"I will. As long as you have your own thoughts and goals, no matter what you do, I will support you." Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Qianxue confidently said, "I believe with your ability, you will definitely become a great figure in the future."

Lin Jing's heart warmed. For the first time in a long time, this was the first time he had received the formal approval and support of Jiang Qianxue. It was as if a surge of hot-bloodedness and heroic spirit was rising from his chest.

"My wife is so confident in me. It seems that I must work hard."

"Pei, who's your wife? Don't spout nonsense!" Hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Qianxue blushed and spat at him. However, she subconsciously turned her face away. Under the moonlight, she looked even more shy.

He felt as if he had fallen into Jiang Qianxue's trap, willing to give up everything for her. After a moment, he came back to his senses and subconsciously wiped his mouth, but luckily, there was no water coming out of his mouth. "Erm, it's getting late, we should go back. Otherwise, Mom and Dad would know about it."

"Mm, let's go." Jiang Qianxue nodded her head and whispered.

After leaving the Cloud Embroidery Workshop, Lin Jing sat in the front passenger seat. He leaned his head against the window as he watched Jiang Qianxue's face. The more he looked, the more he liked her. Jiang Qianxue felt somewhat embarrassed by his gaze. Her face was flushed like an apple.

"What are you looking at me for? Is there something dirty on my face?" Jiang Qianxue couldn't hold it in any longer and said unhappily.

"I want to take advantage of this opportunity to look at you seriously. I want to remember you in my heart." Lin Jing's face was filled with deep emotion.

"You're so glib, just like those playboys. If you keep up, I'll beat you up!" Jiang Qianxue blushed even more as she turned around to glare at him.

He turned his head towards the window and looked at the empty street beside him. Occasionally, there would be one or two people walking by, and their expressions were all filled with fatigue. A few years ago, just like these people, he did not know what would happen tomorrow, did not know where his future would be.

But it was at that time that he met Jiang Qianxue. Although the process wasn't as romantic and beautiful as in Marisu's TV series, it still changed his entire fate.

And now, he finally had the chance to pursue his dream.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Jing suddenly said, "Qianxue, if one day I become very good, will you truly like me?"

Jiang Qianxue's shoulder shook and she almost couldn't hold on to the steering wheel. She said with slight hesitation, "You're drunk. Go back and have a good rest."

Lin Jing smiled bitterly and closed his eyes. He didn't know what his dream had been before, but now he only wanted to obtain Jiang Qianxue's true love and ability to make her depend on him sincerely. He felt that even if he was satisfied, it wouldn't be that easy to achieve this.

When the two of them arrived home, it was already a bit late. They thought that Jiang Yuncai and Liu Fen had gone to bed. When they opened the door, they found that the living room's lights were on. The two of them were sitting on the sofa with serious expressions.

"Dad, mom, you haven't rested yet?" Jiang Qianxue also sensed that the atmosphere was a bit off. She asked with a testing tone.

"You still have the nerve to ask? Where did you go with this guy and why did you come back so late?" Liu Fen glared at Jiang Qianxue and snappily said, "Come over here and sit down. Your father has something to say, so Lin Jing, you come over too."

Lin Jing's heart sank, and he subconsciously felt that the matter wasn't simple. He obediently walked over with Jiang Qianxue. Just as he was about to sit down, he heard Liu Fen coldly say, "Stand there. Qianxue, come over here. Stay away from him."

When Jiang Qianxue heard this, her brows slightly creased. "Mom, what are you doing? It's not like Lin Jing did anything. Why is he being targeted again?"

"It's none of your business. I told you to sit obediently!" Liu Fen said with a stern expression, "Lin Jing, I think you should know the situation of our family. Liu Fen said with a stern expression," Lin Jing, I think you should know the situation of our family. I think you should know the situation of our family.

Was this an ultimatum?

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Jing looked at Jiang Yuncai. Although Liu Fen was the one who said this, he knew very well who would make the final decision in this family.

Jiang Yuncai seemed to have also felt his gaze. He raised his eyes and said with a deep voice, "Lin Jing, you and Qianxue should get divorced!"

It was like a clap of thunder, causing Lin Jing's expression to fall into a trance.

He had been in the Jiang family for a few years. Although Jiang Yuncai and Liu Fen had never looked at him directly before, and Liu fen had always made things difficult for him, coerced him into having a divorce with Jiang Qianxue, Jiang Yuncai had never said it out loud like this before. Even though he had expressed this intention several times, he wasn't too determined on it.

But now that Jiang Yuncai had spoken, his voice wasn't loud, but it was resolute and decisive. He didn't want to give Lin Jing any chance to escape.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Lin Jing's eyes narrowed. He thought he had made things clear with Jiang Yun earlier. Why would he suddenly do such a thing? Could it be that it was simply because of the collapse of Jiang Yunsheng and Jiang Yunmao's alliance that he felt no pressure at all?

"I won't let you stay in our family for nothing for so many years. As long as you agree to divorce Qianxue and leave the Jiang family, I can give you a considerable amount of compensation. With this money, you can also do what you want and no longer have to live in our family and suffer from the humiliation." Jiang Yun said with a deep voice.

"Dad, how can you do this? What did Lin Jing do wrong? Do you really have to force him? Did you forget that a few days ago, it was him who stood up and caused Eldest Uncle's scheme to fail and caused the business of the store to become so good? This is killing a donkey, don't you think this is going too far? "

Jiang Qianxue's face was filled with anger and unwillingness. She immediately stood up and shouted loudly, tears gushing out of her eyes.

Liu Fen frowned. He grabbed onto Jiang Qianxue and forced her to sit down, saying with a stern expression: "Qianxue, why are you talking to your father? What's so good about this piece of trash? If you follow him, you won't have a future. I believe that my parents will definitely not harm you, do you understand? "

Lin Jing took a deep breath. Seeing Jiang Qianxue so excited over him that she didn't even want to stand against her parents, he felt touched. Then, a surge of pride surged through his heart. He stared at Jiang Yun and asked, "Why?"

"You should understand that you and Qianxue are people from two different worlds. Even if you cross paths because of some unexpected circumstances, in the end, you will only walk in different directions. Actually, there's no why. Status determines everything." Jiang Yun's expression was calm, as if he was just saying something insignificant.

"That is to say, do you think that I am not qualified to be your son-in-law, or do you think that I am not worthy of Qianxue?" Lin Jing asked with squinted eyes.

"What do you think? Of course, both of them! "I'm not looking down on you. You've really changed a lot in these past few days, many places were beyond my expectations, but that's all. No matter how scheming and powerful a person is, without the capital to be the cornerstone, it's still the same."

Jiang Yuncai looked down at Lin Jing condescendingly and continued, "In the past, when there was an old lady pressing down on you, she didn't nod her head and didn't dare to let you and Qianxue divorce each other. But now, things are different.

"So this is the old lady's intention?" She wants me to divorce Qianxue? " Lin Jing's heart sank when he heard this. After the end of the banquet, he had already felt Madame Jiang's displeasure towards him. However, after so many days, he still thought this matter was over.

But he didn't expect that when the old lady didn't make a move, she would make a move on what he cared about the most. This was something that he could not accept no matter what.

"It doesn't matter who it is, since I've already said it here today, I can give you a few days time to think it over." It doesn't matter who it is, since I've already said it here, I can give you a few days time to consider it. Jiang Yuncai said in a domineering tone.

Lin Jing, don't speak of our unrighteousness. You should know in your heart that a dragon paired with a dragon, a phoenix paired with a phoenix, and a mouse that was born with the ability to pierce holes. This principle is actually very simple.

"With the money we gave you, you can make a small business. In an ordinary family, that's pretty good too. If it wasn't for us, you probably wouldn't even have this chance in your life, so you should be grateful."

Lin Jing suddenly smiled. He looked at the two of them and said, "I don't care if this is an old lady's decision or something you two have discussed. My answer will always be one, and if you want me to agree to a divorce, then there is only one way.

When Jiang Qianxue heard Lin Jing's words, she suddenly lifted her head, her eyes red as she looked at him. Lin Jing gave her a gentle smile and gently said, "Qianxue, don't worry. No matter what, my feelings for you are the same.

"Humph, Lin Jing, stop lying to my daughter. I'm telling you, even if you want to leave, you have to leave. This matter is not up to you to decide!" Liu Fen immediately became furious when she heard this. She immediately stood up, pointed at Lin Jing, and coldly said.

"I won't agree!" Jiang Qianxue, who was sitting beside Liu Fen, suddenly spoke. Although her voice wasn't loud, everyone could hear her.

Jiang Yuncai frowned and turned to look at Jiang Qianxue. There was disbelief in his eyes and Liu Fen was also shocked. She asked, "Qianxue, what did you say? Are you feverish and confused? "

"I say, I will not agree to divorce Lin Jing. At the very least, I will not agree to that. He is still my husband!"

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