He had never encountered such a situation, nor had he ever met such a person, leaving him at a loss for what to do.

"Name, age, family history, personal history, speak!" Nanny Lan's words were simple and cold; her eyes showed that she was struggling and hesitating.

Without any hesitation, Lin Jing knew that if he didn't immediately answer Nanny Lan's question and was unable to satisfy her, then those struggles would disappear.

"Lin Jing, 25, an orphan. He recently divorced from the third young mistress of the Jiang family after graduating from university in a car accident. He is currently working in Baolin Temple." If he could have given Lin Jing more time, then moved to another place, he might have given a better answer.

"You were married?" Nanny Lan's eyes narrowed, the light that shot out from her eyes was like two extremely sharp knives.

With a 'gulp', Lin Jing gulped down a large mouthful of saliva. In that instant, he felt a chill down his spine. He honestly nodded and said, "Yes, I was married before. "Um, Nanny Lan, please listen to my explanation. It's not like Miss Du said, I and her …"

"Very well, I will inform your ladyship about this. Don't run around for the next few days, I'll come back to find you! Of course, if you want to escape, you can try and see if you can. " Nanny Lan suddenly changed her tone, her gaze landing on Du Xiaolan. "Go back!"

Du Xiaolan straightened her neck with a stubborn expression on her face, trying to fight back. "I'm not going back, I want to follow …"

"Hmm?" Nanny Lan's expression suddenly turned cold, her narrowed eyes brimming with an irresistible dignity. She didn't say much, but walked straight to Du Xiaolan and grabbed her hand before walking outside.

Du Xiaolan turned around with a pitiful expression on her face, begging for mercy.

At this time, Lin Jing obviously wouldn't respond to her. He couldn't wait for Nanny Lan to quickly take this evil woman away and stop her from trying to harm him.

When Granny Lan pulled Du Xiaolan away, Lin Jing felt his calves flagging and he lost his balance. He sat down on a nearby chair, and his heart began to thump in his chest. It felt like he was about to fly out of his chest.

"Bro, what a hero!" I, Ni Fei, respect you for being a hero! " Ni Fei had finally found an opportunity. He gave Lin Jing a thumbs up and said with an admiring expression.

However, the meaning in his eyes, no matter how he looked at it, seemed to be gloating, yet also carrying a strong sense of excitement.

Why was Ni Fei so happy? Why was he so happy?

Lin Jing's eyes widened in disbelief as he exclaimed, "Don't tell me Du Xiaolan was actually yours!"

"Haha, amazing. You are indeed worthy of being the hero that I have my eyes on. You hit it with a single guess!" Speaking of rules and regulations, that crazy Du Xiaolan should be my fiancée! But now, thanks old bro, we're free! "Haha!" When Ni Fei heard this, he did not try to conceal it in the slightest and directly laughed arrogantly.

"Young Master, please pay attention." When Yu Qing, whose expression was constantly changing, saw that Ni Fei was so excited, his face darkened. He then shifted his gaze to Lin Jing and said, "Mister Lin, I'm sorry. I've let you down. We still have some matters to attend to. We'll chat next time!"

Lin Jing was stunned for a moment. He was still in a state of shock.

Before Ni Fei left, he smiled at him and said, "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that, with the exception of Du Xiaolan, their entire family is crazy. You'll know when you marry into the Du Family!"

Lin Jing's eyes darkened. Ni Fei's attitude toward Nanny Lan and even his degree of happiness made him truly feel that he was going to face a calamity in the future.

Just think about it, even someone like Ni Fei, who had a high head and looked down on everything, would be so afraid of this matter. After getting rid of it, he would be so excited. What kind of existence would Du Xiaolan and the Du Family be?

What was certain was that with his current abilities, it was impossible for him to fight against such a clan. At that time, he would only be at the mercy of others.

He returned to the Precious Woods House dejectedly. Feng Yuqing looked at Lin Jing. From the time he had returned until now, he hadn't said a single word. Although he could tell that something had happened, he didn't know what had happened.

"Boss, you've been sitting here for two hours already. Are we still going to the Flying Heaven Tower today?"

"I'm not going. I'm a bit tired. I want to rest for a bit. Let's talk about this in two days." Lin Jing sighed as he stood up and walked towards the inner courtyard.

Feng Yuqing's eyes flashed as he called over a shop assistant and asked, "While I was gone, what happened in the store?"

On the second day, Lin Jing was still in a daze. His brain felt like it was a paste, and he didn't know what to think or do.

It was only when Feng Yuqing informed him that someone from the Dong Clan Auction House had arrived that he regained his spirits and left the room.

Given that he knew nothing about the Du Clan at the moment, rather than indulging in his own thoughts, it was better for him to do what he should do. After spending so much on the auction, it all depended on whether Baolin would be able to amaze the world today.

The shop assistants were busy taking out the blue and white porcelain they had prepared for the auction. Feng Yuqing was in the middle of making a final confirmation with the appraiser of the auction house.

When Lin Jing walked out, the gazes of the crowd all landed on him. Naturally, the people of Baolin knew that something had happened to him yesterday. They were very curious, but no one dared to ask.

"How is it? Is there any problem?" Lin Jing glanced at the blue and white porcelain brought out by the waiters and asked Feng Yuqing.

"No problem, I've already confirmed it a few times before, today I'm just going to count them." As Feng Yuqing spoke, he introduced the person standing next to him to Lin Jing. "This is the Auction House's Appraiser Kong. Thanks to his help, we were able to complete the appraisal work quickly."

Lin Jing smiled as he extended his hand. "I'll have to trouble you, Mister Kong. If you have any problems with the item, you can tell it to me or Shopkeeper Feng at any time."

"Oh, Mr. Lin is too polite. I'm just doing my job." Apothecary Kong was initially unsure of Lin Jing's identity. However, as the Dong Clan Auction House had specially sent someone to contact the Precious Forest Academy, they more or less knew a few things about him.

In addition to Feng Yuqing's attitude towards Lin Jing, it was only then that he was able to confirm his thoughts. When he spoke, he wore a smile on his face, and his expression was that of familiarity.

After the handover was completed and all the blue and white porcelain was loaded onto the cars of the auction house, Lin Jing's heart was completely relieved. In the afternoon, Jiang Qianxue came again and was concerned about the auction. She also told him that the Jiang family would send someone to attend the auction.

The Jiang Clan was also participating in the auction. This was something that Lin Jing hadn't expected. Although there was a cooperation agreement between the Treasure House and the Treasure House, there was no such thing as a cooperation agreement with the entire Jiang Clan. Once the auction succeeded, it would definitely cause a sensation, and the status of the Treasure House would also skyrocket.

As the current number one family in the city, any new shops would pose a threat to them.

It was reasonable to say that Old Lady Jiang should have tried her best to avoid any activities related to the Precious Forest Academy, not to mention that this auction had clearly been set up by the Precious Forest Academy to boost her prestige. Could it be that Old Lady Jiang was planning to do some small things to sabotage the event?

After some thought, Lin Jing felt that it was impossible.

First of all, the main attraction of the auction was the Dong Clan Auction House. No matter how one looked at it, Elder Dong would never let such a thing happen. Secondly, this was an auction. If the items were sold on stage, the highest bidder would win. How could it possibly be damaged?

Was it to prove that the item taken out by Baolin was real or fake? Clearly, this was an even more impossible task!

In the end, in order to stifle a potential threat, he had to tear off the face now and push it to the opposite side. It was actually not that difficult to weigh the pros and cons. With old woman Jiang's foresight and foresight, she shouldn't have made such a decision.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Jing was still unable to come to a conclusion. He suddenly discovered that ever since he had received the news from Uncle Hui, his mind had become increasingly complicated.

Although it was good to be the owner of a shop in the Arts and Arts City and think about things more deeply, he himself would become the type of person he hated the most if he continued acting like this.

A gentleman, a vile and humble man!

Lin Jing warned himself in his heart that he couldn't let his guard down, but he didn't want to push it too far. Compared to gain and loss, maintaining the heart of a virgin was much more important.

Just as he was reflecting on himself, the phone in his pocket rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Liang Duo. His heart skipped a beat as he picked up the phone.

"Hello, Dr. Liang. Can I help you?" Lin Jing asked with a puzzled and expectant expression.

"The research and development of the transparent memory mask has reached the stage of living experiment. I would like to ask if you are interested in using the data." On the other end of the phone, Liang Duo's tone was calm, without a hint of emotion.

Liang Duo frowned slightly. Last time, he did see this product when he went to Cloudsoaring sect. However, Liang Duo said that it was still in the research stage and was completely useless. He didn't expect it to be so soon. However, from the meaning behind her words, it seemed like he was going to be a mouse.

Thinking about what happened last time, Lin Jing hesitated for a moment before asking, "Doctor Liang, what are the main contents of this experiment?" "Also, what is its main function? Is it dangerous?"

"During the first stage of the experiment, the main research was on the mask's ability to remember and deform. There was no danger. All you have to do is put it on your face and type in the code to make adjustments to the appearance, and after that, for a period of time, we can receive the data. " Liang Duo explained.

Hearing this, Lin Jing immediately understood. If he were to put it another way, then this thing would be used as a disguise in a martial arts novel. However, he had changed those complicated secret arts into a memory mask. It just so happened that he might need to appear in a public auction in the afternoon.

With the help of the mask, he no longer had to worry about exposing his identity.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing decisively said, "Okay. Do you need me to come to the company now?"

"Yes sir!"

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