"What happened? Did something happen? Just a moment ago, he was in high spirits, but after a while, he started to frown."

Dad is calling, he has seen the goods over there and has already talked with someone about it, but we are still short of 10 million. This is our last chance, uncle and second uncle are already fully prepared, if we can't take out the good stuff this time, they will definitely think of a way to buy all the shops.

With a worried expression on her face, Jiang Qianxue said, "Dad said that he asked someone to lend the money to the Jiang family, but the condition is that I have to accompany Jiang Xu to attend their Jiang family's banquet tonight."

Lin Jing knew in his heart what would happen if Jiang Qianxue went there. Thus, he immediately said, "No, you can't agree to it. Jiang Xu definitely doesn't have any good intentions. Qianxue, believe me, there's a way to get 20 million yuan."

"I don't want to go either, but 20 million, where can I find that much money right now? Even if I sell all the goods in the shop, it would still take some time." Jiang Qianxue said helplessly.

"I... Come and think of a way. Oh right, I can go and find Elder Dong. He will definitely be willing to help us. " Lin Jing almost blurted out that he had twenty million, but fortunately, he quickly changed his mind and pushed this matter onto Old Dong's hands.

"20 million isn't a small sum. Although Elder Dong might not care, but I still feel that it's not good to go and cause trouble for something like this …"

Without waiting for Jiang Qianxue to finish, Lin Jing revealed an overbearing expression as he said, "No matter how troublesome it is, it is not as important as you. You are my wife, I will absolutely not allow anyone to bully you under any circumstances.

Jiang Qianxue looked at the resolute Lin Jing, her eyes in a trance. Over the past few years, Lin Jing had always been submissive and submissive, with an unpromising attitude. Let alone 20 million, he normally wouldn't even be able to force his way through 200 dollars.

In that instant, Jiang Qianxue felt as if she had found someone to rely on.

Lin Jing took out his phone and called Elder Dong in front of Jiang Qianxue. No matter what, he still had to do the entire set.

After a while, the call connected. Lin Jing said, "Hello, I am Xiao Lin. I would like to ask you to do me a favor. Yes, I would like to borrow money. 20 million, can you help me?"

Elder Dong laughed on the other end of the phone: "Hur Hur, I thought it was something. Twenty million is not a problem. When do you want it? How about I get someone to call you now?"

"Alright, thank you Elder Dong. Next time, I will personally treat you to a meal to thank you." Lin Jing let out a sigh of relief. He had already made up his mind that if elder Dong hesitated, he would go to the side and speak of the matter. But he didn't expect him to be so straightforward.

"Haha, that's a deal. Don't lie to me." Elder Dong laughed heartily.

After hanging up, a smile appeared on Lin Jing's face. He sincerely looked at Jiang Qianxue and said, "Qianxue, I know I was very useless before, but now I understand. I will work hard and prove myself to you!"

Facing Lin Jing's fiery gaze, Jiang Qianxue's heart trembled.

Elder Dong was someone who kept his word. 20 million yuan quickly reached Lin Jing's account. Jiang Qianxue, who was at the side, heard the message and asked with a surprised expression, "Did Elder Dong transfer the money so quickly?"

Lin Jing nodded. He didn't dare to show the text message to Jiang Qianxue because he still had several tens of millions on his account. If he was found out, he wouldn't be able to explain himself.

Fortunately, Jiang Qianxue didn't dwell on this issue. Knowing that the money had arrived, she immediately called Jiang Yuncai. "Dad, I won't go to the Jiang family."

On the other side of the phone was Jiang Yunzhu, who was burning with anger. Although he was an old friend, business had always been the first to arrive. It was already thick enough for others to notify him first.

He had questioned all the fellows who usually had business dealings with Jiang Yun, but none of them were willing to lend a hand at this time.

Jiang Yuncai knew clearly in his heart that both Jiang Yunzhu and Jiang Yunsheng had already let loose some of their confidence. At this time, anyone with a little brain would definitely choose to observe the fire from the other side of the river. No one would take the initiative to help him, and it was Liu Fen who finally mentioned Jiang Xu.

Although he didn't like Lin Jing, it didn't mean that Jiang Yun liked Jiang Xu. This fellow's reputation had never been good, and Jiang Qianxue was his daughter after all. There was no reason for him to push his daughter into a fire pit.

If not for the Jiang family's support of twenty million yuan, Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao would have swallowed him whole during the family meeting, leaving not even his bones intact.

When he received Jiang Qianxue's call, Jiang Yunzhu thought that she had considered it and finally nodded her head in agreement. After all, his daughter knew that although she was usually a bit willful, she was definitely a good child.

So when he heard that Jiang Qianxue wasn't willing to go, he immediately got angry and cursed, "Damn girl, are you crazy? Do you know how important that twenty million is to us? Don't tell me you want to see your father kicked out of his house and living on the streets? "

"I raised you for so many years, what do you want that I didn't give you? Now you're telling me that you're not going? What do you mean, do I raise an ingrate? "

Before Jiang Qianxue could explain herself, she heard Jiang Yuncai's words and felt wronged. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she sobbed, "Didn't you want money? For money, you can even sell your own daughter. Do you have a father like this?"

"What are you talking about, selling your daughter? What's wrong with Jiang Xu? Be it his family background, looks, or even trash like Lin Jing, what's the future for you to follow a dead cripple? I thought your mom was going too far, but now that I think about it, I'm spoiling you too much! " Jiang Yun said angrily.

"What's wrong with Lin Jing? Is there something wrong with him?" "Even though he doesn't have any money right now, he works hard enough. I believe that he will definitely succeed in the future!"

"Silly girl, why do you think that? That trash Lin Jing, what did he want? How could he succeed? "Listen to mom. Although Jiang Xu has a bad reputation, he promised me that as long as you guys get married, he'll listen to you in the future. Be a good boy." Liu Fen said on the side.

"I don't care. I will never go to the Jiang family, so just give up!" Jiang Qianxue's expression was resolute as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Damned girl, you still have a temper, right? You even dare to not listen to my words? "Let me tell you, you have to go today, even if you don't want to, you have to. I'll call Jiang Xu later and ask him to send someone to pick you up!" Jiang Yun said angrily.

When Lin Jing saw Jiang Qianxue crying so bitterly, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart. He took the phone from her and said, "Qianxue won't go. No one can force her to do anything, not even you!"

"Lin Jing?" You piece of trash, since when did you have the right to speak? Scram to the side! If it wasn't for you, Qianxue would have turned into this. Why did you have to suffer so much? If you know what's good for you, you can divorce her on your own accord. Upon hearing Lin Jing's voice, Jiang Yun became even angrier.

"Father-in-law, have you thought it through clearly? The marriage between me and Qianxue was decided by the old lady. If you force us to leave now, how will you explain it to the old lady then?" Lin Jing's eyes narrowed as his tone turned ice-cold.

"Hehe, you still want to threaten me? You dare to talk to me like that, you piece of trash? Using an old lady to bully me, you really think yourself to be a spring onion, don't you? You're just a tool. Now that you're out of it, you can casually throw it away. "

Jiang Yun was so angry that he started laughing instead, continuing with extreme ridicule, "Let me tell you, right now your only way out is to divorce Qianxue. If you do that, perhaps I can give you something, otherwise, you won't be able to get anything and will be kicked out."

"You're a cripple without any ability. Hmph, I'm afraid that you'll have to starve to death on the street when that happens!"

Father-in-law, I hope you can remember this saying. 'Thirty years on the river, thirty years in the river, the west, don't bully a poor youth.' Although I don't have money right now, it doesn't mean that I'll never have it. Lin Jing said in an indifferent tone.

"I only want 20 million. It doesn't matter, I can give it to you. But from today onwards, I will tell you that I am no longer the Lin Jing of the past. You can forget about using the same attitude as before!"

"Ha, what did I hear? This was such a great joke. Lin Jing, do you really think I'm a fool? Twenty million, where did you get twenty million? A dead cripple, even if you try to snatch it away, you will not be able to snatch it away from others. If you can take it out, from today onwards, I will no longer ask about the matter between you and Qianxue! "

Jiang Yuncai obviously didn't believe that Lin Jing could come up with twenty million. He sneered.

"That's what you said. Qianxue is beside you, and she also heard it. You can't go back on your word in the future." Lin Jing was overjoyed when he heard this, but his tone didn't change at all. "Wait a moment. Take out your cell phone and look at the balance in your account."

As he said this, Lin Jing took out his cell phone. He transferred 20 million to Jiang Yunjian and then said, "I've already transferred the money. From today onwards, how is Qianxue and I? I hope you will keep your promise and not interfere any further."

Jiang Yun, who was on the other end of the phone, was stunned for a moment before a long period of silence followed. After a few minutes, his incredulous and intermittent voice rang out, "20 million, 20 million, I really did pay it. That's impossible. Lin Jing, where did you get all this money from?"

"I already said, don't look down on poor youths. Alright, that's all." As Lin Jing spoke, he decisively hung up the phone.

Jiang Qianxue, who was standing to the side, was already in tears. She was extremely heartbroken. Lin Jing hesitated for a moment before walking over and putting her arm around Jiang Qianxue's shoulders to comfort her, "It's alright. With me here, I won't let anyone bully you."

Upon hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Qianxue subconsciously leaned into his embrace. At this moment, she felt that in this entire world, only this man could give her some support.

Lin Jing's eyes were filled with determination as he held Jiang Qianxue even more tightly. When the shop officially opened tomorrow, he would be able to discuss something serious with Jiang Yunzhu.

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