As for the process and consequences, he was not the least bit worried.

In Ni Fei's eyes, Eastsea City was only a small place, no different from a countryside village. If he was willing to, he could buy the entire city, but naturally no one would think much of him. This arrogance was something that Ni Fei possessed from birth. No matter how hard he tried to conceal it, he was unable to hide it in the end.

In comparison, Lin Jing, who had suffered countless hardships and suffered countless grievances since he was a child, had a much more respectful attitude. He had always believed that there was a heaven above the heavens in this world, and that he couldn't be blindly confident at any time.

At the same time, he also understood that as long as he was strong enough, he would always have a trump card to play. Only by making more preparations would he have more chances.

In Lin Jing's heart, there had never been a one hundred percent chance that he would win. Even before the mystery was revealed, there might still be unforeseen events. It was because of this mentality that he was able to stand out among the continuous whirlpools.

Before this upheaval, even though Baolin's influence was far from the Jiang Clan's and Eastsea City's traditional literary style, there were already faint signs of it rising to prominence.

Lin Jing believed that if he was given a little more time, he would be able to bring a second spring to Paulinus.

However, it was clear that neither the old faction's overlord, the Jiang family, nor the flying tower that was directly in his way would let him climb up so easily. Even the second oldest in the city, the "Zhou family" with the name of the family of gems, would not have given him such an opportunity.

For the scenes on the stage, it's always you singing. Once I enter the stage, whoever is the main character will get more benefits. Under this situation, even the position of the supporting roles was being snatched by countless people.

What's wrong with being second? Every year, he would earn money for free. If someone wanted to rob him, he would be the enemy who killed his father. Lin Jing was clear on this point, and he also understood that this was the true beginning of the battle.

He did not have much confidence in himself. Although he had quite a bit of resources, his foundation was still far off.

Hui was still unable to contact him. Without anything to hide, he didn't even have the confidence to straighten his back, let alone the fact that Elder Dong was still lying on his sickbed.

During the opening period of Baolin's Lent, if it weren't for Elder Dong's support from behind him, he might have become someone else's chopping block and would have become someone else's meat to be butchered. Now that the situation was better and he had a certain amount of strength, the enemies were getting stronger as well.

All of this made Lin Jing's life difficult, and his expression was always filled with worry.

Feng Yuqing noticed that he was not in a good mood, and felt slightly puzzled in his heart.

Thinking of this, Feng Yuqing walked up to Lin Jing and asked, "Boss, what happened? I don't think you've been doing well these past two days. Could it be Miss Jiang's problem?" If that's the case, I think you might as well go straight to the Jiang family and explain everything! At that time we can form a stable alliance to deal with the Flying Heaven Tower. "

Lin Jing sighed as he heard this. He shook his head and said, "Shopkeeper Feng, do you think I don't want to bring Qianxue over? But if only things were that simple! I understand Old Lady Jiang's personality. If I go now, she might not reject my offer, but she definitely won't agree. And now that she knows who I am, it will only strengthen her determination to deal with us. "

"How could this be? You were once the son-in-law of the Jiang family, and your feelings for Jiang Qianxue have never changed. "By agreeing with you and Miss Jiang, the two families will become one. The Jiang family's strength will rise to a whole new level. What is the reason for disagreeing?" Feng Yuqing frowned and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Ordinary people do think this way, but that person is not an ordinary person. The old lady was a woman who had brought her three children with her. She had brought the Jiang Clan to this stage not simply through hard work but through hard work and hard work. In her eyes, there is no one in this world who can be trusted. " Lin Jing shook his head and sighed.

Back then, in order to expel him from the Jiang family, Old Granny Jiang had expended so much effort and even revealed her secret without hesitation. The reason was simply because he had the possibility of colluding with outsiders to deal with the Jiang family. With such scheming mind, if he were to come knocking now, it would be no different from declaring war.

"Then what should I do?" Feng Yuqing didn't know much about the Jiang family, so he naturally wasn't as well-considered as Lin Jing.

"Let's wait. They'll be here sooner or later. We need to make some preparations as well. I think it won't be just the Jiang family and the Flying Sky Tower. There will be more friends coming to look for trouble soon." Lin Jing sighed once again, his expression somewhat exhausted.

Now that he had more money and a higher status, he no longer needed to be that lowly son-in-law. He looked like he was just a step away from becoming an outstanding man, but it was actually not as easy as it was at that time. Even though he was being despised and oppressed by the Jiang Clan, at least he didn't have to worry too much about it.

Actually, at that time, the distance between people was quite far. After all, the Jiang Clan members' disdain and contempt for him was directly displayed on their faces without any concealment. Now, everyone was wearing a friendly mask, and it was hard to tell if they had a knife ready.

Furthermore, he was the one who kept the shop. He was also responsible for the safety of Uncle Hui at sea and the "secrets" that his second uncle spoke of. Any one of these burdens couldn't be considered light, let alone the fact that they were all piled up on top of each other.

Just as he was thinking, the shop assistant outside suddenly ran in and said, "Boss, someone is outside and wants to see you."

With a slight frown, Lin Jing stood up and walked outside as he asked, "Who is it? Did they say why they're looking for me?"

"That person didn't say anything. He only said that he was looking for you. It seems like he isn't an ordinary person." The clerk explained to Lin Jing, but he didn't have any more useful information.

When he arrived at the front, Lin Jing saw a middle-aged man sitting on a chair in front of the shop. He had an indifferent expression on his face. This person looked unfamiliar. Lin Jing had never seen him before, so he didn't know where he came from. With a thought, he went up to greet them with a smile. "Esteemed guest, please forgive me for not welcoming you at a distance."

"Haha, Boss Lin is too polite. I am just a small character. It is already an honor to meet someone like you." The middle-aged man stood up with a sincere smile on his face. He then continued to introduce himself, "My surname is Zhou, and I represent the Zhou Mansion's entertainment industry to ask Boss Lin for a business deal."

He had just anticipated that someone would come knocking on his door. Lin Jing hadn't expected them to arrive so soon.

His heart slightly sank, but his face remained calm. Today, there were many people who took the initiative to cancel the order, this was the first time this person surnamed Zhou came here to do business.

Thus, he smiled and said, "So you are a senior of the Zhou Family. To be able to cooperate with you, that is truly an honor."

"So, Boss Lin is interested in discussing this business?" Hearing Lin Jing's words, the Zhou Family members were a bit surprised. They didn't think that it would be so easy. Originally, they had thought that it would take some effort to persuade Lin Jing to agree.

"Of course I'm interested. Who doesn't know about this in the entire Arts and Entertainment City? The Zhou Mansion is a very strong company. If I cooperate with you, I will make a profit." Lin Jing smiled as he spoke, also showing a very sincere expression. However, these words sounded like he was deliberately flattering her.

The Zhou family member's eyes flashed and then returned to normal. He laughed out loud and said: "Boss Lin is really humorous. Since that's the case, I won't hide it anymore. I will just say it directly. Our Zhou family has recently received a large list, with a total value of around 5 billion, and a profit of at least 30%. "

"5 billion. 30% of the profit is 1.5 billion. Such a big business deal is extremely rare!" Lin Jing said as he raised his eyebrows.

Although there was a saying that 'three years without opening, three years without opening', in reality, although the business of a single person was big, it was not that big of a deal. More than 100 million was already considered rare, but 50 billion was something that was rarely seen in a century.

For such a good business deal, the Zhou family had no reason not to eat all of it. Instead, they found him to share a portion of the spoils. The taste of the conspiracy was simply too strong.

"That's right. It's such a big business deal. Unfortunately, our Zhou family really can't afford to take all of it in one go." I came to find you because I heard that you guys are experienced in maritime transport and are the best partners, so I came to try. " The Zhou family member said.

"Oh? This journey by sea? " Lin Jing's heart tightened when he heard this. He subconsciously increased his vigilance even further and asked, "There's a storm at sea this time. The cost of all the cargo has been increased. Wanting to leave like this is a bit too dangerous, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. But the place they are asking for is too far away, and there's a lot of cargo. That's why we have no other choice." Taking the sea route may be a bit risky, but it also has a high return and can save quite a bit of money. " The Zhou family member explained.

"In addition, if we travel by sea, we can directly count the number of deliveries once we arrive at the port, avoiding the trouble of transportation in the middle. "If something happens on the way, it's not worth it. We are safe at sea here after all."

Lin Jing narrowed his eyes. He didn't know if this person's words were true or false. With a slightly more serious tone, he said, "Mr. Zhou, with such a large business deal and the sea journey, I'll have to consider it."

"It's alright. Boss Lin, you can consider it slowly. We are still in the midst of preparing. There is still some time before we can set off." The Zhou family member said calmly.

Although the Zhou Family had openly said they would cooperate, Lin Jing's heart was naturally filled with suspicion and vigilance.

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