Lin Jing's eyes narrowed, but he didn't think too much about it. He nodded his head and walked to the door, only to find that there was no keyhole or handle. There wasn't even a crack in the door.

As he thought this, he reached out his hand and pushed at the door. The door didn't budge at all. This time, Lin Jing was in a bit of a dilemma.

At that moment, a ray of light shot out from the middle of the door and swept across his body. He then heard a woman's voice that was filled with magnetism saying, "Mister Lin, welcome home."

Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. What the hell was going on at home?

After that, the door in front of Lin Jing automatically disappeared. It did not shrink back into the wall, nor did it open directly. Instead, it disappeared.

For a moment, he looked as if he had seen something inconceivable. His face was filled with disbelief as he carefully peered inside.

Following which, he saw a intellectual beauty wearing a white jacket and a black dress that reached her knees walking over. She had a respectful expression on her face as she said, "Mister Lin, welcome. Please follow me."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Jing followed this woman inside.

As Lin Jing entered the room, he saw all sorts of images flashing around him. If it weren't for the fact that the middle of the room would suddenly disappear and reappear, Lin Jing might have even thought that all of this was real.

The woman next to him introduced, "This is Lin Bowen, Mr. Lin's second grandpa had invested in a technology research and development company before his death. According to Mr. Lin Bowen's will, after you sign the document, this company will officially be under your name."

"Technology Research and Development Company? "What do you study?" Lin Jing asked with shock and curiosity on his face.

"Our company mainly undertakes the research and practical application of optical technology. At present, we have 63,642 patents on optical technology, and there are a total of three actual products. According to Mr. Lin Bowen's request, our company has developed successful products, mainly wearable visual reaction equipment." The intellectual beauty was introduced to Lin Jing.

"Wearable visual reaction equipment, what is that? "Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, but I haven't asked what your name is yet." Lin Jing asked.

"I will refer to Liang Duo, Mr. Lin can call me Doctor Liang, as for wearable visual response equipment, it's simply about VR technology. But our company is different from ordinary VRs, we are using holographic 3D response technology, through our equipment, we can seamlessly connect to 3D worlds in real life."

"Uh, uh, I still don't quite understand. Can you take me to see what second grandpa left for me?" In terms of technology, Lin Jing was a noob.

"Sure, please follow me." Liang Duo said as he led the way.

As Lin Jing walked to the end of the laboratory, he saw that there was a movie chair that was used to treat crazy people. There were also several people wearing white coats walking around, trying to adjust the chair.

Lin Jing subconsciously felt a bit scared. This thing didn't seem like an ordinary thing. It couldn't be that they wanted him to sit on it and perform an electric treatment, right?

Liang Duo gestured, "Please, Mister Lin, the device information biology implant chair over here was left to you by Mister Lin Bowen. According to his request, after completing the last phase of the experiment, we contacted Mr. Lin Bowen's butler."

"Biological implants? You mean, I have to sit on it and do the electrotherapy? " Lin Jing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with some hesitation.

"It's not an electrotherapy, but a biological nanometer implant. The implant device will connect directly to your central nervous system so that it can be seamlessly connected to our device." Liang Duo corrected Lin Jing with a serious expression.

"Does it hurt?" Lin Jing asked subconsciously.

"In terms of pain classification, the pain felt during the implant process does not exceed three levels." Liang Duo was expressionless.

"How painful is level three?" Lin Jing felt more and more that this place wasn't as safe as it seemed.

"According to the normal classification, a third level pain is roughly equal to the degree of pain felt when a knife cuts through the wound. If you find this process difficult to accept, we have a special anesthesiologist who can give you a local anesthesia, but after the anesthesia, the connection between the nanometer implants and the central nervous system will not be able to achieve the perfect level. It might affect your future use." Liang Duo remained expressionless.

"What if it does?" Lin Jing felt that it would be better to ask about it. If it really didn't work out, then he would give up.

"In the process of using it, you might encounter some hallucinations. However, as long as you remove the equipment, your daily life will not be affected."

"Erm, I want to ask, what is the specific function of the device I want to use after you guys have finished implanting me?" After listening to Liang Duo's introduction for a long time, Lin Jing finally remembered what the most important thing was. What was he doing with this equipment?

According to Mr. Lin Bowen's request, we have created a special type of wearable optical verification device. Its main function is to assist you in analyzing the age, composition, and relevant characters of all the items you see. As for the other functions, they will be developed when you need them. Liang Duo said with an indifferent expression.

Lin Jing didn't understand the meaning behind the gaze, but the first two shouldn't be too clear. If he wore this equipment, then he would be able to appraise literature and play in the future. He wouldn't need to think to know.

Although Lin Jing had worked in the Jiang Clan's stationery shop for a long time and had some knowledge of the game, to be honest, he was only at a normal level.

He could see through ordinary things, but in terms of appraising them, he was far from being a match for them. The most important thing was that he would be opening a stationery store in the future.

As he thought about it, he asked again, "Until now, what are the accuracy rates for your experiments?"

Liang Duo's expression finally changed a little. With a proud face, she said, "Up till now, apart from special materials and materials, through optical comparison, the accuracy rate is as high as 99.97%!"

A three in ten thousand margin of error, that was godly!

One had to know that the entertainment industry had always been a place where one relied on experience to survive. There was a proverb in the industry, 'Every determined master is deceived'.

Only by paying the tuition fees would one be able to become a true expert, but even the most experienced and shrewd appraiser would definitely not be able to achieve more than 80% accuracy. In simple terms, the appraiser was powerful, but the fake was even more so.

Lin Jing believed that as long as he put it on, he would be able to use it flexibly. In the world of literature and entertainment, it would not be beneficial to say anything. At the very least, he wouldn't be tricked.

Thinking of this, he decisively said, "Fine, I will do the biology implants. I don't need any anesthetic, just give it to me!"

Level three pain was nothing worth mentioning in the face of such tremendous effects. Slashing with a blade was nothing. When he first arrived at the Jiang family mansion, he cooked every day and the number of times he cut his way through could not even be counted.

"Mr. Lin, since you have agreed, please sign the inheritance and disclaimer documents." Liang Duo expressionlessly said. Then, Lin Jing saw a bespectacled secretary walking over with a document in her arms.

Lin Jing froze for a moment before subconsciously swallowing his saliva. He pointed at the documents and asked, "That much?"

"This is only half of it. Only after you sign this will we be able to perform the implant surgery. After it is done, you will have to take over the entire company and use the company's database. The other half needs to be signed." Liang Duo's expression was somewhat cold.

"I don't want to sign it, just record it. Regardless of what's written in it, I agree to it. Is that alright?" Lin Qing cautiously asked.

"This won't do. You must finish reading the documents and verify that you understand the contents of the documents before you can sign your consent!" Liang Duo was selfless.

After he finished reading all of the documents, Lin Jing spent a full half day. This was only because he had taken advantage of Liang Duo's inattention or because he had gone to adjust the equipment before quickly flipping through it.

After signing the last word, Lin Jing raised his head and revealed a smile that was uglier than crying as he said to Liang Duo, "Doctor Liang, is it okay now?"

"It's fine, but Mr. Lin, I have to remind you. Although we have done many experiments on biological nanomaterials, nanotechnology itself is still not perfect, so there is still a certain risk during surgery. The probability is around 5%."

Liang Duo said expressionlessly, "This has already been mentioned in the document, but I feel that it is necessary to mention it once more. If an accident happens, it might cause irreversible damage to your central nervous system, so I need you to consider it carefully."

"There's no need to consider it further. Come!" Lin Jing decisively said that if he didn't have a strong enough ability to play the game, if he didn't have enough knowledge to support him, he would simply inherit the legacy left behind by his second grandfather.

However, to be together with Jiang Qianxue, to give her a truly good life and make her feel proud and proud of herself, this was clearly not enough.

Of course, Lin Jing could also spend ten, twenty, or even thirty years to accumulate experience and slowly grow into a qualified literary appraiser. However, he couldn't let Jiang Qianxue wait so long.

At the same time, he was also willing to take such risks for Jiang Qianxue. In any case, he was already a cripple with a damaged central nervous system, and at worst, he would be even more crippled. If he was paralyzed on the bed, that would be better than just sitting around and doing nothing.

As Lin Jing thought this, he decisively sat down in the biological nanoparticles chair. The surrounding staff began to adjust their equipment and make final preparations. After he was done, they began to clear the field, and everyone left.

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