The new store was about to open, and Lin Jing had given it a name called "Baolin Zhai". It was simple and easy to remember, although it wasn't that high-end, but he liked it.

Feng Yuqing also came as per their agreement and even brought him a present.

There was a complete set of staff at the antique shop, including shop assistants, appraisers, security guards, and so on. The overall price was higher than the market price, but Lin Jing didn't care about this matter.

To say that Lin Jing was unfathomable was the same as saying, "I don't doubt you, but you have no doubts." In his heart, he knew that he was just a few taels of silver and that opening a restaurant was not a good thing. Even true professionals wouldn't necessarily be able to do what they wanted, let alone someone like Lin Jing who was half-way out of the sect.

Thus, he had to issue a salary of nearly eight million a year. However, Lin Jing didn't care. After all, he was rich and willful!

The only problem was that he planned to sell them in the store in the future. Bighead was an antique sent by Uncle Hui, but these items didn't have the necessary formalities. How could he resolve them?

He took advantage of Jiang Yuncai's absence for the past few days to sneak over to the other side while Feng Yuqing was still arranging for people to come in. The people in the shop could still be considered his employees, so he should at least take a look at who the boss was.

In Feng Yuqing's words, these four people were like gods in the shop; regardless of whether they were brats or old devils, those who dared to enter would definitely be unable to return. They were there twenty-four hours a day, and if they didn't know Lin Jing, that would be a huge problem.

If one night he was so bored that he decided to come over and see his treasure, then get beaten up by his own people, the punishment would be terrible.

In the backyard, Feng Yuqing was standing aside. The other employees were all obediently standing in front of Lin Jing.

This was the first time he had spoken as the boss in front of so many people. He felt a little uneasy and didn't know what to say.

After a moment of silence, he clapped his hands and said, "Boss is right. From today onwards, everyone will be following Mister Lin for a living. You guys are no longer novices, so you don't need to talk about the rules of the trade, right?" The only thing that has to be said is that Boss Lin is a low-key person. Therefore, unless he himself says so, no one is allowed to reveal anything. Go back and busy yourself. "

The employees all glanced at Lin Jing. They had seen many young fuerdai, but he didn't have the slightest bit of a noble temperament, just like a waiter. This was the first time they saw him, so they were a bit curious.

Feng Yuqing specifically kept the four of them, then turned to Lin Jing and said, "Boss, you don't need to say anything else. These four people need to specially introduce us to you. Let's not talk about whether our store will make money in the future.

Lin Jing nodded and said with a smile, "Hello everyone. My name is Lin Jing. Mm, I'll be troubling you from now on."

The four of them swept their gazes over him. Each of their gazes were cold and stern, and they had a sense of might that was not angered. From left to right, they introduced themselves.

Feng Kui, a disciple of the Eight Level Sect. Thirty-two years old. Lives at 32 Square Street. Please take care of him in the future, Boss." Feng Kui was a tall and muscular man from the north. He spoke with a muffled voice like thunder. His square face was expressionless like that of a statue.

After he finished talking, the other three people also followed suit. They were Zuo Quanan from the Taiji Sect, a weak looking scholar in his thirties. He had a harmless smile on his face, like that of a human or a beast.

He was the youngest, only twenty-four years old. He was a former prizefighter, and due to some matters, he had been banned from the tournament for life. Before coming to Lin Jing's place, he had coached a boxing club, and Feng Yuqing was his uncle.

The only strange thing was that the last person, a sharp eared monkey with a small build, looked like he had been malnourished since he was young. His eyes seemed to be always in a dreamy state, the kind that one could recognize as not a good person just by leaving them on the street.

His name was Zhang San, and Lin Jing suspected that his name was real. However, he just introduced himself like this, calling himself the Southern City Thief King. In his words, there was no place that he couldn't enter, nor was there anything that he couldn't get his hands on.

Zhang San was the only person Feng Yuqing had hired who didn't need to pay his salary. Using his own words, this was an agreement: he owed Feng Yuqing a favor, and working hard for three years was equivalent to repaying his debt.

Feng Yuqing didn't explain what exactly was going on between the two of them, and Lin Jing didn't ask. In short, Zhang San was on the night shift and would usually hire one person to go with him. The other three were on the third shift, so they worked together harmoniously.

Getting to know people, according to the rules, there would be an opening ceremony in the shop. Not to mention inviting all the famous people in the city, there were at least a few recent places where everyone needed to meet and get to know each other.

Lin Jing left these matters to Feng Yuqing.

The official opening ceremony was held two days later, and the invitation had already been sent out. Lin Jing saw that everything had been settled and felt that the eight million was not a loss at all.

The opening of this shop was much easier than he had imagined. Lin Jing's heart was brimming with laughter, so much so that Jiang Qianxue, who had appeared behind him, didn't notice.

"Lin Jing, you … why are you here?" Jiang Qianxue had only come to take a look on the way here. When the Precious Tree Sect opened its doors, they would definitely invite her.

Lin Jing had already contacted the boss of Baolin Temple. When the time came, both sides would formally cooperate, and their relationship would be even more intimate. In the absence of her parents, Jiang Qianxue felt it was necessary for her to come and greet them in advance. Although Jiang Yuncai had said those words yesterday, he was still her father.

However, she hadn't expected to see Lin Jing as soon as she entered.

The shop assistant outside said that the boss was inside. Jiang Qianxue had a strange feeling in her heart.

Lin Jing was also frightened and a bit panicked. His brain felt like it was a lump of paste, and he didn't know what to do next. Fortunately, Feng Yuqing was still there.

As an old fox, Lin Jing couldn't keep up with Feng Yuqing's reactions. He put on a kind smile and walked over to Jiang Qianxue. "Hello, Miss Jiang. Welcome."

Jiang Qianxue was stunned for a moment. She looked hesitatingly from Lin Jing's body to Feng Yuqing. With a stutter, she extended her hand and said, "Hello."

"I can't afford to address you as' sir ', Feng Yuqing. Please add me as the treasured tea shop's shopkeeper. Miss Jiang, your presence brings light to my humble dwelling, please?" Feng Yuqing said with a smile, "Mister Lin is coming as well?"

Inside the reception hall, Jiang Qianxue and Lin Jing were sitting together. Feng Yuqing, who was sitting opposite to her, had a smile on her face as the clerk served them some tea. He smiled and said, "Miss Jiang, I'm really sorry.

Jiang Qianxue smiled embarrassedly and glanced at Lin Jing. She had a lot of questions she wanted to ask, but now that Feng Yuqing was here and in someone else's store, it was hard for her to ask. She said, "Shopkeeper Feng is being too polite.

"Haha, Miss Jiang is truly a knowledgeable person. You are indeed worthy to be called one of the famous members of the Jiang Clan." Feng Yuqing laughed heartily and looked at Lin Jing, saying, "Mister Lin, the boss has already told me this before. If you have any requests, you can speak to me directly."

He turned his head to look at Lin Jing, and at this time, he finally calmed down a bit. He took a deep breath and said, "Well, the truth is, the reason I came here this time is to ask Mister Lin when you are free to sign the contract we discussed earlier."

"Oh, the boss has already mentioned it, I'm sorry, he has other important matters to attend to, so he may not be here for some time, but he has instructed me to sign the contract with him, he agreed, and I will take full responsibility for the BMW now, so if you don't mind, Mr. Jiang, please sign it with me."

Feng Yuqing looked indifferent. Although he didn't know what kind of contract Lin Jing was talking about, the boss said he would sign it.

"Manager Feng, may I ask, where did Mister Lin go?" Jiang Qianxue's eyes narrowed as she asked Feng Yuqing's question.

"I'm not too sure about that. Our boss is a bit more casual and never insists on doing things, but he wants to do things in the south. As for the specifics, we can't ask." Feng Yuqing's ability to fabricate lies was inborn, he opened his mouth and started speaking without batting an eye.

He had almost believed that such a boss had actually gone to the south to discuss some big business deal. He was secretly happy that in the future, with Feng Yuqing in the front, his identity would be safe.

Thinking of this, Lin Jingmei held Jiang Qianxue's hand and smiled at Feng Yuqing, "Since that's the case, after the Treasure Shop officially opens, we'll come back and finalize the contract with Shopkeeper Feng. Let's not disturb you today."

Feng Yuqing slightly nodded his head and smiled, "Then I won't force you two. We're at the same place, so if you have time in the future, please take a walk. Before leaving, the boss said that our family is considered one family, and we don't care what others say.

For Feng Yuqing, there was nothing wrong with his words. The owner of Baolinzhai was Lin Jing, and he and Jiang Qianxue were a couple. As for why he hid things from the Jiang family, he wasn't too interested.

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