Noble Emblem

Chapter 1155: Starfall

Sauron is nearly four meters tall and looks very oppressive.

And Angela looked too petite and exquisite in front of him, not to mention being a woman, even more helpless and pitiful.

In the face of Sauron's strange yin and yang words, instead of being afraid, Angela said in a surprised tone: "How is it possible! Lord Sauron is stronger than me, and the city and the army are stronger than me. I How could it be against you. As for your three sons, they did come to my city, but they left. "

"They didn't come back."

Angela spread his hand: "It's not about me, I can't send someone to follow them. It's their freedom where they want to go."

Sauron looked around, and by this time many lords were watching.

After all, Angela is a rare succubus lord, and her affairs must be much more interesting than those of ordinary lords.

In addition, many lords also looked at Angela, thinking about trying to talk to each other, maybe they can win the night.

Sauron didn't like to be watched by too many people. Besides, the death of his three sons was not really on his heart. The yin and yang strangely threatened Angela, but he just wanted to give the other party some pressure.

Then he turned his attention to Beta, and said lightly: "There is a strong person who you don't want to follow, but are willing to follow a succubus, behind a woman, degenerate and have no masculinity."

Angela's smirk expression immediately changed, looking a little cold.

Beta chuckled: "Unwilling to fall, how could I run to the devil!"

Hearing this, Angela couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, if human beings are not degenerate and evil to a certain extent, they will not enter the Devil Realm at all.

So, to some extent, Sauron's words are nonsense.

The other lords around were also laughing.

Sauron took a deep breath and slowly said, "Human, your mouth is very good. Hope to have a chance to meet in the future."

Everyone could see the anger in Sauron's eyes, but Sauron was impulsive.

Because this is the city of the Grand Commander, Arsenal once said that, for whatever reason, for whatever reason, no one should fight in the city unless he allows it.

Sauron didn't dare to violate this order.

So he put a hard word and turned to leave.

Beth had a pity glance at Beta.

Later, some lords came up and sincerely invited Angela to stay in their city for a few days. The meaning of this was as long as they were not stupid.

Angela naturally refused one by one.

When they reached the intersection, Beta suddenly held Angela and said, "Soron will definitely stop us on the road, let's take a detour."

"You're not afraid of Arsenal, would you be afraid of him?" Angela was surprised. "I think this is a good opportunity. If you are really good, you can kill him."

Beta nodded: "You made a lot of sense. When he placed the order, it wasn't difficult to kill him. But then, Jeremy would be free to deal with Erbu. Coming from the army, even if we are confident to win, we have to die a lot. Let Sauron live for a while, let him fight with Jeremy, and slowly bleed to a certain extent, then we can use the smallest Come to pick peaches. "

Angela nodded: "I understand, just listen to you."

Beta looked at the huge palace behind him: "The most important thing is that if Sauron died before the expedition, that would be a big deal. Maybe Arsenal would come to investigate the cause. In case what he found at that time , With an army ... I make sure I can live, but Erb will definitely be broken. "

Thinking of the hard-built city being destroyed, Angela sighed: "Forget it, let Sauron live longer. I'm so kind."

Beta rolled her eyes. "It's as if you could kill him."

Angela laughed and said, "We have such a good relationship. If you can kill, it means that I can kill! Do I ask you to help me kill him? Will you still refuse?"

This makes sense.

The two then went a long way.

And Sauron and Bessel stayed on a hill. After waiting for nearly two days, they did not see Beta and Angela coming from the vicinity, and left their faces darkly.

It took almost five days to arrive, and after detouring for some unexplainable reasons, Beta and Angela took seven days to return to Erb.

After that, the army was convened. It was three months before the assembly time, and two months were used for temporary training. The last month was used to march to the designated destination. It was enough.

There are now three hundred succubus soldiers and about a thousand ordinary miscellaneous soldiers.

Beta decided to temporarily adjust two hundred succubus people and six hundred ordinary miscellaneous troops in response to Arsenal's call.

According to Angela's experience, this number is not more or less.

The two stayed in Beta's office and looked through the window at the training succubus and non-branded soldiers outside the school yard. They felt a little different.

Beta was never expecting that one day he could take the demons to the battlefield.

Angela sighed and said, "I don't know how many of these people can come back."

Beta thought for a while and said, "I try to bring them back as best I can."

"Trouble you," Angela said earnestly. "They have just lived a good life, and it would be a shame if they would all die in another country."

Beta feels the same way.

The two had just said, Angela stayed in the town of Erbu, and Beta left the army.

In fact, this decision is exactly what Beta meant.

He had long thought about the Devil Realm and went to explore the news.

Always staying in one place is not a thing.

Okinawa City.

On the left side of the city's main palace, several caves suddenly popped out, and then led to the dark ground.

Alkin led the tribe carefully to dig the tunnel underground.

He is very satisfied with his life now. The rest of his masters will send a batch of food every month.

The mistress named Emma will allocate more food to them according to their progress.

In just over two months, the people's bodies gradually became stronger.

In addition, the host provided them with a lot of mining tools, which greatly accelerated their mining progress.

The most important thing is that with the tools, their front claws will no longer be 'disabled'.

Alkin commanded a group of people to transport magical materials to the ground.

These magical materials contain extremely high magic power, and they are also very much loved by the dogheads.

But none of the dogheads took a bite.

These are the owner's property. They cannot move, and they cannot move.

The Goblet is the most loyal servant in the world.

Even if I want to eat again, I won't.

Unless the host never gives them food.

The magical materials were transported to the designated warehouse, and then Alkin went back to the ground and looked at the nursery.

The dog people are raised together.

What's more, these newly born dachshunds have pale golden skin, and most importantly, they are healthier and livelier.

On the one hand, there is sufficient food; on the other hand, the master's divine power is transformed.

Alkin felt his ascension.

The host is really great ... Alkin is very fortunate that he took the risk of finding a way out more than a year ago.

Just when Alkin was happy, a goblin came in, jumping and jumping in front of him, talking nervously.

Then Alkin followed him, down an tunnel, and at the very end of the tunnel, Alkin saw a 'starlight'.

These 'starlights' are shining on the entire wall.

Alkin's eyes were almost flashed, and he immediately rushed up and found Emma directly.

Emma is processing the household registration information. The construction of the Vice City has come to an end. It is estimated that it will be able to move in in two or three months.

Therefore, she received a large number of requests for land acquisition and relocation.

It is quite difficult to select a group of innocent people from this.

Then Algin rushed in and said, dancing, "Master, master! Underground, stars ... mine, bright!"

Emma frowned, and then said, "I'll let my magic pet walk with you, it can share its vision to me."

Because time is too tight, government affairs simply don't have enough time to handle ~ ~ Emma didn't want to waste a minute and a second for things with unknown reasons, so she made this decision.

But half an hour later, she stood up in excitement.

In the field of vision returned by the flame imp, there was a bright starlight.

As a caster, she knew too much what it was.

"Star meteorite."

This is a rather scarce magical material ... and it is very versatile. Almost all other types of magic can be used as casting materials.

Can greatly increase the power of magic.

Can also improve the use of magic circle time and effect.

Legend has it that the stars of the astral world are falling.

It can be said that it is very expensive.

"Is this a meteorite vein?"

Emma felt dizzy.

Almost the whole of Holebun knows that there are a lot of magical materials in the wetlands, that is, under Okinkin City.

But they have no records, and there are star meteorites.

"Stored up. Block this place for the time being." Emma took a deep breath. "Everything will be decided after Beta returns."

Emma came out of the underground passage, found Shirley, and said it.

After listening, Shirley praised, "You're doing a good job. It really has to wait for Beta to come back."

Emma frowned suddenly: "Is the doghead Terran reliable? In case they talk about it, we will definitely face great trouble."

"It's really a big deal."

The interest represented by the star meteorite is too high.

Shirley thought for a while and said, "I will find a way to tell Beta this thing. The doghead people will theoretically not betray Beta, but I ’m afraid that some doghead people have a low IQ and do n’t know the importance of this thing , Said leaked ... tell Algin that starting today, all dogheads can't leave the ground, temporarily closing their cave entrance, and wait until Beta returns. "

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