The two of them went inside and the waiter greeted them with a smile. "Greetings to the two of you. Do you have a reservation?"

"No, are there any more rooms?" Lin Jing said with an expressionless face. He seemed to have an unfathomable depth to him, but he was actually a bit panicked in his heart. After all, this was the first time he had come to such a large and crowded place.

Although he had been to the Yun Xiu Workshop, which was at a higher level, it was private and quiet. The staff there were very professional and didn't give people any feeling of discomfort. However, since he had already come in, Lin Jing had to keep his face straight for now.

The waiter was really frightened by Lin Jing's appearance. He respectfully said, "Sir, please come with me. The VIP rooms on the second floor are full. I can only invite you to take a seat in my private room. My apologies."

"Let's take the elegant residence then. Lead the way." Lin Jing waved his hand and said.

The attendant smiled as he led the way.

The two of them followed, and Du Xiaolan mocked in a low voice, "Country bumpkin, have you never had a big meal before? Look at you, you're trembling, aren't you? Being able to hold on till now is already a form of grievance to you! "

Lin Jing's heart sank. He turned his head and fiercely glared at her. "If you keep spouting nonsense, then just give the money and eat it yourself. I'm going back!"

"Don't threaten me, I left a call for Jiang Qianxue today. If you dare to run, I'll call her and tell her that you left me here!" In any case, with her maternal personality, she would definitely come to save me. "Hehe, I don't know what she'll think of you then!" Du Xiaolan's tone was sinister.

"You … "Fine, I'll treat it as you being ruthless. Eat it!" Lin Jing's face immediately flushed red. It was a pity that Du Xiaolan had managed to seize his lifeline. He was extremely aggrieved in his heart.

As they spoke, the attendant in front brought them to the front of the elegant residence on the second floor.

"Please come in, I'll go get the menu for you." The waiter opened the door with a respectful expression.

"No need, we want the roast duck. You have the best one here, give it a try." Lin Jing waved his hand and said directly.

"Sure, please wait a moment." "Yes," the waiter said, and withdrew.

After entering the room and sitting down, Lin Jing looked left and right before realizing that there were several ancient looking screens all around him. At the back of the screens, there were other guests.

The so-called elegant residence was to separate the main hall on the second floor into separate rooms in this way.

Although it wasn't as private as the private room, it was still pretty good. At least Lin Jing was satisfied. Du Xiaolan, on the other hand, looked disgusted, but she didn't say anything. She accepted the environment tacitly as her main focus was her food.

A short while later, the waiter brought the roast duck up and introduced it with a smile, "Here are the two of you braised peach, charcoal, and roast duck. The duck weighs two and a half taels of silver and will grow for a year and a half.

As he said that, the waiter opened the lid, and a faint fragrance wafted onto his face.

Taking a look at the roast duck, he saw that its color was bright, the meat was tender and juicy, causing one's appetite to rise. Lin Jing was about to attack, but Du Xiaolan frowned and snorted.

"You said this is a stew for peach charcoal, right? Have you ever heard of a pot full of braised duck and pig? The roast duck that comes out of the furnace has crispy skin and tender meat, full of fresh juice, and a shiny luster.

Destroyed his reputation?

This was the first thought that popped into the waiter's mind when she heard Du Xiaolan's words. However, when she thought about it carefully, what she said made a lot of sense.

"I wonder, what should I do according to the lady's wishes?"

"What do you want me to do? I'm not a cook. Ask your roast duck master! Also, go and explain it to him, don't blindly use materials as substitutes, just use whatever you want to roast duck with. Since caramel is here, just treat me as an idiot, right? " Du Xiaolan said snappily.

The waiter looked at her twice more, then picked up the roast duck on the table and said, "I'm sorry, I'll get the kitchen to make another one for you!"

After the waiter had left, Lin Jing turned to look at Du Xiaolan. "Hey, you're almost done. Don't make trouble on purpose!" This place is not mine, so don't throw it out for me later! "

"I want to see who dares!" Du Xiaolan said confidently.

"I don't dare to. Speaking of which, could it be that you're a cook at home? Where are you from and what is your real name? "Look, I did save you before. Besides, you're living with me now, so let's not talk about other things. Honesty should still exist, right?" Lin Jing turned to the main topic at hand.

"My name is Du Xiaolan, who lied to you? If you don't change your name, you will never change it. How dare you spout nonsense about something left behind by the old ancestor? " When Du Xiaolan heard Lin Jing's words, she decided to return the favor.

Lin Jing looked at her, a smile on his face. "Yes, yes, yes, what I said was wrong. I apologize to you. Can you tell me what you're doing? What are you planning to do by coming to Baolin?" Rest assured, no matter what you say to me, I guarantee that I won't change anything that I've promised you.

"Are you stupid? If I really had taken a fancy to you, how could I tell you? Even if I told you, would you believe me? How could this person be so naive! " Du Xiaolan said in a bad mood as she looked outside. Suddenly, her eyes flashed and she hid under the table without any hesitation.

After a moment of shock, Lin Jing subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?" "Why did you suddenly crawl into the table …"

In the middle of his sentence, Lin Jing suddenly reacted. He looked towards the direction Du Xiaolan was looking and saw three people walking up the stairs under the influence of the stars and moon. They were frowning slightly.

He had met two of the three people before, Ni Fei and Yu Qing, as well as an old lady with a dignified demeanor.

Du Xiaolan was a tyrannical and powerful person. She was frightened by these three people. She would never believe that they had nothing to do with each other.

His heart slightly jerked, and the corners of his mouth curled into a slight smile.

"Alright, come out. He's already gone up. I don't see you!" Lin Jing knocked on the table.

"He left? "Oh my god, luckily I was smart enough to dodge it!" Du Xiaolan popped her head out from under the table, patting her chest with an expression like she had just survived a disaster.

"You seem to be very afraid of those three people. Do you know them?" Don't tell me that they were hiding because they owed money to others? " Lin Jing narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Who owes money? This aunt has plenty of money, alright! " Du Xiaolan said snappily.

"So it's like that. Hmm, let me think. "It looks like you're friends with those three just now. Coincidentally, I also want to find someone you know so that I can send you back. How about …" As Lin Jing spoke, he stood up and headed upstairs.

Seeing this, Du Xiaolan became anxious. She pulled him back and threatened, "If you dare to go, I'll tell Jiang Qianxue that you're bullying me!"

"How did I bully you? "Aiya, it's fine. If you want to say it, then say it. Qianxue knows about my character anyways, she will definitely believe me!" Lin Jing said with an indifferent expression.

"You, if you dare to go, I'll tell Jiang Qianxue that you slept with me last night!" When Du Xiaolan saw that Lin Jing wasn't afraid at all, she became anxious and even used her most powerful move!

When Lin Jing heard this, he revealed an expression of disbelief. "Stop! When did I ever do such a thing? I'm spitting blood!"

"I don't care. You're in my bed. "My mom said to let a man get into his own bed, that would count as sleeping!" Du Xiaolan raised her head and said.

Lin Jing naturally wouldn't admit to such unreasonable words. He was about to retort when a cold voice of an old woman came from behind him. "Who did you get into your bed?" Is it him? "

After a moment of shock, Lin Jing turned his head and saw the old woman who had clearly gone upstairs earlier standing bafflingly behind him. Beside her were Ni Fei and Yu Qing.

His heart turned cold, and he had a nagging feeling that something extraordinary was going to happen.

Du Xiaolan, who was still in a rage, just sat there without saying a word.

Lin Jing shot a glance at Ni Fei, who was also an extremely arrogant person. His eyes held the top of his head high, as if he didn't place anyone in his eyes. At this moment, he was looking at the old lady with reverence.

Lin Qing's heart sank. Just what kind of person was Du Xiaolan?

The old woman narrowed her eyes, her voice cold to the extreme as she asked again, "Let me ask you, who got onto your bed, is it him?"

"Nanny Lan, it's not what you think, it's …" Du Xiaolan was like a child caught red-handed as she spoke timidly.

Lin Jing's heart stirred as he quickly explained, "Old …" "Nanny Lan, things aren't as you think. Miss Du just opened one …"

"Come back with me. Explain this matter to the old master yourself!" Nanny Lan didn't pay any attention to Lin Jing as she looked at Du Xiaolan.

"I'm not going back!" Du Xiaolan raised her head and said as she struggled. Then, her eyes fell on Lin Qing.

In that instant, an ominous premonition rose in Lin Jing's heart. Sure enough, he heard her say, "I'm already with him. Right now, I'm …." What's your name? Right, I am now a member of Old Lin's family, so I have to follow him! "

The air began to freeze and the temperature began to drop rapidly. In that instant, besides him, the expressions of the other four people present were all different, as if they were in a play.

Ni Fei's face carried an incredulous and indescribably pleasant expression. His gaze towards Lin Jing was filled with reverence and admiration, as if there was no one in this world more worthy of respect than him.

The expression on Yu Qing's face was even more complex. Lin Jing could only distinguish between shock, anger and scrutiny.

Why a review?

There was no time for Lin Jing to ponder over the answer to this question because the other was even more direct. His gaze fell on Lin Jing with a biting cold killing intent that would only appear in martial arts novels.

Lin Jing swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He was very clear in his heart that Nanny Lan was not joking. She would really kill him.

What should he do?

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