Noble Emblem

Chapter 1095: Ordered

The gods of order and the gods of neutrality all know each other, and some relationships are not bad.

Like Woking and Akua.

Elise used to be strong, even stronger than the goddess of light, so she was strong. As the eldest sister of the order **** system, she takes care of other gods of order, and does not care about the needs of others.

This makes the gods agree with her, but in essence, has a good relationship with her, not alone.

Woking really hated Elise, but just hated her strong personality and didn't hate her being.

So Akua tried to kill Elise, and she persuaded her that it was unnecessary.

Elise breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little weird. It turned out that Woking, a person she didn't despise before, saved her life in disguise.

Akua was sitting on the ice. Although she wore nothing under her skirt, the ice was also part of her priesthood, which did not make her feel any cold.

"Workin also said that you don't have a way to go like this. Now that Rose has thrown away the conspiracy goddess, you might as well pick it up and use it. Although it seems evil, it is also a **** of order.

In the eyes of most people, conspiracy is definitely part of evil, but the conspiracy godhead is indeed a system of order. There is a very helpless paradox. Those who engage in conspiracy all agree with order in their hearts.

Those who do not agree with the order generally smash the order with violence, and afterwards do not know what they have destroyed.

Therefore, although Rose was not liked by other goddesses such as Woking, but no one said that she was going to deal with her specifically, even if she now grabbed Elise's personality.

Elise, once a good god, actually caused Akiya's killing.

"That dirty, disgusting godhead. Even Rose doesn't want to, do I need it?" Alice sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Akuya, even if I lose my godhead now, I am about to lose it Sex, but my pride will not fall, and I can tell you here in earnest that even if I die, I will not touch that disgusting godhead. "

"Follow you." Akua stood up, her face very calm: "I just helped Woking to pass a word, and I will tell you by the way. Don't appear in front of Beta, and let your two little pets not appear In front of Beta, otherwise I wouldn't mind sinking you all under the sea of ​​ice. "

The threat of Akua was as cold as the wind in the north.

Elise didn't speak.

Akua turned into blue water and dissipated.

A moment later, Iris stood up, she looked into the distance, and wondered to herself in an incredible way: "A man can make you so kind? If he died, would you be crazy? I'm curious. "

A month has passed since the Dragon Knights trials, and Okinkin seems to be returning to its original rhythm.

But only those in power who have more information know that in this month, the population of the urban settlements of Okinawa City has increased by 15% again. The number of people who apply to settle here has increased by 300% from last month. Suburban land prices have also begun to increase with a large proportion.

"So, the development of the secondary city, the functional distinction between the secondary city and the main city, must be accelerated, and it must be completed within three years." Beta sat in the upper seat, watching a group of high-level Woking seniors below, and the archbishops: "All departments Just work hard according to the plan made before, if the funds are not enough, and if there is good reason, you can apply for financial assistance from Anjier in writing. "

A discussion sounded below. Beta waited for them to talk about it. After being quieter, he continued: "Development must be done well, and the law and order of the city must not be compromised. Salo and Katy, you two know each other clearly In the dark, give me control of the city's law and order, if you can't do it, you will be replaced. Understand? "



Of these two, one is a student he cultivated, and the other is a woman. It doesn't matter if he talks harder. Rather, in this environment, the more oneself, the more severe the performance.

"That's it for this month's conference. If you have any questions you need to solve, or if you have any questions to ask, you can ask them. Come one by one."

"The price of building materials in our country is already very high. Would you like to suppress it?"

"Although the price of building materials is high, we have a teleportation array, eliminating the need for larger long-distance transportation costs. I have seen the prices of building materials reported to Okinawa from various places. If the cost is included, it is within an acceptable range." Beta Answered.

There is no other way. For the past few years, the God of Wealth has been engaged in development and has never stopped. It is normal for the price of building materials to rise steadily.

Even if the wealth gods do n’t build roads or develop roads anymore, it will take several years for Holaibon ’s building materials prices to fall.

"Some merchant children, and some aristocratic children, want to study in the pastor colleges in our temples. Their desire is very urgent, whether it is allowed.

"Forbidden." Beta looked at everyone around him solemnly, "I reiterate once again that we free up educational resources and gather educational resources, not for the generation of nobles and businessmen. The descendants of nobles and businessmen, even from us After graduating from the pastor's college, loyalty to our theology and our goddess will still be very low. But poor children are different. They know how to be grateful. They are the pillar and core of our theology in the future. "

The old man sat back.

Including Emma, ​​there are high-ranking seniors from Liao Liao in the conference hall, and their faces are embarrassed. They know that the character of this class is indeed, as Beta said, very few people know how to be grateful.

Moreover, in their opinion, Beta was also of noble origin, and he even scolded himself, what else could these people say?

"Can you come to an end about the wanted red-magic tower?"

"Did they take the initiative to issue a truce declaration?"


"Go on!"

It took about two hours, and after answering a lot of details, the meeting broke up. The next bishops will return to the temples they manage one after another within two days.

Beta returned from the cathedral to the study room of the Office of the Government. As soon as she opened the door, she found that Noah appeared in front of her for a long time and waited in the guest seat.

It was said that she hadn't seen each other for a long time. In fact, for more than a year, Noah had been staying in Okinkin City, but she barely walked in front of Beta.

Beside Noya, there was also a woman who looked like an elf ... Beta remembered that she was a rusty steel female dragon she had been stung by last month.

Sure enough, the woman looked unhappy when she saw Beta.

Noah's expression was easy and natural, even with a smile.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Beta sat down on the main seat and looked at Noah. "It's about the diplomatic instruments of last month. Why do you come here now?"

"Villette is a little bit unsettled. She doesn't feel comfortable until she rests the day before yesterday."

The ghost believed she was unconvinced. The rusty steel dragon, a dragon that can almost bathe in magma without magical defenses, will have strange symptoms of soil and water discomfort. Mostly I was so angry that I didn't want to see people for more than a month.

However, I have to admire these long-lived species, who can be angry for more than a month, and looking at her current appearance, it seems that she has not completely lost her breath.

Beta didn't care much, and asked, "So, what is the diplomatic mission this lady brings?"

Noah leaned halfway to her side and told Beta in this way that she couldn't rule.

Willet took a step forward and said coldly, "The veterans will have orders, and all Golden Dragons in Woking City will no longer be given away artificially, and they will not become mount dragons, otherwise the metal dragons will have the right to take back their dragon power. "

"The veterans will have orders"? Beta looked at Noah in surprise.

Noah shrugged. "Don't look at me like that. This is the rhetoric of the Presbyterian Church. It has nothing to do with me."

Beta again looked at Willet, who looked coldly at him, even with a little pride and pleasure. In Willett's thoughts, the word Metal Dragon Veterans would at least make the young people in front of them look a little scared and discolored.

Beta is a bit discolored, but it's not what Willette imagined.

With a sneer and anger on his face: "There is a command! When does the metal dragon feel that it is time to command us an independent sovereign god?"

Noah shrugged again.

Willett took a deep breath and said, "Golden Dragons are part of Metal Dragons, and we naturally have the right to manage them. So it is reasonable and reasonable for the veterans to order."

Looking at the uncle Willett, Noah shook her head and thought the woman was too young.

Beta also shook her head: "Your words made me feel insulted. If we don't do it, what are you going to do?"

"The veterans would say that if you are unwilling to accept our orders, then we will send 'dragons' over and forcefully take them back to the metal dragon territory."

After listening to this, Noah ~ ~ subconsciously moved a chair back one meter.

The atmosphere in the room was a little dignified.

After a while, Beta said, "I see, Shirley ..."

The charming beauty came in from the door.

"From now on, sever diplomatic relations with the Metal Dragon. At the same time, expel all Dragon diplomats from the area of ​​Okinkin City, and since then, all land belonging to the Temple of Wealth is not allowed to stay.

After listening to Beta's words, Willett froze, then took the first few steps angrily, roaring: "Human, what do you mean, you dare to interrupt unilaterally ..."

Shirley pressed her right hand on Willett's shoulders, and did not let her lean forward, looking a little cold.

Willette swallowed, and suddenly she realized that the woman in front of her was a divine creature.

And Noah also said dissatisfied: "Hey, don't let me in if you get angry, the order of the Presbyterian Church, I have no idea."

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