great.

Although Baolinzhai and the Jiang family were at loggerheads now, it was worth remembering that both sides had worked together in the past. Especially Jiang Yuncai. His daughter, Jiang Qianxue, and Lin Jing had once been husband and wife.

As for how much financial support Lin Qing had behind him, both Yu Qing and Ni Fei were unsure. At that time, if the Jiang family was pushed to the edge of the cliff and could kick them down just as they were about to reach the door, then it would be very troublesome if the Precious Forest Temple suddenly intervened.

Moreover, if they failed, it would be equivalent to having two powerful enemies at the same time.

In a place like the East Sea, the Flying Heaven Tower was an outsider. Even if Ni Fei could obtain more support from the main house, he still might not be able to win.

Besides, other than the two families, there was also Dong Clan's Dong Qianxing. This old fellow had not made a sound recently and was said to be sick. However, it was unknown whether he was doing it on purpose or not.

It was a pity that Yue Qing could not speak of these matters to Ni Fei, and could only follow his orders. He would think of something when the time came when he was out of his control.

With this thought in mind, Yu Qing's eyes flashed as she slightly nodded her head, not allowing Ni Fei to see the change in expression on his face.

"Let the Jiang Clan go into chaos first. Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao should have enough chips in their hands." "Old Lady Jiang is quite capable. Let's let her son take her down first. When our brothers are fighting, we'll have another one to play with." Ni Fei narrowed his eyes and said complacently.

Sighing lightly in his heart, Ni Fei was still too young and thought of everything too simply. If things went according to plan, there would be nothing in the world that he couldn't handle, and there wouldn't be the word "accident".

Yu Qing remained expressionless as he acknowledged the order. Then, he left as per Ni Fei's arrangements. As Ni Fei watched his departing figure, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He coldly snorted and said, "Hmph, old thing, you overstepped your boundaries. Do you really think this young master can tolerate you?"

"You want to delay laozi's time slowly? Do you think laozi doesn't know? For the next round of the main family's assessment, those fellows had already taken out their school report in advance. If I take my time now and wait a few more months, wouldn't I be completely suppressed by them? When the time comes, there will still be a way for me to go? "

Turning around, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, he continued to mutter to himself: "As for Baolin Zhai, hmph, a mere upstart from the countryside dares to fight with me, he's simply seeking his own death. When I get the news about the freighter, the entire Ni family will be mine! "

At this moment, Ni Fei had already fallen into a demonic state. The depressed energy that he had accumulated over the years under constant suppression burst out in an instant. Right now, he was like a starving wolf. As long as he saw a little bit of meat, he would swallow it all in one gulp without any hesitation.

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