White mist sprayed out, falling onto Lin Jing's face and making it feel somewhat cold.

After a while, Liang Duo's voice came from above, "Mister Lin, everything is ready. I will count down to three seconds before we officially begin the implantation. You might feel uncomfortable during the process, but please don't get excited, there won't be any danger."

"Alright." Lin Jing's expression was solemn as he said this.

Then, he heard the sound of a machine turning, and something stuck on the back of his neck started to feel a little cold, but he soon lost all feeling. He waited for a while, but when he was feeling puzzled, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his neck.

After about five seconds, everything ended. The overall pain was not as intense as Liang Duo had said, as if he had been slashed five times consecutively in a short period of time. The only problem was that there was something strange about his neck, as if something was moving inside, and it was very uncomfortable.

He then saw Liang Duo and the other staff members walk in. However, they didn't release Lin Jing. Instead, they began to operate the computer screens around them. Lin Jing was still somewhat worried. A 5% probability was not small.

"That, Dr. Liang, how is it? Did it work?" Lin Jing looked at Liang Duo and asked nervously.

"The nanoimplants have been completed, but there are still some adjustments to confirm that they are above the central nervous system. In addition, the information system needs to be activated, so I'll have to wait for you to get down from it." Liang Duo explained with a cold expression.

Lin Jing had no choice but to sit there quietly. After half an hour, he seemed to have finally completed all the debugging. An engineer wearing a white coat excitedly said, "Success, the nanometer information system has been connected. There's no problem."

Liang Duo's face finally relaxed a bit as he said to Lin Jing, "Mister Lin, congratulations. The process went even more smoothly than I had imagined, and you've already successfully completed the implant process. Next up, you only need to adapt to the reaction of the biological nanoparticles on your central nervous system in the next week, and at that time, you'll be able to connect to our system and carry out related operations."

"Yes, it's a success?" It's that simple? " While he was waiting, Lin Jing's heart was full of apprehension. He had the feeling that something would go wrong, but when he finally announced that there would be no problems with his success, he felt a strange sense of loss, as if this matter shouldn't be so easy.

"Success." Liang Duo dispelled the final doubt in Lin Jing's heart.

The staff member untied all the things that Lin Jing was tied to his body and then attempted to walk down. In general, there really wasn't any problem, but he always felt as if there was something like a bug moving inside his flesh, as if it was digging into his bones.

I don't feel any pain, it's just very uncomfortable.

Lin Jing's expression was the same. He looked at Liang Duo and asked, "Dr. Liang, I keep having the feeling that something is drilling into the back of my neck. Is this normal?"

"Yes, this is because the biological nanoparticles are making contact with your central nervous system. This process will last for a week, and it will affect your sleep during this period. Therefore, you won't be able to sleep well for the next seven days." Liang Duo nodded as he spoke.

"Uh, okay. It's just that if I can't sleep well, there's no problem. Oh right, can I see your wearable equipment?" Lin Jing asked after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, there are three types of wearable devices we have developed. One is the traditional VR glasses, which don't need nano-implants and can be used directly, which are also products the company currently sells, and the other is holographic glasses, which look just like ordinary glasses."

Liang Duo said as she led Lin Jing to the other side of the booth. Soon, they arrived at the front of the booth. She pointed at the three products on the table and said, "The last one, is this one. Let's call it 'Painted Skin'."

Following Liang Duo's directions, Lin Jing looked towards the last booth. He was stunned for a moment. It was empty, with nothing on it at all.

"Uh, Doctor Liang, I don't know if I'm seeing things, but there's nothing up there."

"That's a transparent memory mask." Liang Duo said with an expressionless face.

A transparent memory mask, what the hell was that?

Lin Jing felt that within this laboratory, he had heard far too many things that he couldn't understand. He had never heard of these things before, and his heart was filled with embarrassment.

"The mask is still in the process of being tested. It's not a perfect product, but if you need it, Mr. Lin, it's fine to use it temporarily, but it won't last long. It'll have to wait until we finish it." Liang Duo continued.

"Then forget it. I'll just use this ordinary one. This is the glasses, right? Can I try it on?" Lin Jing thought for a moment.

"Sure." Liang Duo nodded, and indicated for the staff to take their eyes off the booth, and continued, "According to Mr. Lin Bowen's request, the one you have now is an equipment specially made according to your needs. After taking it with you, it will automatically connect to your biological nanoparticles."

"Automatic connection, what's that?" As Lin Jing spoke, he took the eyeglasses that the staff member handed him. After putting them on, he saw a flash of light on the lens.

Following that, the world in his eyes stretched endlessly, as if there was a black hole that was about to suck him in. The back of his neck felt numb and itchy, as if he had been bitten by an ant.

Following which, four large red words' System Activation 'appeared before him. He was stunned for a moment before changing the words to' Monitoring of biological nanometers. Do you want to connect them? ', and below it were two confirmation and denial options.

Lin Jing didn't quite understand what he was supposed to do. He subconsciously thought about how this miraculous scene had occurred. On the options in front of him, he saw the 'Confirm' option move for a bit. Then, he entered an operating interface with many options.

He saw several options on it, such as "Physical Analysis", "Optical Analysis", "Data Synchronization", "Expansion Options". He chose Physical Analysis first.

Then, he turned the interface in front of his eyes. The lens of his glasses seemed to have returned to a normal nearsighted lens. However, he might be able to see a small circle moving and flickering in the middle.

Looking again, at the lower right corner, there was another analysis option. He looked at the booth, and then thought for a moment. After that, he saw that small circle started to expand, and there seemed to be light coming out from it.

After a while, a plate of red text appeared on the lens, "Polyethylene Industrial Synthetic Material, Modern Process Products, Time Analysis?, Application Range?" The last four words were an option.

Lin Jing thought for a moment and opened the application range. Soon after, a complex document appeared in his mind. In addition to the text, there were also a great number of pictures. Lin Jing felt his head ache as he quickly shut it down.

After finishing the basic experiments, Lin Jing had a basic understanding of the eyeglasses. Just like what Liang Duo had mentioned, this glasses was simply a terrifying divine tool. If he wore it and went out, what else was there that he didn't know?

With a happy heart, Lin Jing was considering whether or not he should go to Ancient Game City to test his strength when he heard Liang Duo say in an indifferent tone, "Mister Lin, I need to remind you that in the current information system, in addition to the large cloud of data on our mobile phones, there is also a portion of encrypted documents. These are Mr Lin Bowen's private documents. You must meet certain conditions before you can open them one by one."

Also, because the system's consultation ability is very large, it's best to have a different choice when you're using it. Don't open all the files at once, and connect the biological nanoparticles directly to your central nervous system. If you open too many documents, it might cause a great deal of pressure to your brain and even affect the operation of your mind.

After hearing this, Lin Jing thought about the pile of documents that had just appeared after he had clicked on the words' application range '. He felt a burst of fear and hastily said, "I understand. Don't worry. I will definitely not easily compare your cloud database!"

This thing could easily cause him to lose his mind at any time. Of course, Lin Jing wouldn't recklessly use it.

Liang Duo gave Lin Jing a detailed manual. Since he had come here for the time being, he could just leave.

As for signing the contract to take over the company's documents, Lin Jing felt that he could talk about it next time. He wasn't in a hurry to own a company like this, and before leaving, he took another look at the transparent memory mask codenamed 'Painted Skin'.

Lin Jing subconsciously felt that this item was the most outstanding item in this company's research. Compared to his own miraculous eyeglasses, this item could truly transcend this era.

However, it was still not perfect and could not be used for the time being. Liang Duo said that it would be alright to use it temporarily, but Lin Jing had not yet reached the point where it was necessary. Thus, he did not attempt to use it.

After leaving the Yunzhong TV Technology Co., Ltd., Lin Jing called a taxi home. It was already a bit late, so he didn't need to go inside the shop anymore.

However, he was already used to it. Jiang Qianxue hadn't seen Lin Jing for a day, so she didn't seem to care where Lin Jing had gone to. She felt a little disappointed.

Upon entering the room, he saw that Jiang Qianxue and the other two were all sitting in the living room with serious expressions, as if they were studying something extremely serious and complicated. Lin Jing was stunned for a moment before he walked over.

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