Noble Emblem

Chapter 1159: Hyperreal Fighting

Judging from the number of soldiers, Searing Locke prevailed, and Beta was keen to send out that his own side was already showing a slight disadvantage.

Therefore, Beta can only order the army to ‘cut out’. This is a game term, which refers to the use of dense formations to forcibly break through to the enemy's flank or outer wing, and then use local strength advantages to erode the enemy's external forces.

It is very useful for enemy formations that have no formation or are relatively loose.

Because players are players after all, they don't like too professional terms, so they like to talk about terms in their own small circle.

The direction of the Erbu army was exactly the empty place of the enemy, so the Erbu army shifted to the periphery of the enemy without any effort.

The shield soldiers were ahead and the gunmen were behind. Although they were walking slowly, an enemy rushed over and was blocked by the shield soldiers. Several spearmen's lances pierced through the gap in the shield, even if the six-armed Naga encountered this. This situation is not easy to make.

Some demons who are flexible and good at jumping just jumped in from the shield soldier's head, and then were poked by pikemen from the air, like a smashing worm, to the ground.

Some of the more powerful ones are dealt with by Beta.

He can see the level of the enemy. As long as the demons around lv5 come over, he will shoot.

For most Demon soldiers, this is an elite level, a very difficult enemy. In front of him, even a sword cannot be blocked.

In this way, the strong were dealt with by Beta, the miscellaneous soldiers were handed over to the Shield Lancers, and the Erb City army successfully `` cut '' to the periphery of the battlefield.

"The shield soldiers crouched and stood up, the gunmen refused to fight the horse, and the bow soldiers shot the enemy in front of them in three consecutive stages. As trained, the victory belongs to us."

Beta gave an order, then encouraged.

His charisma is very high, and his prestige as a sheriff in Erb City is also very high. Most importantly, his decision-making has not been any problem until now.

Until now, they had killed 13 shield soldiers, 5 spearmen ... killing almost thousands of enemies, it was a god-like record.

So his words of inspiration are very effective.

Morale rose immediately.

If it were a human army, it would be almost impossible to produce such a record against the demons.

After all, most human soldiers are ordinary people. Individually, they are not opponents of the Demons.

Only unity and cooperation can defeat the demons.

But the demons themselves are different. Most of their ‘people’ are almost professionals. The harsh living environment makes them all not weak.

Array of full-time professionals ... As long as the number reaches a certain level, in the human world, this means almost invincible.

Beta's Knights of the Round Table is full of calculations, only 125 people, but in the game, the charge on the plains can directly cut through the ordinary infantry defense line of 3,000 or 4,000 people.

And the Demon Array!

Three consecutive shots appeared in the hands of the Demon Archer, firing the effect of two or three revolver machine guns.

The enemy in front of him fell like stubble wheat.

Soon, within a range of more than two hundred meters, they cleared an uninhabited area.

After shooting and killing a few enemies with crazy brains, no enemies dare to come here for the time being.

Beta immediately ordered: "The whole rest, rest for ten minutes, something to eat."

Eating on the battlefield would have been taboo if it were the human world.

But the demons are different. Because of the harsh natural environment, they have been used to eating at any time.

Whenever they eat into their stomachs, they digest it quickly.

And it will not affect the function of the body.

The reason for Beta's decision is simple. Four hours have passed, but the total number of people on the battlefield is still about two-thirds.

What's more important is that the big commanders on both sides have not moved, and they seem very calm.

Are the wars in the demon world a wave of death, depending on who's luck, which side has more people?

Beta sighed, thinking about the war between humans and demons that she saw before, it really seems like this.

In fact, the demon world really doesn't care about the number of soldiers. The dead soldiers can be used as food, and it can also alleviate the problem of urban supply.

Thinking of this, Beta suddenly felt a flash of light ... He asked back, "Martha, did the Grand Commander have beaten his brother with his soldiers before?"

As Martha ate the dried jerky, she replied, "It seems to have been two or three times, and every time it ’s no match."

Real hammer ... Where is this brother's grudge, apparently united to weaken the strength of his city lords.

It can also address food shortages caused by overpopulation.

The most important thing is that the soldiers consume two to three times as much as the normal demons. The death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers can greatly reduce the burden on the city.

Two birds with one stone.

Thinking about this, Beta is helpless.

Earlier, Erb City performed so well that he might have been followed by Arsenal, or it might become a thorn in his eyes.

But it's hard to say ... Erb City is the succubus, and the succubus is not high in the demon world.

Good and bad.

Beta thought for a while, then said to the rear: "Next we need to save our strength. We don't need to be too aggressive."

The soldiers nodded.

However, Beta still has something to do with it. Obviously, after two or three years, there will be a war between humans and demons. Why does Assen need to consume so many troops from his territory?

Isn't it good to bear for two or three years?

Is it because of training?

If this is the case, the likelihood of being targeted by Erb City will be lower.

After understanding Arsenal's plan, this hell-like war in front of him became a joke in Beta's eyes.

The two legendary devils sit north and south, as if they were chess generals and commanders, and a group of chess pieces slaughtered between the Chu River and the Han Dynasty.

Even if the blood was killed again, in their eyes, it was just a play.

Beta stood, looking at Searing Locke, then at the two of Assen, and then he smiled with a strange smile.

The next time, in Beta's view, is garbage time.

The Fleet of Erb City throws some arrows from time to time during the stroke, occasionally stepping over and knocking down dozens of enemy demons, and then leaves the melee center.

Their actions naturally looked at both the legendary devil.

Searing Rock didn't have much expression on his ugly face.

But Arsen laughed lightly: "Human beings are smart ..."

The adjutant next to him asked something unclear, "How effective is he to hurt the enemy by playing in and out."

"So he is human, you are a winged demon."

Wing Devil looked confused.

Four hours later, Arsenal stood up, and across from it, Searing Locke stood up.

The two hedged at the same time.

When the huge body was running, the nearby ground was shaking.

In the rumbling sound, the two were like two huge rocks, hitting each other, and everything that was passed was crushed and trampled.

At the moment of the impact, two huge energies exploded in conflict with each other, and Nian Zeng opened a large number of demons that were still fighting around.

Many of them burned and vaporized in an instant, and more of them turned into coke and died.

Then Arsenal grabbed Searing Locke, and it was a fall over the shoulder.

The height of Jiu Gao was so high that the huge body was photographed on the ground, directly over 30 demons.

Furious Searing Locke's eyes were green and alarming. When he patted the ground, huge energy spewed out, igniting the nearby ground.

Of course, a large number of demons were also ignited.

Then Searing Rock jumped up and pinched one leg on Arsenal.

Arsen made a scream, flew more than ten bets, and then rolled more than thirty meters. In the process, more than one hundred demons and demons died.

I don't know if I am the enemy.

Then Arsena got up, rushed down, hurled his brother down with a hug, and dragged his legs to circle.

With each turn, the wind roared, and dozens of demons were beaten around.

As he circled, he moved away from his position, and more and more demons were hit.

At this time, the demons who could kill them began to spread.

After a few laps, the fiery flame on Searing Locke became more and more vigorous, and Assen had to drag his hand and throw his brother out.

Searing Rock with a rumbling sound and a dazzling flame, hit the densest place of the demons like a meteor.

The evil energy exploded and hundreds of demons were killed.

Beta saw this and smiled quite well.

The battle scenes of these two legendary devil are too hot, and the punches are so flamboyant ~ ~ The moves are gorgeous, as real and touching as the wwe game.

And the most showy are the demons soldiers. After they escaped a certain range, they watched two legendary demons fight each other, and then many of their companions were affected in the fight. And even cheered excitedly.

I didn't realize at all that my companions were getting fewer and fewer.

Beta gave a gesture, and Erb's army withdrew at a rapid rate.

Because he found that the two devil were fighting and seemed to be showing signs of coming to them.

Don't wait any longer at this time.

After leaving the battlefield, a group of feather demons descended from the air.

One of them said, "You cowards, dare to flee the battlefield ..."

"Shoot!" Beta ordered without hesitation.

After a burst of arrow rain, several winged monsters fell down with arrows all over their bodies.

There were still a few who wanted to escape with injuries, but were caught up by the succubus and whipped them, dying happily.

Then they occupied a high ground, watching the two magics in front of them dimly.

Martha descended from the air and asked a little nervously, "What do we do when we kill the Overlord? Afterwards, the leader will hold you accountable!"

Beta shook her head and said, "Don't worry, you go back to the city first, and tell Angela immediately to get her ready to annex other cities."

"Aren't you following us back?"

"I have to stay and eliminate some hidden dangers."

Martha thought about it and turned to leave with her troops.

Beta went a little further, and took out several scrolls from the mansion space.

Then he got into the battlefield again.

Arsenal and Searing Rock were still fighting.

They all had scars on them, and the green blood washes out, looking terrible.

But Beta knew that those were just skin injuries.

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