"What kind of rubbish is the cargo company recruiting? Don't they know anything about rules?"

The man with the monkey like ears said angrily.

Only then did Lin Jing understand. Because his clothes were rather ordinary, he had been misunderstood to be a porter. Thus, he hastily explained, "Sir, I am not a porter. I am …"

"I don't care who you are, you poor bastard, put down this Sky Ball bottle right now. Let me tell you, this thing is worth at least ten million, do you understand? Is there such a concept in your mind? Is it that kind of money that you wouldn't be able to earn in ten lifetimes even if you didn't eat or drink? Do you clearly understand that this kind of treasure is for you to touch?

Before Lin Jing could finish, he interrupted him and said, "You should first put down the item and then explain to me why you're here and why you want to take it. If you don't, then you'll just have to wait for the prison!"

Lin Jing stared blankly. He didn't understand why that Heavenly Sphere Bottle would mention that he was in jail. What was he going to explain? Did he think he was a thief?

Lin Jing frowned. He put down his things and said, "Sir, I think you haven't figured out that I'm not a porter or any random person. These things are mine, and I plan on storing them in your company!"

"Heh heh, I was just saying you were fat and yet you took a breather. Are these yours? Why didn't you say that you opened our company? I'm going to trouble you to make it up. You can make it up a little better, and don't even look at what you're dressed for. " Hearing this, the man with the pointed monkey's cheeks sneered.

"Let me tell you, you can't get out of the blame for today's incident. Although it won't cause any damage, your actions are a serious threat to our company. No matter which company you're from, just wait to get out of here!"

Lin Jing took a deep breath. He realized that the better his attitude towards such people, the better they would be. He said with a heavy expression, "I've already explained it to you, but your attitude is still as bad as before. I think it's necessary to have your company's manager speak!"

"Oh, it's quite like that. Brat, don't put on an act here, you're the manager here. I'm telling you, it's useless. Today you have to give me an explanation. If these things are yours, I'll eat them all!" The man with the pointed monkey's cheeks said with a look of disdain.

"Is that so? I'm afraid you don't have such good teeth! " Lin Jing's eyes narrowed. He had already seen the shipping company's manager walk over.

He waved for the security guards to come over and surrounded Lin Jing to guard him from the front. When the shipping company's manager saw this scene, he walked over with a frown and asked, "Mister Lin, what happened?"

Hearing the cargo manager's voice, the man with the pointy monkey cheeks turned around and looked over. Naturally, he recognized this person, so he said with an arrogant expression on his face: "Manager Sun, your company's recruitment is too inattentive. Why did you invite this kind of person over? How dare you private automatic customer items!"

The shipping company's manager was stunned for a moment before understanding the situation. He said with a solemn face, "I'm sorry, but this is not one of our employees, but our esteemed guest, the owner of this batch of priceless antiques, Mr. Lin.

I want to know, what are you going to do with my esteemed client? "

The sharp-eared monkey was stunned. His face revealed a look of disbelief as he turned to look at Lin Jing. "You really are …"

"Mister, you just said, what do you want to eat?" Lin Jing said with a smile and a calm tone.


In the future, he would have to act as' Mr. Lin '. The appearance of an external expert was very important. Although a misunderstanding could be solved, there would be a lot of trouble between them.

Furthermore, Mr. Lin would be appearing more and more frequently in the future. If he wanted to conceal his identity as much as possible, he could not wear it like he usually did in the Jiang family.

Thus, the first thing Lin Jing did after he left the safekeeping company was to buy a set of good clothes.

He had no relevant experience before, so he didn't know what was considered high-end or what was suitable for his position. However, he had seen a few people in the Jiang family's shop who were dressed in luxury clothing and looked like upstarts.

Thus, this choice wasn't in Lin Jing's line of sight. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly recalled that last month, a true grand character had come to the Jiang Clan's store. The clothes that mister wore were very special.

When he had arrived, he did not inform Jiang Yuncai beforehand. He did not know Jiang Yuncai, but the moment he entered the room, he was immediately recognized by Jiang Yuncai.

Later on, when Lin Jing heard Jiang Yun mumbling about the Cloud Embroidery Workshop, he realized that this person's background was extraordinary from the clothes he wore. Thinking of this, Lin Jing came up with an idea.

He asked the taxi driver about it, but he had never heard of such a place in the city. Lin Jing was in a difficult position. If he couldn't even find a place, then how was he supposed to buy clothes?

After thinking for a long time, Lin Jing thought of a certain person. 'Old Dong, as a top figure in the city, I'm sure he knows about it.'

After making a call, Lin Jing said, "Hello, Old Dong. I'm Xiao Lin. I'm really sorry. I'd like to ask you about a place called 'Cloud Embroidery Workshop'. Can you tell me where it is?"

On the other side of the phone, Elder Dong Yu said with a smile, "I think there should be people in Eastsea City who don't know about the Cloud Embroidery Workshop. What's the matter? Xiao Lin, are you interested in taking a look?"

"Yeah, I want to buy two sets of clothes to support the scene." Lin Jing didn't think too much about it and directly opened his mouth to speak.

"Is that so? I'm also heading over today. Where are you? I'll have the driver come over to pick you up." Elder Dong said from the other end of the phone.

"Then I'll be troubling Elder Dong, I'm currently …"

Half an hour later, Lin Jing got into Old Dong's car and followed him in the direction of the suburbs.

Elder Dong told Lin Jing in the car, "Xiao Lin, the Cloud Embroidery Workshop is not an ordinary tailor shop. The requirements are quite strict, and it requires several prerequisites to purchase clothes. First, someone has to recommend this person to be a senior guest of the Cloud Embroidery Workshop."

I can recommend you, but the second rule is that you have to rely on yourself. Members who join the association have to pay an annual fee of five million yuan each year before they can buy clothes from you.

"And third, they only accept advance customization. That is, if you want it, you have to make an appointment with them at least a month in advance."

As for the first and third, Lin Jing didn't think it was anything special. After all, it was a symbol of one's status. But this second rule … Lin Jing was inwardly speechless. Five million a year in entrance fees … Wasn't this just buying clothes a bit too expensive?

However, after thinking about it, Lin Jing still felt that it was necessary to spend the money. It was just as Old Dong had said; aside from the clothes, the clothes of the Cloud Piercing Workshop represented the larger circle.

Antique games were not for ordinary people.

If it was just a tourist hunting, spending thousands or tens of millions to buy a gadget wasn't much, but when it came to real high-end time, it was something that ordinary people could easily afford to spend tens of millions or even billions of dollars.

Lin Jing didn't have any personal contacts, so it was impossible for him to run to Elder Dong's auction house every time he sold anything. Thus, this five million was the equivalent of the customer flow fee he had paid.

Compared to the purchasing power of the people in it, five million was definitely not a loss.

As Lin Jing thought of this, he nodded his head and said, "I understand. Thank you, Old Dong. I have to trouble you every time. I am truly sorry for troubling you."

"Haha, what's the point of saying all this? If you have anything good in the future, you can let me see it first. Even if you don't sell it in my auction house, I will be satisfied if you overlook it." Elder Dong laughed heartily as he spoke straightforwardly.

"Of course. It's my honor to be able to make Elder Dong slap his face. This is something that many people in the Ancient City can't even plead for." Lin Jing smiled as he spoke.

"Haha, I'm so embarrassed by your words. How could I have that much skill? We're here already. The first time you came, I'll give you my month's worth. Let's get some clothes on first." Elder Dong had a very useful smile as he spoke.

Lin Jing realized that no matter how high a person's status was, as long as he flattered the right person, it would still be very effective.

However, what did "this month's share" mean?

Could it be that buying clothes in the Cloud Embroidery Workshop was just a quantitative matter?

The closer he got to this place, the more Lin Jing felt as if he might be able to see a completely different world after spending five million.

The car stopped in front of a villa in the suburbs. Lin Jing looked at the back seat of the car. The entrance was heavily guarded, and the upper end was indeed different.

After a while, the gate opened and the carriage drove in. Lin Jing looked around, as if he had arrived in a separate country.

As far as the eye could see, it did not seem very bustling. However, an aura that contained a deep sedimentation gushed out from within. This place had accumulated for hundreds of years, so it was impossible to do.

This was the first thought that came to Lin Jing's mind when he arrived at the Cloud Embroidery Workshop.

Later on, when he truly came into contact with what this place represented, and became one of the people that represented it, he finally understood that his idea was absolutely correct.

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