Noble Emblem

Chapter 1112: Eat chicken

There is no airtight wall in this world. Just as the Bright Protestant Church wanted to build a nation, it was originally rigorously covered, but the world knows it.

However, Beta intends to decentralize. He did not intend to conceal it. Then, within a few days, the top and bottom managements of Woking were fully aware of it. Young people who felt a little bit of power and felt that they were capable were all gearing up for this desert. In the transformation plan, make a career.

After all, a rare opportunity.

And this information naturally fell into the hands of other power leaders.

Now wealth theology is already a force to be reckoned with.

The young King of Holewein touched the stubble that just came out of his chin. For a few years, he also began to mature gradually: "Beta actually decentralized, which is really my surprise, but think about it, if it is In his words, it is not surprising to do such a thing. "

The young man sitting opposite the king was a little cramped, but he looked at him in worship.

Hearing the king's words, he said, "Pope Beta is indeed a very good person. But compared to your Majesty the King, you are almost there."

The king did not have much joy in touting the young. Instead, he sighed softly: "I'm far away from him. That person ... is not a human, it's a monster!"

"Your Majesty, you mean, he may be a devil?"

"No, that's not what I meant." The king thought for a while and said, "Because I've never seen a man with such strong self-control. There is even a sense of wantlessness."

Young people are a little puzzled.

"Everyone has weaknesses and shortcomings," the king explained, putting down his pen: "greed for money, greed, beauty, or love to be touted, and also love good food. But Beta does not have these shortcomings Even the strength is top-notch. Such people should not exist in the world, they should only exist in fantasy. "

The young man was a little puzzled: "Pope Beta loves beauty, and the women around him have heard that they are all beautiful women."

"The good-looking beauty we are talking about means that something is wrong because of beauty, or you just rush home when you see a beautiful woman." The king sneered: "But the women who have a relationship with Beta are all women who have feelings with him. All of them are talents. Do you think he is really lascivious? Besides, it is not normal for a few women to have big men? This is not his weakness and weakness. "

The young man was lost in thought.

"I thought he would be greedy for power, but now he has even separated his power." King Hollevin said rather distressed: "I have no idea what to do to restrain him. There is such a pope It is impossible for the wealth theology to decline. It will continue until Beta leaves or dies. "

The young man was a little unconvinced: "Your Majesty, are you too high on Beta?"

"I don't have a high look, I just clarify the facts, and at the same time I can't make him as atmospheric." Her Majesty looked at the pale yellow map of the desert area and said delicately: "Turn the desert into fertile soil, but he dares to think so. "

In fact, not only did King Hollevin think so, many leaders also thought so.

He is said to be whimsical, and he is known to have high ground and high ground.

If it was so easy to turn the desert into a good field, did the desert kingdom do it earlier? What can you do with a wealth god?

Only the elves and water gods are optimistic about him.

Even Queen Salsa and Pope Monica were dubious about it.

But both of them are eager to protect their husbands. Although they will not publicly say that Beta will definitely succeed, as long as someone dares to look at Beta in this matter, they will be heard by both of them, and then they will definitely wear small shoes.

No matter what other forces think or think, the plan for wealth theology is carried out as scheduled.

First, Beta rides Solirana to the planned location, first fixes a piece of ground with mud for stone, and then inscribes the teleportation magic circle.

In this way, seven barren deserts are connected to the wealth network of the gods.

After that, a small amount of people and materials will be transferred every day, and the priests of the water gods and those who are good at turning mud into stone spells will be given priority.

At first it was just one or two humble sand houses. Several priests were doing the most basic camp construction, and then as time passed by, more and more people transmitted and more and more materials.

A month later, a medium-sized camp was set up.

Three large water wells maintained by the water **** pastor were also excavated, enough for thousands of people to use daily.

Then, the elves were teleported over.

Some drought-tolerant plants were planted and spurred by the druids. They grew into a green tree that was three or four meters high within ten days and was carefully taken care of.

The same is true of the other six desert territories of wealth theology.

The priests of the God of Wealth Church almost gave up their rest. After eating, they planted trees, watered the trees, and used divine magic to help the seedlings resist the high winds of the desert.

About half a year later, small oasises and even small lakes appeared around these seven camps. In the yellow sand, it looks like a sapphire.

A large number of slaves were bought by the God of Wealth and sent to these seven places for planting trees. They promised that as long as they worked hard for six months and performed well during the period, everyone could break away from slavery and become ordinary people.

There are oasis, there is water, there are people ... More and more desert people go to these seven oasis, forming a virtuous circle.

The Water Divinity's water diversion technique shined in this project and gained a lot of faith.

For more than half a year, the God of Wealth has taken root in the desert.

Almost all the forces in the world are paying attention to this place. When the leaders saw such a miracle, there was a long delay.

Many people admire it.

Of course, some people said sourly: "If I also have the help of water gods and elves, I can do this kind of thing."

Someone taunted him on the spot: "You just don't have the ability to integrate the power of the water gods and the elves. You are absolutely better than Beta."

The man had nothing to say on the spot.

In Okinawa City, Beta also received the report, then said lightly: "Progress is faster than expected, continue the previous plan, and slowly expand the windbreak forest and oasis front and back, whether it is a decade or a century, desert areas, It has to be fertile ground. "

Shirley passed this word to Woking, and the order became a shrine, and every wealthy believer knew it.

With the support of the goddess beta, the seven oasis in the desert area have received more attention, and more and more talents have volunteered to participate in this desert reconstruction project.

And at the edge of the world, Barna and his six friends looked at the scene in front of them, unable to talk to themselves.

They saw a 'smoke wall' about a kilometer ahead. Extend left and right to a distance that cannot be seen.

The wall was gray, straight into the sky, and there was a faint purple lightning flowing out.

Near the smoke wall, all plants looked like coke, as if burned.

"I feel a sense of evil." The master magician Brown in the talking team: "The plants are not scorched, they should be forcibly sucked into life."

"What did you make?"

"do not know."

"Scouting is the same."


In just a few words of dialogue, the six have clearly separated their responsibilities.

The assassin plunged into the darkness and began searching for nearby dangerous creatures. The magician began to detect the surrounding environment, such as poison gas, magic singularity and the like.

The hunters started to look for food. Although their dry food was enough for three days, it was always good to find more food.

Barna and Shield Warrior Rape and Bright Priest Lyon set up camp.

Cut the tree with an axe, and then lightly cut the trunk into pieces of almost the same size.

Soon the camp was built, a cabin to sleep, and a campfire.

The hunter came back last, carrying two rabbits in his hands.

"Almost all the animals fled behind." The hunter peeled the rabbit skillfully and said, "They seem to sense any danger."

"There must be danger." The thief pointed to the smoke wall in the distance: "That thing is obviously wrong. Our task is to find out what is going on inside that thing?"

The magician sat aside and thought for a while and said, "It's better not to break in. We can find a small animal, tie it with a rope, and throw it in to see what happens!"

Everyone thought it was a good idea.

The hunter roasted the skinned rabbit on the bonfire and said, "It's getting late now, and it's easy to go out if you go out alone. I'll catch some little animals and come back tomorrow morning."

"As long as we find out what the thing is, we can have a lot of money when we return to Okinawa City and think of it as exciting." The thief grinned, as if he had seen his future rich life.

This remark resonated with several other people. They talked around the fire and talked about how much gold they could get after completing the mission and what kind of life they could lead.

Barner did not join them. He watched the smoke wall very carefully, hoping to see what kind of changes would take place.

Since Pope Beta thought this place wasn't right, he looked at it on his behalf.

It was late at night, and Barna, who had eaten half a rabbit, slept into the cabin, and five others were familiar with him.

And the thief Jill is responsible for the vigil tonight ~ ~ Because Barna doesn't sleep well in the wild, he hears a strange clanging noise.

With a tight hand, he immediately grabbed his axe and shook others at the same time.

The five stood up carefully, separated, and looked through the window to see the thief Gil beside the fire sitting with his back to them, as if chewing something.

The sound came from his mouth.

"What the hell, Jill, you scared us." The magician yawned, opened the door, and complained: "Deeper in the middle of the night, what dry food did you eat and didn't you have enough dinner?"

At this time Jill turned his head, his mouth was full of blood, a piece of gravel in his hand, and all the stones in his mouth. The front teeth were almost broken, and the blood flowed from the root of the teeth.

The flames shook, Jill was blinded, his face blanked, and he said indistinctly: "Chicken ... very delicious ..."

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