Noble Emblem

Chapter 28: Forced to Liangshan

When Liang Lidong was chatting with the owner of the city just now, he accidentally saw a familiar person. He thought about it for two seconds before he remembered that one of the seven mercenaries he saw on the street with a bow and arrow. Unknown occupation. Although the appearance of the other party has changed a lot, and he has also changed into a noble costume, he slightly lifted his back heel while walking, his hands waved slightly, and his right elbow always rubbed his right waist gently. This is the bow and arrow used all year round. People, there are habitual professional actions.

Li Liangdong took the archer to the periphery of the garden and stood on a stone staircase. Although the position was not high, it was enough to capture the actions of everyone in the garden.

Veteran! Liang Lidong retracted his gaze. The position had a good view, and it was also an excellent shooting point for long-range occupations. Although this person does not seem to be carrying any weapons, Liang Lidong knows that there is a small hand crossbow that can be broken down into several parts and hidden around the body, and can be assembled in just ten seconds if necessary. . The crossbow it uses is also very small, but this does not hinder the attack power of this small hand crossbow. It can penetrate 3CM thick hard leather armor within 100 meters. Although it is not useful on the battlefield, if it is used for assassination, Definitely a weapon. In the game, this little crossbow has a good name, Bee Wing.

Qi Liang Lidong began to look at the nearby nobles, and soon he found four other suspicious characters, the four melee professionals. Their professional characteristics were too obvious, and even if they were disguised, they could not escape Liang Lidong's eyes.

But he didn't find the female assassin, and the air magician. This is not surprising. Women have a natural advantage in being assassins. They have a tricky ability to dress up. Just wipe a few strokes on the face, and then change the hairstyle to look like a person. As for that qi, Department of magician, Liang Lidong had not seen the true face of the other person on the street before, nor did he know the men and women, the other party put on a noble costume and mixed in the crowd, and then deliberately suppressed his mental power fluctuations, it was difficult to find him from the crowd come out.

Xu Liang Lidong looked up again and looked at the watchtower on the top front of the castle. Under Yunlong's vision, he saw several soldiers in the watchtower. They had long bows in their hands and were equipped with quivers.

It seems that Uther has made a lot of preparations, or is it to invite Jun into 瓮?

However, this has little to do with Liang Lidong, and he does not want to be incorporated into the puppets of these nobles. He walked to the edge of the dance floor, without any obstacles along the way ... After all, ordinary people did not dare to block the way of a caster, unless he was bothered to live too long.

Kyle is still dancing with Barbara. The two of them have been dancing for a long time, but for these two, time has actually passed a little. Liang Lidong stood on the inner edge of the circle for a while. Kyle and Barbara circled in the field. He faced Liang Lidong dozens of times, but he didn't find the other person winking at him. He only looked at the gorgeous girl in front of him. .

The young man who was in love for the first time was doing this. Liang Lidong sighed helplessly, then flicked his fingers, the peaceful mental power condensed into a bunch, and then instantly released and oscillated. This kind of mental power fluctuation can not cause harm to the human body. But it can cause some objects to vibrate, such as small objects such as strings, which are easy to vibrate.

Half a second after the fingers rang, several harps and violins in the band suddenly made a DUANG sound. The melodious music was forced to be interrupted, and people focused their attention on Liang Lidong. The person next to him stepped back a little, because the caster's character is quite strange in the world. Now he suddenly comes out like this and doesn't know what to do. In case of bad things, it is not good to be affected. Already.

Kyle was finally awake from the state of ecstasy. He saw Liang Lidong blushing, hurriedly released Barbara, trot to Liang Lidong, and said embarrassedly, "Teacher, I ... I don't seem to have success."

"Ignore it first, it's unsuccessful. Now there's an urgent matter, let's go back first." Liang Lidong looked around and said.

At this time, Barba trot over with her skirt, and her face flushed and asked, "Have Beta, are you leaving?"

Qi Liang Lidong nodded: "Yeah, if you don't leave, I'm afraid I might live here tonight."

"Barbara, let's ... go back." Kyle looked at the girl, reluctantly: "I will come to see you when I have time."

Barbara lowered her head, and her neck was a little pink. She said in a mosquito-like voice, "Well, I will treat you well if you come."

Kyle seems to want to say something more, but Liang Lidong pulls him to leave, but also at this time, the Lord Uther suddenly appeared, blocking them in front of them.

"Have you been in such a hurry? Is there something wrong with me?"

Looking at the smiling city lord, Liang Lidong cursed a smiley fox. He said, "No way, the village of Reed is a while away from here. If we don't leave, it will be very late. Rest assured, Kyle and Bar I wo n’t object to Bara ’s affairs, whatever you love! ”

"I have something to say about this." At this time, several of them were already the focus of everyone's attention. Uther took the opportunity to raise his hand and said loudly: "Dear gentlemen, beautiful ladies, thank you very much for joining this time. Party, now I have a very important thing to announce ... "

Hearing this, Liang Lidong screamed in a bad voice and was trying to stop the other party, but did not expect that Uther had already made a quicker statement: "In fact, my little princess and the Kyle-Li De is engaged, and even has signed a magic contract as a voucher. I originally planned to announce the news later to see the situation, but from the situation just now, my little princess and Mr. Kyle were in love, they were born a couple, and they will Definitely can be a wonderful couple, support each other, and they can't be separated until death! "

The news broke out, and the news was really unexpected.

Barbara blushed, and Kyle was stunned.

This old fox is holding us back! Liang Lidong cursed, he could already feel that there were dozens of cold and gazing eyes in the crowd. In addition to the mercenaries that have been found, two others have been exposed. One is a middle-aged woman, or the female assassin, and the other is a male, who is thin and may be the air magician, but dare not Too early conclusion.

In addition, there were several others who looked at it with malicious eyes. It seems that this time not only mercenaries but other killers were arranged against the enemy of the city.

After a pause, Uther continued with a smile: "His Beta is not only a devout believer, but also a powerful magician. He was once a member of the colorless magic tower and Mr. Kyle's teacher. He will teach Kyle, bless Barbara, and will always be friends, even loved ones, of our Longman family! "

Qi Liang Li Dongji said unpleasantly, "Citylord, you are driving us towards the dangerous fire."

"Oh, are you there?" Uther looked proud. "Even if this is the case, Kyle will become Barbara's husband in the future. This Winterwind City also has his share. He is doing his best for Winterwind City, that is, Do your best for Barbara, what ’s wrong with your husband helping his wife! "

Tong Liangli was so angry that he wanted to scold others. He once again realized the tragic memories of being in the game for the first time, teased by those with high IQ NPCs. However, he calmed down quickly at this time, saying, "I am a follower of the Goddess of Woking, and I could not have been involved in the political struggle. It would be very difficult for me to do this, and I may lose the friendship of Goddess of Woking. . "

"I did not use your intention." Uther's innocent face: "Of course I know the bottom line of the believers, I just announced the marriage of two young people."

"You have such a thick face!" Liang Lidong looked at each other.

Uther shouted: "Where and where, now in this world, if you are too upright, you can't live."

Although the two of them were fighting, they did not relax their vigilance around them, and several people slowly approached them, their expressions were very gloomy. After talking, Uther's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand, and the archer above the watch tower immediately drew his bow to the crowd in the garden below. Because the observation tower is more than a hundred meters high from the ground, and it is night, ordinary people do not notice this situation, but the professionals are different, they feel very keen, and mercenaries are more sensitive to danger because they have been fighting in the blood for a long time.

As soon as the archer pointed his arrow downward, the mercenaries realized that they knew the matter was revealed, and they no longer camouflaged, slammed directly into the crowd, and rushed towards Uther and others.

The aristocrat standing on the steps, not knowing when to have a delicate silver crossbow in his hand, pointed his crossbow towards Uther, and continuously pulled the trigger. Six thin silver awns flew to Uther and others. Three went towards the city owner, one towards Barbara, one towards Kyle, and the last one shot at Liang Lidong.

What the city master said was also a battle-hardened soldier. He flashed three silver arrows on one side. Barbara just made a simple gesture, a magic circle appeared on the ground at a fast speed, and she and Kyle wrapped in it, Yin Ya shot into the enchantment and was immediately bounced to the side; while shooting at Yin Lidong's Yin Ya, he was about to dodge, and Zhende on his shoulders opened his mouth and whispered, a circle invisible The blast of air from her mouth not only shook Yin Ya aside, but also produced a transparent air bomb, which hit the remote professional on the platform directly.

‘Sonic Blast’, the lowest level of air attack magic, the power is not very strong, but after Joan uses it, the power is quite amazing. The long-range professional rolled on the spot, and the air bomb shot directly into the air, interrupting a small tree behind him. The remote professional who did not know the specific occupation looked back, then took off his obstructing aristocratic clothing, jumped into the grass in the garden, and the cat squatted on his waist, and then hid in the dark shadow for a moment. .

What a great magic pet! Barbara looked at Jeanne, could not help but say, her eyes are full of envy. If she also has a magic pet, the fighting strength will increase by at least 30%.

At this time, Kyle finally reacted to the news of 'engagement'. He looked around: "What's going on, what's happening!"

As he spoke, several mercenaries had already rushed up. Because they pretend to be nobles, there is no reason they ca n’t bring weapons to the banquet. After all, there are servants at the entrance to check the castle, but now they have a weapon in their hands, and one of them carries a huge sword ... How did he get in this big killer!

There are four people here in Uther, and four mercenaries rushed in, and each of them chose a target.

The one facing Uther was the burly warrior with a huge sword. He smashed away a few noblemen who were standing in front of him, and then rushed to Uther with a residual image. The giant sword slashed straight, leaving no spare effort at all. It seemed that I wanted to split Uther in half with a single sword.

Sprint! Expertise that everyone in the melee profession wants to learn.

Usel had no weapons in his hands, but he was not in a hurry, and took two steps in the direction of his daughter elegantly, avoiding the attack of the opponent. Liang Lidong's eyes were sharp. He saw that Barbara's hands were making gestures again, and her lips were thinking quickly, and she immediately understood what was going on. She also learned Uther's approach to Barbara.

The Great Sword Warrior missed, the Great Sword had been smashed into the slate of the square, half of the sword body was trapped, it was a troublesome thing to dial out, but the soldier was not in a hurry, his right foot After stepping on the handle of the giant sword, he clicked out another ordinary long sword from the giant sword.

Sword in the sword! No wonder this warrior dared to use his strength from the beginning. If Uther sees his great sword sinking into the slate, he thinks that he can't dial it out in a short time, and lacks combat power. The word of others.

The other three mercenaries also rushed up, and the four surrounded Liang Lidong and others. When they were about to attack together, Barbara's spell had been finished. The red enchantment she had just collapsed collapsed at a rapid speed, transformed, and turned into a red ring, covering the four of them in the middle. She took a deep breath, her eyes were filled with the magical elements of light red, and then she sang softly. The red ring spread around with an explosive force, bringing a wave of violent air, four maids. He was caught off guard and was hit by a red ring, blowing into the crowd!

Resist the ring of fire! This is the power of fire magicians. They specialize in destructive power, even if they only use auxiliary magic, they still have great power.

After the four mercenaries were blown into the crowd, they knocked down a large number of people. At this time, the aristocratic guests finally responded, emitting unpleasant exclamations, and fled around, and more began to escape towards the exit. The four mercenaries did not suffer much damage. They took the opportunity to mix into the crowd and disappear from the vision of Uther and Liang Lidong.

"Briganda's attack?" Kel licked his lips and asked.

Uther ignored him ~ ~ but asked Liang Lidong: "They can bring in weapons, which shows that a colorless magic tower is mixed in the venue. Since you are also a colorless magic tower Can you find him out? "

"It's impossible. If he doesn't show his mental strength, he won't be any different from ordinary people, and he can't distinguish at all." Liang Lidong said.

"Can anyone use space equipment?" Kyle suddenly pointed at a young man who was screaming and hiding: "When my grandfather and I didn't enter the castle, I saw him and a few people hiding in the shadow of the roadside and talking. Whatever happened, then those people handed something into his hands, and instantly disappeared, just like the situation when the teacher bought an alchemy item that day! "

"They are so careless?" Liang Lidong was a little surprised. "Suddenly an ordinary person saw what should not be seen, and did not notice it at all?"

"No, it's my eyes!" Kyle pointed to himself, "I can see far away even at night."

Dark vision!

Qi Liang Lidong shook the corners of his mouth. This is not an ability that ordinary people should have. It usually appears in special mixed races or warlocks. For example, he has the status of warlock, so he can choose Yunlong Lantong as his talented bloodline ability. So what blood flowed in Kyle's body! Dark elf? dwarf? Or is it a special kind of Warcraft?

"Now the enemy is dark, and the battle is very unfavorable." Uther laughed, looking at the magician who knew that he had been exposed, and was still pretending to be an ordinary person. "But we can use this little Mouse, push all his companions out! "

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