Laughing softly, Feng Yuqing calmly replied, "I'm sorry, but you've come at the wrong time. Mister Lin just left East China Sea and went somewhere else. If you two have anything to discuss with him, you can tell me and I will pass on it to both of you. "

The young man's eyes narrowed. Ever since he was young, everything he did had been smooth sailing, and no one had ever dared to cause him any trouble. However, on this trip to the East China Sea, he first encountered that stubborn old fogey, Dong Qianxing, but unfortunately, he didn't have any other ideas on how to deal with him.

Now, this little store owner actually dared to speak to him in such a manner. He felt a chill in his heart. Just as he was about to get angry, the old man pulled him back and signaled him with his eyes.

When the youth saw this, he suppressed the anger in his heart and didn't say anything.

The old man had a kind smile on his face as he said to Feng Yuqing, "Shopkeeper Feng, please do not think too much about it. We have only come to request a meeting with Mister Lin. Recently, mister has been quite famous in Eastsea City and I was just curious about it, so I didn't have any other thoughts. "

"Old mister is too serious. My boss is a very hospitable person. He has always been very happy to have guests. But he's always busy, and it's hard for us to see him. He really is out of the shop most of the time, and I'm really sorry. "

Feng Yuqing's face was also full of smiles, and he said while crawling, "You two are from the north, right? Recently, I heard that quite a few things have happened over there. I wonder if it's true? "

"Hehe, Young Master and I have been out for quite some time and we rarely contact each other from inside the house, so I don't know what Mr Feng is talking about." The old man chuckled and covered up the question without batting an eyelid.

"It's just hearsay, it might not be true. However, no matter how hard or sturdy the foundation was, there would always be risks involved in this whirlpool. For the two of you to be able to stay away from the center of the storm is a good thing. " Feng Yuqing did not pursue the matter any further, and instead pointed it to a stop.

At this point, both sides understood that it was impossible to get anything out of the other's mouth, so they tacitly exchanged a few pleasantries, one old and one young, before leaving.

After they left, Lin Jing walked out from behind the screen.

Narrowing his eyes as he looked towards the door, Lin Jing asked in a low voice, "Shopkeeper Feng, what do you think is the purpose of these two people who came specially today?"

"I don't know, they didn't reveal anything, so it's not easy for us to guess." Feng Yuqing's expression was somewhat serious as he shook his head.

"They are truly two strange fellows. Could it be that they are really just curious about me and have specially come to take a look?" Lin Jing furrowed his brows as he murmured in a low voice.

"This is definitely not the case. The background of these two individuals were extraordinary. That youth should be the descendant of some large family in the Imperial Capital. As for that old man, he should be the housekeeper that followed them. To have this sort of bearing, you definitely wouldn't do something just because you're curious. "

A light flashed in Feng Yuqing's eyes, and he said with incomparable confidence, "Mister Lin, I think that these two's goal is definitely not simple. It's best to be careful."

Lin Jing nodded. He also felt that the two of them were not friendly and replied seriously, "Mn, but no matter what their motive is, we shouldn't let them cause such a ruckus in such a small place. In short, if they come back, they should also do the same. "

Inside the shop, Feng Yuqing and Lin Jing were discussing amongst themselves. After the old and young left, they too began to speak.

The youth gloomily said, "Uncle Yu, it's just a small entertainment shop. In the capital, there are at least 800 of such a place. Why did you stop me just now?"

Uncle Yu's expression was calm as he said: "Young master, the people in Baolin's House are definitely not simple, and they are not as easy to deal with as they seem on the surface. That Manager Feng spoke with perfect integrity. I think that if anyone else was in front of him, they would not be able to think of any words to say. As for the young shop assistant, his mind was deep and his thoughts were deeper than others. For a small store like this to have two experts like that, it's definitely not normal! "

"Then what you're saying is that the boss behind BaoLin Zhai is very likely to be the seller of the [Flowing Water Hibiscus Diagram]?" Ni Fei coldly asked.

"There is no evidence, and it cannot be fully ascertained. However, based on Dong Qianxing's attitude and the results of today's field contacts, if that person is still in Eastsea City, then the most likely person is Boss Baolin! " Uncle Yu's face darkened, his tone was firm.

"Since that's the case, there's no need to hide it from them. Next time, just bring your people over. "How could such a small shop be able to do such a thing?" Ni Fei's expression revealed a vicious expression.

Yu Bo frowned and sighed in his heart.

Although he had been out with Ni Fei for more than two years, walking through many places and meeting many people, Ni Fei did not seem to have made much progress until now. He only appeared to have matured a little.

Thinking of the mission that the lord gave to him before he left, Uncle Yu tried his best to give Ni Fei a more effective suggestion, "Young master, I think this matter should not be rushed. As long as they are still in Eastsea City, we have plenty of opportunities. "

"You mean you want us to wait? Hmph, there is nothing in this world that can stop me. How can a mere stationery store be worthy of mentioning? " Ni Fei arrogantly said.

"Young master, how about this? Let's send our men to Baolin tonight to test the waters." If we can confirm their relationship with the sea, then we can act immediately. " Yu Bo thought for a moment before speaking to Ni Fei.

"Alright, I agree. You just have to arrange things properly." Ni Fei disdainfully glanced at Uncle Yu and treated it as staying in this store for a few more days.

Late at night, Lin Jing was lying down in the courtyard behind the store. He was slowly rocking his deck chair as he gazed at the incomparably deep night sky above his head. There were no stars tonight, only a moon as big as a washbasin shining down with a clear and cold light.

In his hand was a copy of the 'Pure Porcelain Record'. Lin Jing was earnestly studying related knowledge. Before, he hadn't felt much about it, but now, he realized that he really didn't know much about the art of entertainment. Most of the time, he had to guess, but there would always be times where he couldn't guess.

It was easier to determine whether a person was skilled or not than any other profession, and the price they had to pay in order to do so was often painful.

In other industries, once you've taken an eye off something, even if the investment failed, you could at least recoup some of your capital. However, in the literary business, if one was mistaken, they would lose everything. The things they brought back were basically worthless. Of course, even if they were fake, they could still be sold. After all, not many people were truly knowledgeable, and the market itself was filled with truth and falsehood.

In fact, more than 80% of the items in the city were fakes, and they circulated quite well on the surface. Most of the truly good items would appear in the auction houses, and they were relatively rare in the market.

Therefore, a fake and a hidden real one could be considered a potential rule in the industry. However, Lin Jing felt that since he was doing business in this line of business, he had to be honest and honest. A fake was a fake and he definitely wouldn't sell it from his shop.

In order to guarantee this, he would have to put in more effort and pay a great price. After all, not everyone had this kind of mentality. It was impossible for him to run a store without taking anything, all thanks to the things that Hui Bo had sent him from the sea.

As Lin Jing was reading a book, a figure walked in from outside.

When they got closer, Zhang San's unapproachable face was revealed.

Zhang San stared at Lin Jing with his deep, round eyes. He smiled and said, "Oh, boss, you look so elegant today. How about reading a book under the moon?"

When Lin Jing heard this, he looked somewhat embarrassed. He smiled and said, "There's no other way. I don't have enough skill. I should at least watch and see what happens if I die."

"Hey, I have to say, you are the boss, not a partner. It doesn't matter if you understand or not. "Besides, Manager Feng is here, so what can escape his notice. You don't need to waste time on this." Zhang San said casually.

It won't be a bad thing to see and learn more. I don't have anything better to do now." After two days of contact, Lin Jing discovered that although Zhang San had a strange appearance, he had a very good personality and a very calm demeanor. He was not a petty person.

"Alright, just watch. I'll go out and close the door first. That guy Zuo Quanan, it's his turn to be late again. He has to wait every time!" Zhang San muttered under his breath and walked outside.

It was Zuo Quanan's shift tonight. This could be considered as the first time that Lin Jing had spent the night with him in the shop.

Originally, Lin Jing wanted to find a place to stay, but he couldn't find one in a hurry. Secondly, he wanted to spend some more money anyways. He might as well stay in the shop.

Originally, there were only a few empty rooms in the backyard. When Lin Jing had asked the refurbishment company to renovate the rooms, he had thought that there was no need to have so many storerooms. Thus, they had been converted into rooms. Now he could use it. Usually, when Zhang San and co. were on the night shift, they would also be resting here.

After a while, Zhang San and Zuo Quanan walked in. The two of them greeted Lin Jing and gave him a report. In the past, when he wasn't around, this step was naturally taken. Now that he was here, he should at least show some respect to his boss.

Looking at the time, Lin Jing also felt that it was about time. He got up from the recliner and was about to walk inside when Zhang San, who was standing beside him, suddenly shivered and whispered, "Boss, it seems like we have a guest today!"

Upon hearing these words, Lin Jing's expression darkened. "Is it a thief, or someone else?"

"I don't know yet, but from the sound of it, it's not an ordinary thief. Let's go out and take a look, you should be more careful inside." Zhang San reminded them.

After that, he and Zuo Quanan looked at each other and walked forward together.

Lin Jing looked at the two's backs and his heart sank. He thought to himself, "BaoLin had been away for such a long time and there haven't been any problems. Why would someone come today?"

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