Noble Emblem

Chapter 1158: Magma throw

Compared to other demon-soldier soldiers in other cities, Erb's army seemed extremely calm.

The square array has been maintained from beginning to end, moving forward slowly.

The shield soldiers are on the front and middle sides, and the gunmen are inside. The archer is in the middle.

The succubus in the air was not in a hurry to fly to the front, but hovered over the ground square.

Viewed from a high altitude, the army of Erb City is like a white rock in a wave of black flood. It has a feeling of 'water' pushing the boulder slowly forward.

Soon, the city of Erbu fell to the rear.

The two fear monsters in charge of the Overseer frowned, and one of them asked, "Master, do I need to warn them?"

Arsenal shook his head: "It doesn't matter, this is how humans fight, as long as they are not afraid of war."

Arsenal was an 'old man' who had participated in the War of the Devil. He knew that the human battlefield looked at the action slowly, but it was actually quite powerful. Not only can you win more with less, you can also win with weakness.

The Phalanx continued to advance. There was a crowd of people in the front. At the back, it was impossible to distinguish between the enemy and the ally.

Beta stood at the forefront of the square, then turned her head to Martha and said, "Let the scout team rise, help observe the enemy's position, and guide the archers to shoot the enemy's squadron.

"I see." Martha nodded and began to lift off.

The army of Erb City continued to move forward, and the foot soldiers of the ground almost stepped on a point, causing a louder momentum than the other demons around.

So no one dared to run into their army.

The forefront of the demons has been at war with the enemy.

Suddenly, a strange boom came from the front.

It was roaring, screaming, the intersection of weapons, and the sound of magic attacks, all mixed together.

The soldiers of the Erb City Army were also in high spirits, but they still advanced in a square array according to Beta's order.

The more than half a year of training has given them a great week of discipline.

As the Phalanx advanced, it quickly reached the range where the bow and arrow could attack.

Martha was in mid-air, and immediately pointed out the shooting angle and orientation.

"Ready ... let go."

A wave of arrow rain flew, flying to a distance, and then falling like a raindrop.

"The army advances ten steps," Beta shouted.

Ten steps later, Martha was in the air and immediately pointed out the new shooting point and angle.

"Ready ... let go."

There was another wave of arrow rain.

Although the archers of Erb City are only about two hundred, the power and effect of salvo is much stronger than the shot.

Every wave of arrow rain can make a difference.

In this way, every ten steps of the arrow rain, the army of Erb City slowly advanced forward.

In the rear, Arsenal kept watching the city of Erb, and he laughed when he saw this.

The admiral of the wing demon next to him said unpleasantly, "This is too coincidental, too timid."

"That's not the case." Arsenal patted her thighs. "More than 300 years ago, my army suffered a huge loss under this attack. At that time, I encountered 6,000 regular human troops. They That's the way I played. I had 10,000 people. Then ... I lost. "

"How is this possible!" The lieutenant said in surprise. "How can 10,000 demons not beat six thousand humans?"

"When we rushed in front of human beings, we had lost 4,000 people." Assen said with nostalgia: "After the war, the human gun shield was ruthless, we are still in a disadvantage, if not for me Severely injured, forcibly killed a channel and directly killed their commander, making their entire army chaotic, otherwise we would really be wiped out there. "

The Wing Devil breathed a sigh of relief: "That shows that human tactical weaknesses are obvious, as long as they kill their commanders."

"Simply put." Assen snorted. "If I were a human commander, would it be so easy to kill?"

The Wing Demon was speechless for a moment, and he conceived for a moment, and found that his commander was right. If the commander's strength is also very strong, then this tactic really has to overwhelm their Demon-like charge.

"This human ... before the fall, it was either the great knight aristocracy or the warlord."

Arsenal looked admirably at the direction of Erb City.

In fact, besides him, the scorching Locke opposite also noticed the city of Erb.

He was in the rear and saw an arrow rain shooting from behind the enemy to his flank. Each wave could take away more than a dozen, or dozens of demons. At first glance, it seems that the loss is not great, but At least two dozen waves of arrows have rained.

Destroyed demons, nearly four to five hundred people, already have about a medium-sized city.

"Human tactics!" Searing Locke stood up, his height was over nine meters, and his vision was very good. He could see that behind the enemy, there was a [Zero Reading] detachment of the army, moving slowly, and the arrow rain, It was shot from them.

Searing Locke looked like Arsenal. He squinted for a moment and said to the side, "Take a team and air raid the Phalanx."

A gargoyle bowed and left.

In fact, in addition to Beta ’s archers, many lords carry archers regardless of whether they are enemy or me.

However, the number of their archers was small, and the other two were shooting at their own expense. There was no purpose and purpose, and the shooting effect was naturally much worse.

Although walking slowly, over time, Erb City has also reached the frontier boundary.

At this time, a group of gargoyles flew up from behind the enemy, directly passing over the two fronts, and directly from the city of Erbu.

Gargoyles have strong physical resistance, and Gongya has a weak effect on them.

And they fly extremely fast.

Within twenty seconds, he was close to Erb.

At this time, nearly two hundred succubus suddenly flew in Erbu city ... arranged at a very fast speed, and then in just ten seconds, it became a ball-shaped siege.

Then the gargoyles swooped in.

Suddenly, all the succubus used low-level magic that did not need to sing, and all the ice thunder firepower came out.

The more than a hundred gargoyles immediately felt that they were all magical attacks.

The gargoyles are very physically resistant, but magically resistant. They scream after a while and ‘crash’ one by one.

From a distance, the succubus are like a big net, and the gargoyles are like a black line, smashed into the net, and then shot down by a red and six-colored 'barrage'.

"The gargoyles really don't have any mind." Martha threw a fireball, smashed into a gargoyle's face not far away, and watched the latter scream and fall, she laughed: "I did not expect to deal with it These things are so easy. "

"It's not that Li Lin's sheriff has been properly trained," said a succubus familiar with her. "If we had taken off all our clothes before, we couldn't beat these gargoyles."

Because of the ‘stone skin’ characteristics of gargoyles, they are one of the few races that can be immune to succubus juice. Even the unfavorable tricks of Nightmare Space do not work well for them.

More than a hundred gargoyles disappeared in half an instant, and the rest was not right, and immediately turned around and ran. During the escape process, the succubus chased and beat most of them.

If it wasn't for Beta's earlier words, don't let them chase too deep, otherwise they could completely wipe out these gargoyles.

But even so, only a dozen gargoyles flew back.

Hahahaha! Seeing this scene in the rear, Arsenal smiled quite happily.

Searing Rock's Gargoyle unit is quite famous, but it was unexpected that it was overturned by a group of succubus.

And the succubus seem to have lost nothing.

The city of Erbu moved on.

Searing Rock snorted, squatted down, and plunged his hands into the mud. After a while, he pulled out a large ball of green magma.

Then the arms exerted strength, and the strong muscles were tense than the stones.

He hurled a huge magma ball across the battlefield and flew towards the city of Erb.

This green magma ball is too obvious ... More than 100,000 people on the battlefield can clearly see it.

Arsenal stood up, he calculated the distance, his magic was not that far, he couldn't stop it.

If the magma is smashed, the city of Erb will be destroyed immediately. Because this ball of magma will explode.

This dense formation, the weakness is also here, very afraid of large-scale attacks.

The city of Erb had changed at this time. More than thirty succubus flew past the magma ball, and after a short distance, the succubus swayed in the air and ran side by side with the magma ball.

Then they simultaneously use 'breath of breath' against the magma ball.

Then this huge magma ball slowly changed its direction in the air ~ ~ when it fell to the ground, it had deviated from the target point by at least two hundred meters.

Although it still exploded, the fire magma spots scattered inside the city of Erbu were no longer harmful, and they could only blister some blisters.

Hahahahaha ... Arsenal smiled even more happily.

It seemed as if he felt Arsenal's laughter, Searing Rock glanced at his brother from a distance, then sat down.

He was a great commander, and he had already lost face because he hadn't taken a shot from the enemy's grand commander to deal with Xiaoyu in advance.

If he hits again at this point, he becomes even more embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he thinks it's fine.

The city of Erbu moved on.

The succubus's response was taught by Beta.

Although he did not participate in the scoring battle of Searing Locke, he had watched the video afterwards.

Searing Rock's magma throwing skills, but the big killer, first F6 and the Silver Wings Guild, suffered a big loss under this move, and have not formally engaged in the battle, they have to reduce a lot of staff.

Later, the wind magicians were allowed to fly in the air to distort the direction of the magma ball, which gave them the opportunity to face Scorch Locke.

How could Beta not prepare early.

Soon, Erb City officially reached the front.

The situation here is chaotic. The two sides at war are mixed together, and more than 100,000 people fight without distinction between you and me.

Beta looked around and shouted: "Turn, cut out to the northeast, the shield soldiers prepare, the gunmen follow, and anyone who dares to approach us, kills them regardless of the enemy or me. The center, follow the advance and restore physical strength. "

This place has become a meat grinder. If you stay, even if there are three thousand more people coming out, it will become meat mud, which must be strategically transferred.

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