Noble Emblem

Chapter 1023: Do i let you go

? Beta shook her head while watching the blackened and condensed blood on the three beaches.

Because it's been a while and the site was not well protected, nothing useful was seen.

But Beta believes there should be a lot of witnesses.

He walked outside a nearby store, probably because of a recent murder case, and there were few people here. Only the owner has two clerks guarding the store.

In the eyes of the three of them surprised and somewhat alert, Beta went to the shop counter and placed a silver coin in front of the owner.

"I want to know what happened to the three beaches of blood outside."

The owner was a middle-aged man, with a thin body and looked a little weak. He looked at Beta, then at the silver coins on the table, took a breath, then shook his head.

Beta smiled slightly and added two more silver coins.

Now the shopkeeper's greed is even heavier.

Beta added a silver coin and said, "This is the bottom line. If you don't want to say, I will take these four silver coins and go to another store to ask."

He is very clear that these businessmen are bound to be exquisite, and will certainly know some news.

"You can go to the black camel tavern and find someone called 'Gozanlu'." The owner snapped four silver coins into his hands and whispered, "Among those who walked away from the girl, I remember having One is him. "

Beta nodded and turned to leave.

As soon as he stepped outside the shop, he felt keenly that he was being monitored.

Sweeping out the sight ring, you can see the pedestrians in the street, or some beggars, who withdrew their sight unnoticed.

Beta doesn't care, these people are watching themselves, but Beta is not 'marking' them.

At high altitudes, Jeanne had been watching the area.

But Beta did not remember the trouble of going to them, but asked the pedestrians the location of the black camel tavern, and then walked by.

Beta has always thought that the black camel tavern should be a place for drinks. But when I came here, I realized that this is not a pub at all, but a brothel.

The reason why it is called a black camel is that most prostitutes in it are dark-skinned women.

At least what 'tavern' means, Beta also vaguely understood.

Beta wanted to go in and ask if there was a man named Gozanlu this morning, but as soon as he came to the door, a guard stopped him.

The guard looked charming: "This aristocrat, this is a very dirty place, and it is not suitable for noble people like you to enter."

As the guard said, this is a 'bad' place. The appearance of the black prostitutes is extremely poor. No matter the appearance, temperament, or age, it almost does not fit the aesthetics of the nobles. There were little aristocrats who came here to have fun before, but came out in less than ten minutes, and it was straightforward to say that it was disgusting and made people smash it.

So after that, when the guards saw the appearance of suspected nobles, they would come out and 'stop'.

Beta looked at the five-story building and listened to it. He nodded and said, "I'm here to find someone, Gozanlu, are you inside?"

The guard frowned, then shook his head and said, "Sir, has Gozanlu done anything?"

"Doesn't it take away the innocent girl?" Beta asked: "If he is inside, help me call him out. If not, you tell me where he went."

The guard seemed to be thinking for a while and then said, "Sir, I don't know about this. I only know what great man Gozanlu has been trusting recently. He has not been here for several days."

"So when was his last appearance."

"Four days ago."

"So do you have any news from him?"

The guard shook his head.

Beta turned and left. The guard was weak, and Beta could easily sense his spirit, knowing that he had not lied.

Then Beta went to the Assassin's Union, spent ten silver coins, and quickly bought Gozanlu's place.

Beta wanted to buy complete information on these matters, but the Assassin's Union said they were inappropriate to get involved in the incident.

From the Assassin's Union, Beta feels a bit puzzled. Assassin's union information can be bought as long as there is money, unless this matter is very involved.

But no matter how big, can it be too profitable?

It is impossible for the assassin union to disregard even the interests. Unless ... the city's Assassin's Union is threatened.

Thinking of this, Beta felt a bit scalp.

What the Assassin Union can threaten is definitely a large force.

For example, the lord, the royal family, or ... theology.

He came to the scene again, looked around, and selected a dark beggar.

There were several people monitoring Beta just now, and the eyes of this person were the most malicious. Unexpectedly, this person has not left.

In fact, even if he leaves, he may not be able to shake off Beta's tracking, after all, Jeanne is still hovering in the sky. This person has been 'marked' by Beta with system capabilities.

Beta went straight in front of the beggar.

The man raised his dirty face and showed a flattering smile: "Will this honourable lord, reward me with a copper coin, I'm already hungry and weak."

The sound of his speech seemed weak.

Beta smiled: "A beggar's muscles can be so strong?"

The man's eyes suddenly froze, his hands supported the ground, and the whole body bounced. In the air, his hands and legs stretched at the same time. Chest and double lumbar kidney positions.

Then he snorted, and the man flew backwards, and would bounce off the wall, and suddenly lost his combat ability.

Beta walked over, carrying this person, on the crowd of a group of frightened pedestrians, carrying this person into the alley next to him.

After a while, he stepped out of it and went to the door of Ulanso's manor.

Beta stood at the door and said to the guard: "Tell your master, say that the messenger of Celia is coming ~ ~ Monica's fame is now very big, even these guards have heard her Kindness and kindness, 'the guard went in, and soon came out again, taking Beta to the upstairs parlor.

Ulanso was holding a pretty young girl and was joking with each other. When Beta arrived, he pretended not to know and didn't look at it.

Beta smiled and turned away.

He didn't come to ask for help, so why look at people and act.

Just waiting for Beta to come to the door, Ulan Sol's slightly angry voice came from behind: "May I let you go?"

Beta turned back and laughed, "You didn't make me wait."

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