"Hehe, beautiful! Old Third, you've really found a good and farsighted son-in-law. Lin Jing, I originally thought you were the old lady's tool to earn her reputation. Besides being a cripple, you're nothing."

"But I didn't expect you to be hiding it so well. The calculations in my mind are all the same. I almost got cheated by you!"

"Uncle, what do you mean?" Lin Jing's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean? Do you really take us for fools? Someone who can take out several tens of millions to buy a shop without any hesitation would be walking on the streets with nothing to do. It was such a coincidence that you bumped into him, and he's even talking to a dead lame guy like you, and even wants to talk about cooperation with you? " Jiang Yunmao said with a disdainful expression.

"That person is either a fool or blind. What right do you have to talk about cooperation with others? What are you doing in the Jiang family? It's just a handicapped, useless tool that can be taken out for a stroll when there are a lot of people. Even the owner of any shop would have more weight than you do. "

"Even if the other party really had that intention, he wouldn't go into the store and say so himself. Would he look for you?"

After Jiang Yunmao finished speaking, a look of understanding appeared on Jiang Yunsheng's face. He then said with a sneer, "I didn't think that trash like you would have such a bright future in the field of scam. Unfortunately, trash is trash. This can't be changed by anyone."

"Big brother is right. You're a piece of trash that has no right to talk to someone with a worth of over ten million. Therefore, this matter is entirely your fabrication!"

He naturally hoped that what Lin Jing said was true, but it was obvious that what Jiang Yunmao and Lin Qing said was logical. With a doubtful expression, he asked, "Lin Jing, tell me honestly, is this true?"

"Of course it's true!" Lin Jing said without hesitation.

"Haha, I really want to act. If a good-for-nothing like you can negotiate such a big deal, I'll eat this tea bowl!" Jiang Yunsheng said with a sneer.

"Is that so? Second Uncle, I'm afraid you don't have such a big mouth! " Lin Jing's eyes narrowed. Naturally, he had no respect for Jiang Yunsheng.

As he said that, he took out his cell phone, "I'm sorry, that mister just sent me a message. I haven't opened it yet, would you like to watch it together?"

Lin Jing placed his phone on the table and clicked on a message from Mr. Lin. It said: "Mr. Lin, have you mentioned the matter of our cooperation with Mister Jiang?" If you have any results, please reply to me as soon as possible. "

The three of them were stunned. There really was such a thing happening?

After Jiang Yunmao and Jiang Yunsheng left with their tails between their legs, Jiang Yun was overjoyed. Even Lin Jing looked at him in a more pleasing manner. His crippled son-in-law was not completely useless. At least he had done a very good job today.

Lin Jing was definitely not qualified to do so. Moreover, he didn't know much about antiques and literature, and he only knew a little about it. Making a bridge, running errands, and doing odd jobs in the middle of the bridge was what he was good at.

After coming to an understanding, Jiang Yun gave Lin Jing a rare smile. "Lin Jing, you did well today. I'm very pleased that I've let you stay at home for so many years. Mister Lin, please respond immediately. I agree to cooperate. As for the contract, we can discuss it anytime we want."

Lin Jing let out a sigh of relief in his heart. He saw that his father-in-law's attitude had softened, but he was also happy. With a smile, he said, "Alright father-in-law, I'll send a message to Mister Lin later. Would it be okay if I asked him out the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow? Forget it, I'll choose the address when the time comes. You have never seen the world before, if you choose the wrong place and neglect others, that would not be good. " Jiang Yun said with a matter-of-fact look on his face.

"Alright, father-in-law, you think about it. I'll contact Mister Lin again." Lin Jing didn't have any thoughts in his heart, so what Jiang Yuncai said could be considered as the truth.

He had lived for more than twenty years, and it could be said that he was a country bumpkin who had never seen the world. Having been with the Jiang family for so long, he was restricted by his status at home and didn't have many opportunities to visit high-end places.

"Alright, you can go down first. Clean up the interior of the store, I haven't been here for two days and look at how messy it is. Your job is usually like this, don't do such a small thing well, do you understand?" Jiang Yuncai looked at Lin Jing condescendingly as he spoke.

"Alright, I'll be there right away." As Lin Jing spoke, he walked outside.

Jiang Yun glanced at the limping Lin Jing and frowned slightly. The little goodwill he had towards him from earlier immediately disappeared, and he frowned as he said, "How could a cripple be worthy of my precious daughter? I have to think of a way."

Jiang Yun had already told Liu Fen about Mister Lin's matter after returning home in the evening. To have such a good encounter with Lin Qing, she was naturally very happy. When Lin Jing saw her, he also saw a rare expression of happiness on his face. Jiang Qianxue still hadn't returned home yet.

When Jiang Qianxue returned, Liu Fen had also prepared dinner. The family sat at the table and ate. Lin Jing saw the happy smile on Jiang Qianxue's face and knew that she was in a good mood, so she felt happy.

"Old man, what kind of background do you think this Mister Lin has? He's quite magnanimous, he owns a shop worth several tens of millions and he's so brainy that he knows that he is close with his neighbors. He can easily make a fortune by cooperating with us." Liu Fen thought about what Jiang Yun had just said and said with a look of admiration.

"Mm, that's right. There aren't many people these days with such bearing. It's a pity that I didn't see my true self today. It was Lin Jing who spoke to him. Otherwise, I would have to treat him to a meal." Jiang Yun nodded as he spoke, an expression of agreement on his face.

With a slight frown, she said, "You speak with the surname of 'Lin'. How can Mister Lin have such an imposing manner? Lin Jing, look at yourself. Do you have nothing to do? You look like a useless trash."

"Mom, why are you blaming Lin Jing again? He did very well." Before Lin Jing could say anything, Jiang Qianxue was the first to speak up.

Lin Jing's heart warmed. In the past few days, Jiang Qianxue had been treating him better and better. She had even begun to protect him. This was something he absolutely didn't dare to think about.

"Why, am I wrong?" Look at him, what skills do you have? What's not enough to eat? What can't you do? Liu Fen looked at Lin Jing with disdain as she spoke. Her eyeballs rolled as if she had suddenly thought of something.

"Lin Jing, you met with that Mister Lin today, right?" "How old is he, what does he look like, and what does he look like?"

"Mom, why are you asking this? Even if dad wants to work with him, what does that have to do with his age? Don't even talk about his looks!" Jiang Qianxue said angrily.

"Ask what's wrong, Lin Jing. Say something. If you're lame, don't tell me you're dumb?" Liu Fen said indifferently.

His heart stirred slightly, and Lin Jing calmly said, "Mister Lin is very young, about the same age as me. He is also very amiable, and very easy to talk to. I think he looks pretty good. I just don't know what others think of him."

"He's about the same age as you, and he's very good. That's good enough. Men are the best in the business, having ability and self-restraint is the most important thing. Appearance and the like, as long as he's not like monkeys." Liu Fen said in admiration, almost drooling.

Old man, when you go and talk to Mister Lin the day after tomorrow, bring Qianxue along as well. She's already so big, so we'll have to give her the business of our family sooner or later.

"Why are you taking her there? It's the girl's house, at home …"

"Why are you so stupid? If I told you to take her, you would have taken her. It's a deal." Without waiting for Jiang Yun to finish, Liu fen said decisively.

How could Jiang Qianxue not know what her mother was thinking? She immediately retorted, "Mom, what's the matter? I'm not going. Let dad go alone! I was full and went up to rest. "

With that said, Jiang Qianxue stood up and headed straight for the second floor, not giving Liu Fen the chance to continue.

Seeing her daughter's reaction, Liu fen felt indignant in her heart: "Qianxue, listen to mom, accompany your dad for a bit, what can you do? 'This damned girl … ' "Lin Jing, you should be familiar with that Mister Lin. Do you think Mister Lin is married?"

If it had been any other time, Lin Jing would have certainly been upset, but this time, he felt an inexplicable urge to laugh. He forced a calm face and said, "This … I can see that Mister Lin is already married. But from the way he's talking, it seems like his father-in-law isn't very happy with him. He said that he doesn't want to stay at home, so he came out to start a small business."

Tsk tsk, his father-in-law's family is not very satisfied with this. That's good, Lin Jing. Next time you can invite Mister Lin out and let him meet with Qianxue. The two of them can interact more.

When Liu Fen heard Lin Jing's words, the stars in her eyes grew more and more. It was as if she was finally waiting for her son-in-law.

If this mother-in-law of mine were to know that the perfect son-in-law she was thinking of right now was the cripple she had despised for several years, I wonder what kind of reaction she would have. Her expression must have been very wonderful.

He raised his eyes and revealed a condescending expression as he said, "What nonsense are you thinking about? After eating, why aren't you tidying up? You've been silly all day, and I don't know what use you have."

The refurbishment company officially began construction. The store was originally in the antiques business, and there weren't many areas that needed refurbishment or modification. The refurbishment company had made a modified design according to Lin Jing's request.

The front part of the store had not changed much, the main thing was the backyard.

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