"It's fine, Mr. Lin is very generous, and he is also very rich. He wouldn't care about a few million. Besides, I am in the Precious Forest Hall right now, so I will find a chance to return it to him in the future. " Lin Jing said with a confident smile.

"I say, you really are. If you have such a good opportunity, you should grasp it well and obediently study in Baolin Temple. Don't be so unorthodox all day. This time, Mr. Lin helped him, but he will not ask for his help in the future. "But one can't, two can't, three can't. No matter how good a person is, money doesn't come from wind!"

When Jiang Qianxue saw Lin Jing's smiling expression, she glared at him and sincerely said those words like an old lady.

"Alright, alright, I got it. Thank you for your concern, Beauty Jiang!" "Rest assured, I will definitely redouble my efforts in Paulinus!" Lin Jing said with a smile.

"It's good that you know this. Let me tell you, if you encounter any trouble, don't hold it in by yourself. Do you have to tell me?" Jiang Qianxue looked at Lin Jing with concern.

"Yes, if I meet with big trouble and owe others a lot of money, I will be the first to look for you. "Hehe, after all, you're the only one I know who's rich." Lin Jing chuckled and said half-jokingly.

"Tsk, you don't have any proper form. I'm ignoring you." Jiang Qianxue said unhappily when she heard this.

"Oh yeah, where did you go yesterday? I don't think you went back to the store. Uncle didn't say anything, right?" Lin Jing's heart stirred as he asked.

"I'm going to register!" Didn't you say that I can do whatever I want to do according to my own thoughts? At the same time, there is a painting appraisal training program at the Arts City. Furthermore, there is a chance for me to recommend it to the History Department of the Imperial Capital. Jiang Qianxue replied with a smile.

"Capital University? That was the world's top academy, and their department of history was also very famous! If she can really go, then great beauty Jiang will be a historian in the future! " Lin Jing was overjoyed upon hearing this, sincerely happy.

Jiang Qianxue didn't have much confidence on her face. She said somewhat gloomily, "How can it be that easy? I saw it when I went to register yesterday. Amongst the people who signed up, many of them are very powerful people. They only have one spot. My chances are the smallest."

When Lin Jing heard this, he immediately encouraged her, saying, "That won't happen. I believe with your ability, you will definitely be able to do it." "Besides, our great beauty Jiang is extremely talented and diligent in her studies. Other people definitely can't compare to you."

The two chatted in the café for a while longer before Jiang Qianxue's phone rang. Jiang Yun had something to ask her to return to the shop, so they split up. After leaving the Green Wood Cafe, Lin Jing also returned to the Precious Forest Temple. However, in order to avoid being seen together with them, he didn't sit in Jiang Qianxue's car.

When they arrived at the store, Feng Yuqing was busy counting the items in the store. Lin Jing stepped forward and asked, "Manager Feng, where did you put the < Bluesnow Painting >?"

"In the warehouse. If you don't come back, it's not good for me to move." Feng Yuqing replied.

"Alright, I'll go take a look first. I'll be troubling you to take care of this side." Lin Jing nodded his head before turning around to head toward the storage room at the back.

Upon entering, he saw the scroll that was placed on top of the bookshelf. Lin Jing took it off and opened it to take a look. The sealing measures inside were done very well, and the painting scroll was even protected accordingly. As expected, the items taken out from the Dong Clan Auction House were different.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Jing thought to himself, "I've managed to capture the painting now, but giving it to Qianxue is still a bit troublesome. As soon as the auction ended, the situation at the auction venue would probably spread out. When that time came, everyone in the Arts and Entertainment City would know that it was Mr. Lin who had bid for the《 Icy Painting of Shi Lan》. If I were to give it to Qianxue now, Jiang Yuncai and the others would definitely have a lot of ideas. "

"Qianxue finally made the decision to pursue her own dream with great difficulty. She absolutely cannot bear too much pressure at this time. "Mm, we should put this painting in the store for a period of time. It just so happens that Qianxue's class will take two months as well. When the lesson is over and she gets the chance to go to the Capital University, then we can give it to her as a gift."

Having made up his mind, Lin Jing relaxed and went outside to call the assistant in. He asked him to deal with the painting and then hung it up.

Most of them were blue and white porcelain, and even though they were all precious items, they looked rather monotonous.

Although Feng Yuqing had collected some other things these days, he still lacked a bit of culture in general. After hanging up the《 Shi Lan Ao Xue Diagram》, the atmosphere in the restaurant immediately became a lot better. At least, it no longer looked like a porcelain seller.

After a day of silence, Lin Jing arrived at the store early the next morning. In the past, when he was still at the Jiang Clan, he was the first one to arrive at the store, followed by Jiang Qianxue. As for Jiang Yuncai and Liu Fen, they usually did not come in the morning. Even if they did, it would still be very late.

Lin Jing's face was filled with anticipation as he thought that Jiang Qianxue knew that the "Iceland Snow Diagram" was over here and might even take the opportunity to sneak in and take a look. He could only see her once more after this. However, Jiang Qianxue didn't come until ten in the morning. Although he was a bit disappointed, he didn't show it too clearly.

It was almost noon, and there were no customers in the restaurant. The morning was rather boring.

However, this was the way it was for a stationery store. It was impossible for customers to come here at any time, but once they arrived and completed the business, the benefits were considerable. As the saying goes, "three years to open, three years to eat", engaged in the literary industry, have always had extraordinary patience.

At this time, Lin Jing was taking advantage of his free time to hone his appreciation abilities. If you have any questions, you can ask Feng Yuqing directly.

Just as he was conversing with Feng Yuqing, two people suddenly walked in from the door.

"May I ask if Boss Lin is in?" The old man was the first to speak with a friendly smile on his face.

Lin Jing thought for a moment. He calmly smiled and said, "I'm really sorry. The boss is not in the shop right now. If there's anything you need, you can leave a message for him. When he returns, we'll definitely inform him!"

"Not here?" When the youth heard Lin Jing's words, his eyes narrowed and his expression darkened. With a slightly impatient tone, he said, "He just finished participating in the auction yesterday. He's not in the shop today, where can he go?"

Seeing this person's reaction, Lin Jing was even more convinced in his heart that these two definitely weren't here to greet him. With a smile, he continued, "Our boss's whereabouts have always been uncertain. As a shop assistant, it's not a good idea to ask. If you're really interested, I suggest you leave a message. "

"What's your name?" The young man's eyes flashed. He swept a few glances at Lin Jing before coldly asking.

"My name is Lin Jing, I'm a new employee of this shop." Lin Jing said with a smile. He wasn't afraid that these two people would suspect his name.

"Lin Jing?" "Since you're a shop assistant, you should know something about your boss, right?" The young man looked at him and asked.

"I have heard of it, but I don't know much about it. Which aspect do you two want to ask about?" Lin Jing's expression was calm as he spoke. His face didn't have much emotion on it, making one feel as if a lion was biting a hedgehog. There was no way to bite him.

The old man calmly sized Lin Jing up. His experience in judging others was much more experienced than that of a young man. With just a few words, he had already discovered that this shop assistant was extraordinary.

The young man on the other side did not notice this and continued to treat him as an ordinary shop assistant. If it was any other time, he wouldn't even spare a glance for a servant like him.

"You can just say whatever you want. Don't worry, as long as what you say is useful, I won't treat you unfairly!" The young man commanded. For someone like him, giving a mere clerk a chance like this could already be considered a gift.

Lin Jing maintained his smile from beginning to end. With a respectful expression, he said, "Thank you, Sir. The only thing I know about Mister Lin is that he is the boss. I don't know anything else."

"I advise you to think carefully before answering my question. My patience is very limited!" Hearing this, the youth's eyes suddenly narrowed as he coldly said.

"I am truly sorry. Other than the shopkeeper, no one else has ever seen Mister Lin. Normally, we would have to follow the manager's instructions. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. " Lin Qing said with an expression that was neither servile nor overbearing.

"Then where is your storekeeper?" When the youth heard this, he seemed to lose all patience and revealed an extremely arrogant expression.

"The shopkeeper is at the back. If the two of you want to see him, please wait for a moment. I'll go and invite him over." As Lin Jing spoke, he slightly bowed.

"Go." The young man waved his hand and dismissed Lin Jing.

After another bow, Lin Jing turned around and walked inside. He found Feng Yuqing and said, "Yesterday, someone from the Dong Clan Auction House's private room six came looking for me."

Feng Yuqing immediately understood Lin Jing's meaning. With a calm expression, he said, "Okay, I know what to do now."

With Feng Yuqing personally taking action, Lin Jing felt much more at ease. He wasn't worried about that young man. Although he looked very domineering, he didn't have enough vision and experience. On the other hand, the old man with the blurry eyes gave him a lot of pressure.

Feng Yuqing's ability to handle matters was unquestionable, but Lin Jing wasn't leaving it up to him. After Feng Yuqing went out to meet the two men, he also went out and hid behind the screen in the middle to listen in on the three men's conversation.

"You are Manager Feng?" The youth had an arrogant expression on his face as he sat carelessly on a chair. He glanced at Feng Yuqing and asked.

"Feng Yuqing. I haven't asked for your names yet, but the shop assistant said that you are looking for Mr. Lin? " Feng Yuqing's expression was calm, and his tone was neither hurried nor slow.

"That's right, where is he?" The youth looked at Feng Yuqing with an arrogant expression.

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