Unknowingly, Jiang Qianxue had actually already developed some trust and trust in Lin Jing. It was just that neither of them noticed it.

"I think that for father-in-law, the most important thing in this Clan Gathering is to protect yourself and do your job. Don't make any mistakes." After some deliberation, Lin Jing came up with this conclusion.

"Look, since Eldest and Second Uncle are already prepared, and Father-in-law's funds are very limited, it's impossible for us to make a comeback in just a few days. So, our only hope is that they made a mistake."

"How is that possible? Eldest and Second Uncle are the elites of the industry, so when the time comes, the items they take out will definitely be carefully selected. How could they be wrong?" Jiang Qianxue shook her head and said. Indeed, it was impossible for Lin Jing to give her such an effective method.

"That may not be the case. In the industry, no one can guarantee that they will never make a mistake." Lin Jing said with confidence.

"Alright, I hope that at that time, everything will be as you said." Jiang Qianxue felt that there was no point in continuing the discussion. Her heart felt heavy.

Before the Jiang Family Clan's Clan Assembly could begin, Lin Jing's shop officially opened.

Feng Yuqing had invited quite a few people to the opening ceremony, but less than half of them were actually able to attend. Furthermore, they were all the kind that belonged to small businesses. No one would actually send anyone to a real store.

However, this didn't mean anything. Peer is the enemy, in the world of literature, even more so. Because of this, every family in the shop had their own trump card. It was not only their front, but also their confidence.

To a dealer, fame was more important than profit. After all, this was a profession that recognized people. For a shop opening ceremony like this, only those who had a certain reputation in the industry would come and help.

Someone like Lin Jing who had suddenly opened a shop didn't have much of an explanation. Of course, other shops wouldn't come to support him.

There was a great deal of competition in the literary industry, there was only so much meat, and if one more person came along, everyone would eat less, no one wanted to, and the less people there were, the less attention Paulinus would be able to draw, although the position of the front was good, but this matter was not decisive.

Feng Yuqing personally welcomed the guests at the entrance. No matter who it was, or what sort of goal it was, he would smile back with the same expression, and the expression on his face didn't change at all. Lin Jing even wondered if his face would have a cramp after he finished his business later.

Feng Yuqing stood in front of everyone with a smile on his face as he said, "Today's opening of Baolin House, I am indebted to all of you bosses for coming to participate in the ceremony with such high regard. I am very grateful, and would like to ask you guys to take care of me in the future."

The shopkeepers below were not interested. They had come to investigate, but when they entered the store, they found out that everything outside was just for show. There wasn't even a proper blue and white flower, so these people were naturally unhappy.

The response was average, but Feng Yuqing did not seem to care. He continued to smile as he said, "My boss's surname is Lin, and he is called Mister Lin. Because he is busy with important matters today and is unable to arrive, he asked me to pass on my apologies to everyone here."

Mr. Lin is a very hospitable person, and since everyone is here, we naturally cannot let you return empty-handed. Therefore, we have prepared some small toys for everyone to enjoy, and if any of you bosses are interested, we can slap them in the face.

"Shopkeeper Feng really knows how to do business. Let's invite everyone here to open a store for you. Let's buy the first batch first. How amazing!" After Feng Yuqing finished speaking, a storekeeper spoke in a strange tone.

They were all merchants on the same street. How different could the goods in the shop be? They still wanted them to buy things. Wasn't this an international joke?

"Hehe, don't be in such a hurry. Let's take a look first and see what kind of great items the owner, Manager Feng, has. Maybe we won't be able to afford it even if we want to." Another owner said in a mocking tone.

Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue were originally from the Jiang family. Naturally, their statuses were not ordinary, and they could at least stand at the front of the crowd, but since Jiang Qianxue hadn't taken over the job yet and didn't even have control of a shop, and secondly, Lin Jing didn't want to be in front of anyone, so the two of them stood behind the crowd. They could hear the mocking voices from the left and right.

Feng Yuqing, on the other hand, didn't seem to care at all. Smiling, he said, "I don't have such great ability to buy things that even the various bosses cannot. It's just some small stuff. Everyone's interested in it."

As he said this, two shop assistants had already brought up a shelf. After setting up the rack, Feng Yuqing turned around and casually took out a blue and white porcelain vase. He turned around and smiled, "This is the Clear Light Thread Rich Grapevine Skyball Bottle. It's the official kiln of Jingde Town. Everyone claps their hands?"

Feng Yuqing then placed the porcelain bottle on the table in front of him. The audience, who were originally waiting to watch a good show, finally became interested when they saw the light blue and blue flower. They slightly moved forward. Look carefully, I can explain it when I get back.

"Truly brilliant blue and white porcelain, tsk tsk, with patterns on its surface, they are all of the best quality. They are indeed top quality products from the official kilns of Jingde Town, very powerful."

"Such a good item should be the royal family's secret service agent. Just the luster on its surface cannot be compared with ordinary blue-and-white porcelain."

After the crowd gathered around to take a look, they quickly let out waves of exclamations. For most people in the industry, other than the price, the quality of the items themselves was more important. The layman watched the fun, while the money was the fun. The expert saw the door, and the various conditions of porcelain were the inner and inner sides.

Lin Jing, who was standing behind, was quite pleased with himself as he heard this. The blue and white porcelain that Uncle Hui had sent him was indeed top quality.

There were also various porcelain plates and pots on the shelves. From the angle of the utensils, they were considered quite complete. With the beginning of the Sky Ball, Feng Yuqing would naturally be more interested in the things that came after taking them out.

After all of these people had taken a glance at him, Feng Yuqing said with a smile, "Like I said earlier, these little gadgets are all prepared by my boss to cheer the shopkeepers on. Everyone just gave a thumbs up. If you're interested, then you can start offering your prices."

"Manager Feng, although the goods are good, there are a lot of green flowers in the market. I wonder how you're going to calculate your price?"

Hearing the question in the crowd, Feng Yuqing said with a smile, "The boss said that the price will be set at eight hundred thousand, first come first served."

"Eight hundred thousand?" I want that Sky Ball Bottle! " Just as Feng Yuqing finished speaking, someone else immediately opened their mouth to buy it. Eight hundred thousand taels of Blue and White Porcelain were definitely profitable, and the profit was not small either.

"In that case, I'll take Long Chenxiang's plate …"

"I want the pot …"

All of a sudden, the sounds of people fighting over the items rose and fell.

Lin Jing had a faint smile on his face. Feng Yuqing's preparations were beautiful. There were around twenty or so shopkeepers present, but there were only a dozen or so pieces of porcelain. Even if there were just one person, there would still be people who couldn't buy them.

In his heart, he remembered Paulinus, and in his heart, he remembered him. In his heart, he remembered Paulinus, and in his heart, he remembered Paulinus, and in his heart, he remembered Paulinus, and in his heart, he remembered him, and in his heart, he remembered Paulinus.

After everyone had finished dividing the items, Feng Yuqing cleared his throat and said with a beaming face, "Shopkeeper, please listen to me quietly for a moment. There are quite a few treasured blue and white porcelain groves here, and if anyone is interested in them in the future, we can have more exchanges."

"Today, in addition to inviting everyone here, there is another matter that the boss had instructed us to announce in public. "Miss Jiang, Mister Lin, please step aside. Thank you for your trouble."

Jiang Qianxue froze for a moment. On the other hand, Lin Jing had a faint smile on his face as he whispered to her, "Let's go. Let's go over. This is a good opportunity."

Following the two people to the front of the stage, Feng Yuqing said with a smile, "I was too busy trying to get everyone's attention, so I neglected the two of you. Please don't mind me."

"Jiang Qianxue?" "Isn't she Jiang Yuncai's daughter? And that Lin Jing, hehe, the Jiang family relied on his reputation to make old granny Jiang to sit as the chairman of the Humanities board. But who doesn't know that this fellow has no background, no skills, and is even a cripple. What do they want?"

"Tsk tsk, Jiang Yuncai's main store is just across the street from Baolingzhai. Invite his opponent over on the opening day, what does Feng Yuqing want?"

There's going to be a good show to watch, to be able to bring out so many threads of light as soon as he arrived. This Precious Forest Temple is not ordinary, I heard that Jiang Yuncai's days have not been good recently, so Jiang Yunmao and Jiang Yun both opened their mouths to seal him. Now there's another Feng Yuqing, hehe, let's see what they do next.

As soon as the two of them stepped onto the stage, the people in the audience began to talk amongst themselves, different from the jokes they had made when they had been waiting to watch Baolin. Now that they had gained some benefits and also experienced the strength of Baolin, they turned to see Jiang Qianxue become a joke.

The person speaking did not have the slightest intention of hiding anything. Jiang Qianxue was standing on top, and as she listened to these words, her face naturally could not be seen. Her expression appeared somewhat uneasy.

Lin Jing could feel the change in her mood. He let go of her hand and stepped forward with a smile on his face.

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