Noble Emblem

Chapter 1156: Doubt and confrontation

Shirley has no way to reach Beta directly, but there are ‘people’ behind her.

She first contacted Woking, and then Woking `` caught '' Beta to the kingdom of God.

Seeing Woking again, Beta found that she had changed a lot.

The body seemed a little shorter, and the face was a little girlish, and finally ... the two jellies on the chest were a little bigger.

Almost to catch up with the succubus queen.

Beta snored in her heart, and did not know if it was her own illusion. How Wojin became more and more suitable for her aesthetic taste of zero reading.

"It's not easy to catch you from the demon world." Woking's expression looked a little tired, she looked Beta up and down and sighed: "Do you like succubi so much? Another one!"

Beta snorted and said nothing.

What can a man say at this time!

Woking's pure eyes were like water, she said softly: "Shirley asked me to tell you that a star meteorite vein was found under Woking City and she was temporarily sealed."

Beta knows this in the game, and he chose wetland as the territory again, which is why.

"Without sealing, let Sherry dig it out a little bit. Sell half and save half." Beta thought about it and said, "Digging about a hundred kilos a month is enough."

"She was worried that it would cause a lot of trouble," Woking said.

Beta laughed: "If it was two years ago, the news of astral veins would surely be troublesome, but now the wealth gods ... If you ca n’t even hold a vein, it ’s too bad. Now. "

Woking nodded: "It makes sense, worldly things, you make the decision."

For Beta, Woking is completely reassured that he can develop an unknown teacher to the point where the world is now famous. Beta's judgment and ability are absolutely top-notch. Moreover, even if Beta's ability to govern is not very strong, Woking will not refute his face casually.

"Also on the edge of the world." Woking said, "I let Akua go, but ..."

Beta froze.

Because Wolkin's expression was strange, it made him feel bad.

"Akuya has suffered a great mental attack."


Woking nodded.

Beta couldn't help but take a breath.

Akua is a genuine deity, and his mental strength is stronger than humans do not know how much, even with the protection of laws, even if it is injured?

"Mostly, the last time after Akua's assassination of God of War, the subject has become much stronger against her." Woking said lightly, "her strength has become much weaker on the subject. This was an accidental injury , But it does n’t matter, and now he ’s back to his kingdom of God to recuperate. ”

Beta was slightly relieved.

Akua is also his friend and doesn't like her accident.

After thinking about it, Beta asked: "Do you know exactly how the goddess Akua was injured?"

"She told me when she returned."

Woking told the story now.

It turned out that when Akua went to the edge of the world, he found a strange fog wall.

The fog wall can be seen with the naked eye, but not with the spirit.

She wanted to enter the foggy wall to see what happened, but as soon as she approached, there were a dozen giant tentacles bursting out of the fog, trying to catch Akua

And those tentacles are like octopus tentacles. Each tentacle has a lot of eyes. What's more outrageous is that Akua can still see the tentacles with the naked eye, but can't perceive them with spirit.

And these tentacles can emit a weird mental attack, even if it is a level of mental protection, it cannot be completely blocked, and it can directly affect the soul and godhead.

So Akua fled.

After Beta heard, her brows frowned into a Sichuan shape.

There are so many demon gods with tentacles in the game, but they are all kitten-level. Not to mention the orthodox gods, you can easily pull down about ten legendary players.

The demon of this strength cannot cause mental damage to Akua.

Does it have anything to do with the demon world?

Beta couldn't help but associate it with the Makai attack two or three years later.

"But the world tree can mentally perceive the fog wall?" Beta suddenly thought of it, feeling a little strange.

But Woking said: "The perception of the world tree is not purely spiritual. It is actually a physical means. She can connect most of the trees on this plane and share their senses."

That's it!

"About the fog wall, we may not be able to help you." Woking's face apologized with an apology: "After all, we go to the main plane, and our strength will be greatly suppressed."

Beta sighed: "It's really difficult and difficult for the main plane. This may be another invasion of the devil."

Woking was a little unhappy, this kind of unhappy was not for Beta, but for himself.

She feels that these gods are sometimes useless. When something happens on the main plane, they can only stay in the divine realm and watch, relying on human beings to solve it.

Can only help indirectly, it is almost impossible to actively fight on the front line.

Beta suddenly thought of one thing: "If it is really world-class danger, then the race of the Frostwolf clan should be stronger."

Woking raised her eyebrows. She also knows a little about this race.

Beta was relieved. It was a touch to think that the Frostwolf clan was still in their own city of Woking.

There is confidence again.

After chatting with Woking, Beta's soul returned to the demon world.

He woke up from the bed, ate something, and started training the succubus soldiers.

Two months later, he took the army to the designated assembly point, and at the same time recruited six hundred undead skeletons as logistics troops to deliver food.

These undead can eat or drink, and it's perfect for them to transport food.

Although the succubuses can fly, the non-branded army can't, and the logistics army can't.

So they are moving a little bit slower.

Just two days before the deadline, the card arrived at the designated destination.

Taurazu hills.

At this time, many troops have gathered here, watching the black masses, occupying the entire hills.

Arsenal and his army were stationed at the highest point, and when Beta came with a succubus and a miscellaneous army, he glanced uncomfortably.

But someone cares.

Generally speaking, the Demon Army will not bring too much food with it, and it will be the best to have more than ten days of food.

But Beta's army is completely different.

Hundreds of logistic teams and a large amount of food can definitely maintain the consumption of the Erbu army for more than three months.

The succubus is here, and those in the army can bear it.

But seeing so much food, it is difficult for them to suppress their greed.

Soon a demon army came to find him.

A fat-bone demon who looks like a bread head arrogantly shouted at a dozen meters away and asked the people of Erbu to give them half of the military rations, otherwise they would have to start.

Beta yanked the corner of her mouth: "The shield is out, and the gun formation stands up for me."

The non-branded army immediately set up their positions and split into two circles. The generals were well protected.

And the succubus began to take off.

Although it is a non-branded army, in fact, after Beta training, their discipline is not much worse than that of the human army.

Seeing that Beta and others still wanted to resist, the bone demon leaped like a thunder, and they rushed over with more than two hundred Demon soldiers.

No matter what kind of race is, it is also a non-brand army.

But there is no formation at all.

It was a swarm of bees.

The result was obvious, the other party threw away hundreds of corpses and returned.

On the Beta side, only three demons died and more than thirty were injured.

Arsenal stood on the high ground, looking at all this, then he chuckled: "Human warfare, human degenerates ... Erb City's army has something."

An aide said: "Human methods of fighting are quite weak."

Arsenal shook his head: "But we just can't beat the human world, how many times?"

The lieutenant next to him was a little awkward.

Arsenal said, "Give them a banner and use them as surprise soldiers on the left side of our camp."

understand! The lieutenant was ordered to leave.

Soon, Beta got the flag and obeyed the military order, and moved to the left of the camp.

After relocating, Beta let him set up a small camp for himself.

Beta was sitting inside, and Martha was quite happy to say, "No one is going to bully us now."

With the banner, the Arsenal commander has the ‘capable’ army, and only listens to the commander ’s dispatch.

Moreover, almost all the military leaders have seen the previous battles ~ ~ They think that if their own army hits the Seoul Army, it will be the same.

Beta smiled, prepared the report of the shift, and was about to take a break, a flamedemon called out.

"Human black warrior in Arb, Arsenal will summon you."

What's wrong with me? Beta frowned.

Then he said to Martha: "Remember our plan. In the event of a conflict between me and the Grand Commander, you will immediately lead the army down the mountain, fight and retreat.

Martha nodded hard.

Compared to the command of the Grand Commander, she was more willing to listen to Beta.

Ten minutes later, Beta came to Grand Commander Arsenal.

When you get closer, you can smell a smell of sulfur.

Arsenal sat on a boulder and looked down at Beta.

Beta looked up at each other, and the eyes of both sides were together.

After a while, Arsenal said in surprise: "I don't see respect in your eyes."

"Respect is expressed in action, not in gaze."

"Hahaha, human debates, I haven't heard it for a long time." Arsenal smiled softly: "More than 300 years ago, I and Dai Po Luo attacked the human world. At that time I was not as strong as I am now, but I still caught a human princess. "

Beta's expression was calm.

Arsenal looked at his eyes, his expression, and continued: "I told her that we demons will one day rule the human world, but the human princess said: If you demons really have this ability, they will not say ' Someday, 'you don't have confidence! "

Beta's expression was still calm.

"Then I was very angry, and I ate her alive. I started eating from her feet, and her screams were very pleasant."

Beta's expression remained calm.

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