"Well, a good part of what Paulinus produced was a set of blue-and-white porcelain. For example, there was a set of Blue and White Butterfly tea set. Including the teapot and tea bowls, there were a total of six tea sets. "According to the previous method, these points will be used for bidding."

Wang Kun said with a smile, "However, we are fortunate now. Mister Lin just said that since everyone is so passionate, we might as well bid them all off together." Thus, the number of items auctioned today had been adjusted from 27 to 12. "At the same time, we also updated the price of the set items, which is why we were delayed for a while."

When the people below heard this, they began to whisper among themselves. Originally, these 27 items weren't enough to split among them, but now that they were here, there were even less of them. Most of them had conspired in advance to lower the price so that they could split the profits equally.

However, with the current situation, it was impossible to split the twelve items. Especially those who had won the whole set. It was normal for the price to be doubled or even tripled for something like this. Who would be willing to take one out to give to someone else?

The atmosphere gradually became more subtle. Those who had come to an agreement earlier looked at each other. Although on the surface they were still friendly and agreed to the previous agreement, they had already begun to plan their own plans in their hearts.

On the second floor, Lin Jing's eyes narrowed when he saw this. He smiled and said, "How amazing. With such a plan, it would be impossible for these people to join hands with each other." "In fact, those people who were originally agreed upon will even fight because of this!"

"Your reaction is quite fast. However, if these people below want to think about it, they will need a little more time. By the time they understood what's going on in their minds, the people in private room six will have made their move! " Elder Dong's eyes were one meter long as he spoke with a mysterious tone.

It was only at this moment that Lin Jing realized that the old man sitting on the same sofa as him was the true master of Eastsea City's largest corporation. His business skills were naturally not something that an ordinary person could compare with.

Furthermore, looking at the details, the plans and decisions that Elder Dong had made could also be considered a scheme. Even if the people below understood, it would still be of no use.

Unless they didn't want to participate in the auction, of course it would be different.

After explaining the situation, Wang Kun officially started the auction. The first item was named "Green Flower Clouds, Five Dragons Sealed Heaven Sphere Bottle". The starting price was 1.2 million, one hundred thousand, one hundred thousand. The price of this Sky Ball was thirty-one centimeters, which was considered a huge item, so the price was naturally high as well.

After Wang Kun finished introducing the items, the people below immediately started bidding. The price kept rising and in a blink of an eye, it was over two million.

This was not a surprising thing. Not long ago, the auction house of the island auction house had auctioned off a similar Sky Pearl for a final price of five million and six hundred thousand yuan.

Although the Sky Sphere bottle had nine dragon markings and this one had five dragon markings, in terms of specifications, the latter was one grade lower. However, the word "Nine Five Martial Saint" meant that in terms of numbers, there was not much difference between the two.

The key point was that the size of the treasure was much bigger and the prize money was even better. Since the starting price was only one million and two hundred thousand, of course these people were crazily chasing after it.

Five minutes later, the auction price reached three million four hundred thousand, which was nearly three times the starting price. Moreover, the enthusiasm for the auction was not reduced in the slightest. Wang Kun's expression was excited as he kept reminding them.

Lin Jing looked down from above with a look of disbelief in his eyes as he muttered to himself, "Are these people this crazy?" It's just a mere Heavenly Sphere Bottle, in a short period of time, it's already almost 4 million! "

"Hehe, Xiao Lin, you are also in the literary and gambling business, so you should know about the blue and white porcelain market very well. Not long ago, someone just sold it for five million, and now that it's less than four million, what's there to be surprised about? " Elder Dong chuckled and said.

Lin Jing had estimated from the start that after he finished auctioning all 27 pieces of blue and white porcelain, the auction price would be between 30 million and 40 million. At most, it wouldn't exceed 40 million. However, if he continued with his current pace, the price of the first Sky Ball was very likely close to five million.

Since Jiaqing Blue and White Porcelain was a special venue, there were no other types of auctions. Thus, the overall auction trend was the higher the price, with the later end being. If the first item was sold for a price close to 5 million, then the last item would be at least 10 million.

The total price must have been over one hundred million, or even close to two hundred million. Compared to Lin Jing's previous calculations, this was four to five times more. If this wasn't shocking, then there wouldn't be anything to be surprised about.

With this thought in mind, Lin Jing bitterly shook his head and sighed, "It seems that my understanding of the literary and arts industry is still too shallow, and my own valuation of auctions is far too lacking. If it were not for you, Elder Dong, who knows how much you would have been tricked! "

"Haha, if you really think that way, then it's simple. In the future, if you want to auction anything, just bring it to me. You still have our auction house's Black Gold Card on hand, all the processing fees are at 80% to 50%, I guarantee that the item will be worth even more! " Elder Dong laughed heartily when he heard this.

As his voice faded, the sound of a falling hammer rang out in the arena. In the end, the Cyan Flower Sea's Five Dragon Marked Sky Ball was sold to a merchant for four million eight hundred thousand yuan. It could be seen that the shopkeeper was overjoyed even though he offered such a high price.

Putting everything else aside, he had made hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit from the auction he just made.

Moreover, he was originally just playing with the book. After getting the item, he definitely wouldn't be able to sell it. If he kept it in the warehouse for a year or two, the price might increase by 20-30%.

You could make one or two million in two years, and that kind of business could be done over there.

As for the rest of the group, they all had interesting expressions. Originally, they didn't share enough, but now that they didn't get the first one, it became even more troublesome later on.

Some had even secretly contacted the people outside to prepare more funds. This battle was clearly going to be much more difficult than they had expected.

Before the commotion could end, Wang Kun had already picked up the second item. After a simple introduction, he announced the starting bid and started bidding!

The second item was called "Blue and White Porcelain Flower Wrap". It was thirty-five centimeters in diameter and was a large plate. The starting price was two million, and the bidding rules remained the same. Just as he finished, the first person to bid immediately raised the bid by 2.5 million.

Elder Dong looked at the porcelain plate on the second floor as he entered the stage. A trace of pity flashed across his face as he said: "Such a good blue and white flower plate is already extremely rare. "Furthermore, it's so big. To be honest, if you didn't make it for the special arena, I would have no problem paying 6 million for it."

Lin Jing's heart stirred when he heard this. He immediately said with a smile, "If Old Dong likes it, I have a similar one in my shop. However, it's not blue and white, but blue and white.

"Oh? There were even better ones! Are you going to drop this? "I'll say this first. I'll know what it is first, but if you don't tell me when, then I'll really be angry!" When Old Man Dong heard Lin Jing's words, his eyes immediately flashed with a bright light.

For him, whether it was a birthday party or a blessing visit, the meaning was naturally far better than the flowers entwined with the branches. He bought his own collection rather than putting it into the world, so he didn't care that the latter market was better.

"Elder Dong, don't worry. Since I've said so, the item will definitely be yours!" "After the auction is over, I will have someone prepare it and send it over to you tomorrow!" Lin Jing had a smile on his face. The blue and white porcelain plates that he had placed in the store were originally for sale. It would be good if he could give them to Old Dong.

Elder Dong immediately said, "Sure, but I can't give you a price for something like you. The closest auction reference point is more than ten years ago. If he used that to bid on you, it would become a daylight robbery! "So, let's see how much of this is sold. No matter how expensive it is, I'll pay one million more. How about that?"

"You're so polite, I really don't dare to accept!" The price isn't important, as long as you like it. " Lin Jing's heart stirred as he immediately said this.

Although Elder Dong giving him an extra million was quite attractive, this sort of debt couldn't be paid in such a way. In fact, Lin Jing's original plan had been to directly deliver the porcelain plates. Even though several million was not a small amount to him, it was nothing compared to a big tree like Elder Dong and the Dong Clan.

He glanced over Lin Jing's body and said, "Since that's the case, then let's trade. Tomorrow, you can come over and I'll take you to my place to have a look. What do you think? Let's trade. What do you think?"

Lin Jing's eyes lit up. He knew that this matter regarding money was not easy to handle. This method could be said to be the best. At the same time, Baolin really needed a much richer collection to replenish his store. After the special auction for the blue and white flowers ended, the store's reputation would definitely spread far and wide.

However, since all the items he took out were blue and white porcelain, when others came into the shop to take a look, they would still be blue and white porcelain. With such a long history of ingrained ideas, it would be difficult for him to do anything else.

Most of the things inside the shop came from the sea, so he had no way to predict what exactly Hui Bo would send him.

This time, such a large batch of blue and white porcelain could only be considered a special case, as the normal type should be completely different.

In fact, Lin Jing had estimated that the reason why Uncle Hui sent so many blue and white porcelain to him was because he had detected a Carnival foreign trade shipwreck.

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