Noble Emblem

Chapter 1111: Quite hurtful chapter number

, The latest chapter of the noble heraldry updated soon!

All the forces that managed to worship the Fire Kingdom in the desert kingdom were destroyed, and even the fire god's will came, and was dispelled by a pope of wealth gods.


While everyone in the world is surprised, they also feel quite reasonable. The two brave men of the Fortune Gods dare to kill even the evil gods. As the Beta Pope, the great sage in the epic, who led them to grow, it is not strange to destroy a divine clone.

Moreover, the **** of fire is not a powerful god, a part of the ‘fire’ ministry is set on the goddess of light. After all, Dayang is hot in the eyes of the world.

In the same way, there is a place where Akua's Frost Divinity and Loya's Frost Divinity overlap.

Ice is a solid form of water, which should have been completely managed by Akua, but Loya's frost divinity is essentially pure cold, cold of all things, and water.

So the two share the ice divinity.

Many deities have overlapping and shared places.

This part of the divinity will be weakened by separation.

For this reason, Vulcan is not very strong. In addition, only in particularly cold places can more people believe in flames. But in cold places, there are also many people who believe in the sun, which causes people in the north to have some scattered beliefs.

There weren't many people in the cold regions at first, and once this faith was dispersed, there were not many.

This is why the Church of Worship will extend its tentacles to the south.

After all, to develop the religion, there must be enough people to believe.

However, I did not expect that when the tentacles reached the desert kingdom and they wanted to enter Hollewon, they caused extreme resistance. Especially the resistance from the royal and noble forces. The worship of fire is a sect of supremacy, and in areas where they dominate, the nobility is always used as a younger brother.

Even noble ladies sometimes have to pay administrative taxes with their bodies.

This kind of theology is no wonder that the nobles of Hollevan like it.

In comparison, the theology of wealth is simply saintly.

King Hollevan's imperial conquest, defeated the Feast of Worship, and the latter succeeded in assassination, but did not kill the king. Instead, it aroused the anger of Hollebon.

Then the gods of wealth joined the battlefield of religion, and the pope even forcibly pulled down the colossus of vulcan, dispelled the will of vulcan, and used brute force to destroy the divine influence of the **** of vulture placed in the desert kingdom.

Finally, Lord Holewein's coalition resembled a desert kingdom, combing back and forth.

While cleaning up the remaining forces of worship and teaching, suppress the resistance.

It took half a year to successfully reduce the population of the Desert Kingdom to about half of the original, and most of the dead were young men.

After the victory of the Fortune God of Fortune, he temporarily withdrew from the Desert Kingdom completely.

Beta knows the tragedy in the desert kingdom, but didn't intervene. Conquering another country by one country and conquering another by one nation have never been done by Huairou. The first thing is to kill ... not many people can resist.

Beta knows this process very well, he doesn't want to stop it, he can only do it, let the wealth theology completely withdraw, and don't touch such things.

The dividends brought by the victory of the war have made the business of Holeiwen more developed. A large amount of wealth was robbed into the country. Gold, minerals, and ... lots of desert slaves.

Within a short period of half a year, everyone's pockets throughout Hollebene seemed to be bulging.

In Okinawa City, a new round of pioneering meetings is being held.

"Now the royal family has given us the promised territory according to the agreement." Beta patted on a large map and said: "The red circle is our territory."

The eyes of everyone looked at them and frowned.

Several red circles are scattered apart, but still far apart.

Anyone who has some common sense about the geography of the desert kingdom knows that those few lands are almost uninhabited. They were originally deserts, no minerals, and no oasis.

"I know these lands are not good." Beta smiled. "But I still say that. During the war, we did not do much. The front battlefield was all resisted by the royal family and the lords. The king promised The land was sent, even if it was almost, it did its best. "

Seeing the Pope said so, other people naturally have no opinion.

What's more, Beta is really telling the truth that the priests of the Fortune Gods have always been safe. After the war, only thirteen died, or they were killed on the spot by the critical shot, and they could not be saved. Said it was bad luck.

In the end, Beta attacked the divine influence without even a decent opponent. Vulcan's power was too limited by the host plane, and he could not even take a hit.

"We definitely want it. After all, as long as we work hard to improve it, it can become fertile soil." Beta also patted the map and said, "Now Hollevan has been developed by us, and our energy will be focused on this. In several places, the water was diverted into an oasis, then desert roads were built, and finally the surrounding radiated, turning the entire desert kingdom ... Now it should be called the western desert of Holebun into a habitable and prosperous business land. "

This is a huge project, a more exaggerated project than the previous canal. The archbishops below breathed in air, and the eyes of Saint Joan were shining.

She took the initiative to stand up and said, "Pope, how about the land in the northwest?

"No problem." Beta nodded, and someone willing to stand up and take responsibility first would be better.

"The one in the middle west is for the old man." An old archbishop stood up. "While I can move, do more for the believers."

Then one by one the archbishops stood up and quickly left all the tasks.

After dividing the regional responsibilities, Beta said: "This time the water gods and the elves will also come to assist us, otherwise it will be difficult for us to build water oasis in the desert area alone."

Everyone felt very reasonable.

But the second one who stood out just now, the oldest archbishop asked, "Pope, what benefits will we give away in this way?"

As a religious sect with a deep commercial atmosphere, most people have the basic concept of interest exchange. When they want to come, they have to pay for what they want.

Beta sat down and said, "Water gods and we are sisters. Our interests are tied together, all glory and all damage. They will not have any interests. They are the elves ... they hope to get Honor the rights of citizens. "

"What do you mean?" The old archbishop continued to ask.

"In the future, the elves will enjoy the same treatment as our ordinary followers, and they can enjoy the legitimate rights of buying a house, living, and doing business on the land of our gods. They are also protected by us."

"It's not an excessive demand." The old archbishop sat down.

In fact, it is not only excessive but also profitable. In Beta's view, the elves have been on their own territory for a long time. In the event of feelings and the like, how good it is to give birth to some half-elves, and slowly improve the human genes in disguise. In addition, the art and aesthetics of the elves can also play a leading role in the spiritual civilization of the human world.

Although Beta is also a human, but speaking of psychological words, compared with the elves, human art is indeed a bit 'rough'.

The benefit of the elves is that they can safely move around a lot.

Coco Yarra has always wanted to let the elves go out, but ‘security’ is a big issue. After all, there are too many slave traps. Slave trading is forbidden within the sphere of wealth theology. Although Okinawa will also buy a lot of slaves, it will then allow the slaves to become free and become their citizens.

Coco Yarra is assured of such a sect.

Therefore, this time the desert reconstruction plan, after hearing the wind, she took the initiative and came to help.

"After the desert transformation plan is completed, I will consider subdividing the responsibilities of the core leadership." Beta looked at the crowd and said, "With the expansion of the theological scale, the current leadership can no longer manage the entire God well. Taught, so the introduction of internal elites, the refinement of responsibilities, are all imminent. And this desert reconstruction plan is a good time for talent selection. Archbishops, bishops of temples in all places must work hard. At the same time We must also pay attention to whether there are such talents in our team, we must train them well, if not, we must step up our efforts to guide. "

Beta stopped and drank.

After two or three seconds of silence, the conference scene seemed to explode and there was an uproar.

Everyone understood it. Beta's words meant ... he was going to decentralize.

Previously, the power of wealth theology has been in the hands of Beta and his women. In theology, he said that no one can disobey. But no one was dissatisfied with this. After all, the Pope, Beta, did a good job, with strong self-control, young and savvy, and ridiculously strong. Even if he was in power for another 40 to 50 years, there was no problem.

No one ever thought about ~ ~ Beta would be willing to decentralize.

But since Beta is willing to decentralize, they naturally dare to ... and also very much.

Money has moved people since ancient times, and power is above it.

Being able to enter the core leadership is essentially a manifestation of self-competence.

After seeing these archbishops who were surprised and discussing each other, Beta left the Pope's throne and left behind the secret door. He had already finished what he was going to say at the meeting, and he knew that the archbishops were now confused by him, and he would not be able to calm down for a while.

Beta returned to the study, and Shirley came over and smiled. "I didn't expect that you would give up power so soon. I just mentioned it casually last time."

"Sooner or later. It will not be possible to really manage a great denomination by you alone. Making an early decision is a good thing for both the gods and us." Beta paused and hugged Xue Li's slim waist said, "In the past few years, the hardest thing is you."

Shirley smiled: "Then compensate me more."

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