Jiang Qianxue raised her head with determination in her eyes.

"You, you really pissed me off. Aiya, my god, how could I raise such an ingrate? He didn't listen to me at all, how am I supposed to live!" Liu Fen looked at Jiang Qianxue and suddenly began to cry loudly like a shrew.

Jiang Yuncai's face darkened as he spoke to Liu Fen in a cold voice, "Enough. Look at how you're acting now."

"You still have the nerve to say that? It's all your fault. I told you since I was young that I'm going to teach you a good lesson and not listen to you. I've been used to it all day. Now, come on, you're not going to listen to us anymore!" Liu Fen said in a loud voice.

Jiang Yuncai was already in a bad mood, but after Liu Fen's incident, he became even more agitated. He stood up and stared at Lin Jing as he said, "I'll still give you a few days to think things over. If you don't give me a reply by next week, then don't blame me for being merciless.

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yun walked upstairs. Liu Fen looked coldly at Lin Jing and followed.

Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue were the only ones left in the living room. Her eyes were still red as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I know it's my parents' fault that you suffered so much in vain."

"It's okay, don't be sad. This isn't your fault. I know what I'm doing. "Don't worry, I won't give in that easily." Lin Jing had a smile on his face as he walked up to Jiang Qianxue and squatted down. His eyes were filled with deep love as he continued to speak.

"No matter who wants to go against your will and do something you don't want to do, I won't let them do it. But if you don't feel happy being with me, as long as you tell me, I will definitely not pester you. The most important thing is what you want."

"Lin Jing, you …" Listening to Lin Jing's words, Jiang Qianxue felt mixed emotions in her heart. Although her perception of Lin Jing had changed, to the point that there were even times when something else had appeared, it definitely hadn't increased to the point of liking him.

But Jiang Qianxue didn't know whether or not she was worthy of this relationship. In her heart, she wasn't even sure whether or not she really liked Lin Jing. If she could not, then that would be unfair to him.

"Alright, idiot, don't let your thoughts run wild. What I think and plan in my mind is my business. You just need to do your own thing. It's getting late, rest early, or else when you wake up tomorrow, you'll be a panda." Lin Jing gently patted Jiang Qianxue's head to comfort her.

"You, you should get some rest as well." Jiang Qianxue didn't know what to say to Lin Jing at this time, so she could only say this.

The two of them returned to their respective rooms. Lin Jing lay on his bed, his heart sinking as he looked up at the pitch black ceiling.

To him, he did not care about the looks of ridicule from the outside world. In the beginning, there might have been some anger and unwillingness, but now, he was already used to it.

The only person that could move him was Jiang Qianxue. Regardless of why old lady Jiang suddenly made such a decision, as long as she was determined to separate the two, she would be his enemy.

Ever since he was young, Lin Jing had never considered himself a good person. His experience over the past two decades had taught him that there was no kindness in dealing with enemies. Even if his opponent was Old Lady Jiang, Lin Jing would not hesitate to make a move.

The Jiang Clan's reputation was in the limelight. Because of what happened just now, the entire Arts and Entertainment City's attitude towards this tree had subtly changed.

In the past, Old Granny Jiang had always been an unbeatable iron lady, but Jiang Yunmao's actions had been seen by everyone. No matter how strong one was, there would be a day when one would be old.

The Jiang Clan's second generation of three brothers were extremely ambitious, but they didn't have much skill with real means. Once Old Lady Jiang showed any signs of fatigue, the others would swarm over like sharks smelling the smell of blood.

Lin Jing thought to himself, if the Jiang family were to fall, what should he do next, and what would Jiang Qianxue do next?

Although Lin Jing had the confidence to let Jiang Qianxue live her best life without the Jiang family, she was still a member of the Jiang family. The impact this matter would have on her wouldn't be small.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Jing tossed this terrifying thought to the back of his mind. The Jiang family couldn't be ruined. If he really did that, Jiang Qianxue would hate him for her entire life.

Apart from this method, the only other option left for Lin Jing was to help Jiang Yun become the head of the Jiang family. However, this fellow was constantly wavering and was about to complete the mission, but the result was still unclear.

"Forget it, let's just do it first. If Jiang Yuncai is still unrepentant by then, then we'll think of something else!" Lin Jing whispered to himself as he came to a decision in his heart.

The first thing he did was to raise Jiang Yuncai's prestige to the same level as Jiang Yunmao. However, he had to ask Elder Dong for help in order to do so. Although Lin Jing already had his precious Lin Zhai, his reputation wasn't big enough.

The next day, Lin Jing got out of bed and went straight to Baolingzhai to find Feng Yuqing. He said, "Shopkeeper Feng, how much stock do we have?"

"Excluding those who have made their move for the past few days, there were 72 pieces of blue and white porcelain inside the shop. In addition, I got two pretty good items yesterday, plus some miscellaneous items, there should be around 80 pieces. Boss, what are your plans?" Feng Yuqing replied.

"Contact the board of directors, take out half of the blue and white porcelain, and ask them to make us a special auction for the treasured temple's blue and white flowers." Lin Jing said decisively. If he wanted to raise Jiang Yuncai's status, the quickest way was to let Baolin's reputation rise first.

When the time came, with Baolin supporting Jiang Yuncai and the Dong Clan Auction House supporting him from behind, it would be impossible for him to not remember.

"Sure, but boss, let's go by the auction house and invite them to make a special show for us. This price is a bit expensive, have you thought about it yet?"

It's not a problem how much money we spend. We just need to get our brand out of here. We've spent it now, so we can earn it back in the future." Lin Jing narrowed his eyes. Inviting an auction house to make a special auction indeed required a large amount of commission. After this was done, they would even get a commission on the basis of the transaction price.

Over thirty pieces of blue and white porcelain had a total price of over several hundred million, so the Dong Fang Auction House would have to withdraw over a hundred million. Over thirty pieces of blue and white porcelain had a total price of over several hundred million, so the Dong Auction House would have to withdraw over a hundred million.

Since Lin Jing had already made his decision, as a worker, Feng Yuqing naturally didn't have anything to say. She immediately contacted the Dong Auction House in the name of the Precious Forest Auction House.

According to the rules of the city, as long as any shop could afford it, they could ask the auction house to make a special auction for them. Of course, Dong Shi was not the only one in the city, but the one with the most influence was definitely it.

After a short while, Feng Yuqing contacted Lin Jing and said, "Boss, the Dong Clan has accepted our order. They have offered us fifty million, and the total deal price is twenty percent."

"Sure. Tell them that I want to set up this auction as soon as possible, preferably within this week." Lin Jing nodded and said.

"Boss, one week is a bit rushed. Since we have specially asked the auction house to help us sign our brands, it would be best to give them enough time to use all the available channels. Only then can we maximize the impact." Feng Yuqing said to Lin Jing after thinking for a moment.

"No need. The most important thing is that it will be soon. The Dong Clan Auction House is so big, even if we don't have enough time to advertise it, the impact will still be great for us." Lin Jing decisively said. If he wanted to let the auction house complete the procedures, it would take at least half a month. But Jiang Yun had left him only a week, time was not allowed.

"Alright, then I'll tell them." Feng Yuqing could tell that Lin Jing was in a hurry to deal with some important matter, so he didn't say anything more.

The news of Baolin holding a special auction of blue and white porcelain at the Dong Clan Auction House was quickly spread out. In less than half a day's time, the entire entertainment city knew. Everyone was speculating on the identity of this mysterious boss of the Precious Tree Sect.

After Lin Jing and Feng Yuqing finished their discussion, they returned to the Treasure House. Jiang Yun had just arrived at the store. When he heard about the news, he immediately looked for Lin Jing and asked him, "What's the situation over at the temple? Go ask that Mister Lin if he has any plans."

"No need. This morning, Mr. Lin sent me a message saying that he wanted to improve the reputation of the Precious Forest Academy, which was why he held a special blue and white porcelain auction at the board of directors. He also wanted me to ask you if you had anything you wanted to take." Lin Jing said indifferently.

Upon hearing Lin Jing's words, Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed as he stared at him and asked, "Mister Lin has already told you. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"I just received the news too. Didn't I already tell you that?" Lin Jing's expression was calm as he spoke to Jiang Yuncai.

"It's such a big matter, why didn't Mr. Lin contact me and tell you?" Jiang Yuncai looked at Lin Jing with suspicion.

Hehe, Father-in-law, I thought that I had made it quite clear to you previously, but it seems that you do not understand. Now let me explain once more, the cooperation between Lin Lin and the Treasure House was facilitated by me, and the agreement was also signed by me.

Lin Jing chuckled as he looked at Jiang Yuncai with an indifferent gaze.

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