No one could say for sure how many of these sunken ships were in the deep sea, but those ships were basically carrying the same kind of goods.

In ancient times, foreign trade was nothing more than tea, silk and porcelain, so as long as one could get a merchant ship, most of what could be preserved until now would be porcelain. There was a professional noun in the industry, which referred to all kinds of porcelain as "seafood" and salvage operations as "seafood".

Second Grandpa had spent his entire life researching deep sea exploration. There were probably not many people in the world who could surpass him in this area. As he thought of this, Lin Jing suddenly had a bold guess in his mind. His gaze involuntarily turned towards private room six.

"Lil 'Lin, why aren't you saying anything? Could it be that you think bartering is unfair?" Old man Dong's complexion darkened as he saw Lin Jing not agreeing for a long time. Then, he looked at him and asked. Under normal circumstances, no matter who it was that came to barter, they wouldn't be at a loss. Lin Jing should have immediately agreed.

Hearing Old Dong's words, Lin Jing came to a sudden realization and immediately shook his head as he explained, "Old Dong, you misunderstand. To barter with you is my honor and the one to take advantage of you is definitely me. I was just thinking of something else, so don't get me wrong. I will definitely agree to this matter. I will definitely bring something with me tomorrow. "

Elder Dong smiled when he heard this and said with satisfaction, "That's right. Then we've made an agreement. You can come over tomorrow or I'll send someone to pick you up. Just don't leave me with my pigeon." It's been a long time since anyone has been to my place, and it's quite a lively place. "

Lin Jing nodded slightly, agreeing.

The auction was still going on. The price of the blue and white porcelain plate had already risen to five million and two hundred thousand. It was still continuing to rise.

Such a good item was rarely seen on the market. In addition, many shopkeepers had already missed out on a good opportunity in the previous round. Now that they thought about it, they still felt that it was a great loss, so they had to find someone to make up for it.

With so many reasons gathered together, these people didn't think much about it at all.

"Elder Dong, if the current situation continues, I estimate that the blue and white porcelain plate will sell for six to seven million gold. Isn't that a bit bad?" When Lin Jing saw this, his complexion became somewhat worried.

His original intention in holding this auction was to create a good reputation. If all the items were sold at sky-high prices, then when the news spread out, it would not be as good as he had expected.

However, Elder Dong did not care at all. He smiled and said: "What's wrong with that? The auction is just like this. The highest bidder gets it!" "These people aren't the kind of people who would watch the show from the sidelines. They know exactly what the price is, whether they earn or lose, it has nothing to do with you."

Even though he said this, Lin Jing was still a bit hesitant. To him, the price of these items wasn't necessarily higher. What he wished for the most was to calm down a little and not cause too much of a stir. To be able to let the people of the city know the name of Baolin Temple, this was considered as having achieved his goal.

If the price was several hundred million, then it would no longer be a city for entertainment. Perhaps, the news of this would spread throughout the entirety of Eastsea City.

Lin Jing wasn't a fool. Although the things Uncle Hui sent him were good, he still lacked the necessary formalities. One or two were still okay, but there were dozens of them all at once. It couldn't be that they were passed down from their ancestors, right?

Therefore, it was important to keep a low profile. As mentioned in Hui Bo's letter, he was told to not attract anyone's attention when shipping the goods. The decision to hold a special auction itself was already quite risky. Lin Jing never expected that Elder Dong would help him operate it to such an extent.

Seemingly sensing Lin Jing's worry, Old Dong calmly said: "Xiao Lin, do you know how the Soaring Dragon Auction House was able to surpass the other established auction houses in just a few years and become the largest one?"

Old Dong suddenly remembered to say this, but he still honestly shook his head and said, "It's hard for me to guess the details, but with Old Dong's ability, it isn't strange for him to be able to do this."

"Hehe, kid, why did you learn to be like everyone else, and start flattering! Let me tell you, the reason why I was able to quickly lift the Soaring Dragon was not because of the Dong Clan's influence in the jewelry shop. " Elder Dong laughed as he scolded with a profound gaze.

"At that time, the market environment of the Arts and Entertainment City was quite chaotic, with mixed dragon and snake and inadequate management. "Not to mention the outsiders, even many of the local merchants were trembling in fear. They were trying to do business as though they were treading on thin ice, afraid that they would fall into a pit if they were careless."

"At that time, only the Soaring Dragon Auction House dared to take out the official certificates after the auction. With these, the buyer would not have to worry about anything no matter how much he wanted to use them. And for sellers, no one will look into what they're selling. "

As Old Man Dong spoke to here, Lin Jing was suddenly enlightened.

Back then, when the Soaring Dragon Auction House was able to open it when no one else had a certificate, it had naturally attracted the majority of the auctioning business. This way, they would be able to become the first auction house in a few short years.

The reason Old Man Dong had told Lin Jing about this matter was naturally to ease his mind. Since he had already brought the goods to the Dong Clan Auction House to auction, there was no need to think about other things.

Lin Jing felt gratitude in his heart. He didn't say anything more and the auction continued as usual.

The tenth item was eventually sold for a sky-high price of 11.5 million. The first half of the auction could be considered to have ended perfectly. The total value of the first half of this auction alone was close to seventy million. More than one hundred million was already a certainty.

With Old Dong and the Dong Clan in operation, Lin Jing's tensed heart finally relaxed. The greater the reward, the better his mood. After all, there was no one in this world who didn't like money.

Below, Wang Kun was the one who gave the order. Old Dong smiled and said to Lin Jing, "Alright, let's have a half hour break in the middle of the match. We should let them prepare more funds and pass on the news." Let's go up for tea and a chat. "

Lin Jing nodded. "Every time I drink your tea, I feel a bit embarrassed."

"Haha, if you really feel embarrassed, then tell me what other good stuff you have. Even if you can't exchange it, it's not bad to let an old man like me enjoy it." Old man Dong laughed heartily when he heard this. He was filled with anticipation towards Lin Jing's collection.

"Currently, all of the things here are made of porcelain. Elder Dong, if you're interested, I'll get someone to make a map for you when we get back. I'll bring it to you tomorrow." Lin Jing said with a smile as he followed the others to Old Dong's office on the top floor.

After they entered the room and sat down, Old Dong continued to brew tea as he said to Lin Jing, "The last time you auctioned the 'Flowing Water Hibiscus picture' was really envious of me. It's a pity that I didn't get the chance at the time, otherwise, I would have taken it all." If there's ever such a good item to be dropped in the future, you have to tell me first! You can call out the price however you like. If it's really no good, then I still have a few things that I can read through.

Hearing this, Lin Jing smiled and said, "Old Dong, you don't have to worry. In the future, as long as there are good things, I will be the first to inform you. In the future, I will have to ask you to take care of my precious Lin Zhai." "Even though I've already stayed in the City for a few years, there are still a lot of flaws in all aspects of it. I need your guidance."

"Ha, based on the situation of the auction just now, once today's auction ends, the Treasure Landing Temple will be bustling with noise and excitement. "When the time comes, you'll be too busy to do anything, and taking care of her would be a waste of time. It would be more appropriate for us to interact and work together." Elder Dong said with a smile.

"Elder Dong, I have a question. I don't know if I should ask it." Lin Jing thought for a moment. To him, Ni Fei's identity was still a mystery. Besides considering that his goal might have a huge impact on him, he also wanted to use this to deduce the matter regarding Du Xiaolan.

"You want to ask about the people in private room six, right?" Old man Dong smiled. He poured a cup of tea for Lin Jing and continued, "Last time, when you asked, I told you that there are some things that you shouldn't know. Not knowing is the best."

"But since they have already sought you out and tested you once, there is no harm in telling you now. The last name of the person in private room number six was Ni. The young one was called Ni Fei, and the old one was their housekeeper. "Yes, he can also be considered to be Ni Fei's guide."

As he spoke, Elder Dong took a sip of tea.

Elder Dong continued to speak, "There are many rules and regulations governing the nurturing of young disciples in the old sects and clans of the Imperial City. The rules are so strict that it makes one's hair stand on end. Take Ni Fei for example. That old butler of his has been following him inextricably ever since he was five or six years old. He has to do everything in order for him to have the slightest freedom. "

"Although the Ni family's reputation is not well-known and those who do not know of it would not even know of it, only those who know of it would understand just how terrifying this surname is. The Imperial City had three companies that were in the top hundred in the world, and the Ni family was ranked second among them! They use antique writing as a mainstay of luxury goods and have tentacles all over the world. "

"As far as I know, behind the super auction houses on every continent, there is basically the Ni Clan. At the same time, in Europe, the Ni Clan also owned the largest forgery factory. It was said that even machines would have a hard time detecting the authenticity of the items that came out of there. However, this matter has nothing to do with us. Even speaking further in, this is still a good thing. "Because what they did over there, the exit channel is over there, it won't flow into the country."

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