In the future, Lin Jing would inevitably have to stay in the store. If he encountered either Jiang Yuncai or Jiang Qianxue, he would have to find a chance to hide it, so it was very important for him to keep it private.

When the construction began, Lin Jing had sneaked over to take a look. The renovation company was very professional, and there weren't any problems with the project, so he relaxed a lot. At least he wouldn't have to keep an eye on it to avoid suspicion.

The goods Hui Bo had sent him had arrived. Since the shop hadn't opened yet and there were many things that could be delivered directly to Lin Jing's hands, he temporarily left them at the dock to retrieve them. Although it was a bit troublesome, it was at least safe.

Lin Jing found a random excuse for Jiang Yun to say to him before leaving the store. He headed straight for the pier, because it was already afternoon by the time he arrived.

The person in charge of the warehouse was a thin and thin youth. He had a wretched expression on his face the entire time. When Lin Jing walked over, his eyes were glued to the screen of his mobile phone.

"Hello, I'm here to retrieve the goods." Lin Jing stood at the window and lightly knocked on it. He had a polite expression on his face as he spoke.

The skinny youth acted as if he hadn't heard him. His eyes were still on his phone, and he even let out a charming "hehe hehe" laugh. Lin Jing felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Hey, hello, I'm here to pick up the goods!" Lin Jing raised his voice a bit. He was also reminding Lin Ming that there were people around.

The skinny youth was startled by Lin Jing's voice. He lost his grip on his mobile phone and dropped it onto the table. The screen was facing Lin Jing. He subconsciously glanced at the screen and saw the scene on it. His face immediately flushed red.

The surface was covered with white flowers, and the scene was extremely intense.

When the skinny youth saw Lin Jing's phone, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. He quickly put it away and said with a fierce and impatient expression, "Why are you shouting like a ghost? There's no one here. Scram!"

However, he only wanted to take the goods away, so he didn't have time to waste on these kinds of people. He opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry, I came to retrieve the goods. Please take me with you."

"Picking up the goods?" The skinny youth sized Lin Jing up from head to toe. He stood there, not moving, not looking like he had a limp, but his clothes were much more ordinary. He looked like a pauper, and his face revealed a mocking and disdainful expression as he said, "Brat, you must have walked into the wrong place. Do you know where we are?"

"I know. It's an international special cargo storage, what's the matter?" Lin Jing froze for a moment. He didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong? F * ck, are you really that stupid or are you just pretending? International Special Freight, do you know what that means? The goods in here are all high-end goods that could be rushed by air. Just the goods alone would cost at least a hundred thousand yuan.

The youth's mocking expression intensified. "Don't blame me for not giving you face. This is not a place you can come to. If you want to cheat, use your brain. Scram, in case I call security to throw you out!"

Lin Jing sneered in his heart. He had seen dog eyes look down on people, but he had never seen such a dog looking down on people. If he came to pick up a piece of trash, then why was he so poor that he wouldn't let him go?

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Jing stared at the man and said, "Friend, I hope you can think it through clearly. I'm here to retrieve my goods, so I guess you can be considered your parents. Your attitude seems a bit too vile!"

"Evil? Do you believe me if you f * cking continue pestering me? Get the hell out of here, don't get yourself into trouble, what kind of trash dares to come to the International Special Transportation Department?! Are all the guards at the front part stupid?!

Upon hearing this, Lin Jing didn't argue any longer. He took out his cell phone and looked at the shipping code and the call from the transport manager before calling him. After a short while, he opened his mouth and said, "I am the recipient of No. 0-13."

"Is that Mr. Lin?" "Hello sir, your superior living thing has arrived this morning. In view of your esteemed status, our transport company has a specialized top-level delivery service that allows you to deliver your goods to a designated location without charging any fees." It was called on the other end of the phone.

"No need, I'm in your warehouse now, but I can't seem to get my goods." Lin Jing said in an indifferent tone.

"How can this be? "Mister Lin, if there is any misunderstanding, please wait for a moment. I will be right there." The other side of the phone jumped in fright and immediately replied.

"Alright, I'll wait for you." Lin Jing hung up the phone and looked at the skinny youth. "Friend, bring me in now. If I find my things, I still have a chance."

"Hehe, do you really think that it's the first day I'm going to work? What the f * ck are you playing at me for? Just make a phone call, like bluffing? "Let me warn you one last time, this is a high-end cargo warehouse, the items inside are all very valuable. If you don't leave now, I'll treat you as a suspect in stealing, do you believe that I'll be caught?" The skinny young man said with a fierce expression.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't want it." Lin Jing shook his head before turning around to leave.

The skinny youth looked at Lin Jing's departing back and limped. A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, "Damned cripple, why are you still pretending to be me?"

Just as he was about to take out his phone to continue the beautiful scene, the screen suddenly lit up. Seeing the note, he jumped in shock and immediately picked it up with a flattering smile, "Hello, manager, I'm here. I'm guarding right here in the warehouse, how could I leave without permission …"

Hearing the words of the person on the phone, the skinny young man's face gradually paled, cold sweat beading from his forehead. He looked at Lin Jing, who had already walked a distance away, and felt like crying. After he finished speaking to him, he immediately said, "Don't worry, manager. I will definitely welcome our distinguished guest. Okay, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately rushed out as fast as he could. He caught up to Lin Jing and kneeled down in pain, "Grandpa Lin, I was wrong, my dog eyes look down on people, I'm not a thing. Don't go, I'll carry your goods wherever they are!"

The skinny youth's sudden reaction scared Lin Jing. He thought that Lin Ming was about to go overboard and subconsciously took two steps back, "What are you doing? Are you really going to capture me?"

"No, absolutely not. How would I dare? Grandpa Lin, I was wrong. Come back, let's chat again, okay?" The skinny young man had a pleading expression.

In the end, Lin Jing got the goods, but he did not make things difficult for the skinny young man. There were people like him everywhere, and he was not a stingy person, it was good that he could get the things he wanted, he also received VIP treatment, the shipping company used a special vehicle to deliver his goods to a designated location.

In fact, Lin Jing didn't know how many antiques Hui Bian had sent over this time. When he saw the special boxes that were arranged like a small mountain, he realized that his small dog kennels were simply impossible to store.

Of course, he could directly store them in the warehouse at the dock, but the cost would be too high, which would cost him ten or twenty thousand yuan a day. Therefore, in the end, Lin Jing, under the suggestion of the freight company's manager, went to a storage company in the center of the city that specialized in storing valuable items. The price was still very expensive, 3,000 yuan a day, but it was much cheaper than the storage at the dock.

The key point was that it was absolutely safe to leave the items here. He didn't need to worry about any problems, even if there were any, the safekeeping company would compensate him on the basis of the price.

After following the cargo company's car to the safekeeping company, the freight manager went to help Lin Jing with the formalities. He wanted to see what was inside the box first before opening it, so he followed the porters towards the appraisal center.

Since it was a storage company that specialized in storing valuables, there were also special identification centers that were used to determine the actual value of items stored by guests.

His hundred antiques could be considered the most collected by the safekeeping company. The appraisers had all rushed to the scene and opened every box by themselves.

Lin Jing watched on the side. Uncle Hui had previously said that this time, porcelain was the most common product. He glanced over and the first few he took out were blue and white porcelain bottles.

After the first few evaluations were done, Lin Jing's heart began to itch. He couldn't help but walk up to the bottle and take a look at it.

This Sky Sphere Bottle was painted green and translucent, with distinct layers of faint color. It was painted with the best Zhejiang green pigment, the patterns were smooth and natural, with a distinctive Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain characteristics. It should have been an official's kiln work in the middle to late Qing Dynasty, with a price of at least seven million.

No wonder blue and white porcelain was so popular in the market right now. It was good stuff, even if it was beautiful. If anyone wanted it, it was worth seven million yuan. Even if it was eight million yuan, he would still be willing to buy it.

Just as he was rejoicing, he heard a shrill voice that sounded like a male duck screeching, "Hey, that guy, the porter, what are you doing? Put that thing down, do you hear me? Can you even afford to say that you broke it?"

Lin Jing lifted his head and saw a short middle-aged man with monkey like cheeks and a safe-keeping company tag walk towards him with a look of disdain. Lin Jing raised his head and saw a short middle-aged man with a monkey like face and a safe-keeping company tag walk towards him with a face full of scorn.

"Eh, I was just looking. It's not bad again." Lin Jing was stunned for a moment before he awkwardly said this.

"Take a look?" You speak very lightly. Who do you think you are? Is that what you can see? Damn it, hurry up and put it down. If it breaks, I won't be able to afford to lose you even if I sell you!

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