Noble Emblem

Chapter 125: Insect King Mighty

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Each person has two crossbows, firing arrows constantly. After the shots, the two wanderers gently throw the crossbows up, their hands stretched behind their backs at extremely fast speed, between the fingers of each hand. Holding four crossbows, and then inserting their hands upwards, the two crossbows still tumbled in the air fell into their hands, and they had completed the 'up' movement.

Then they retreated sharply while the arrows of the crossbow kept attacking the big bug's eyes. Unfortunately, they were all blocked by the magical enchantment on the big white bug's body.

But even so, the big bug was still irritated by their attack. Although these bugs have become accustomed in the dark and their eyes have been degraded so fast that they cannot see anything, it is still one of the key parts of the bugs. With so many attacks on his eyes, the big bug opened his mouth and sprayed a white ray at one of the wanderers.

Unfortunately, it has no effect. If such an attack is encountered for the first time, the rogues may be caught in a situation where they are caught off guard, but they have — none — wrong — the experience of the previous attack, both The wanderer saw its big bug opening its mouth, and they flew to the side immediately. The white beam did not hit any target and fell into the dark distance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Katrina and two other assassins attacked the left and right sides of the worm. Although it did not cause substantial damage to the worm, it successfully attracted its attention.

When Liang Lidong saw the worm, he no longer noticed himself. He went directly behind the worm and jumped on the stone platform used for the ceremony. He lay on the edge of ‘Iguchi’ and looked down.

Just as it has been seen in the game, the bright well water with milky white light wafts and ripples in his reach. Liang Lidong immediately took the prepared wooden bucket out of the space backpack, and then hit a nearly full bucket of bright well water before throwing it into the space backpack.

Originally, the Guangming well water was not much. He took away one third of this bucket, so much Guangming well water. Tina is enough to use it, even for bathing. While he was happy, he heard Caterina shouting, "Lord Beta, be careful."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the insect king opened his mouth wide, as if a heavy tank rushed over. If you are hit by this thing, you will have to lie in bed for several days before you die.

Liang Lidong immediately jumped from the ceremonial stage to the opposite side of the insect king. When the insect was about to hit the ceremonial stone stage, he quickly stopped his body and looked his head at the container of bright well water Medium, because its poor eyesight, it stuck almost the entire head in.

This was a good opportunity to escape, and Liang Lidong immediately shouted to the others: "Come on my side, let's jump from this."

The assassins are fast-moving professionals. As soon as they heard this, they gathered to Liang Lidong's side.

Liang Lidong already had a magic scroll in his hand. After everyone came over, he threw the scroll to the ground. The light blue magic halo disappeared around the body for a while, and at the same time, everyone Feeling that my body suddenly became lighter.

At this point, the King of Bugs had found that the Guangming well had a small portion of water, and it made an unpleasant roar on the sky. The voice was filled with anger and anxiety.

"The monster is crazy, we jump."

Liang Lidong ran to the edge of the altar first. He jumped down, because of the levitation technique, he slowly fell like a feather, and the others followed him and jumped down. However, Liang Lidong found that a wanderer was pale. With his eyes closed, he did not look down, while his legs were shaking, and there was still a clear stream of water in his lower body.

Fear of heights! They can't go up to the sky, they can't go down to the ground, let alone people who suffer from fear of heights. Even Liang Lidong watched his heart beat faster.

The insect king chased out to the edge of the pyramid. It looked at the enemy that was drifting away, and shot a white light out, but unfortunately did not hit anyone.

It kept roaring on the top of the altar, but it was helpless. Although it had a strong attack and defense, it was unfortunately not capable of flying.

It roared for a while at the edge, only to watch the person who stole a part of the bright spring water leave, and after a while, it slowly wriggled back to the altar slowly and impassively, the whole body circled the altar, Its head protruded into the container containing Guangming Well's water and wailed softly. There were tears flowing out of its eyes, dripping into Guangming Well's water.

After about two hours, when the sad King of insects was about to fall asleep, it heard movement in front of it, raised its head, sniffed in the air, and then smelled the smell of other creatures, and stole from the front. The enemies who took part of it's treasures tasted a lot.

Actually want to steal my baby again, my food! Insect King's new hatred rushed into his heart, and it was a bright ray in front of him! This attack is faster and more powerful than previous attacks.

The first thing to go up to the top of the building was naturally Locke. Because of the dim vision, Green Hat Locke did not find a terrible big bug in front of him. He waved backwards, motioned for others to follow, and then continued to move forward. When he noticed that there was a lump of light on the side, he was already aware of it. Within a second, a huge bright ray directly evaporated Locke's head into gas.

"There are enemies, ready to fight." The mercenary commander roared with a hammer.

At this point they were very tired. I did n’t know why along the way. Those bugs attacked them crazy until they climbed to more than twenty levels. Upur had to cast too much magic and was so tired that he had to turn off the lights. Immediately after the light mission, the bugs were not so crazy. They only knew at this time that the light was the main culprit that caused them to be constantly attacked.

So they went forward in the dark and finally managed to climb to the top floor. As a result, Locke was directly sent to the goddess of life by a bright light ray.

After the head of the group shouted, he had not yet stabilized his body, and saw a huge white worm in front of him breaking through the dark curtain and rushing at it at a terrible speed.

The leader was shocked, he threw the hammer vigorously, and immediately jumped to the side.

The thrown smashing hammer hit the insect's head, making a crisp sound, and then it was bounced off by the bright enchantment on the surface of the insect's body. The insect king paused for a moment, then rushed into the crowd without any loss of speed. in.

Because the leader had jumped away, the worm king hit a member of the team, who was thrown up high, and by the time it landed on the ground, it became a pool of meat. Then the king of insects threw a huge tail in the crowd, and three more people were directly photographed with meat sauce. The red, black, and blood flew everywhere. The three people were knocked out of the top layer like broken ragdolls, and fell to the ground more than two hundred meters high. After two clicks, their bodies were on the ground. Three red flowers are painted on it.

Upr was not attacked because he was at the bottom of the team. After the initial surprise, he came directly to the insect king with two cobweb magics. Because the king of insects was very large, the two cobwebs were indeed sticky. When it came to it, it was a pity that the insect king was too strong. The two spider silks were struggling in an instant. Then the insect king opened his mouth and came directly to a bright ray of light towards a woman wearing gray leather armor. The woman's lower body was gone, and only the upper body fell to the floor, struggling and vomiting blood.

Upr looked at the woman's eyes for help. He shook his head sadly. Such an injury could not be saved even by using healing magic.

In just a few seconds, the loss of the White Bear Mercenary Regiment was more than half, and the mercenary commander yelled, hurried forward, picked up his sledgehammer, and then jumped up, facing directly Worm's head wanted to come to it, but unfortunately the Worm King was also very clever. He turned his side and did not fight back against the mercenary regiment commander, but immediately turned his attention to other members.

Then he flung off the head, hit and bite directly, and beat with his tail, less than ten seconds. Except for the head and father, the others had become meat sauce.

Because of the use of too much magic in the middle and lower part of the pyramid, Upr's spirit seemed very tired, and he should have rested, but his father said that time was not waiting for the thief to let the thief run away. As a result, the enemy was not found. But a terrible big bug was found.

After killing many humans, the insect king looked better. He cocked his upper body, swung it from side to side for a while, and then a bright ray.

In a hurry, Upr had to forcefully open the magic shield. Although the magic shield blocked the light rays, the entire person was forced to retreat by the light rays. It had reached the edge of the top layer, and it was almost necessary. Fall down.

When he was about to sigh of relief, he saw that the worm rushed towards him. At this time, because of his strong use of magic, his mental strength seemed to be unstable. He could no longer use magic, and the magician around him had physical strength. Poorly, he couldn't escape such a terrible attack.

But just when he was about to die ~ ~, he saw a majestic body standing in front of it. This figure was familiar to him and was the back of his father.

Pure warriors have strong fighting power and great strength, but they are compared with ordinary people, but they have no effect in front of the worm. The head of the group uses a hammer to block the big worm's mouth. Although the person seems to be fine, the worm is in Pressing his own body on the enemy's body, it didn't really happen that much, the head of the head made a clicking noise, that's why the insect king has begun to press the power on the head of the body.

The head of the regiment was squatting slowly. He blushed and turned back to his son and said, "Go ... Go away."

Upur was stunned. He reached out and tried to save his father. Unfortunately, there was no way at all, because in the last second, the worm held the head of the mercenary commander in his mouth, and he had to shout. He set himself a levitation technique and jumped from the top while crying.

Upr covered his ears in the air and kept crying, because he didn't want to hear the sound of his father when he was eaten in his mouth and his bones were bitten and chewed. (To be continued ...)

125 Insect King Mighty:

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