After such a long period of training, perhaps even Lin Jing himself hadn't noticed that some of the things within him had already quietly changed. At this moment, the eyes that were staring at the security guards were deep and oppressive, like the dignified gaze of someone in a high position, making one unable to resist.

The security guard was frightened by his gaze and his face paled. He couldn't help but take half a step back and said guiltily, "Heh, what's wrong with my treatment? The center has its rules, and I'm just following them. Kid, who exactly are you? "

"It doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing is that justice is in the hearts of the people. Although it was a fact that the Xu family was not easy to deal with, it had not reached the point where they could cover the sky with one hand. The City of Literary and Carnival belongs to everyone, not a single family, or even a single person! " Lin Jing's words were filled with authority.

The originally aloof Xu Family's yellow-hair, who was waiting for a good show, suddenly burst out in laughter when he heard this. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Jingyu with ridicule and said, "Woah, woah, what frightful words. I wonder what kind of big shot do you think has come?!" If I had to cover the sky with one hand, what could you do? I don't dare to say anything about other people, but towards poor, lowly commoners like you, I really can do whatever I want! "

Lin Jing's gaze darkened, and an ice-cold chill appeared in his heart. If it were in the past, even if he was unwilling to admit it, he would still hold the same thought as the blonde.

However, things were different now. He had experienced it from the very bottom all the way until now. It was very clear that everything could change.

Even the poorest of the poor do not mean that they are inferior. In fact, everyone has a chance to stand out and show their worth. Although there was a certain chance that his success would be a blessing to the heavens, the nature of the world would not change.

No matter how well-born someone was, like Blondie or even Jiang Qianxue, if they didn't work hard the day after tomorrow, it would still be useless. He only knew that those who spent money, would one day spend everything they had.

Having seen the undercurrents in the upper echelons of society, he felt that those born in rich families who lacked the ability would lose even more miserably. As the saying goes, 'It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance'. How can a young master live in poverty?

"Shrouding the sky with one hand? Hehe, you really aren't afraid of wind blowing on your tongue when you speak. I'm afraid that even if it was the Patriarch of the Xu Family, he wouldn't dare to speak in such a manner. "Alright, since you've said it out loud, today I must see how you're going to cover this sky!" Lin Jing had a confident expression on his face. He didn't seem the least bit afraid.

His performance instead caused the security to be stunned for a moment. Normally, those brats that did not open their eyes and wanted to make use of this opportunity to gain a position were all idiots who were not afraid of the heavens or the earth, although they were all young men who did not care at all. Even though it seemed as though he was speaking righteously, there wasn't the slightest hint of reality in his words. The so-called righteousness was just a bluff. He did not have much confidence.

But what Lin Jing displayed was completely different. If that instant of eye contact could be called an illusion, then now, as Lin Jing stood there, he truly seemed like a king.

The security of the training center was different from that of other places. He had seen too many things.

Back then, they knew a lot of things in private before Director Luo left. This was especially true for the leader of the security guards. He was the captain of the security team, but he was not one of the Luo Family's trusted aides. On the contrary, he represented the interests of more people, so he naturally knew more.

The Luo Family had just been pushed out as a scapegoat. Although they hadn't completely fallen down yet, it wasn't too far away. And the collapse of a kingdom that could once be regarded as insufferable, was only one night, because of a single person — a cripple!

The leader of the security guards narrowed his eyes. He suddenly noticed a problem he had been ignoring. The person in front of him also seemed to be a cripple! He subconsciously thought of a name, 'Lin Jing'. It was the boss of Baolin City, the mysterious Mister Lin!

Although his identity had been revealed, in reality, many of the upper echelons who knew of his identity were still skeptical. Even Jiang Qianxue didn't believe him until Lin Jing admitted it herself.

Now, the security guard suddenly felt that the words he normally listened to in the dark might be a joke. This cripple really went to the Jiang family to become their son-in-law that was even worse than a dog, carrying countless treasures behind him.

He looked at Jiang Qianxue again and muttered to himself, "For this kind of woman, it doesn't seem like there's anything that isn't worth it to be a dog."

Thinking of this, more things appeared in his mind. If he could subvert even the Luo Family in a single night, how could he, a mere lackey, do that?

However, before the leader of the security guards could think of what to say, the Xu family's yellow-hair suddenly laughed coldly and said, "Haha, how can you cover this sky? Fine, I'll show you what is called strength. At the same time, it allows trash like you to understand that the difference in status is something that you will never be able to reverse in your entire life. Some people are destined to be trash their entire life by living in trash heaps. There can never be any changes! "

Speaking up to here, yellow-hair turned to the security chief and said with an arrogant expression, "I know that the director of the training center is out. The new one hasn't been appointed yet, or should we say it hasn't been confirmed yet. "If you can help me settle this matter today, I think this position will be very suitable for you!"

"Young Master Xu …"

The security squad leader had already guessed Lin Jing's identity. At this time, he naturally wouldn't easily stand on Lin Jing's side. However, he was also very clear that Lin Jing's status as a dog hadn't changed. When the two masters fought, what could a dog do?

They were just waiting to see who would have the chance to deliver a fatal blow, then they would leap forward and bite, showing their sincerity to the winner. That was it. Since the fight hadn't started yet and everyone was putting on airs, how was he going to eat?

"What, you're not satisfied? Or do you think that my Xu family does not have the ability to carry you to this seat? Don't forget, although our family has never had any interest in the matters of the City, but if we really have to talk about it, there aren't many who can compare with us. " The yellow-hair squinted his eyes and said coldly.

"Young Master Xu, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that …" How about this, if you can invite any of the elders from the Xu family over? Look at me, I can't make a decision either. " The leader of the security guards' eyes flashed. He secretly glanced at Lin Jing and said with some hesitation.

"I said your brain must be crushed by a door. Are you messing around with me? I won't give you face, right? Fine, you don't need a lot of people! "

Hearing that, the yellow-hair looked impatient. He waved his hand and looked towards the other security guards, "It's the same thing for any of you to get rid of this grandson!"

The average security guard knows a few things, but he's not nearly as good as the security chief." There was a large training center where the director sat. A year was at least a few million dollars in business, and that was something they would never be able to earn in their entire lives. Even if he only stayed for a month, he would still earn a lot of money.

The so-called wealth moved people's hearts. Who would care about so many other things at this time? Someone on the spot moved forward to make a move.

Lin Jing coldly looked at this ugly farce as he shook his head with a cold smile on his face. If this yellow-hair was just an ordinary descendant of the Xu family, then the Xu family would have already been left in a bad mood. His current state was even worse than Jiang Qianxue's cousins. He was a complete piece of trash.

However, this captain of the security guards made Lin Qing have a whole new level of respect for him. His attitude had changed a bit too quickly. Although he didn't know if the blonde was trying to extort more from him, or if he had discovered something else, the attitude he displayed at this moment was definitely not that of a normal person.

"I advise all of you to just stand there and not move. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear! Although the Xu family is powerful, I have never been afraid of them. " Lin Jing said indifferently.

"Heh heh, who is it? With such a big tone, are we supposed to be afraid of you if you say it?"

Lin Jing had just finished speaking when a sneering voice came from the security door. It was filled with incomparable arrogance. Following which, he saw a man not more than five feet long with monkey like ears walk in.

The yellow-hair's eyes lit up when he saw this person. He smiled sinisterly and said: "Supervisor Xu, you came at the right time. There was someone here just now that looked down on our Xu Family!" "I think it's because the old man hasn't appeared for so long that people outside have already forgotten what the Xu family is."

"Don't worry Third Young Master, I've already heard of the matter. "In this city, no one has ever been able to touch a member of the Xu family without a hitch, not even those of the Jiang family." The wretched Supervisor Xu glanced at Lin Jing, his eyes filled with scorn and ridicule.

"Brat, you were the one that beat up our Xu Family, and you still want to threaten our Xu Family's young master, right? Alright, you have guts. I admire you! However, people will always pay the price for doing something. Since you have angered us, then prepare to leave this place. Young man, remember, don't stick your head out. If you have angered someone you shouldn't have, you have to straighten your back when you get beaten up. If you were to show more brilliance next time, you won't be able to pick up any loopholes. "

Speaking up to here, Manager Xu glanced back at the guards, waved his hand and said arrogantly, "Why are you still cold? Tie them up. "This brat threw it out of the city onto the streets. As for these two women, take them to the Xu family."

The security chief's eyes flashed. He had the last bit of restraint in his heart and did not move at the first moment. The other security guards, however, could not care less.

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