Noble Emblem

Chapter 1017: did not expect

? Bowens often heard Celia's name after coming to the holy city.

Some call her a fool, some consider her a virgin, and others secretly say she is a bitch.

This is a woman who has a fairly differentiated evaluation. People who like her seem to like her very much, and those who hate her also hate her extremely. Bowens is not very interested in women now. As a prince, he never lacks beautiful women. What he lacks are those who can help him in his career.

Both men and women.

But when he saw his allies, he seemed to be very fond of the woman, and he couldn't help but be curious: "This Celia, really so good? You are the marquis."

What he meant was that this woman was really good enough to let the upper class ignore her class status?

Claire's face was a little red: "This is really a very unique woman. There are thousands of good-looking flesh in this world, but none of the interesting souls. She looks to me like nothing. One."

Hmm ... Bowens was also interested. This is not Bowen's woman who wants to grab Claire, but simply curious. Moreover, for a woman, and lost a rare ally, what this fool would do, how could he touch it.

Just a little bit interested.

But Bowens was still a little confused: "You invited this man to me, don't you have a chance?"

"If he stays by the side of Celia, I don't really have a chance to win." Claire smiled, with a bit of bitterness in it: "I have been trying to approach Celia in the past few months, but she has always been to me Cold. She would laugh happily when she was around the man. "

"Will that just kill the man?" Bowen's mild eyes saw two points cold: "A mercenary, no matter how powerful, he is not an opponent of the army."

"He's strong, so strong that I can't understand, I guess it's almost legendary."

At this moment, Bowen's gentle expression finally got a little movement: "So young, we are about to reach the legend? Super genius?"

Although it was a hot summer day, he felt that there was some chill in the air, and there was a lot of small puppets on the bare skin.

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, but Bowens was the first time to meet a genius that made him feel a little stressed.

Most of the time, personal strength is not as good as group strength. They have the power and resources to ignore most professionals.

However, this kind of power that is about to reach the legend, or has already reached the legend, is not an individual like them who can rub round and flatten at will.

Offending this strong man, once he is not killed with a meter and let him escape in the first time, then he will definitely face endless revenge from the other party.

Bowens is a little bit fortunate now. Although his attitude just now is not good, it is not bad.

"No wonder you have to use this method." Bowens shook his head and laughed a little. He conceived that if he moved from one place to another, it would probably only be this way.

"But I still think that women are, at best, men's preparations. It's boring to be too persistent and serious."

Claire shook his head. "His prince, you don't understand."

Bowens laughed and stopped talking about it.

Beta was temporarily staying in the manor for the time being, and she usually patrolled with her team and occasionally taught them something.

Beta, whether it is strength or knowledge reserve, exceeds the average person too much. Even if he does not deliberately perform, he can still make others feel his unpredictable. It only took a few days for all team members to let go He became stereotyped and became more obedient.

In addition, Beta also found that she was ‘surveilled’, not a malicious surveillance, and a curious surveillance.

Prince Bowens, as soon as he has free time, will follow the balcony and take a look at Beta.

Beta is now very perceptive. As long as the average person looks at him, he will react a bit, not to mention this slightly sophisticated look.

Beta didn't want to ignore him, so she followed her own steps.

I usually stay in this manor most of the time, occasionally sitting at the North County Abbey and chatting with Monica.

Monica was very angry at first, but Beta didn't return to the temple a few days in front of her. She was angry and deflated.

But Beta came back that day, and she happily came to chat.

So many times, women do not need to be too accommodating. The more women, most of them do not like the creatures who like to ‘knee and lick’.

After chatting for a while, Monica said suddenly, "Last night my spider discovered something interesting. Would you like to hear it?"

Beta nodded.

Monica said slyly: "It's a news that took a lot of effort to find out. You have to give me a reward."

Beta thought she shouldn't have spent much energy, after all, she just went out with a few spiders. But the other party can help him monitor that woman and look at a very ordinary man, it is already a 'friend' thing.

These things, it is reasonable not to help you, it is human to help you.

"What kind of reward do you want?"

"A passionate kiss." Monica's tiny jade fingers pressed against her rosy lips: "Kiss here."

Beta looked at her with a 'funny' expression.

After staring at this weird gaze for a few seconds, Monica laughed: "I'm just kidding."

Beta followed with a laugh, and then asked, "What kind of thing?"

"My spider saw the true face of that man," Monica said with a contented expression, "you can never guess who he is!"

Beta stunned: "I know?"

"have you seen."

Beta didn't know many people in the city. He squinted and thought: "Prince Bowens?"

"Who is this man?" Monica was somewhat surprised. "A prince has arrived in our holy city? How big is his courage?"

"Not a prince, who is that?"

"Claire ~ ~ After hearing this, Beta suddenly stood up:" This is unlikely. "

"But my spider did see the ordinary man's disguise." Monica smiled contentedly: "It was Claire's face, I didn't expect it ... the kid actually had a hand in his hand."

Monica didn't know about the mysterious organization, she was simply surprised by Claire's 'means'.

Beta returned to her chair, thought for a while, and said, "I still don't think it's possible. But Claire does wear long-sleeved clothes every day and can't see his arms."

"It's impossible to think for yourself." Monica stood up and said, "But my 'eyes' won't deceive me."

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