Noble Emblem

Chapter 1096: You think too much

Noah said dissatisfied: "Hey, don't count me in your anger. The Presbyterian affairs have not been notified at all. I just brought someone over to meet you."

Beta thought about it and said, "Well, plus, Noah is the exception."

"It's pretty much the same."

Noah was so satisfied that she didn't want to leave the city. She seems to be used to life here, and she hasn't even changed back to dragon form for half a year.

The elves are so good that they won't break things when they roll when they sleep.

Noah stood up and went outside.

Willett felt subconsciously that things might be big, but the proud self-esteem of the Dragons made her say nothing soft.

So her mood was very subtle, her heart was obviously tense, but she still had a shy expression on the outside: "Don't touch me, you will be interrupted if you interrupt. Do you really think that our metal dragon is very rare in your diplomatic relations?"

Throwing down such a word, Willet caught up with Noah.

The two dragons didn't say a word, and after returning to the room, Noah first broke out: "I told you yesterday that the word of the Presbyterian Church, you can't translate it completely without change. They are humans, not our dragons. Vassal race. See how far you've made things worse? Do you have a brain? "

"I don't have a brain?" Williet was so angry that her blood vessels were about to burst, and she burst into a thunderous thunder: "That's better than an idiot woman like you who beats humans!"

"Who the hell?"

Willett's face was full of irony, and he laughed dryly: "Who said 'Don't count me' just now, the voice was as soft as a fox prostitute, the human man climbed up After your bed, or your dragon knight, do you have to be so afraid of him and please him? You aren't ridiculous! "

Noah's eyes gradually turned cold, and she looked at Willett: "You are really an idiot."

Called an idiot again, Williet was almost anxious to bite. She stretched out her hands, grabbed Noah's collar, pulled her to her, stared fiercely at her, and said angrily, "You don't make it clear, even if you are an envoy, I will be with you Play one game, endlessly. "

Noah slaps her opponent's hands apart, almost pointing at the other's nose and cursing: "So I'm the envoy and you're the subordinate's reason. If even I left Okinawa City, then the metal dragon and the **** of wealth Teaching is a state of complete severance, and there is almost no chance of recombination. Do you understand? "

"I don't understand, that doesn't matter." Willet snarled: "We, the metal dragon, need to see the actions of a little human teacher?"

Suddenly, Noah calmed down. She looked at Willet quietly, and her expression was even a bit sad: "Regieff was right. We dragons have a long life in the sky, but never had a real, long-term vision."

Willette was angry, but she felt a little guilty when she looked at Noah's slightly sadness. But she still insisted: "We can live for a long time, we can see things after a long time, isn't this a long-term vision?"

"Even Woking City can make a five-year plan, a ten-year plan. And our metal dragon, which has thousands of years of life, has ever made a plan for more than ten years? Not once. Oh, once sleeping for ten years It is possible. "

Willett saw Noah like this, and heard these words, her calm mood boiled again: "Noah, since you think humans are so good, you will treat yourself as a human in the future, do n’t come back to us if you have the ability Dragon. "

This is a bit overdone, the five-headed dragon next to him hurried to the round.

But Noah didn't mind, she just pointed outside: "You should go."

In the sky, Judy fanned down a pair of beautiful white butterfly wings, and more than sixty pterosaurs hovered above. The beckoning cats already had a long bow in their hands, and they stared at the window of the room where the dragons such as Willet were burning.

Humph! Willett prepared, and left with five other male dragons.

And Judy took the pterodactyl team and followed. Because this is the Holy City of Woking, without the permission of Beta, these six dragons can only walk on the ground in the form of elves, and they are not allowed to change back to the dragon until they leave the range of Woking City.

After walking all the way, it took about four hours to get out of the outskirts of Woking City, so these dragons were quite forked. After turning back to the dragon, one of them circled at a very fast speed and wanted to tease with wind pressure Sample pterosaur squad.

As a result, before he approached, sixty enchanted bows pointed at him.

The fear of death enveloped the dragon immediately, and he quickly flew out of range.

Willett, who turned into a rusty steel dragon, glanced at Judy coldly and said, "Let's go."

The pterosaurs circled in place, and after the dragon completely disappeared from the sky, they returned to Okinkin City.

Noah was sitting quietly in the room, her face pale, her face gradually getting normal after a while.

Not long after, her door knocked and Shirley came in.

Noah and some of Beta's women have been familiar with each other recently, because there is no conflict of interest, and everyone is the best among women, so naturally they can talk.

"Beta is not targeting you." Shirley sat in a chair and said apologetically, "don't care."

Noah nodded: "I know. He should be angry, instead I would sit in his position, maybe even more angry. But ... Villette is my kin after all, this time Beta hates our metal The Dragons don't know how long it will take to restore the relationship again. "

"What's difficult," Shirley grinned, "would you just give him yourself?"

"Impossible." Noah shook her head.

"Do you think Beta doesn't deserve you?" Shirley's expression was strange.

Noah chuckled: "How is it possible? It is Beta who has no interest in me. I have been in Okinawa City for so long. In the case of convergence with Long Wei, I have actually been pursued by many men, but Beta has never been to me. Have done similar things. "

Shirley nodded, and she knew that. Beta in Okinawa City, his actions are in the hands of these women. Where I went, who went to bed, clearly.

Beta doesn't say what kind of mind he has for Noah. He doesn't even talk to Noah many times. Anyway, it's a genre not interested in Noah.

Noah looked at Shirley strangely: "You seem to like to find a woman for Beta. I heard you pushed Katie to Beta's bed a few days ago?"

"Yes." Shirley nodded. "I'm Beta's scabbard, but I can't perform my duties well, so I only have to increase the number of scabbards."

Sword sheath? What do you mean?

Looking at Noah's expression, Shirley stunned and wondered, "Are you still a virgin?"

Noah's face suddenly turned black: "Is it strange to be a virgin?"

"Dragon nature is kinky."

"That's the male dragon. And the other colorful female dragons," Noah said angrily, "our platinum female dragons are not so exaggerated."

"It turned out to be this way." Shirley didn't pay much attention to these things, and she re-directed the topic back to the topic: "Metal Dragon's diplomatic wording is really wrong this time. I have some understanding of the Dragons. It's also a character that is soft and not hard, so you better be mentally prepared! "

Noah's face slumped: "You mean, psychological preparation for war?"

"It's not so exaggerated, it's just a relationship with each other. After all, we are all in the neutral camp. Even if we don't like each other again, it is difficult to really fight."

Noah breathed a sigh of relief.

"In fact, the hardest person should be you." Shirley looked at Noah with pity. "I don't know how the envoy will arrange you when he returns. Most of your reputation in the metal dragon will not be good. Now. "

Noah's expression darkened, then she shook her head: "It doesn't matter. I only do what I think is right."

When she came out of Noah's room, Shirley admired a little. This formerly wayward teenage dragon has now begun to have her own temperament. Compared with her, Solirana has some gaps in quality, and is not as beautiful as her. The only powerful thing is that Solirana's two jelly groups are much larger than Noah.

It would be nice if Noah was a beta dragon.

Wait ... it doesn't seem to compare like this. Beta likes big jelly, and Solirana has big jelly. If Beta's likes are given priority, it seems that Solirana is more suitable than Beta to become a beta dragon.

Shirley was thinking ... Should you tell the goddess, and let her ‘repair’ the jelly bigger?

Back at the gate of the city's main government building, just when they encountered Anjier, they also came back from the outside. The two said hello and wanted to go upstairs, but heard a familiar shout from the back: "Ms. Shirley, Ms. Angie, and many more."

They turned around and saw Emilia trot with a jar in each of her left and right hands.

With a faint smile on her face, when she ran forward, she said, "What a coincidence, two."

Shirley saw her ~ ~ with a smile: "Send honey again? Really trouble you, Ms. Emilia."

Angell nodded her thanks to Amelia.

"Since I meet you, I don't need to go up. Old rules, this is the honey of yours and the Pope this month, take it."

Handing two cans of honey into Shirley's hand, Emilia waved her hand, and left again, hurrying.

"Every month I will send honey, Emilia is really nice. She is a very good neighbor." Shirley asked something.

Angela looked at Emilia's back and said hesitantly: "I think ... she seems to have a bit of interest in Beta."

"Huh?" Shirley snapped, then chuckled: "Emilia handed us every time she brought honey. She didn't seem to be alone with Beta, even if she met occasionally, time would not In more than a minute, the conversation was just a sentence or two. Besides, she is also the wife of someone else and has children, which is impossible in terms of the loyalty of the elves. You think too much. "

"Really." Angie was also a little confused.

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