Noble Emblem

Chapter 1016: Tiaohu Lishan

? Although Claire is a marquis, due to the suppression of Billy and others before, his 'power' is now not worthy of his identity.

It can be said to be a weak type. If it were not for some resistance, the family would have been swallowed by this time.

So he had to change, and he knew very well that the next time, the family would surely be consumed by the living force, and then swallowed by Billy's forces.

But who wants to stand by his side now? Someone with some strength wanted to bite a piece of meat from him instead.

If he is strong and strong, he can live with a piece of meat, but now his family is quite 'weak'. If he is bitten again, he will probably die.

So he had to change the backing, and the backing must not be too strong, and he must have a similar situation with their family.

Then the weak united and Fang had a chance to counterattack.

In his opinion, Archbishop Monica is also a weak person, and this prince is also a weak person. They must unite, otherwise no one will have a good life.

When he came to a manor, the guards were much stricter than Clare's manor.

Surrounded by elite elite sergeants, two **** women checked their identities and unloaded all their weapons before allowing them to enter the manor.

"This security is exaggerated." Claire sighed.

Beta feels very normal, the more insecure people, the more they like strict protection. Like Beta ’s own city main government, only guards were placed symbolically at the door, mainly to prevent messy people from breaking in at will.

Since the prince was in danger, such tight protection was normal.

Under the guidance of the girl, the two advanced to the manor, then entered the room, and met the prince in Claire's mouth on the second floor.

He is a young man of about eighteen years old, with pale, blond hair, typical aristocratic blood.

When he met the two, he smiled slightly and stood up, saying, "Marquis Clare, I'm glad to see you again, thank you for coming to my estate."

Claire stepped forward, saluted slightly, and laughed, "Four Prince Bowens, you are still so handsome."

The prince smiled generously, then looked at Beta: "This is it?"

"His Excellency Li Lin." Claire patted Beta's shoulder: "He is the strongest fighter I have ever met, and he will be responsible for your safety for the time being."

Bowens looked at the two guards behind him, who nodded to him.

As professionals, they can certainly see that Beta is strong.

"In this case, I'm sorry to trouble you." Prince Bowens nodded slightly to Beta, and then he didn't care much about him.

One of the guards pointed outside Beta, and they left the room.

This guard is middle-aged, has good strength, and also has LV8. Among ordinary professionals, he is considered to be more outstanding.

"Although you were introduced by the Marquis of Clare, we cannot trust you after all," said the middle-aged guard. "So you cannot protect the prince for the time being."

Beta nodded, understanding.

If he comes, the other person will completely trust him, which will make people feel strange.

"But since you were introduced by the Marquis, it doesn't make sense to just let you stay outside." The middle-aged man thought about it and said, "The fourth team has fourteen people, and you just miss the captain. You Go take over. "

Beta nodded slightly, thanking him. Relocating, the opponent has responded well. Being able to talk about things and giving Beta enough face, the social wrist is really good.

If Beta is a normal professional, most of the time you can't move. It was just that he was not an ordinary person, and at this time he was just giving a high look to the prince Bowens.

"You can call me Johan." As the middle-aged guard spoke, he took Beta to the back of the manor, in front of the fourth team.

Most of the fourteen people were lying on the grass, and some were surrounded by a group, which seemed to be playing a very simple gambling game.

He looked at these dozen lazy people, and said with a little displeased, "Come here, be careful. What does this look like? This is your new captain."

He pointed to Beta.

A group of people came over, almost everyone was dissatisfied. These people are of average strength. They can't see the gap between themselves and Beta. When they see that he is white and soft, they look down.

Beta turned to look at the middle-aged guard Johan: "Can I use some common methods in the mercenary world?"

"This is your squad, as you like." Johan patted Beta's shoulders, leaving a knowing smile, and then left.

Beta turned to look at this group of ‘talents’ and smiled very brightly, seemingly exuding the bright smell of summer.

After a few minutes of chicken flying and screaming, the fourteen people formed a neat line.

Everyone's face had black marks, and the two people who had the most arrogant expressions just now had a black eye, looking like a panda.

These people have now served Beta, at least on the surface.

A person who can overthrow them with bare hands is at least deserved respect.

"I know you still don't agree with me in your heart." Beta frowned and raised her voice: "But it doesn't matter, you can challenge me at will. But every time, I will start to heavier, if you die and don't recognize me Right, then it is possible for me to kill you or kill you. "

The squad looked at his gaze and finally got some strange timidity.

"In the past, how our team patrolled, and when it was patrolled, it is still the same." Beta said: "As your captain, I can teach you some combat knowledge, your strength is too weak, and some lose my face."

The squad was darkened, but there was no way to refute it.

"Okay, come here now, take me to my captain's room and take a break."

The youngest man stood up and took him to the north side of the manor ~ ~ And on the third floor, Prince Bowens and Claire watched the scene just happened, then watched Beta go to the north side, then The Prince asked with a smile, "Why did you suddenly introduce this person to me?"

"He is strong. Your **** is a good prince."

"I don't think this is the real reason." The prince's eyes were bright and unusual. "Since we are all friends, it is better to say something straight."

Claire shook his head helplessly: "Still seen by the prince. I want to transfer him away from her."

"she was?"

Claire's expression was a little shy: "I told you, the only archbishop, Celia."

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