"Sure, I'll be right there!" After hanging up the phone, Lin Jing said goodbye to Feng Yuqing and rushed over to Cloud Gaze Technology.

Liang Duo had been waiting for him since a long time ago. He was still sitting in the same high-tech chair that Lin Qing had deeply engraved in her mind. However, this time, there was no need to tie him up. The researcher brought the mask over. It looked exactly the same as the last time he had seen it.

When it was worn on his face, it gave off an ice-cold feeling, as if a mask had been applied to his face. As the mask was transparent, one could not see it on the surface unless one looked at it closely.

Then the researcher at the computer asked, "Mr. Lin, we will now enter a program to modify your facial appearance. We will start with 15% modification, and the steps will rise to 100%. If you feel any discomfort during this process, please bring it up immediately. "


After waiting for a while, Lin Jing felt a tingling sensation on his face, as if he had been electrocuted. However, it was very light, so he didn't say anything. Because he could not see the changes on his face, he did not know how effective it was.

After about ten minutes, the researcher turned around and said, "Mr. Lin, the operation has been completed. Do you feel unwell?"

"No, it was just the feeling of being electrocuted at the beginning. However, it was very light and basically had no effect." Lin Jing replied truthfully.

"Alright Mr. Lin, we've already finished receiving the data. What's next is to carry out a long wearing experiment to accumulate more data." The researcher's tone was calm and no emotions could be detected. He continued, "May I ask how many parts of your face you chose to change? Which parts?"

"Un, about 15%. Right, can you give me a mirror to show myself?" Lin Jing thought for a moment before replying.

"Sure." As he spoke, the researcher brought over a mirror.

With the mirror in his hand, Lin Jing was finally able to see what he looked like now. After conducting the experiment, his face modification should be 100%. Putting the mirror in front of him, he was still a little nervous.

Taking a deep breath, he looked in the mirror and saw a round baby face, a round nose and small mouth. His skin was white and very pleasing to the eye. Indeed, he didn't look like himself at all.

His heart skipped a beat, and then he heard the researcher say, "Mr. Lin, I will adjust your face a second time and change the base figure to 15%. It's the same. If you feel any obvious discomfort during this process, feel free to let me know. "

Lin Jing nodded, while looking at the changes in the mirror.

The researcher next to him operated the computer. Then, he saw a burst of blue light flash across his face like waves in the mirror. The flesh on his face quickly changed under the lightning as if it was a worm squirming.

Lin Jing's original appearance began to return bit by bit. After about a minute, all of the light had disappeared, and his appearance was now completely fixed. He had been looking at the changes in the mirror with an expression of disbelief.

The current him was completely different from a minute ago. It looked very similar to his original appearance, but the details were clearly different. In short, unless it was someone who was very familiar with him, he wouldn't be able to tell them apart unless he observed them closely.

Seeing this, Lin Jing felt quite satisfied in his heart. Going to the auction with his current appearance, it wasn't that Elder Dong and Feng Yuqing who were familiar with him couldn't recognize him, but those who weren't familiar with him also found it hard to notice anything amiss.

"Mr. Lin, you can try making facial microexpressions for us to receive data. At the same time, if there are no problems, then it can be considered a success. " The researcher said from the side.

"Alright!" Lin Qing was thinking that after wearing this transparent memory mask, even though his face had changed, his speech and facial expression would still be affected. It would be impossible to turn a face into a zombie when you were wearing something.

Thinking of this, he first made a smirk. Seeing that the appearance of the mirror was also changing, his heart was slightly moved. Following that, Lin Jing began to move again and again, with strange appearances appearing one after another.

The appearance of the mirror also fully expressed the effect he wanted. Other than some slight stiffness, there were no other problems. Now that the experiment had progressed to this stage, at least for now, this memory mask was still very successful.

With a smile on his face, Lin Jing said, "I think there should be no problem with this mask. It can be used. I'll wear it today and provide you with the data. If any new questions appear, we'll contact you later. "

Liang Duo said, "The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the reaction and change of the mask's deformation after a long period of time. Only after we have collected enough data can we improve the parts that are lacking." So if you feel there's a problem, you'd better let us know as soon as possible. "

Lin Jing nodded. "Alright, I understand." If I feel any problems during use, I will contact you immediately. "Oh right, how can we take it off if something suddenly goes wrong?"

It's very simple. Just like taking off your mask, just directly take it off. However, the memory mask had layers of images that were convenient to close to the skin. When you took them off, there might be a little bit of pain — yes, below the level of pain! "In addition, when you remove it, your face should turn red. This is normal.

He secretly memorized these words in his heart. Finally, the researcher once again made a technical confirmation that there were no hidden dangers. Only then did he leave. It was about time for the auction to begin. Lin Jing had just emerged from the clouds when he rushed straight towards the auction house.

When he arrived outside the Dong Clan Auction House, Lin Qing wanted to enter directly, but was stopped by the security guards at the entrance. They asked him to show the invitation letter.

Lin Jing was stunned for a moment before reacting. He was wearing a mask, and his appearance had changed by 15%. This was a sign that the guard at the gate hadn't recognized him. Inwardly, he was slightly happy, but he quickly explained with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm not here to participate in the auction. I'm here for the Precious Forest Academy."

"Baolin's? Wait a moment, let me confirm it! " The guard looked at him doubtfully. He had been informed that there were two people in Baolin City today. One of them was called 'Feng Yuqing', and the other was a shop assistant. He had photos of both of them.

After confirming the situation once more, the guard turned around and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, but only two people from Baolin have come to receive you today. Without you, Sir, you would have to ask someone from Baolin to come out and pick you up."

"Then can I trouble you to call for Feng Yuqing and Feng Yu Feng?" Lin Jing asked after thinking for a moment.

"I'm afraid this is not convenient. Since you are a member of Baolin Temple, you should contact him yourself." The guard said with a serious expression.

Lin Jing was about to take out his cell phone to call Feng Yuqing when a domineering voice came from behind him, "Hey, the boss of Baolin-Zhai is simply a fool. The price of the blue and white flowers is increasing by leaps and bounds, and in two months, the average price will at least double. "Hehe, it's time for us to take advantage of this. I'll take all of today's goods!"

When Lin Jing suddenly heard such arrogant words, he subconsciously turned to look at the person who spoke. It was a burly, middle-aged man with a square face. Between his brows, there was a sense of arrogance. His expression was haughty as he looked at others with a sideways glance, as if he was looking down on everyone.

Seeing that Lin Jing was staring at him, this person's eyes narrowed. He coldly said, "Stinking brat, what are you looking at?" I've never seen anyone as handsome as you, right? I'll dig your eyeballs out again for you to believe it or not! "Idiot, get lost, don't block my path to riches!"

He had only taken a glance, yet this man had insulted him with his words. He was simply vicious to the extreme. Lin Jing's expression turned cold. He thought to himself that this was the Dong Clan Auction House's territory. If they were to start a fight here, it would be very unsightly on Old Dong's side. Moreover, he was here to auction, not quarrel.

He turned to the guard and said, "Sir, I've already told them about this, but look, the auction is about to begin and they're also busy. Why don't you let me in first, and then I'll have someone personally come over to explain it to you later?"

"Sir, don't make things difficult for me! "This auction house has its rules, there is no such thing …" The guard was in a dilemma. He looked at Lin Jing and didn't know what to say.

"F * ck, there's even someone f * cking acting cocky here, did their brains get squeezed by a door?" "Trash, I told you to scram just now, did you get lost?" That person cursed again with a sarcastic tone.

Lin Jing's complexion slightly darkened. Just as he was about to turn around and speak, his companions all wore expressions of ridicule as they jeered, "Yohoho, I didn't think that even the Dong Clan Auction House would have such an incident. Who knows where they came from asking for food!"

"If I had to say, people should know their own limits. What kind of mind do they have that doesn't know? How can a poor bastard even come to an auction like this? "

"Hey hey hey, look at him. He's still a cripple!" "Haha, let's not talk about it anymore. As a disabled person, you should at least take care of him. What is he called then? Oh right, he's a man of public virtue in society!" When the last person noticed Lin Jing's leg, he immediately shouted out mockingly.

Lin Qing and these people weren't acquainted with each other, so they didn't have any relations to each other. From the start, they had ridiculed and mocked him, humiliating him to the extreme.

If it was the past, perhaps he would still be able to endure a little. However, things were different now.

With a thought, Lin Jing coldly said, "There are some flaws in my body. Perhaps it's just that my luck isn't good enough, so it shouldn't affect me too much." The most important thing is that your brain is broken. Some people think that they are amazing, but they are actually barking like a mad dog in the streets. That is truly ugly! "

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