Noble Emblem

Chapter 1024: No breach

? 1024 untitled

The methods of deliberately ignoring people, or deliberately making people wait, and then making the waiters impatient, so as to obtain initiative, are actually quite powerful in a way.

As long as the other party is not too high in status or too reckless, it is generally used.

But he met Beta. This method is already very common for Beta, even a bit stereotypical.

When Ulanso looked at Beta, his already small eyes were almost narrowed. After a while, he slowly exhaled, pushed the woman around him, and said, "Come and sit down."

Beta shook her head and continued to leave.

The other party's tone is very bad, he doesn't like it.

"I want you back!"

Furious voices flew over with a wine glass.

No action was seen by Beta, but the whole person moved half a meter across, the wine glass smashed and hit the edge of the door.

The pale cyan fruit wine splashed, Beta turned, looked at Ulanso, and said lightly, "You want to go to war?"

"I've never seen such a brazen mercenary."

Ulanso stood up and threw a heavy wooden box over. The box fell to the ground, and the lid was lifted under force. It was estimated that there should be about a hundred gold coins in it.

"The price of the two books, you make my dog."

Ulanso finished his speech and raised his chin, looking proud.

"I can be a fifty-gold person, why do you want to be a hundred-gold dog?" Beta thinks it is quite funny: "Money is still good to stand on, kneeling on the money, uncomfortable. "

Ulanso took a deep breath: "Okay, you are the boldest person I have ever met. Don't be afraid I won't let you out of this manor?"

Beta smiled: "There are three masters in the manor, and there is still a distance to my strength. And if you dare to make such an order, I dare to guarantee that you will never see the sun of tomorrow."

Still a very indifferent tone, but Ulanso saw Mori's murderous intentions.

Obviously it was summer, but Ulanso felt that autumn seemed to come.

After all, he was cultivated by elite education. He was extremely angry and a little frightened, but the whole person calmed down.

"Come and sit down, let's talk."

Although Ulanso's face looked a little dark, he took out the noble manner.

Beta sat generously in front of him.

Ulanso looked Beta up and down for a while, and then asked, "Since you didn't come to me or apologize to me, what did you do?"

"Today, three young men under Celia were killed and their hearts were taken away. Two young girls were taken away." Beta looked at each other's eyes: "A lot of clues are pointing at you."

Wu Lansuo opened his mouth and smiled scornfully: "If I were to kill someone, I wouldn't do such a troublesome thing, but would go straight to the Lord."

Beta nodded: "I feel the same way, so I came to tell you, by the way, do you have any clues? After all, some people think of us as idiots and want to stir up our struggle."

"I don't know it at all." Ulanso shook his head: "Although I hate you and hate your mistress. But I hate people playing with me like an idiot. I know this, you can go back now Wait for the news. "

Although Ulanso's tone was still not friendly, Beta didn't care. He got up and was about to leave, but suddenly heard Ulanso say something from behind.

"You are too arrogant. Although you are powerful, this world is our noble. After all, if you want to live longer, it is best to be a human with your tail in the future."

Beta ignored him.

Aristocratic world? On the surface, this is indeed the case. But in essence, the world still gives priority to personal force.

People with legendary strength can still be killed by human tactics, but if it is not necessary, no country is willing to offend a legend. Instead, it will try to recruit.

After leaving Ulanso's estate, Beta did not return to the North County Abbey, but instead went to a slum area, and after walking around for a while, he found a dirty old man.

The old man looked very ordinary. His thin body and yellow skin were no different from ordinary old beggars.

But as soon as Beta drew out the sword, the old man leapt up and rushed to Beta with a sullen expression on his face.

But Beta's sword was faster. After a silvery arc passed, the sound of the long sword's scabbard had not dissipated, and the old man's left arm fell in response.

After a scream, the old man lay on the ground.

There were some other beggars around, and when they saw this, they were so frightened that they were afraid to run slowly and they would be cut by Beta.

Beggars have no human rights, and often bored aristocratic children and mercenaries take beggars to test the knife to see if their new weapons are sharp or not.

After the old man broke his arm, he knelt down on the ground in pain and couldn't move. He knew very well that if he continued to move, the blood flow rate would be increased, which would cause him to lose more blood and easily die from hemorrhagic shock.

"I know you are one of the people watching me." Beta's sword was gently pressed against the other person's neck: "You answer my question now. If you answer fast enough, you can leave with your own arm, maybe Will pick up a life. "

"You ask."

"Who stood you to watch me?"

"The Archbishop of Croatia?"

"Huh?" Beta asked. "Who is he?"

"The most powerful man in the archbishop." The old man shook his face because of severe pain. Some dander-like things fell from it, and soon his camouflage failed. The original wrinkles on his face were actually Painted with a special kind of paint, he is actually a young man: "It is said that it may be the illegitimate child of the Pope."

"Why did he let you watch me?"

"I don't know. I'm just a small person, that is, I can't resist the command of the host, and I dare not ask and question their decision at will."

"go away."

Let the man go and Beta returned to the Northwest Monastery. At this time in the evening, Monica also returned from the slum area ~ ~ She saw Beta and happily trot up and asked, "I have been in the slum area for a day and my body is smelly. Take a shower first ... will you wash it with me? "

Betta ignored her nonsense and asked, "Do you know the Croatian Archbishop?"

Monica snapped: "I've seen it a few times, but I'm not familiar with it."

"He sent someone to watch me." Beta told everything about today. "He was suspected, but Ulanso's suspect was gone. I don't know what happened to the two girls now."

Beta wanted to save people now, but she was helpless.

The hands-on man cleaned his hands and tails cleanly, and even with Beta's experience, he found no breakthrough for the time being.

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