Noble Emblem

Chapter 1110: Boring

, The latest chapter of the noble heraldry updated soon!

The matter of the Bright Deities to build the country on the ground cannot be concealed, and the Bright Deities do not want to hide.

When she heard about it, Queen Sarah of France sent her more than 10,000 gold coins, a large amount of materials, and tens of thousands of homeless people to the Shinto religion.

In this regard, the Shinto religion expresses its gratitude.

In fact, the Kingdom of France is happy with it. A sect who was born in their country was finally leaving. Except for the bright believers, the lords and the nobles were relieved.

Including salsa.

After receiving this information, Beta sighed.

Shirley next to him asked why.

He said, "The Virgin Mary is willing to let go of her identity for the Shinto religion. She is essentially a Shinto believer. In order to make this happen quickly, her sacrifice is really outrageous."

Shirley nodded. "It's really amazing."

"Unfortunately, the people of the Bright Deity are too short-sighted. No one kept her or talked to her." Beta shook her head. "If I was born in the wrong place, I would put the pope in our place Let her do whatever it takes. "

Shirley smiled in a club: "Then you put her to bed again, right?"

Beta was almost choked by this inexplicable sentence and could hardly breathe. He looked helplessly at his woman: "I don't have that idea."

"Look at the women who are close to you. Some of them are not taken down by you." Shirley shook her head. "I'm not jealous. I just think that if we go on like this, we are all women at the top of the Okin Temple. What do others think of it in the future? we."

Beta thinks what Shirley said is also very reasonable: "Then I will try to select talented men to come up."

"It's pretty much the same." Shirley put a collated document in front of Beta: "Now many mercenaries have taken over our task. According to the general statistics, we have more staff than we expected. many."

"This is a good thing."

"In addition, this is all the information of the front priests, combined." Shirley put a much thicker intelligence in front of Beta: "The war between the Hollevan army and the desert kingdom is coming soon It's time to finish, and then it's time for us to dispatch. "

Beta nodded: "The Working Church requires you to sit in town. I'll take Judy, Solirana, and the Pterosaur team over."

"I'll go too!" Emma suddenly jumped out of the door: "I want revenge."

Beta discovered that she was eavesdropping, but just didn't want to expose her. Wen Yan smiled and said, "The more you leave, Shirley's job will be even heavier. Both Judy and Solirana are not good at internal affairs, just bring them with them."

"But I really want to press the worshippers into Hell."

Emma's eyes shone with cold light. She was assassinated twice by the worship of fire, and almost died of serious injuries. It was only when she was wounded in Wolkin City.

"Rest assured." Beta stroked Emma's small head of melon seeds: "I will help you send the group of worshipers to Hell."

Looking at Beta's petting eyes, Emma blushed, "Well, you have to be careful, too."

Two days later, Beta was sitting on Solirana's back and flew directly to Sicily, which borders the Desert Kingdom.

After two years of reconstruction, the city of Sicily has recovered to the same scale as before. But because of the border and the front line is fighting the desert kingdom, martial law is being enforced and there are no pedestrians on the street.

The golden dragon circled two times in the air, causing a little panic, but it soon subsided, and then Solirana landed in the air near the main city.

This vacant lot is large, and Judy will fly down with more than sixty pterosaurs, which will not make people feel crowded.

As Beta jumped off Solirana's back, a young man in white armor immediately came over, kneeling on one knee, and said with respectful eyes, "It's been a long time, master."

Beta nodded, looked at him for a moment, and smiled. "Reldon, yes, it's almost legendary, very hard."

Raeldon stood up and heard Beta's compliment, he smiled reassuringly: "I have been desperately brushing the task for the past two years. Although it is not as efficient as Kyle, it still has some effects."

The members of the Knights of the Round Table are also well-informed. Raeldon is far less powerful than Kyle and others, but he has also worked very hard.

This person is more dependent on the target. He is not as good as Beta, but he is a rare talent among his peers.

After all, the knight system brings 1 for all attributes, and 1 for all attributes growth, which is not a joke.

"Take care of the city of Sicily." Beta patted Ralden on the shoulder. "It will be useful for you in the future."

Raeldon shivered excitedly: "Yes, I see."

After a day of rest in Sicily, Beta bid farewell to Raeldon and came to the front.

The golden dragon passing by in the air at the front of Hollevan caused a lot of exclamation among the soldiers.

Because of the relationship between the live selection of the ‘Dragon Knight’ finals, it is clear to the whole of Holebun that the Golden Dragon is a dragon of the God of Wealth.

The frontline soldiers have a very good perception of the God of Wealth, because a large number of low-ranking priests heal them after the war and regenerate them.

After seeing the emergence of the Golden Dragon, after exclaiming, the army of Hollevan fell into ecstasy.

The unanimous shouts sounded almost simultaneously.

Beta sat on Solirana's back, crossed the front line of the Hollevan army, and went directly to the walls of the desert king city.

The bright red magic enchantment surrounds the entire city. The army of Holeiwen does not have many trebuchets and magicians. It will take at least ten days to break through this enchantment.

This time is actually very short. Many battles are years or even decades.

Solirana and Beta are in the same mind. She flew over the enchantment, spewing the light golden dragon breath, forming a huge pillar of fire.

As if the pillar of fire would not go out, Solirana circled around, burning magic enchantment around moxibustion.

Many flames from Dragon's Breath were bombarded far away and fell on the gravel, burning the sand into colorful glass ball slag, which slowly disappeared after a few minutes.

Under the burning of the dragon's breath, the magic enchantment produces waves of texture-like ripples, and then these ripples collide back and forth, and as the dragon's breath continues to strengthen, they finally collide with each other to form a piebald pattern that looks like snowflake dots. .

After spitting the dragon's breath for more than ten minutes, Solirana felt that her throat was about to be burned into charcoal by moxibustion, and she had to close her huge mouth.

The enchantment has not yet broken.

But this time, Beta shot.

A golden light fell from the air, directly crushing the magical enchantment that was in the fragile stage.

Seeing that the red magical enchantment was gone, Hollevin's army burst into a terrifying roar, and then Uralla shouted, the army overwhelmed.

And the garrison of the desert king city looked at the enemy forces coming over with black pressure, showing a desperate look.

Beta rides Solirana and continues to hover in the air, and then Solirana is tired, and then land on a dune outside the city to rest.

Judy and the pterosaurs also landed.

Beta uses magic scrolls to create a large enchantment that shields the hot winds of the desert from the hot sunlight of moxibustion.

Shouts came from the city, while Beta and Judy waited quietly.

They were patient and no one spoke.

Until the sunset fell, and the sky was slightly dark, the shouting and killing sound of Wang Cheng gradually weakened.

Beta stood up. "It's us."

Zorirana turned into a dragon again, Beta was seated, and soon came over the king's city, and then near the palace, found a huge temple.

A huge male idol constructed from red sand gravel stands before the gods.

A strange red **** light was emitted from the idol, and a large group of Hollevan soldiers stood nearby and did not dare to go up.

Solirana flew down, and Beta jumped off the dragon's back.

Beta waved his hand, and many low-ranking priests near him came over and bent over to salute behind Beta.

Looking up at the tall idol, Beta said, "Go to the city to find a rope, put the idol on and pull it down!"

The ropes came quickly, and more than twenty thick straw ropes were wrapped around the gods.

Beta waved heavily, and more than a hundred priests worked hard at the same time.

Broken lines began to appear on the idols, and the red idols began to expand.

At the same time, strange vortices were forming in the sky, and one eye quickly formed.

Beta took out a gold coin from the mansion space and ejected it straight up.

The golden beam of lightning directly pinned the newly formed eyes in the sky and was 'poked' directly.

The huge magic makes the cloak hunting and dancing behind Beta.

The angry roar first rang through the heavens and the earth, and then the remnants of the gigantic idol disappeared. The priests easily pulled it down and shattered.

With the collapse of the idol, the strange force field guarding the Temple of Fire dissipated.

The soldiers who had been prepared for Holebun rushed into the temple like a wolf hunting for meat.

The priests wearing red robes were pulled out, and those who resisted more fiercely were killed on the spot.

"Stop ~ ~ you heretics."

A suspected archbishop's worshiping fire priest rose from the attic of the temple, but just ascended to the sky, he was followed by pterosaurs hovering higher.

Judy didn't even do it. More than sixty beckoning cats set fire at the same time, and they shot down the archbishop into a sieve with a round of arrows. All the arrows were on his body. Flesh and blood splashed.

Glancing at the body of the archbishop who fell in front of him, Beta wiped off a little blood on her face and jumped back to Solirana's dragon back.

"Let's go back."

Beta thought that there would be a battle that was at least manageable, but did not expect that victory would be so simple.

Is the enemy too weak, or is he already strong enough?

Beta didn't delve into this question, but someone gave the answer.

After hearing the report from the front, King Hollevin sighed, "No one can stop him."

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