Noble Emblem

Chapter 1022: Everything

? After hearing Beta's answer, Prince Bowens was somewhat surprised. .

He had no idea that his invitation would be rejected. However, he is also a calm person, thinking in his mind, and then said, "I am a prince, do you think that there is no future for me?"

Beta smiled: "Of course there is a future, but Your Royal Highness Prince, you need to understand. You are a man, and Archbishop Celia is a woman and a great beauty. I am a young man, and if I were you, what would you do? consider?"

Prince Bowens felt scratching his head. Mercenaries, generally for money and power, are willing to condescend to the nobles, and are willing to work for the nobles.

But for the sake of beauty ... it has to be said to be a very reasonable reason.

Moreover, two days ago he took the time to go to the slums to meet Celia, and had to admit that Celia was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Even more beautiful than his sister who is known as the Flower of the Empire.

Even he was a little faint, let alone a mercenary.

After a short silence, Prince Bowens smiled heartily: "I just made a suggestion, sir, you have a great talent. But this talent must need a lot of resources to continue to grow. These resources, Sai Li Archbishop cannot give you, but I can. "

Beta said, "But I have heard that His Royal Highness Prince is not in a good position now."

"It's not good." Prince Bowens volunteered to add some fruit wine to Beta's glass, and poured a wine as a mercenary in his capacity. "But anyway, behind me Power, I have more energy than Archbishop Celia. "

This is also true, no matter how prince Bowens thinks, he is not the kind of crippled son. Although still young, he must have started his own business a few years ago, maybe even more than a decade ago, and coupled with the complex interpersonal relationships of the royal family, his heritage is indeed much stronger than Celia.

But now Monica's strength, they only see the appearance.

If Monica can drop the shelf and go back and ask for Salsa, she will definitely get a lot of support.

The French nation is also the first human power, in terms of human and material resources, much stronger than Longgekange.

Moreover, Bowens is also a prince of loss.

In addition, Beta is also regarded as a 'network' line of Monica. Anyway, Monica is Sasa's sister. When he and Monica have no interests or conflicts between right and wrong, he is willing to help Mo. Nika's.

So Beta doesn't think Monica is worse than Bowens. Instead, he doesn't know where he is better than him.

Of course, Beta wouldn't tell these things, he pretended to groan for a while, and then said, "Let me think about it."

"Okay." Prince Bowens felt a little happy, and the other party didn't completely reject him. Whether or not this happened, he had a step to go down.

After touching the cups of both sides, Beta left the study after drinking.

As usual, he patrolled the manor with his team for several hours, then arranged for tomorrow's affairs and left the manor.

Just after he left, the prince called three of the team into the study.

Although these three men were mercenaries, they were just average in strength. They were a little embarrassed when they saw the prince and looked very nervous.

Bowens asked them to sit down and asked, "What do you think of Li Lin, your captain?"

The three were relieved. They thought for the first time that they would be called out of the manor patrol.

Bowens paid a lot of money, and they cherish the job.

"The captain is nice and decent."

"The captain is knowledgeable."

"The captain has a noble temperament."

The three of them uttered their own impressions of Beta, and they left the study room about half an hour later.

Prince Bowens sat in the study and was lost in thought.

After questioning the three men's thoughts, Bowens finally found out what he had always ignored.

Li Lin was too inferior.

So young, it is close to the strength of the legendary level. It is reasonable to be a man with a spirit of spirit, but Li Lin has always been quite calm and calm.

Although the opponent was a mercenary, Bowens found that there was no mercenary rudeness on the opponent. Indeed, like those team members said, he had a noble elegance.

Most importantly, Prince Bowens found that Li Lin really knew a lot. He thought about the scene of chatting with Beta not long ago. Although the other party didn't like talking, as long as he talked, he could always say something.

Such insights are not what a young mercenary should have.

"What is the origin of this person?" Bowens was curious.

And he now feels that most of his solicitation is about to fail.

Such people are not randomly recruited.

So what is the identity of Archbishop Selia who he is willing to loyal to?

Bowens felt a headache. There are so many forces in the Holy City of Life, and the relationship between them has already been complicated enough. Now a new force has jumped out?

At this time, Beta returned to the North County Abbey, and as soon as she entered the door, she smelled a faint blood.

The two young guards at the door looked sad.

what's going on?

Beta didn't ask the guard, went straight into the temple, and saw a group of people around the center of the prayer hall.

Monica, wearing a pale green bishop's robe, was quite noticeable in the crowd.

Beta approached, and when someone saw him coming, he volunteered to make way.

Beta then found three young people lying in the middle of the crowd. It's dead, and his face still twisted because of pain during his lifetime.

There was a big hole in their left chest, and the heart inside was missing. Only a red hole was exposed.

The people around him showed sadness, even anger.

"You are back!" Monica walked to Beta.

"what happened."

"At noon, five young men in our temple went out to purchase supplies. Then they were attacked on the road. Three teenagers were killed on the spot and two girls were taken away."

Beta frowned, and whispered, "Have your spider gone out to check?"

"Go out, but for the time being no result."

Beta looked at the three dead boys with a slight anger.

All three boys learned swordsmanship from him, and he remembered their names. It was only one afternoon when people were lying here and their bodies became cold.

"First, find a way to get the two girls back. If they are alive, find them a minute earlier, they will suffer less. If they die, they must find the body."

Beta summoned Jeanne, raised her hand, and the latter flew out of the window.

"From now on, no one is allowed to go out. Stay in the temple and wait for things to pass." Beta looked at the next side of Harriman: "From now on, the California squad is fully responsible for the security of the temple. It must be arranged during the day or at night. Manual patrol. "

Harriman nodded, and immediately took the team members to defend.

Beta and Monica returned to the room.

After closing the door, Monica was very calm and immediately fainted: "Who the **** is it, who dares to move me, don't let me find him, otherwise I must let him taste what his family's ashes are taste."

Monica's love of irrigating people's ashes is unlikely to change.

Beta asked: "Do you have any clues?"

"Ulanso!" Monica's face grew darker and darker.

"I think it's him, too." Beta nodded. "But now there is no evidence. As the archbishop, calm down. Don't hurry. We have to find the evidence first."

Monica said resentfully: "Others have bullied me to this extent, why should I bear it. If you don't help me, I will deal with him myself."

No matter how powerful Ulanso was, Monica was not afraid. She is a queen of gods, she is not weak, and it is not easy to die. To deal with a small force, as long as she is willing to spend time, she can definitely ‘wear away’ the other party slowly.

Beta advised: "Isn't your ideal to be a pope? Then don't do this kind of thing. Assassination of political opponents, as long as it appears once, will be a stain of your life in the future, and there is no evidence Case. "

Monica took a breath and calmed down. Then she came over, holding Beta's arm, snorted with two soft jellies, and said in a rather quivering voice, "Beta, will you help me?"

"Of course I will help you." Beta wants to break away, but seeing that Monica is now able to calm down from her anger now. If she leaves her hand without mercy, she will most likely make her uncomfortable. Even if you want to, let her chatter. Anyway, I don't suffer: "I'm going to the scene of the crime scene to see, you first stay in the temple to stabilize the morale of the army."

"Okay, I listen to you." Monica grinned.

Then Beta asked the location of the incident and left the temple.

After Beta went away, the grinning Monica's face suddenly became gloomy.

Dozens of transparent spiders emerged from under her shirt and quickly left the temple through the window.

She walked twice in the room and seemed to be thinking about how to sort out the current situation. Turning around, she saw the floor-to-ceiling mirror that was almost as tall as the person next to her.

This mirror is quite expensive ~ ~ The average person cannot afford it.

Monica in the mirror looked wicked, like a female demon.

She touched her face and murmured, "No, it looks so ugly that you can't let Beta see it."

Then she took a deep breath and calmed herself down again, smiling again.

Although the smile seemed fake and contrived, it was at least much better than the shameful face of the gloomy female demon just now.

On the street, Beta has arrived at the incident. There are still black blood on Santan, which is very large.

Pedestrians on the road saw from afar and tried to avoid the black marks of the three beaches as much as possible-


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