Noble Emblem

Chapter 1157: Charge of the Demon Race

Arsenal was tempting himself.

why? There are many humans who have fallen into the demon world, and Beta has not done anything that affects the demon world recently. It stands to reason that the other party should only treat himself as an ordinary evil human.

For a moment, he thought of many possibilities.

Despite frequent psychological activities, Beta's face remained unchanged.

"Is it cruel?"

Arsenal looked at Beta with great interest, and seemed to be very curious about his upcoming change in expression.

But Beta still said coldly, "It's cruel."

"You don't feel angry? That's your kin, and it seems from your human point of view that princess is pretty."

"I have killed many of my own kin." Beta smiled. "I suppose that you do not kill as many humans as you lead. Why should I be angry?"

Arsenal laughed: "It makes sense, if you do n’t kill a large number of people, how could you come to our demon world. Human boy, you are very good. After this war, come to my side to do things. Old follow The back of a succubus does affect your evaluation outside. "

"If I can survive this war, I will consider it." Beta nodded slightly.

"You're not optimistic about this war?" Arsenal asked unhappy. The evil energy in him became active.

Beta shook her head slightly. "No. I just worry that I may not survive the aftermath of the battle between the two commanders."


Arsenal smiled happily: "Yes, yes, humans really speak much better than the base bones of our demons. Flatter me without any traces. Well ... you go back first, if you really survive, Just do things with my Majesty. "

Beta stooped and left.

Looking at the back of his departure, Arsenal chuckled, and then focused again to the far north.

He felt the magic of his brother and slowly approached it.

Beta returned to the camp, and Martha breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her.

"What happened to the succubus outside?"

When Beta returned to the camp, he found that there were a lot of demons circling outside. At first he thought he was the succubus of Erbtu who did not listen to the order and left the post without authorization. Obviously the succubus of other cities.

The succubus soldiers of Erb City are uniformly dressed.

Although it is still a low-cut high-fur leather coat, the style is pale white, and there is the coat of arms of Erb City on the neckline.

So he came over and asked Martha what the alien succubus wanted to do.

Martha reluctantly replied: "They want to meet our well-trained sisters because they are curious."

Succubus in other cities can appear on the battlefield, clearly saying that it is for 'anti-submarine', but in essence, it is also the army (women's branch). They have long been used to their destiny, but now they see a well-trained The momentum and sister army of Ling were curious at the moment.

Perhaps an opportunity will expand the reputation of Erb City.

Beta thought for a while and said, "Take twenty soldiers to rest for a while and entertain your sisters, but don't let them run around and make trouble in our camp."

Martha nodded happily: "I understand."

She knew that Beta was very important to order, and as long as she obeyed the rules set by Beta, she could say everything.

After a while, a group of succubi flew down, gathered together, and chatted.

Succubus are relatively united, and there are very few struggles.

Unlike other demonic races, he has a bad temper and often argues.

Subsequently, more and more succubus flew over, and soon a hundred curious succubus flew into the camp.

Three hours later, Beta asked Martha to rush out. After all, the barracks were going to rest soon, and it was impossible to leave too many outsiders.

Martha nodded, but then said with some awkwardness: "There are a dozen sisters who want to stay."

Beta had anticipated this a long time ago, and he nodded and said, "No more than 20 people will be enough. All of them will be sent to the logistic unit, and they will tell them that here I must obey the order, otherwise I will chase them. go."

"I see." Martha was happy, but then frowned. "What if another city comes to your door and asks us what to do!"

"Call back."

Beta's tone was very light, but she was vaguely domineering.

"Okay!" Martha likes Beta's light-hearted grandeur.

Subsequently, a large number of succubus left, in fact, many of them wanted to stay, but Beta only gave 20 places.

This is Beta's deliberate intention. If all stays, who will help him to promote the city of Erb to the succubus of other cities.

It didn't take long for these succubus to return, and soon the Devil came to ask for people. But all were beaten back, and even Beta was not shot. The succubus who had undergone rigorous military training only sent more than 30 people. They easily beat more than twice the demons soldiers, and it was not waste Blowing power.

No killer at the same time!

Moreover, it is only a few succubus, and it is not worth a large-scale conflict.

Soon the demons who were outside the army camp in Erb City dispersed.

In the eyes of other demons, this episode is nothing, it is normal for the female to fight, and the winner takes all.

But in the eyes of the succubus, it is a big deal.

Finally, there is a city that can shelter itself? News began to circulate among the succubus. After all, many succubi didn't come to the camp in Erbu.

After two days, all the troops were assembled and the army started to allocate.

The terrain of the devil world is relatively flat, and you can see the distant skyline when you cross the hills.

The leader is at the forefront. His body, which is over nine meters tall, and full of green evil energy, can see clearly even if he is far apart. Behind them were the army of the various city-like troops scattered like sand. When viewed from a high altitude, they were completely deformed.

From a distance, you can hear the roar of 60,000 'people' walking.

Only the army of Erb City maintained a square advance from beginning to end.

With or without systematic training, the gap is really big.

Marching is a very distressing thing, and nothing has been encountered along the way. Any creature with a little danger and instinct avoids this marching army.

Based on her experience, Beta estimated the number of soldiers in the army.

About 60,000 people.

More than a hundred lords, on average, each army sent about 600 troops. The number of soldiers in Erb City, among all the lords, is only moderate, not more or less.

Some poor lords are good enough to have two hundred people.

The marching time was particularly difficult, but it was easy for the soldiers in Erb.

The marching kilometers were not enough for half of their usual training.

After walking for seven days, Da Chu finally came to a plain.

In the front, you can see the dark spots floating on the horizon.

The opposite army?

After walking for another three kilometers, I finally saw the situation on the opposite side.

In the distance, a devil standing slightly more than nine meters tall stood.

Although far apart, a more violent magic wave than Arsenal passed from a distance.

Searing Rock!

Behind Searing Locke, there were also dense black spots.

A lot of Demon soldiers.

If in the game, Searing Rock could bring so many younger brothers, let alone the f6 guild and the silver wing guild, even if you add big-name guilds such as Jialan Temple, it will not win.

So, a copy was specifically ordered in the game to limit strength. How helpless it is that Searing Rock can only summon ten elite monsters every five minutes.

The two sides stopped at a distance of five kilometers.

The atmosphere quickly became heavy.

Arsenal spoke to him, and then dozens of winged demons flew up into the sky.

These winged demon scattered all over the army, shouting with PA magic.

"The Grand Commander has a command and rests for three hours. Three hours later, he heard the command and attacked immediately."

The other legions sat down immediately, or lay down to rest and eat.

Beta froze ... is this gone? What about the offensive line? What about the formation?


The unknown Beta then thought about it, it seems that the demons really don't have formations or the like.

Their war is to see who has more people and who is braver.

Beta sighed, let her army rest in place, let them eat something first, and then said to them: "We'll leave the others alone ~ ~ Follow my command as trained, Follow me in the formation. "

The soldiers nodded.

Beta continued: "Whether it is the enemy or our allies, as long as they enter our attack range and attack directly, they must not let them mess up our formation, understand?"


This order didn't make the succubus and other miscellaneous army feel strange.

The demons are very self-conscious. Compared to other people, they value their lives and wealth more. They only believe in themselves and do not believe in others.

The lead to the collective is that they reluctantly believe in their own people and do not trust their allies. What if there were spies in those people, or the plot was wrong?

Beta's order is essentially in line with their 'worldview'.

But in fact ... Beta's order is more afraid that the formation of the Erbu army will be disrupted, and a large-scale formation riot will be triggered.

Although they do not allow outsiders to approach them, the starting point is completely different.

After being fed, Beta let the soldiers rest.

About three hours later, Arsenal, who had been sitting in front of her, stood up.

He didn't know where to get a huge stone hammer, and hit the ground three times.

Each click is heavier than the previous one.

Every time the hammer hits the ground, it will cause a shock wave, a huge smoke and dust will rise, and the ground will tremble slightly.

Everyone in the entire army looked at his back.

Then Arsenal lifted the stone hammer and pointed forward, making a thunderous roar.


After a brief silence, the entire army violently roared, as if a muffled thunder rang in the ear, shaking everyone's diaphragm.

The demons roared and ran forward with their weapons.

Without any hesitation and fear, like crazy.

The exception is the Erbu City Army.

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