Noble Emblem

Chapter 1020: Nonsense

"My man?" Monica stumbled, then realized what he was talking about, and suddenly felt a little happy.

But soon she was a little lost, if only Beta was really her own man.

"Your man, it interferes with our work." Ulanso said angrily: "Take care of him, otherwise don't blame me."

Hearing this, Monica froze, then laughed. The dark temperament appeared on the brows for a long time. During this time with Beta, she would subconsciously converge her edge, Think of yourself as a little woman.

Now, some people dare to say ‘you ’re welcome’ to her. Really when she has no temper?

"Although he is my man, I have no right to control him." Monica looked at each other up and down, looking like a knife, and seemed to be looking for something better: "What is your identity to question me? Bishop?"

The bishop and the archbishop are one level behind, and the first level of the government university crushes people, and it is the same in the denominations.

As a second class of theologian, only the pope and the saint can command the archbishop to act.

Of course, Ulanso has reason to be so arrogant in front of Monica. First of all, there is someone behind him, a veteran archbishop who is very strong. Moreover, his network of relationships is quite extensive, and he considers himself extremely profound.

The new archbishop of Monica, even an unrooted woman, Ulanso doesn't feel that the other party is qualified to talk with himself.

When he came forward with condescension, he was already giving this woman a face.

It was just that he didn't expect that his own ‘some good intentions’ would not be appreciated.

"You really don't understand where you are now?" Ulanthaw sighed. "Should I say that you are stupid, or that you have no IQ at all?"

In Ulanso's view, this world is after all a man's world, and even a saint is just a mascot. The archbishop of Celia, in his impression, came quite strangely, this is also the life theology led to the emergence of female archbishops.

Besides, it has no roots.

He even doubted whether Celia was the Pope ’s “daughter” or an illegitimate daughter.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why a woman can become an archbishop, which is too strange.

He sent someone to investigate and found that Celia's background was very clean, so clean that there was nothing to notice.

Ordinary peasant daughters, but because of their unique beliefs and strong strength, they were promoted along the way.

Some time ago, several people competed for the archbishop. It was said that she was almost impossible to become an archbishop, but a lot of things happened. As a result, the candidates for the archbishop almost died, and she became the archbishop.

Seems like there is a goddess' care.

However, care and luck are limited. She can become an archbishop, either by fate or luck, but that does not mean she can stay in the position of archbishop for a long time.

Thinking of this, Ulanso watched Monica slightly shake her head.

Monica was ridiculed. The boy came to see himself, seeing that he was a member of the gods, and saw him himself.

The result was to let him control the man, and now he said that his IQ was not good.

Is this guy an idiot?

Monica's face was frosty, and she said angrily, "You can roll away."

Ulanso stood up. He gave Monica a scornful look, and then left.

He felt that talking to this big-minded woman would lower his IQ. I can't understand the current political situation. The full length of my brain is in the jelly in the chest, so big and so white.

Turning to leave, when Ulanso left the temple, he saw two young guards, angry and kicking one leg, kicking one of them on a tree trunk not far away, spitting blood in his mouth. To enter the dying.

Hearing the screams in the temple, Monica hurried out and saw this scene, her eyes full of anger.

She wasn't angry that a civilian guard was kicked to death, but that the other party didn't look at her. Guarding like a façade of power, this kind of insulting action makes people feel more angry than secretly using a poisonous hand.

At this point Ulanso was in a carriage. He saw Monica running out of the window and smiled again, letting the carriage drive away.

When Monica saw his expression, her heart became more angry, but at this moment she calmed down.

Taking a deep look at the carriage, Monica did not go after her. She stepped aside, rescued the dying guard with healing magic, and immediately received an extremely loyal subordinate.

In the evening, Beta returned from Bowen's Manor.

As soon as she entered her room, Monica ran over in a **** outfit to complain.

"Well ..." Monica made a fake cry, sitting next to Beta, gently holding his body, and jokingly said, "I've been bullied, you have to help me out."

Looking at her, Beta stunned, and asked, "What happened?"

Monica also stunned and said, "See?"

"Peace is often different."

Monica hesitated, her expression gradually becoming more serious, and then she bent down, put her elbows on her thighs, and held her face with her hands. With a rather girlish look, gently tell what happened this afternoon.

After Beta heard it, she said helplessly: "It seems that my actions have caused you trouble."

Monica shook her head: "Although I don't want you to help any prince, from a intellectual point of view, you can help me by helping him. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, you are my man. "

"So what are you going to do?" Beta paused and asked, "Are you looking for a chance to kill him?"

With the incarnation of Monica's spider, it's fairly simple to assassinate someone who is no better than her. Only people like Beta who can crush her on attributes and levels at the same time and have the ability to attack in groups can restrain her.

Otherwise, you will have to face the endless and repeated ‘Spider Sea’ offensive.

But Monica shook her head and smiled. "Not in a hurry, killing him will hurt me. I just came to talk to you."

Monica is the kind of person who can't stand it. She already wanted to kill Ulantho.

But Beta just noticed her loss ~ ~ her anger.

This little move made Monica suddenly quite happy.

Ulantho's little thing suddenly became unimportant.

She even felt a little grateful to Ulanso in her heart.

"Well, I just took a bath with honey water, and now the whole person is sweet. Would you like to lick it?"

She held her two jellies and said with a smile.

When she was happy, she talked subconsciously.

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