Lin Jing nodded and let out a long sigh of relief as he saw Jiang Qianxue leave the store. "That's great. When father-in-law comes back, we can sign the contract with Baolin. Hehe."

Jiang Qianxue narrowed her eyes as she stared at Lin Jing. With suspicion in her eyes, she asked, "You didn't see her since early in the morning. Is this why you went to the other side?" I think that Manager Feng is not an ordinary person. What were you guys talking about before? "

"I didn't talk much and just made a few random remarks. I thought that Mr. Lin was also here, so I wanted to talk about the contract with him face to face. I didn't expect him to have already left." Lin Jing pretended to reveal a regretful expression.

"Is that so?" Jiang Qianxue was still skeptical of Lin Jing's words. However, she also knew that even if she asked Lin Jing now, she still wouldn't be able to find the reason. Although she felt that something was wrong, she still couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Really, I won't lie to you." Lin Jing inwardly slapped himself on the face: "Lin Jing, you lied to her like this, you really aren't a person."

Just as they were talking, a group of people suddenly walked in from the entrance. The one leading them was Elder Dong, and he had a smile on his face as he said: "Yo, Xiao Lin, what are you guys talking about? Why did I hear you lie to me?

When Jiang Qianxue saw Elder Dong come, her face immediately showed gratitude and respect. If it wasn't for Elder Dong lending her the twenty million yesterday, she really wouldn't have had a choice. She immediately went up to greet him and said, "Elder Dong, why have you come personally? Please take a seat."

He looked at Jiang Qianxue and said, "Actually, it's nothing much. I just happened to be working at the side, so I came over to take a look when I was done. Why isn't Jiang Yun in the shop? I remember that he's the one in charge of this shop, right?"

"Father has gone to the mainland for some matters. He might not return until tomorrow." Jiang Qianxue said as she poured a cup of tea for Elder Dong.

He turned his head to look at Lin Jing and asked, "Xiao Lin, yesterday you called me in a hurry, but I didn't have the time to ask clearly what you were borrowing money for. Did you encounter any trouble? If so, you can tell me."

"Although I may not be able to help out in everything, I do have some face here. If I were to mediate from the middle, it would definitely be possible."

Lin Jing said in a respectful tone, "Old Dong, you're worried about this. In fact, it's not a big deal, but there's a problem with the flow of funds. After a while, I'll think of a way to repay it as soon as possible.

"What's the point of saying those words to outsiders? It's not a big deal if it's inconvenient to transfer funds. If you're still lacking, just give me a call at any time. I might not have any more, but I can still take out two hundred million." Elder Dong said with a smile.

Lin Jing was moved. To be honest, his fated relationship with Elder Dong had started at the auction. Even though he was clear that Elder Dong had intentionally befriended him several times over due to the fact that he might still have something good in his hands, it was not normal for him to be able to do this.

Ever since he was young, Lin Jing had always been alone. He was used to the cold warmth of the world, and always tried his best to repay the kindness of others. He never thought too much about it, and used his words to say, "People treat me like their family, I treat them like my father."

Lin Jing Yong gave a slight bow and said with a serious expression, "Old Dong, I dare not forget your friendship."

"Haha, look at you, kid. Why are you being so formal? Let's just be friends. I don't have anything else. I'm always kind to my friends." Old man Dong laughed heartily as he pulled Lin Jing up to speak.

"I heard that your store seems to have encountered some problems recently. If there's anything you need help with, ask me for help at any time. If anyone else wants to break the rules, that would depend on the rules."

Even though Elder Dong wasn't as resourceful as everyone else in the city, he still knew the basics. Jiang Yunming and Jiang Yunsheng had recently tried their best to suppress Jiang Yunzhen by having him purchase goods and sell them at the same time, so that they could get out of the city at the same time.

Although he didn't have the leisure to bother about the internal strife of the Jiang brothers, since Lin Jing was Jiang Yuncai's son-in-law and also his friend, he couldn't just sit by and watch Jiang Yun get bullied. Saying these words now would only serve as a reminder to Lin Jing.

For someone like Old Man Dong, who had been carefree for most of his life, he naturally had the perfect grasp of the situation and would absolutely not overstep his boundaries. However, he had given Lin Jing enough support, and in simple terms, let Lin Jing know that as long as he spoke, nothing would be a problem.

Lin Jing understood, but he had already troubled Old Man Dong a lot. After all, the matter of the Jiang Clan was a matter for the clan, so it would not be good for him to speak of it.

Although Jiang Yunmao and Jiang Yunsheng weren't people, if things really got out of hand, it wouldn't affect Old Dong's reputation. Although Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunsheng weren't people, if things got out of hand, it wouldn't affect Old Dong's reputation either.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing said to Elder Dong with an expression of gratitude, "I appreciate your kindness, but I want to handle this matter on my own."

"Alright, young people. You'll only be able to grow quickly if you experience more difficulties. But don't hold it against me like that. I'm going to say something more. The two Jiang Yunmao brothers are not good people. You guys should be careful." When Elder Dong said this, he specifically looked at Jiang Qianxue.

She was the only one present who truly possessed the bloodline of the Jiang Clan. No matter what Elder Dong said at this critical moment, it would be impossible to avoid her.

Lin Jing opened his mouth and said, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law have already entered the market. After a few days of the Jiang Family Gathering, there shouldn't be any problems. As for the issue of returning funds, we have already found a partner, and we will slowly recover."

After hearing Lin Jing's words, Old Dong could be considered relieved. He thought for a moment and then said: "If your goods really aren't easy to sell, the Dong Clan Auction House can provide you with an offer for a commission. It's not impossible for you to owe them.

"Thank you, Elder Dong." Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue said at the same time.

The director's auction house was famous, and the items that were usually auctioned were not simple either. There were not many people that could afford to take them out for auction, but Elder Dong meant that if they needed them, they could give them to him even if they were of a lower quality.

On the whole, the items being auctioned off would definitely cost ten to twenty percent more than what they would normally be sold for in the shop. Even if the commission for the auction house was removed, it would still be considered a profit. What's more, the restaurant had already been shut down by the duo. Without this opening, it would be impossible for them to sell it off at a low price.

He stood up and said, "Alright, we're almost done talking. Go busy yourselves, I still have other things to do, so I'll be leaving first. That's right, Little Lin, you must remember that you still owe me a meal. Don't forget."

"Of course I remember. When I'm done, I will definitely ask Elder Dong for help." Lin Jing nodded decisively. His membership in the Cloud Embroidery Workshop was being recommended by Elder Dong, so it should be coming soon. When the time came, he would invite Elder Dong from the Cloud Embroidery Workshop, which should be the most suitable.

After Elder Dong had left, Jiang Qianxue pulled Lin Jing into the courtyard at the back. "Last time, you told me that you would do Elder Dong a favor and then he would support you, right?"

Lin Jing saw that her expression was off, and his heart skipped a beat. His face didn't change as he nodded his head. "That's right, what's wrong?"

I'm just a little curious. Just what kind of person could make Elder Dong pay so much attention to you? You're just trying to lure him out and he treats you so well, that's all. Jiang Qianxue asked in a deep voice.

"Eh, Qianxue, you think too much. Elder Dong is a sincere person and is willing to help in times of trouble. This proves that he is very different from ordinary people. What does he have to do with being an illegitimate child?" Lin Jing's eyelids twitched as he hastily spoke with a serious expression.

Jiang Qianxue's black eyes widened as she stared at him for a long time. Suddenly, she laughed out loud with her back facing him, as if she had seen something strange. "Lin Jing, how come I didn't realize before that you were such an interesting person!"

Lin Jing was confused and confused. "What's wrong with me?" he asked. "Am I wrong? I really am not Elder Dong's private person …"

"Don't say anymore, I'm about to die from laughter. How is that possible? I just wanted to tease you for a bit, and now you're taking it for real?" Jiang Qianxue was laughing so hard that she almost couldn't breathe. After a long while, she recovered and her expression gradually became serious, "You were quite ambitious just now, but you didn't just casually praise me. Did you think of a way to deal with Eldest and Second Uncle?"

As he talked about the important matter, Lin Jing's expression also became solemn. He pretended to be deep in thought. "Uncle and Uncle have a lot of resources, and they've definitely prepared for a long time. If we fight head on, we definitely won't be able to win."

"Get to the point, stop talking nonsense." Jiang Qianxue stared at him with a serious expression. Although she didn't think that Lin Jing would be of any help in the Clan Assembly, she didn't know why, but she wanted to ask him.

It seemed that as long as Lin Jing thought about it, he would definitely be able to think of a solution.

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