The same thing usually happened a lot. Most of the time, it was because ordinary people like them, who came to study, suffered, so most of the time, they would hide far away when they met.

Now that they saw two weak girls surrounded by several bulky security guards, although their hearts were filled with righteous indignation, they couldn't do anything but watch on helplessly. There was no other way. This was the reality. If anyone dared to step out at this moment, they would definitely be targeted.

"Hmph, let's see who dares to come up and give it a try!" "Bullying me? Fine, today I'll fight it out with you guys. At worst, I can just go home!" Lu Xiaotong was so angry that her entire body was trembling. She looked around and didn't see anyone who stood up and said something fair. They were all bad people.

"Haha, little girl, you still want to struggle? I've told you before, in this entertainment city, offending your father won't end well! If you still dare to retaliate now, hmph, then things won't be as simple as intentionally harming others. If I were you, I would obediently follow the security guard right now. When we get to the security room, we'll have a chat from the beginning! " The blonde laughed out loud with a proud expression on his face.

Seeing that there was no other way, Lu Xiaotong was ready to fight them to the death. At this time, Lin Jing stood up.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say. This isn't their fault, but these few people. They were the ones who caused the trouble!"

The security guards saw that the situation was over. No matter what the two women did, they wouldn't have a chance. The surrounding spectators were also afraid of the Xu family's power, none of them dared to step out. At this time, a silly guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He couldn't help but frown and his face gradually turned cold.

"Fuck, who the hell are you? Do you think you have the right to speak here?" He glanced at Lin Jing, sweeping his body up and down. He was dressed in the clothes of a poor, poor, and self-assuming man who wanted to be a hero and save the damsel in distress.

In the eyes of the security guards, these kind of people usually had no brains. They would never look at the scene or weigh themselves. Sang Zhijun squinted at him and continued, "Go back to where you came from. Don't look for trouble!"

Lin Jing frowned and walked out of the crowd to the center. With a resolute expression on his face, he said, "I saw it was them just now. They were the first to be rude. Moreover, it was them who did the deed, and they even wanted to do it in secret. It is unknown what object they took out, and everyone has seen it! "

"Everyone saw it? "Alright, then let me ask you, what did you see just now? Did anyone step forward to say it?"

The corner of the security guard's mouth hooked up into a cold smile. He was still unclear about what the surrounding students looked like. It was only now that someone dared to step forward. It was already a blessing that they didn't leave immediately. It was simply a pipe dream for them to come here to testify.

The reason why he asked this question was because he wanted to get rid of the last chance to make himself bear the responsibility. And as he had expected, no one dared to speak.

Seeing this, the security guard turned around and looked at Lin Jing with a sneer. "Brat, did you see that? No one stood up to prove what you just said." You have no proof, and what I saw was that these two girls were indeed lying on the ground, so the person who beat them up must have committed a mistake and ran away! "

Lin Jing's heart skipped a beat as he swept his gaze over the crowd. Each and every one of them had a glint in their eyes. It was obvious that they didn't want to be a busybody. Seeing this, they came to an understanding. The yellow-hair's status was there, so they couldn't afford to offend him.

If they stood out and said one more word today, then Jiang Qianxue and Jiang Chen would be fine. Their future days would be miserable. A person like the yellow-hair, who had always held a grudge, would definitely cause trouble after the fact. From this point of view, it was not wrong to do less.

Sighing slightly, Lin Jing thought that he couldn't continue arguing like this. If Lu Xiaodong really got anxious and made a move against the security guards, it would be troublesome to deal with them.

Thinking of this, he said, "Alright, then I'll go with them to the security room."

"Heh, kid, did you f * cking not understand my words, or is there a problem with your understanding?" "Can anyone just enter the security room? If you have nothing to do, then scram to the side and play. Laozi has no mood to accompany you!" Hearing that, the security guard cursed.

"How did they just enter? They're not willing to come out to explain the situation. I'm the only one who saw it. I'm the only witness!" Lin Jing straightened his neck and looked at the security officer with sparkling eyes. He had no intention of backing down. He knew that the security officer would agree to help him in the end.

However, when he finished speaking, the security guard didn't have any reaction. Lu Xiaotong then said angrily, "You scum, you lied to Sister Xue earlier, but now you still want to join forces with these people and frame us, right? Let me tell you, I will definitely not allow you two to do as you wish today! "

Lin Jing frowned. He hadn't expected Lu Xiaotong to say this at this time. Instead, he found it difficult to deal with her.

However, when Jiang Qianxue, who was standing behind him saw him, a strange expression flashed across her face, as if she was hesitating. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to Lin Jing, but in the end he didn't.

"Brat, do you see that? I won't accept your kindness!" Since he could not understand what was going on, he decided to follow the lead of others and save the beauty. "If I were you, I'd hurry up and get out of here. Don't make yourself uncomfortable!" The security guard sneered at Lin Jing as he spoke.

"No matter what she said, it's her business. In short, I saw it. Since it's on the scene, I can't just ignore it!" Lin Jing's heart sank, but he still resolutely said. At this moment, he had no other choice. If he let Jiang Qianxue follow him to the security room, it would be dangerous if no one else was there.

When Lu Xiaotong heard this, she wanted to scold Lin Jing again, but Jiang Qianxue, who was standing beside her, held her back. She looked at Lin Jing with a complicated expression in her eyes. He hesitated for a moment, then said to the security guard, "You can have us go with you, but he has to be there. He said he saw it and can prove it to us!"

"Sister Xue, you can't believe this bad guy, he's definitely in one group! Otherwise, how could we have met these hooligans the moment we arrived? And it just so happens that he's here too, don't be fooled. " Lu Xiaotong said anxiously upon hearing Jiang Qianxue's words.

Jiang Qianxue seemed to have already made up her mind. No matter what Lu Xiaotong said, she would not change her mind.

In fact, she was well aware that if it weren't for Lin Jing's help today, it would have been difficult to deal with this situation in the security room. Although it wouldn't be too big of a deal, it might be very troublesome.

Right now, all she wanted to do was quickly settle this issue and return to class. She would not think about anything else. If this Xu fella really wanted to bite the bullet, Jiang Qianxue would have to bring out the Jiang family if she wanted to escape. This was what Jiang Qianxue didn't want to do right now.

Lin Jing took this opportunity to raise his head and tell the security guards, "You heard it. If you want to take them away, I have to go with you. What do you think?"

The security guard looked hesitant. With one more person present, it would be inconvenient for him to do anything. However, this matter obviously shouldn't be left up to him. He calmly looked at the yellow-hair and saw that he nodded in agreement. He then said, "Okay, you want to go? I'll help you!"

As he spoke, the rest of the security guards took action and helped the yellow-hair and the others up before walking towards the security room.

Jiang Qianxue bit her lips lightly and glanced at Lin Jing. Then, she lowered her head and walked over.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Lu Xiaotong was annoyed and waved her fist at Lin Jing.

"Stupid man, let me tell you, if you dare to talk nonsense with those people or bully Sister Xue, I won't let you off!"

Lin Jing's attention was completely focused on Jiang Qianxue, and he didn't care about Lu Xiaodong's words. They followed the rest to the security room. The moment the yellow-hair and company entered, it was as if they had arrived at their own homes. One by one, they found chairs to sit on, with the appearance of an old man.

The security guards who were supposed to be the owners of the security guards revealed flattering smiles on their faces. They did not feel the slightest bit uncomfortable with their actions.

The leader of the security guards bent his knees and walked in front of the yellow-hair, smiling, "Young Master Xu, how do you think we should deal with this?"

"Hehe, how would I know? The security room is your place and the rules are also yours. You decide!" The yellow-hair said with a confident expression. He glanced at Lin Jing and threatened, "Boy, hello, you're very good. If you dare to interfere with this old man's business, then this old man will remember you!"

Lin Jing didn't have any expression on his face. He didn't care about the yellow-hair's threat at all. Instead, he looked at the security guards and said, "Now that they're here, shouldn't we clear up the matter first before discussing how to deal with it?"

"Damn, you stinking brat, I have really given you face, haven't I?" "There are so many people outside, I'll give you a chance. You're still being crazy with laozi even here, aren't you getting a little itchy?" When the security guard heard Lin Jing's words, he subconsciously felt that the time to show off had come. Thus, he immediately said this to Lin Jing with a savage expression.

"So, you're not going to follow the rules and handle this matter rationally? Have you thought about it? The reorganizing of the training center has only just begun, not the end! " Lin Jing's eyes narrowed. Now that he was here, he naturally didn't have any more worries.

"Damn it, you still dare to threaten me?" This old man will not be reasonable today, what the f * ck can you do? " The security guard said arrogantly.

"I don't mean to threaten you, but if today's matter were to spread, you should know what the result would be. Since even the vice chairman could be changed, why couldn't the security guards be changed? Therefore, I hope that you can think clearly about how to handle this matter. " Lin Jing's expression darkened.

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