Noble Emblem

Chapter 124: Not necessarily killing to achieve the goal

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The head of the White Bear Mercenary now regrets it, but the regret lasted for less than twenty seconds, and he was attracted by the huge pyramid altar in front of him, which is obviously a landmark in the ruins. Alas,

Those thieves came here, they must know that this place has great value items, otherwise they do not need to work hard to move the crowd, but the mercenary commander does not understand why the other party is so familiar with this place. This place hasn't been able to explore the inner circle of the footprint for so long, but these people can simply avoid the Warcraft group and any battles will happen along the way.

The last time they only explored the periphery of the ruins, they encountered several battles and suffered heavy losses.

"There must be something precious in this building." The mercenary commander had a dark expression on his face: "Rock, you keep following them, you must not let them take things away."

At this time, Upr, who was watching the surroundings, came and said, "Father, the light elements here are very strong. I feel something is wrong, maybe there will be a very powerful Warcraft in that building."

"The more so, this shows that the things inside are valuable." The mercenary commander took a deep breath, and his face was full of greed and excitement: "Let's go in, kill the intruders, and then After searching this building, I don't believe we can't find better ancient relics this time. "

Upr felt his father was a little too excited, but he just frowned and didn't persuade him. After all, because his father was the head of the group, if his orders were questioned too much, his authority would decline. As a son, Upr felt that if it was necessary for him to maintain his father's reputation in the mercenary regiment, if something really happened, it would be a big deal for himself, after all, the caster could do a lot. Especially in combat rhythm control.

The White Bear Mercenary Commander waved and pointed at the dark entrance to the pyramid altar. Locke, as a scout, naturally took the lead. He entered the altar lightly and lightly. Seeing that it was too dim inside, not far ahead, there seemed to be white fluorescent objects slowly twisting.

He has no special dark vision ability. The things farther away can't be seen clearly. In the unknown place, the most taboo is to rush forward without knowing the truth. He lights up the flames on his body, and then sees a few white ones more than ten meters ahead. The big bug was eating some strange minced meat, and then he clearly watched a bug chew a half-white piece of meat.

Are they eating similar bodies? Cuckold Rock quickly saw what the bugs were chewing on, and when wondering, the bugs seemed to feel the light. They will twist their bodies and face Locke face-to-face, swinging left and right for less than two seconds, and then bowing up, like a spring, ejected from the ground, and fly directly to Locke's face door.

Fortunately, Locke responded very quickly, and he ran back and ran backwards. The ejection of those bugs was actually more than four meters away. And it's fast. It rolls twice like a wheel, and then bounces off by force. At the same time, the mouthpiece that is full of teeth makes a hissing sound that makes people feel sick.

Locke is a scout, and the combat effectiveness is not too strong. A dozen bugs don't listen much. However, when attacking a target at the same time, it will give people the illusion of rushing over. He frightened the little heart to beat up, holding the flames, and ran faster, just running out of the gate. When he saw his allies, he shouted, "Head, there are many bugs behind."

The head of the mercenary regiment rushed forward first, and the others followed, and three of those dozen bugs were shot in midair and then flew backwards. When other bugs were about to fall to the ground, the mercenary commander waved a huge hammer, and in one swipe they would beat the seven bugs into flesh and flew to the side. The other bugs were separated by the other commander. Count off.

The mercenary commander looked at the white bug on the ground and asked, "Rock, what's going on inside."

"As soon as I went in, I saw these bugs eating the same kind, and then they found me and chased them."

"The corpse of the worm?" The head of the mercenary thought for a while and said, "The uninvited thieves must have already confronted these strange things. Since they can kill these worms, we can do it. Everyone do it well Ready to fight, we attacked, Upr, you do the lighting magic, and you are also responsible for assisting us in the battle. "

"Okay, father."

Upr nodded, and with a wave of his hand, several soft **** of light appeared around the crowd. The mercenary commander wiped his face and walked into the altar first with a hammer. Then came up, and everyone followed. Because of the light technique, as soon as they entered, they illuminated a large area of ​​the empty hall on the first floor of the altar, and then the sound of brushing sounded around them. From the light to the dark, usually They couldn't see anything, so they didn't see it at all. There were a lot of worms swiftly moving towards them in the vicinity, but they could hear the creeping brushing sound when the worms moved.

Although everyone in the White Bear Mercenary Regiment has great combat experience, after all, they don't know the living habits of these Worm-type Warcraft, and naturally they don't know that these bugs have phototaxis, and they see crazy light when they see bright light sources.

Liang Lidong and others did not know that they were chasing a team of mercenaries behind them. They now slept soundly at the only safe spot in the pyramid. After about three hours, they almost woke up inadvertently. Generally speaking, people who have three hours of rest time are not enough, but these people are professionals. Natural problems are not big. The three hours are enough for them to recover a lot of energy.

After everyone was sober, Liang Lidong waved the tents one by one into the backpack, and then took Katrina and others to go up.

Katerina stood at the entrance of the stairs and paused for a while. She faintly seemed to hear a sound below the floor, but after thinking about it, she thought it might be the sound of a battle between bugs, and she didn't care too much. Keep going up.

The further up, the stronger the worm's strength, at this time the role of the frontal array is reflected. Katerina walked in front, followed by two subordinates, followed by three, in a triangular shape, while Liang Lidong was at the end.

When encountering the worm, the two wanderers on the left and right sides of the last shot first with a crossbow. This round of volleys can usually kill two or three bugs, because Liang Lidong and others did not use the light source and walked on their own eyesight. Therefore, there were not many bugs, usually two or three, just wait Two wanderers can do it in one round.

It doesn't matter much if there are occasional missing fish. Caterina and the two wanderers behind her had to deal with a worm. Three people rushed forward at the same time. After seeing a dazzling metal afterglow, the worms attacked by them changed. Several pieces fell to the ground.

Although it was easy on the way, it took them about three hours to climb these dozens of stairs. At the penultimate level, the bugs they encountered were generally more than three meters long. At this time, the little dagger in the assassin's hand was no longer harmful, after all, the dagger was short. And if the bugs are too large, they can count as stabbing bugs and can cause fatal damage.

However, after all, they are professionals. Although there is no way to kill the bugs, it is not too difficult to kill a worm.

They are now on the penultimate staircase, five meters above the ceiling. From time to time, there was a sound of heavy vibrations, and Katrina looked up. Can't help but say, "It sounds like a big guy when we hear it. Our weapons are both daggers and crossbows. It's not easy to deal with big guys."

Liang Lidong took several swords and scimitars from the space backpack, threw them to them, and laughed, "Relax, I've prepared."

Katrina chose a machete. She smiled: "It turned out that His Excellency Beta has considered everything, and it is really comfortable to work with people like you."

"Mutual each other!" Liang Lidong took out a few scrolls from his space backpack again, and supplemented himself and others with state-enhancing magic. Then take it up: "This is the last layer, as long as the fat worm on it is killed, we can go home happily."

So they followed the stairs to the top of the altar.

At the top is a large platform. In the middle of the platform, there is a ritual stone table. On the stone table is a container that looks like a wellhead. The container emits a soft light.

Next to this window, there is a very long worm, which is about 7 meters long and should be about 1.5 meters high.

Liang Lidong and others saw this big bug and couldn't help swallowing it.

Katerina said angrily: "Her beta, aren't you saying that the worm on it should be only four meters long? This shape is much more exaggerated than you describe."

Liang Lidong was also a bit embarrassed, and then he took a closer look at the bug, and was a bit surprised. This bug was very similar to the side they dealt with in the game, because there was a scar on the right eye of the bug, which was his long Sword caused.

He remembered that the bug should have died, after all, according to Gritton, the person or thing that died in the game would actually die in the same way after a period of time in reality, but the bug Not only are they alive, but they are about three meters longer.

When the worm saw Liang Lidong and others, he immediately straightened his body and began to gather a bright light in his mouth.

Blink away!

Liang Lidong shouted, and then leapt to the side. After all, it was an assassin. Katerina and her subordinates reacted quickly and made the same move. Less than half a second after they jumped away, a pure white ray hit the place where they were just now. Then a loud noise was made, and the slate, which was about three meters thick at the top of the pyramid, was blown open by a large hole.

Great attack! Stronger than before.

Liang Lidong's body was still in the air, he was amazed, then took out a copper coin from the space backpack and ejected with his thumb.

The bronze-colored beam of energy hit the early child's body, but it was bounced off, and Liang Lidong, who landed on the ground, found that the insect's body had a light white film, because his attack caused a ripple Alas.

Bright enchantment? WoW also has such advanced defense magic?

Liang Lidong felt a little incredible.

At this time, the people who assassinated the union also adjusted their body weight in midair and fell to the ground. As soon as the two wanderers hit the ground, they used their crossbow to shoot at the bug's eyes quickly. As a result, these crossbows just hit the bug's eyes, and they were shot to the side.

The eyes are actually protected by the Light Enchantment?

Because the vital part was attacked, although it did not cause substantial harm, the worm was obviously irritated. It opened its mouth wide, exposing dense teeth, and rushed towards one of the wanderers. Because the worm's body is too large, it is impossible for it to launch a catapult attack, but his movement speed is not slow, and it makes a huge shock when running, just like a 59-type tank down the mountain.

However, the wanderer was faster. The person chased by the bug turned and ran. After a few steps, the bug found that it could not catch up, stopped for a while, then opened its mouth, and a white ray sprayed out. When he was about to hit the wanderer, the latter squatted, and actually used a slide shovel to glide on the ground for several meters to avoid the attack, and then climbed up at a very fast speed and continued to run.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Katerina and the other two assassins plunged into the shadows, appearing as ghosts beside the worm. The thorns in the hands of the three tried their best to pierce the worm's body. Unfortunately, the sword was surrounded by the worm The white light film bounced to the side.

The front half of the worm did not move, but the back half suddenly flung and drew towards Katrina, because it felt that Katrina was the most threatening to it at this moment.

"The physical attack didn't work ~ ~ Katerina turned into a shadow to avoid the worm's attack on the occasion of a thousand shots, and she shouted," Master Beta, think of a way. "

Liang Lidong closed his eyes and thought for a second, and shouted, "This worm is much stronger than us, and it is impossible to kill. You drag it first, and after I find a chance to receive the bright well water in the space backpack, You immediately jump under the altar, and I have a way to keep you from falling to death. "

"It's a few hundred meters high here, and it's not surprising that you can't die without jumping."

"I have the Scroll of Floatation!" Liang Lidong shouted as he ran to the position of the Guangming well water.

After hearing this, Katrina gritted her teeth: "Fight it, while others guarantee their own life, they will attack the fat worm with all its strength, attract its attention, and help His Excellency Beta create opportunities."

As soon as this order was reached, the two wanderers pulled out two crossbows at the same time, and then the crossbows shot into the eyes of the big bug like raindrops. (To be continued ...)

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