Noble Emblem

Chapter 138: Can destiny change

The two villages in the nearby village knew about the city wall construction of Reid Village. They laughed at the boring move of Reid Village. Although this area is a border city, it is blocked by high mountains. Another small gate was heavily stationed by the Lord of the Winterwind City. Neither the enemy ’s army nor the robbers could come over. It can be said that the three villages were actually quite safe. ∷,

Therefore, in the eyes of the other two villages, the village of Reid is too busy to eat and to worry.

But for the two other villages' ridicule, the people in Reed Village were all silent and didn't even bother to respond. They understand that these words from outsiders are nothing more than jealousy.

Helping His Excellency Beta build the city walls, not only can he get a certain amount of food every day, but also copper coins, why not do such a good thing. Besides, building a city wall can protect them, in case something really happens in the future, at least a little sense of security.

The city walls are getting higher every day, and the cave in the mountain behind the village is getting deeper every day. Grain bought from Winterwind City and Tonggu City is piled up in the cave like hills.

In order to stop the rats from stealing food in the cave, Liang Lidong also sent people to the city to buy a few cat cubs back.

Secretly buying two to three hundred kilograms of grain every day, this day lasted more than three months, and the weather gradually began to turn cold. Now that the grain price on the market has tripled, Liang Lidong estimates that he can continue to buy it. But in early November, the city's wife, Sophia, personally brought people to the village of Reed.

She sent some of the proceeds from the mine, about two hundred gold coins, and she said helplessly: "Her beta, don't let anyone buy the food on our winter wind city, and then buy it like this, city The residents here may not even get through the winter. At least a small number of people will be starved to death.

Liang Lidong thought about it, and agreed to the other's plea. After all, he didn't want to see the corpses in the winter wind city.

Seeing Liang Lidong agree, the lady of the city sighed with relief. I haven't seen him for more than three months. The lady of the city owner is getting better and better. It's like real white snow, and even the temperament seems to become more **** and attractive.

Of course, even so, she couldn't attract Liang Lidong. After all, he is a man who can calm down before the goddess of woking. Regardless of his appearance, figure, and even temperament, the goddess of woking is better than the lady of the city lord. And the only advantage that the lady of the city owner can compare with the goddess, or is it 'feel'.

Think of things in the nightmare space. Liang Lidong didn't want to spend too much time with her. Because of the combination of souls, Liang Lidong also felt that he was close to the city's wife. But he reasonably told him that in reality they should not meet more, otherwise they would not it is good.

Seeing Liang Lidong's cold appearance, the lady of the town returned to the city with disappointment. She didn't want to do anything extraordinary, she just wanted to chat with the Red God official.

Soon it is the real winter. Before the first snow came, the walls of Reed Village had been built. See the white rocky city walls more than twenty meters high. Looking at the piles of grain in the cave, Liang Lidong finally felt relieved.

It seems that the holy war will not come so soon ... Liang Lidong estimates that Dongxue is coming soon. He thought about it and gathered the group of students who followed Kell to learn combat skills and went hunting in the mountains together.

He wanted to get some fresh meat back before the heavy snow closed the mountain. Marinate bacon, and then give each household a share. If you can eat meat in winter, the cold resistance will be stronger, and it will be easier to survive the cold winter.

that's it. He took more than twenty students out of Reed Village and went to the mountain. At this time Liang Lidong didn't know that the goddess of the storm Goddess he had seen a while ago had come under the walls of Winterwind City.

Brown shoulder-length short girl, cow skin looks smooth and beautiful skin, and petite cute body. As soon as this girl appeared, she attracted everyone's attention near the city wall. The reason was simple. She was too beautiful and she was out of date!

Now it is near winter and the temperature is very low. Even strong men have to wear clothes for more than two years, but this young girl who is so beautiful that she can't remove her eyes is wearing a white dress with a jumpsuit and her neck tied A bright red ribbon, the ribbon tied a knot, the tail end fluttered to the position of the abdomen.

Everyone was watching her, but no one dared to talk to her, because she had a long oak staff in her hand, the upper part of the staff was slightly bent, and a small hole was inserted at the top. A silver chain strung through the hole, hanging a greenish-yellow magic spar, which was exuding a soft light.

"Winter Wind City, it looks exactly like what you saw in the prophecy." The girl's eyes are very beautiful, but she lacks glory: "Then you should go to Reed Village, but according to the prophecy, Kyle should be with Belin at this time The quarrel, the owner of Winterwind City died two years ago. The hibiscus family and the artisans should seize power ... There will be three turns in history. Which one should I choose? I do n’t like one or three, or choose The second one is good, go to the Lord Barbara for some help first. "

The girl said something inexplicable and slowly walked into Winterwind City herself.

After she left, the city gate was noisy again. People whispered, whispered, and uttered this, the most beautiful girl they had ever seen.

Barbara was learning magic in her room, and the black pet hunter lay on her side to sleep. When the guard who guarded the suspension bridge came to report, she felt a little strange: her father could not die, why? When a caster comes, he wants to see himself, and says he is the master of the city!

She asked the guard to go out and invited the girl caster to come in, and she put on her own gown before going out to meet.

Then she saw this beautiful young girl in the living room. She was shocked at her appearance, but finally found some confidence when she saw her flat body.

"Hello, I'm Barbara, may I ask you?" Barbara salutes the lady towards the girl.

"Emma Watson." The girl gently opened her skirt. "The current goddess of the Storm Goddess has seen the Lord of the City."

"Virgin?" Barbara was surprised, after all, the title of Virgin is really noble, and generally also has a certain amount of real power. In common sense, the saint should be surrounded by a group of powerful priests responsible for its safety, but the young girl ran over by herself. Not even one of the guards took it, wouldn't it be fake?

It seemed to be "looking" out of Barbara's doubts. The girl sat and took out a small box and handed it to Barbara: "This is my proof, Barbara Lord, now I need your help. I was chased down by a group of evil mages. They will soon come to Winterwind. I hope you can help me stop them, and the Temple of Storms will be grateful in the future. "

Emma's voice is very nice, humming, it makes people feel sweet, but not greasy.

"I'm not the master now. After all, my father is still alive. I don't want to be an uncle's bastard." Barbara smiled, and then said, "As for those evil mages, I will try to slow them Footsteps, but I won't compete with them head-on. While I'm delaying their action, you go faster. "

The original city owner is not dead? When she heard this, Emma was surprised. This was not the same as the ‘prophecy’ she saw.

But when I was trying to ask clearly, I saw that Barbara was impatient, and said, "Since that is so, thank you Barbara City ... Madam."

Emma saluted. Then she left the castle and went in the direction of Reed Village. And still thinking about Barbara's previous sentence: Father is still alive!

It's impossible, her great little face with great doubts: "The prophecies I've seen never go wrong, and they have never been reversed. Mortals cannot defeat fate. This is the original word of the goddess, Then Uther, the original city lord, should have died. But why Barbara said she was not dead! "

"Is Barbara lying or is my prophecy wrong?"

"No, in my prediction, Barbara was a man with strong hatred, but Barbara was obviously very calm just now."

"Is history artificially reversed. Or is there a new line of fate?"

Because of the cold, no one was walking on the street. Emma wanted to go back and ask what happened to Barbara, but soon she gave up the decision because she already felt the breath of the killer. Already.

For this reason, she only had to go to the village of Reed. According to her fate, she would lead these people to the village of Reed and let them kill the chickens in the village without leaving them. In this way, she would be able to see what she saw in the prophecy. , Use hatred to activate the blood of the brave.

In fact, Emma doesn't like prophecy very much. She doesn't like the feeling that everything is controlled by others, so after she becomes a saint, she tries to tell some people what she sees in the future. She hoped that these people could get rid of her miserable fate, but the result made her very sad. Not only did the future of death remain unchanged, but it became even more brutal.

After trying a few times, the long-standing proverb “impossible to change fate” has taken root in her heart.

She also didn't like the people in Reed Village were killed to death, but without doing so, the brave had no way to activate the power of bloodline. If he did not activate the power of bloodline, there would be no way to fight against the powerful demon in the future if he failed As a result, humans will become the food of the demon creatures, and will always live in the shadow of 'food'. There is no darkness.

When she left Winterwind City and embarked on the road to Reed Village, she was shocked again. She remembered that in the prophecy, the road from Winter Wind City to Reed Village was the Huangni Trail, but now it is a very good bluestone slab road ......... what ’s going on, if what happened to Barbara just now is A small accident, but this bluestone slab road is too strange. The goddess said that destiny can never go wrong, but now the road she is going to take is obviously different.

Fate is wrong?

Emma's heart was a little scared, but she still walked along the bluestone slab road to the village of Reed.

The killer casters chased from the outside obviously stayed in place for a while, and they didn't move. Emma knew that these people were blocked by Barbara. If it was told according to the predicted facts, the parents ’barbara was lost. La's character is bad, and she clashes with the killer casters. Although she successfully delayed the killer casters, she also died in battle.

From then on the Longman family disappeared into the long river of history, and Winterwind City also entered the era of war.

Of course, this is just a set fate. Emma speeded up her journey to the village of Reed. It didn't take long for her to feel that the casters were moving again, but Barbara's mental power fluctuations still existed, which means that she was alive.

what happened! Fate is really different, why?

Emma is a bit scared. Although she doesn't like the established life and the so-called fate, she doesn't want the world to become a sea of ​​blood. Only when the brave has awakened his blood can he have a chance to defeat the devil, but now many things have changed. In case the prophecy about the brave also changes, how can she make the young man chosen by fate smoothly awaken?

With such a stingy mood, Emma walked for several hours, and finally came to the white wall outside Reid Village, and then her expression immediately became a bit distorted, but even such exaggerated facial movements did not let her The beauty fades in half.

"What's going on? My predictions don't have this wall."

Emma couldn't figure it out, she really couldn't figure it out. But she is not a woman with a **** horn. Since she doesn't understand it, she doesn't want it for the time being. She decides to find out the reason first.

When she came to the gate of the city wall, there were three adults with bows and arrows. When she saw her, they were all unconscious, but after seeing the magic wand in her hands, the three people immediately put away themselves. The color looks like that.

"Dear Madam, do you have anything to do in our village of Reed?"

"I'm looking for Kyle!" The girl looked up and looked at the three adults on the wall, her eyes narrowing slightly.

She has seen dozens of predictions about the destruction of Reed Village ~ ~ The faces of these three people she recognized, one was burned to dry meat by the caster, one was fried into meat sauce by the caster, and One fell into the river near the village while escaping and died.

This is something that will happen in the near future. If a few hours ago, Emma would silently pray and bless these three people, but now she has secretly developed a fear. Since Reed Village has changed so many things , Will the future of these three people change as well, or will one or two people survive?

What to do if the people in Reed Village do not die and cannot fully stimulate the brave?

Compared with the terrible events such as the destruction of the world, the lives of all the residents of Reed Village seem a bit small.

Kill 100 people and save tens of millions!

Emma thinks it's worth it, but even so, she can't make herself really happy. After all, she will die, and the residents of Reed Village are still involved. No one wants to die. The residents of Reed Village are the same.

But they cannot die, this is destiny. (To be continued.)

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