Noble Emblem

Chapter 137: Will not lose you

The old village chief left without pain and walked quietly. ◇ ↓ ◇ ↓,

The atmosphere in the village was somewhat depressed. Although the old village chief did not lead the village to prosperity, he was also regarded as a competent village chief. If there were any difficulties in that family, he would always help. The village is not big, and everyone usually looks up and doesn't see their heads down. They also have feelings with each other. Suddenly there is no individual, which really makes people feel sour in their spare time.

Because of the relationship with the temple, Liang Lidong personally presided over the funeral ceremony of the old village chief. Although he was not a true clergyman, he had not seen a pig climbing a tree, and he had always seen a pig walking. In the game, the pastor prayed for the dead, and he knew very well.

The old village chief was buried on a mountain not far from the village, where there is a village cemetery. For more than two years, the old village chief has already selected his own cemetery location.

Kyle and another villager carried the coffin and carried the old village chief to the hillside. Many people came to the funeral. Not only was the village almost all, but even Barbara, Alice, and the girl in black robes.

The three of them, along with Belin, stood beside the sad Kel. Although it seems calm between them, a person with a strong willpower like Liang Lidong can feel that there is a tide of fighting among them.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil."

The old village coffin's black coffin has been placed in the earthen pit. Liang Lidong is holding a small jar and slowly drying white salt on the coffin surface. Salt has a role in exorcising evil spirits. It can protect the body of the old material from dark elements and other evil forces for a long time.

"Your life is perfect. Although your soul is not noble, it is enough to be admired. If you do n’t ask for the next life, I pray to the gods you believe in to bring your soul to heaven. Old Reed, you Tell me, do you want the next life, or do you want to live in the kingdom of God forever? "

Liang Lidong seemed to be talking to an invisible soul. Everyone thought that this was just a scene of a priest, but two seconds later. A huge golden disc descended from the air, and it also had a pair of golden wings. Most importantly, it was a spirit body and its body was translucent.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, this golden disc stayed on the black coffin of the old village chief for a while, then flew towards the sky with a vague young figure, and soon disappeared.

In the eyes of others who were surprised by Mo Ming, an old man screamed, "That's the young village chief of Reed!"

Everyone was uproar. Kyle turned his attention to Liang Lidong in surprise. He hoped that his teacher would give a positive answer, a reply he liked most.

Not only him, other villagers are watching Liang Lidong.

Liang Lidong nodded in anticipation of expectations: "Well, Old Reed was brought to the kingdom of God by the goddess of Vol'jin, and he has since escaped from the cycle of birth, sickness, and death, and is always happy. Kyle, don't be too sad, and Old Reed will leave .It's just a new beginning. If you also become a true follower of the Goddess of Woking. When you die, Goddess Woking will naturally take you to the kingdom of God and reunite you with your grandfather. "

For most of the civilians in this world, the kingdom of God is a very distant thing. Although they also believe in God, they never think that they can enter the kingdom of God to live. But now there is a living example. The examples they saw with their own eyes made them even more awed and loved by the goddess of Vol'jin.

The positive feelings of the divine house will be converted into beliefs. Liang Lidong's system interface constantly reminds believers to turn into mad believers, and his temple contribution value is constantly increasing.

It's so inadvertent. Liang Lidong sighed in his heart. Then he said, "Kyle, bury the coffin. Don't let your grandpa's body bask in the sun for too long."

"Okay!" After learning that his grandfather had gone to the kingdom of God, Kyle immediately became excited, he picked up a shovel and started filling the pit. According to the rules of this world, only relatives are qualified to fill the grave with the first shovel. If the deceased has no relatives, the priest will do the work for him.

After burying the old village chief, Liang Lidong returned to the temple. He sat on the bed and thought about the situation.

At the funeral, he found that he could see the soul of the old village chief, which was strange. If he can see the soul, why can't he kill so many people but not one. Or is this something to do with the goddess of woking? After all, the person who took the soul of the old village chief was her.

Or ... Liang Lidong can see the soul of the goddess of Vol'jin? After all, he is now the priest of the goddess of woking, although he does not believe in the goddess of woking, but his current position was approved by the goddess.

He was lying in bed, still thinking about the problem, and before he knew it, he fell asleep.

When he woke up, he found himself on a flat golden floating platform, with a high step in front of him leading to Yunxiao.

Even more surprising is that Liang Lidong was not far ahead and saw a young man who looked a bit like Kyle. This young man stepped forward and laughed: "Hi Beta, did you expect to meet again so soon?"

"Old village chief?" Liang Lidong asked in a questioning tone.

The young man nodded: "It's me. Thank you very much for helping me communicate with the goddess, otherwise my half-believers will have no way to enter the kingdom of God."

The old village chief was really just a believer. After the funeral, Liang Lidong wondered why the believers could also enter the kingdom of God. It turned out to be related to himself.

"The goddess is waiting for you. You should see her as soon as possible. She asked me to tell you. She helped you realize your wish and sent me to the kingdom of God. Now she has something to do with you, but she ca n’t run by herself like last time. Lost."

Ok! Liang Lidong already knew that Goddess of Workin would not harm him, and he touched his left hand, ‘Tifa ’s Bracers’ was there, and he was so full of anger that he stepped onto the golden sky staircase where he could not see the margins.

When he stepped on the ladder and hadn't reached three steps, he had already reached the top floating platform. It seemed that this was only a momentary thing, but he really remembered that he had walked the stairs 130,000 times, but on the senses, he felt that it was only less than three seconds to walk through the stairs of the 130,000 floors.

Reason told him that it took him more than five hours to walk off the 130,000 steps, but his body intuitively told him. The real time only passed three seconds.

He couldn't figure out how he felt because it was too contradictory.

Not far in front of him is a tall golden throne. The goddess of vorking sits high on the stage. She looks down at Liang Lidong: "Don't wonder that little thing, this time I come. There is something to think about Let you handle it. "

Liang Lidong remembered this feeling in his heart. He is already a legend in the game, so his experience is definitely not bad. Intuition tells him that this feeling is the difference between God and man. If he is going to hit the semi-god realm one day, then this feeling may come in handy.

"Goddess Workin, I'm glad to see you again." Liang Lidong greeted with a smile.

Goddess of Workin waved her hand: "Well, I know you are not my true believer. You only have the general respect for me, and you have no fear or love, so you don't have to pretend to flatter me. This time treat you Pulled over, just to ask you, what do you think of the four major gods lowering the shrines? "

"Oh, how does the goddess know that I can see the **** of light?"

Woking's perfect pink lips slightly pulled out a beautiful arc: "Since you can see me, you can naturally see the shrine, which is a matter of course. There are only two people who can look directly at God. One is Demigods and half-humans are strong, and the other is truth seekers. "

"Ordinary people dare not look directly into the divine house. Because this will cause their souls to be fatally injured. You are too weak to be a demigod, and the unbeliever cannot see the divine house, so you can only It is the truth seeker. The truth seeker can observe all the rules of all things in the world, even the divine residence, they can observe, the only weakness is that they are not strong. "

Liang Lidong's face was a little surprised: "I still heard such a statement for the first time." At the same time he understood in his heart. Truth seekers are actually materialists, but they are called different ways.

"The matter of the truth seeker is not mentioned, I will explain to you later if I have a chance." The goddess Volkin was wearing a long white gold skirt at this time, which was considered a personal service. She got up from the throne and walked one meter in front of Liang Lidong: "Four shrines lowered the shrines at the same time. This shows that the holy war is about to begin. Our shrines are difficult to interfere with human disputes, so we can only choose one. Human agents come to pass our will. "

"And at this time, the agent becomes very important. A strong, intelligent, intelligent agent is hard to find, but I think you are a qualified agent. So I intend to appoint you as my pope, It is solely responsible for the spread and spread of the Workins among humankind. "

Woking's body was fragrant, and he could smell it even a metre away. That's not the fragrance of flowers, but a fragrance of soul. The Persian cat and Xiaobai also have this taste, but the three have different tastes, but they all smell good.

Liang Lidong took a breath, and didn't know if he was tasting the fragrance of the goddess of vorking, or was startled by the words of the goddess vorking. He thought for a while and said, "But I'm not a believer of yours. It's a bit difficult to make me a believer of you."

"I know that the seeker of truth will not be a believer in anyone." The goddess of vokin smiled and made people smile. "But my pope does not have to be my follower, as long as he is willing to be friends with me, And willing to develop the congregation for me. Of course, I won't let you do it for nothing. The better your position of the pope, the more you will get in the future. "

The promise of a divine residence, personally promised, Liang Lidong was willing to believe. He is now worried that he cannot upgrade quickly. If Goddess Workin is satisfied, her gift will be systematically transformed into adult experience, and then the goal of rapid upgrade will be achieved.

Liang Lidong thought quietly, Goddess Vol'jin looked at him with interest.

After the four shrines lowered the shrine, the goddess Vol'jin found him directly, and he could guess what kind of plans the other party had. The more troubled times, the more opportunities the ambitions have. The goddess of Vol'jin is now almost exhausted. If it is in a peaceful era, it is almost impossible to quickly reply. After all, the ‘site’ of other shrines is not easy to grab.

But if the world is in chaos, it will be easy. Touch the fish in the muddy waters and take the millet from the fire ... Now Goddess Vol'jin is an ambitionist. She is not a throne or territory. It is the number of believers, the divine power, and their place in heaven.

"The position of the Pope is very powerful and can have a lot of resources." Liang Lidong looked at the other party: "Because I am not a follower of you, you have no way to control me directly. You don't worry that I use the position of the Pope to profit myself?"

"That also requires you to develop the sect to make money for yourself, isn't it?" The goddess of Vol'jin barely took two steps back, and then she turned around, her bright golden long hair spread out in the air, shining a little Jin Guang, the skirt skirt fluttered under his body, and Chun Guang burst out: "I remember you asked me last time if I could agree to any conditions. Now I will reply to you again, as long as you develop the teaching and your strength is half God, then why not be my wife. "

Liang Lidong couldn't help but whistle: "For believers, you really want to lose your blood."

"Although I am not the most beautiful goddess in the heavens, I am definitely the most reasonable goddess in the heavens." Woking laughed: "For truth seekers like you, wealth and power have no influence, and the only thing that can make you Knowledge and truth are the things that interest you. If one day you become a demigod, your curiosity will surely promote you to develop into the realm of God. If you have my help, you will surely stand fast in the realm of heaven. And I I can also get a trustworthy, seeing pope as my man. "

"Of course, it all has to be based on the premise that you have to be a demigod."

The goddess of woking is still smiling, but there is a bit of dignity in the smile: "And the jihad is extremely dangerous. It is even more difficult for you to get the millet from the fire. After all, you are facing the election of other gods The strong, whether they are strength or wisdom, they must be the best choice. You should be able to see that I am very weak now, this is my last chance, and you are my last hope ~ ~ If you succeed, I will not lose you. "

After Liang Lidong woke up, this sentence still lingered in his ears.

If yesterday he just felt that jihad was very likely to happen, then after talking with the goddess of Vol'jin, he was sure that jihad would definitely happen.

"Holy War!"

Liang Lidong sighed and got up from the bed. The weather outside the temple was still good, but he already felt the atmosphere of depression in this world.

The murderous spirit of God, and the evil spirits of the demons in the demon world, will soon be brought together. After the jihad, there must be a **** disappearing, just like the goddess of Vol'jin.

However, Goddess Vol'jin was lucky, and Liang Lidong helped her reopen the theology, which made her wake up from the weak sleepiness.

What about the shrine where the jihad fell? Will they have such luck? (To be continued ...) u

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