Noble Emblem

Chapter 1021: Woman like yak

? The quality of the blood of the royal family is very good. Whether it is Salsa, Mu Lin, or other princesses, including Monica, they all look pretty.

Monica couldn't hide her face, even if she had a dark face.

Holding the two groups of white and tender tenders, they had a very different charm when they were talking, making people feel that she was extremely dangerous, and at the same time, it would give a moth to the fire, and jumped at it regardless of her body. Deadly temptation to bite a fang.

Then Beta didn't react much.

He is a normal man, and when he sees such a beautiful woman in a bun, he will naturally react physiologically.

But there was no mental reaction.

Now his mental value is quite high, and the negative effects brought by Yunlong's blood are quite obvious, but he can still be suppressed by spirit.

Of course, Yunlong has no way to control.

Then he patted his **** and left.

Just licking pretty girls, but not without trying.

Divine avatars have a look. I do n’t know where they are better than ordinary human women. With its sweet and sweet fragrance, there is no human secretion. Wouldn't it be better to lick her, what a licking spider does.

Seeing Beta's departure, Monica snorted, and although she was a little bit lost, her fighting spirit rose.

I don't believe my seduce can't seduce you.

Once a strong woman initiated her temper, it would be impossible for ten cows to return.

On the other side, Ulanso returned to his home in a carriage. He had a dinner first, then brought a gift and went to his uncle's house.

His uncle was one of the archbishops, Bacon.

In the study on the third floor, only Liao Liao has used gray, earthy furniture.

Looking at a very bitter look, but only those who know the goods know that these furniture are made of very precious magic wood, which has a weak accumulation of magic power and strengthens the human immune system.

Archbishop Bacon is already an old man. When he was young, he spent all his energy on the "endeavor". It wasn't until he was in his forties that he became a bishop, and then he had the idea of ​​having children, but then he found that he couldn't have children, even Healing magic with power can't cure it, I don't know what the reason is.

He tried many ways, but he couldn't solve his problems.

So Bacon was quite good to Ulanso, almost treating the latter as his own son.

Ulanso also respects Bacon and will come to chat whenever he has time to accompany the old man.

Bacon is now in his seventies, and Ulanso is the only child of his sister.

My nephew's relationship is quite close.

"Come here, and what presents to bring." Bacon smiled kindly: "I haven't seen you for a few days, what did I do?"

"There are some small things." Ulanso put a delicate wooden box on the table and pushed it over. "I heard that I've been uncomfortable these days. I purposely let people find these small things outside and come back."

Bacon opened the small wooden box and saw the exquisite potion inside. He smiled cheerfully: "You have the heart. Finding this thing is troublesome."

"The most important thing about your body."

Elderly people need care, and sometimes a very simple greeting can move them.

Although Bacon is an archbishop, his mentality is now similar to that of most elderly people.

I hope that future generations and grandchildren will be able to accompany and chat with themselves.

"I heard recently that you and Gao En are very close?" Bacon asked with concern: "Although the person usually speaks in a heavy commitment, he usually puts commitment first in serious matters. But it is all an illusion. That's because the promises he fulfilled did not hurt his vital interests. You have to pay attention to yourself. His words can only be trusted at most. "

"I understand." Ulanso nodded humbly.

For his nephew's attitude, Bacon was quite satisfied: "Is there anything I don't understand recently, or is there something I don't understand?"

Ulanso thought for a while and said, "I do, but I'm afraid to say it, and you will laugh at me."

"Say it." Bacon laughed cheerfully. "Unsolving you young people is one of our old things' responsibilities."

Ulanso groaned for a moment and said, "What is Monica's identity?"

Bacon said for a moment: "You're making me a little embarrassed ... Actually, I don't know. But the woman is better not to mess with me."


Looking at his nephew's somewhat surprised expression, Bacon said, "That woman is not an ordinary person, but we can't find out who is standing behind her. She has a rapid rise and strength. Besides her temperament and knowledge, Appearances are not like women from small doors and small households. Like such a woman who does not know the details, we generally do not provoke. "

Ulanso whispered, "But I have provoked her."

"Oh, talk about it!"

Sighing, Ulanso told the story, and then said with some annoyance: "I knew that before offending her, I should ask you for your opinion."

Bacon chuckled softly: "If there is no provocation, I will advise you not to provoke her. But you have torn your face and you don't need to regret it. We joined together with my nephew. In this holy city, no one would dare Just wipe our faces. "

Ulanso said flatteringly, "It's mainly because you have a wide network of contacts."

This attitude of reliance has made Bacon's heart of "calf protection" very good. He laughed loudly: "Don't worry about Celia, I will send someone to warn her. If the forces behind her can jump out, it's best. If they don't jump out, this is theirs. The woman pushed to the front desk is dead or dead. It doesn't matter. It's just a **** that attracts attention. "

"But she is beautiful."

"Then there is a chance for her to give you a few offspring. I have also seen Celia. She has a big breast and a big butt, and she is definitely a good body for a child, and she is also a high-level professional. Combined, the children born may be better than your generation. "

Ulanso was a little moved, and he thought of the two white northern hemispheres he had seen not long ago.

"Then I'm in trouble ~ ~ Ulanso smiled happily.

Beta returned from the temple to Prince Bowen's Manor, as the patrol time was approaching.

As soon as he entered the manor, he was invited to the study room on the third floor.

A kind of incense was burning in the study, which smelled great.

In the slight green smoke, the prince's face looked a little distorted.

"Sir Li Lin, can you be my guard."

The prince's expression was sincere, even with some pleading.

Beta pretended to think, and replied after a while: "Sorry, I am still a mercenary hired by Ms. Celia."

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