Noble Emblem

Chapter 1160: Despicable human

The two legendary demons are still fighting each other, but at this time Beta finds some strange changes.

There are a lot of dead demons around, ‘black gas’ is faintly emerging from their bodies. These black gas cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they can be felt with mental power.

And this black gas, divided into two strands, was submerged into the bodies of two legendary devil.

Then the two legendary ghosts fought even harder.

The demons who looked around didn't seem to find this out.

It seems that only those who reach a certain level of strength can perceive these 'black gas'.

Beta observed it, and then found that after the black gas entered the bodies of the two legendary demons, their bodies seemed to change a little, as if they had become a little stronger.

After recalling for a while, he suddenly remembered that in the game, he seemed to have heard that the high-level devil can absorb the soul as his own power.

If this statement is correct, then these two legendary demons are not just for consuming the population on their territory, but for strengthening!

Beta suddenly felt that he had overestimated the "magnificent qualities" of these two magics, not at all for the so-called overall situation, but sacrificed a large number of warriors, but simply to make himself stronger, harvesting the soul at intervals That's all.

No wonder these devils invaded the human world again and again and were beaten back again and again.

There isn't even a basic long-term vision, and it's no wonder that it can beat humans.

But that's okay, the more they have all sorts of intellectual operations, the safer the human world will be.

Beta slowly mixed in with the onlookers of the demons.

Most people's eyes fall on the two devil who are fighting, even if they feel that Beta is near them, they don't care much.

Beta looked silently.

At present, there are still more than 30,000 people in the demons who are watching, and there are fewer and fewer demons that can be reached between the two large demons.

The injuries on them also looked worse and worse.

It is estimated that the two will forcibly 'tie' soon.

But Beta is not in a hurry, waiting quietly, he needs a good time.

The battle continued, but the intensity was obviously weakened. Occasionally, there was still a demonic flame that blasted into the demons, but the demons who survived at this time had good strength. The effect of this "wrong hand" attack was more effective. Coming smaller.

Another throw, Searing Locke fell more than ten meters in front of Beta.

The necessary vibrations turned the group of demons all around, only Beta was holding them, and they did not shake at all.

Then he looked at the scorching Locke lying on the ground, preparing to get up, and smiled!

A body image was shot like lightning.

There was a touch of gold in it.

Searing Rock suddenly felt a chill in the back, cold to the bone marrow, and cold to the soul.

He subconsciously pressed his hands on the back of his head, but it was too late.

Searing Rock felt a sharp object pierce his own skull, and then the sword tip came out of his forehead. His eyes even saw the sword body with green and white brain.

Then he said softly in his ear with a mocking voice: "Grand Commander Roger, your dear brother Assen, let me say hello to you!"

A fierce tingling sensation came from the soul, directly overwhelming Searing Locke's intellect, and he grabbed the other hand backwards, but caught empty.

The attacker retreated quickly with his sword!

Scorching Rock clasped his hands and raised his head to roar, an amazing magic flame erupted throughout the body, and the green evil energy swept through any object within a hundred meters of the surrounding area.

A large number of demons were burned to ashes in an instant.

Arsenal was also in the flames, but as the legendary devil, he was not affected at all.

He just opened his mouth and looked into the distance.

There was a human there, standing straight, like a straight javelin.

Beta also looked back at Arsenal, raising her eyebrows and smiling.


Uncontrollable anger gushed from the bottom of Arsenal's heart, and his face quickly became iron-blue ... this is the peculiar face of the devil's anger.

"You mean man!"

Arsenal was about to rush towards Beta, but the green flames dissipated, and a pair of large hands grabbed Arsenal's shoulders with the potential of wind and thunder.

There was green brain in front and back of his head, and the scorching Locke with violent eyes fluttered Arsenal directly. At this time, his eyes were covered with green bloodshots, and he yelled, "Arsenal, you mean man!"

Scolding, he opened his white teeth and bite Arsenal's neck, apparently out of reason.

The devil's vitality is strong, but no matter how strong it is, it must pay attention to basic biology.

The brain was stabbed with a sword, running back and forth, and it was quite outrageous without death on the spot. If this situation can still maintain reason and consciousness, it is really terrible.

Even the gods cannot do this.

Scorching Locke before losing his mind, just remember one sentence: Your dear brother asked me to say hello!

So now his goal is naturally only his brother Assen.

Of course, Arsenal would not be bitten so easily. He bent his right leg and flew his brother directly.

Then he stood up and looked around, but did not see Beta again.

The demons around fled and the scene was chaotic.

Of course, some daring demons stayed, staring at the injured Searing Locke with a jealous look.

They watched the two legendary devil continue to fight.

They instinctively felt that these two demons were really going to die.

Then Searing Rock fluttered again, and a ray of green blood spewed from his mouth, while shouting: "Arsenal, you mean man, coward, I want to tear you up and eat you ..."

"Wait! It's not me." Assen evaded sideways. "I didn't send that human."

But how Searing Locke could hear him.

He continued to pounce, and the flames on his body became brighter and brighter.

Arsenal took a few steps back, thinking about how to comfort his elder brother.

But at this time, he suddenly heard someone say, "Master Arsenal, now Searing Locke has been seriously injured. He has no basic judgment ability. Kill him, everything will be yours." "

Arsenal's step back suddenly stopped.

Suddenly Daowu's expression flashed in his eyes.

Arsenal knew very well that the human was just using himself, but he felt the other person was right, if his brother died ...

Before they were able to live together, nothing more than the strength of the two were very close. If they were really fighting, the consequences would be miserable.

But now, Locke was seriously injured and his head was unconscious.

Even though I knew it was a round, I thought of the power of the soul emanating from Searing Locke's death.

There is almost no real affection between the demons.

Arsenal was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

After shaking his body slightly, Arsenal yelled, no longer dodging, but rushed forward.

For mud and stone ... A huge pillar appeared directly in Arsenal's hands and swept across.

The stone pillar waved, making a weeping noise like a ghost, and there was no scorching Locke that was sensible.

The stone pillar was broken, and Searing Locke flew back.

And Arsena leaped high and slammed heavily on Searing Locke's lying body.

The immense pain was mixed with supreme anger.

This was followed by a big explosion with a range of 400 meters.

The demons within range were directly blasted into shreds. Many demons outside the range were also deaf.

Then Arsenal was dark and flew back.

He rolled a few laps on the ground, stood up, and watched Searing Locke's chest collapse, and laughed.

Searing Rock stood up again,

This time, not only was his head flowing, but his mouth was bleeding, but he still stood up.

Even when Beta sees this scene, she has to sigh that the vitality of the devil is strong.

Arsenal turned into a huge stone pillar again.

He stared at the big brother running over with burning eyes.

But just then, he felt a cool wind behind him.

He had already prepared, and immediately turned around, giggling with a huge slap back.

Taking a human figure from the air and pressing it heavily on the ground is like shooting a fly.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Arsenal laughed wildly: "You thought I wouldn't watch out ..."

But he suddenly felt wrong.

Raise your hand ~ ~ and see a puddle of clear water in your hand!

Water mirror technique!

As soon as he thought about it, he saw a translucent figure on his left.

The golden-colored sword-monger surged two meters and cut directly across his neck.

Hundred pounds of head flew up and rolled to the side.

Green blood spilled into the air like a large fountain.

Beta didn't expect that she would succeed so easily.

But this is not uncommon. The two legendary devil have been fighting for a long time. Although they are acting, they are also very wasteful.

And ... The burning fire that just burned Rock just hurt him a lot.

At this time, Arsenal was still not dead, her body was standing still, her other hand twitched like lightning, and she flew Beta in an instant, and then walked towards the direction of her head, seemingly trying to pick up her head .

The powerful soul and, even in this case, Arsenal did not really die, and if they took their heads back, they would probably survive.

Both defeated and wounded, Beta flew dozens of meters away and hit the ground!

Arsenal's counterattack just now was quite weird. Beta didn't see it clearly and hit it.

Seems to be a skill!

Coming back to death?

In my heart?

Speaking of which, it seems that this skill really exists in the game.

Still careless, Beta stood up and found that her left hand was broken, broken into four, her arm twisted to the left and right, and it looked quite strange [Zero Reading].

The bones are hurting all over the body.

He looked at the system. His vitality was only a third.

He immediately gave himself a scroll of spa treatment.

Betta smiled as Arsenal's body walked towards her head.

Searing Rock swooped in, and threw Arsenal's headless body to the ground.

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