Noble Emblem

Chapter 29: What a horrible magician is

The space magician concealed very well. He had a pale horse face and a thin figure, which fully accorded with the identity of the aristocracy. In addition, his expression of horror was the same as that of the others. It would be seamless if not for Kyle. The 'evidence' of this guy, the other three would never associate this person with the space magician.

"What are you going to do?" Liang Lidong asked the city owner: "You don't seem to have any weapons. Would you like me to give you one?"

Qi Liang Lidong's iron sword used to cut apples has just been put back into the space backpack. A caster who does not have a weapon in his hand and does not have a magic wand will make the enemy slightly less vigilant. Anyway, he can take the weapon out of his backpack at any time, and it is not a big problem.

"Who says there is no weapon, there isn't one here." Uther went to the side and plucked the great sword plunged into the slate. "Daughter, you will support me for a while. Now you don't have a magic robe, magic power will Decrease, I will create opportunities for you, once you start, don't show mercy! "

Barbara nodded. She seemed to be accustomed to this kind of chaos. She was not as nervous as other noble ladies, and even shouted. Calmness is a necessary accomplishment for a magician, and she does it well. In contrast, Kyle is a bit nervous. He seems to be encountering this situation for the first time, but even so, he is much better than ordinary people.

"I'll go first, be careful yourself."

Uther went into the chaotic crowd with a huge sword and shouted, "Quiet, all quiet down. The more trouble you get, the easier it will be. You are nobles, and you are like a crazy dog. What do you say? It's no wonder that the civilians outside laughed secretly to death! "

The second half of the sentence played a role, and most of the nobles gradually calmed down, they began to organize their clothes and makeup.

"This is just an assassination against me, it has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry for the fright you received ..."

Uther spoke while approaching the space magician intentionally or unintentionally.

"Tomorrow I will tell you all, but now ..."

Uther dragged his sword, and measured the distance between the two with the light of the corner of his eyes, very close.

"Those assassins mingling with you, I will find a way to find out!"

刚 As soon as the word "come" was finished, Uther turned and waved his great sword to the space magician who was still pretending to be silly. Uther had a lot of strength. When the sword was dancing, he even brought a gust of wind. The skirts of several nearby noble ladies were carried to the face by the wind, exposing a pair of thighs, and a black triangle ... ... these women didn't even wear underpants.

In the panic of the woman's panic, the giant sword drew a silver line and chopped it from the top to the top of the space magician's head. As long as it was pressed down by another two centimeters, he could split the sword in half. Just then, the space magician turned into countless transparent bubbles, spreading out everywhere.

The giant sword broke into the ground, chopped on the ground, and made a loud noise. The earthquake seemed to be in the earthquake ground, with Usel as the center and a radial crack appearing on the ground with a radius of five meters. The more the center, the cracked the The larger the number, the larger the gap. And most of the ordinary nobles who were close to Uther were overturned by the shock.

Special combat expertise, shock shock! With good power, it can also generate a shock wave in the hit area. If the opponent's coordination value fails to pass the check, he will fall. This skill is very useful early in the game, because in combat, once a person loses balance, it represents a great disadvantage. However, a player who is good at martial arts later found that as long as you practice the stump in the game for a certain period of time, you can get an extra character talent that can well resist various special grounding skills or magic effects, and then shock Fighting this feat doesn't mean much to players.

And this expertise, only players can exercise it by themselves, NPC can't learn it.

Those transparent bubbles fly to a dozen meters away at a very fast speed, and then reassemble into the appearance of a magician in just two seconds. This is the power of space magicians. They have weird moving means. It's hard to prevent. However, the man hurriedly and forcibly called magic, and his spirit was obviously shaken by magic backwash, and his face became paler.

As the space magician just appeared, Uther picked up the great sword from the ground, and threw it out with all his strength. With so much force, even blue veins appeared on his neck.

Looking at the giant sword flying at a rapid speed, the space magician couldn't force the use of transfer magic this time. He just had to rush to open a special magic shield, and then the giant sword 'banged' on his shield. After a loud noise, the giant sword was bounced off, but he flew down with the shield for several meters and fell to the ground.

Uther breathed a long breath, he shook his right hand, picked up a hardwood table from the side, and rushed up. Although he does not 'sprint' this feat, but he runs very fast, and he has to walk to the space magician within a few steps, but at this time, two men jumped out of the crowd. Two of the mercenaries.

They attacked Uther with one left and one right. Uther smashed one back with a hardwood table, but the other pounced on it with a hammer. The former could only back up and couldn't chase the space magician. He fought with the two. Together, the hardwood table was knocked to pieces after a short while. At this time, Barbara Mantra summoned a red sword with a red light, and used his mental power to throw it to Uther, who picked up the magic long The sword cut off the hammer in the hand of a mercenary, and the situation suddenly reversed. Seeing this, the other two mercenaries hiding in the crowd jumped out immediately.

Twenty-four to one, Uther looked extremely unfavorable. He hurried back, and the enemy chased after him. At this time, the archer in the watchtower above the castle finally shot. A wave of arrow rain shot down and forced the four mercenaries back. At the same time, they suddenly found a black oil stain under their feet, and the four fell instantly. Three down, and one with his hands spread left and right, trying to balance his body.

Greasy! In the first-level magic, it is a very practical field-control magic. Barbara found a chance to shoot, but it was not over. Three huge white cobwebs appeared in front of her, binding all four people. Two people were tied to the same cobweb, and they fell to the ground. Struggling hard.

Liang Lidong saw the fence stretched out and pointed at the four mercenaries. Her whole body was shimmering. The red magic elements gathered from her surroundings to her fingertips very quickly, and then formed a large basin. Fireball. These narratives seem very slow, but the whole process is just one second.

Hu Qi Ding casually increased fireball, the standard output method of the fire magician.

The large fireball in the basin was white-gold and smashed at the four mercenaries with strange sound effects. They horrifiedly watched the big fireball smashing over, desperately trying to escape this place, but there was a greasy three-meter radius under the foot. Restricting their actions, their feet slipped, they didn't stand up at all, and there was no way they could use their power to struggle with the shackles of cobwebs.

The fireball smashed to the ground and a terrible explosion occurred. The ordinary people around him blew back several meters and screamed. Uther covered his face with his hands, stepped back and forth, and scattered Mars and gravel hit him. Painful, but he smiled happily. This power, even if it is

Here comes the Magister Magister, who has a hard round and must be seriously injured if he doesn't die, not to mention the four mercenaries who have a good ability.

But Barbara snorted dissatisfied. She was a magician and could feel the magic wave. The four mercenaries did not die, but appeared directly beside the space magician ... Phase shift, once Sexual transfer of four people, this space magician's accomplishments are really powerful, but this is only the case. After saving four people, because of the continuous forced use of magic, his current mental strength has been strongly counterattacked, and the mental fluctuations have changed. It was confusing, and spells could no longer be cast in a short time.

There are no restrictions on greasy technique. The four mercenaries finally found a point of leverage on the ground. They broke the cobwebs hard, stood up, and looked at the explosion point just now. The flames and heat waves in the place had counted a small pit of molten iron. Fortunately, Jedi was also afraid.

Kyle looked at Barbara dullly. He didn't know much about the magician. Although Liang Lidong also used magic in front of him, 'driving the fog' was a supplementary magic. Fireball's violent supreme magic comes as a shock and intuition.

Barbara plucked the messy hair in her ears, and smiled sweetly at Kyle. The seamless transition from 'strong' to 'girl' made the heartbeat of the teenager faster and faster.

Qi Liang Lidong looked around. Although Barbara showed amazing combat effectiveness, he felt that he was in danger.

"Kyle, follow Barbara, she will protect you." Liang Lidong continued to observe the surroundings, and said, "I'll catch the other two shadows, otherwise keep them in the dark It's not a solution. "

Barbara's eyes brightened: "I didn't learn‘ show the dust and shimmer ’, I could n’t deal with those professions that are good at hiding in the shadows ~ ~ Have Beta, do you have a way?”

"There should be no problem." Although Liang Lidong was very confident, he didn't say anything.

"I'll trouble you then." Barbara knew how dangerous it was to let those invisible enemies sway around his own side.

Xi Liang Lidong took the long sword out of the space backpack, pulled a sword flower, and slowly walked towards the periphery of the courtyard. The remote professional just disappeared here. If his experience is not wrong, the teleprofessional should be a more common 'loiter'. A profession that is good at moving in the dark, good at using bows, crossbows, and daggers. It is very mobile and difficult to entangle.

Although 'Wanderer' and 'Assassin' are both assassin-type occupations, their abilities are subtly different. 'Wanderer' can use many light weapons and crossbows, and also works as a thief. He is good at unlocking and good at collecting intelligence. Know how to open the trap. The 'Assassins' are pure assassins. Although they are not as versatile as the 'Wanderers', they are more difficult to be found in the dark, faster and more lethal attacks. Once you shoot, either you die or you I am dead.

As Barbara watched Liang Lidong holding an iron sword, she walked out with a big grin, and couldn't help but ask Kyle, "Isn't Rev. Beta the caster? Is his sword skill very good?"

"I haven't seen him use swordsmanship!" Kyle remembered what happened when they went to catch Jeanne on the mountain, with a bitter smile: "But his skill is very flexible, he is very flexible, I have never seen such a flexible person, just It's like ... a monkey! "

Barbara wondered: "Is it the legendary battle priest?"

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