Noble Emblem

Chapter 286: Elimination of knighthood

Uther's study.

Beta told the owner: "It's not difficult to cancel your Round Table knighthood. But this process may be a bit laborious, and after your Round Table knighthood is cancelled, Ms. Sophia's second-level knighthood will also disappear, and the process will It's painful, although it's not at least ugly, but it's not too uncomfortable. "

Uther smiled, "It doesn't matter. What we and our husbands say are both professionals and experience a lot. The little pain is just a trivial matter for us."

In Uther's heart, he was actually surprised. He knew that the Knights of the Round Table had the ability to control others. Both sides could think easily. If he was Beta, he would never cancel his role as a Knight of the Round Table, because a city owner with two cities is his own puppet. As long as it is well-controlled, it can fully obtain great benefits and even carry out some politically dirty operations.

In his opinion, Beta was still too naive. Although he sent his wife as a hostage, Sophia is not an ordinary woman. He knows how much Sophia can charm people. If Beta and his wife have been in contact for a long time, they may have been captured by his wife. Anti-customer-oriented.

He thought he was doing it, but he never thought that Beta was actually reluctant to give him a precious place for knights.

At that time, Beta was not strong enough, so he had to use only this method to control Uther. Now he is not only a master-class powerhouse, but also with Kyle, Shirley, and Katie.

In addition, a new temple is about to be built, and the power of the Otjin Gods has to go further. Now he can completely ignore Uther's background and power.

As for Sophia, Beta had a strange feeling for this woman, not love. After all, in the nightmare space, the spiritual milk blends several times, and the union of the soul is easier to get closer than the physical one. Therefore, he felt that it was not a bad thing to give a knight to the lady of the city.

When Uther saw that Beta had agreed, he immediately rang the bell and asked the housekeeper to call the lady of the city owner. He was worried that after some time, Beta would react and he would no longer agree to this.

Soon the lady of the town and Shirley came in together.

Shirley had a smile on her face, but the expression of the lady of the city owner was very subtle, it seemed difficult, but her eyes were a little eager to try!

Beta felt a little strange, but could feel what had happened between the two women.

City Lord Uther also noticed his wife's minor anomaly, but he misunderstood it, thinking that his wife was happy that he could get rid of the role of Knight of the Round Table, and he was also a little worried about becoming a Knight of the Round Table.

Thinking of this, he gently held his wife's hand and gave her some courage, after all, the two had already discussed it before.

Sophia smiled at her husband and looked at her as if smiling, but there was a hint of guilt in it, but the careless Uther didn't find it.

"Both of you are better prepared. I'm going to disqualify your knights." Beta looked at the two and said, "I'll let Shirley get a soundproof enchantment in a while. If both of you are ready, just Say."

Uther held his wife's hand and smiled confidently: "Come on. We are ready."

Shirley immediately laid the soundproofing enchantment.

Beta opens the management menu of the Knights of the Round Table in her system, finds the names and information of Uther and Sophia, then glances at the couple, and finally swipes on the interface in the consciousness!

Then the two suddenly fell to their knees on the ground. They covered their chests and kept breathing heavily. The severe pain made their whole bodies tremble. But none of them snorted. Even Sophia, the woman, clenched her teeth tightly.

A little bit of light golden magic light floated out of their bodies and disappeared into the air. These are the abilities given to them by the Knights of the Round Table system. They were turned back into magic elements and returned to the void.

After about three minutes, the pain of the two men subsided, and their bodies no longer had golden spots of light.

Uther stood up and looked at his hands. It stands to reason that he got rid of Beta's shackles and should be happy. But now, he feels emptiness for a while, because his strength has dropped a lot.

The ability correction brought by the Round Table Knight system is that all basic attributes increase by +1. This attribute growth has no advantages in the early stage, but it will become more and more obvious as the level increases. Uther and Sophia are not low in level, one LV8, one LV7, this full power +1 attribute growth bonus is no longer low, suddenly lost, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not feel empty.

Moreover, the round table knight system has also given the city masters three more professional skills. Now these three additional skills have disappeared, resulting in a weakened strength, which is extremely obvious.

"Congratulations on your freedom." Beta smiled at Uther, and he seemed a little happy.

Uther also laughed, and his heart was mixed. He couldn't be sure now whether his decision was correct.

Indeed, from a theoretical point of view, it is worthwhile to be able to obtain freedom, even at a great cost. But in this world of weak meat and strong food, if there is not enough strength, what is the meaning of freedom?

And Sophia never thought so much. When her strength dropped, she immediately found a mirror and took a picture of herself. She found that she was not as beautiful as she was a few minutes ago, and her face suddenly became dark, and then she took a deep breath. , Said, "Beta, please register me as a Knight of the Round Table now."

Women have always been simple, as long as you can figure out what she is thinking.

For women, appearance is life. After losing + 1's successful correction, Sophia of LV8 has lost 1.8 points of current charm value.

For humans, every 0.5 glamour bonus can make the girl feel pretty beautiful, while the current glamour value of 1.8 is an important factor that directly determines whether a girl is beautiful or not.

At this time Sophia was still beautiful, but not a while ago, she lacked a bit of ‘taste’, which made her charm less eccentric, which is exactly the effect brought by the current 1.8 charm value.

Therefore, Sophia immediately wanted to become a round table knight again.

Women can have no money, but they must not be beautiful! This is a word that women all around the world take for granted.

But Beta waved her hand and said, "You have just been removed as a second knight, and now it is not suitable to become a new knight. It will take some time to recover your body, otherwise it will cause great harm."

As soon as he heard that it would take time to become a new round table knight, Sophia was nervous: "How long will it take."

"At least seven days," Beta answered.

"Seven days!" Sophia breathed a sigh of relief, and she could bear it at this time. If it were longer, she would feel mad.

Beautiful women never want to be ugly.

At this time Uther finally regained his feelings of suffering and suffering. He said to Beta: "Thank you for your success. You will always be friends of our Longman family. It's late now, please go and rest, room. I have prepared them, and I have hot water and a large bathtub in them. "

Shirley was on the side and nodded repeatedly: "Well, I'm sleeping with my master."

Upon hearing this, Sophia immediately lowered her head.

As soon as Beta saw the situation, she knew there was something nasty in it. As a divine creature created by the goddess, Shirley may already know his ambiguous relationship with the lady of the city lord. Now that she speaks, the lady of the city lord will be a little bit ill. There is no article in it.

Beta didn't want to be `` pitted '' by Shirley, he shook his head and said, "No, I have to deal with something when I go back. Just say goodbye for the time being, if I have the opportunity, I will meet again."

Shirley held Beta's hand and coquettishly said, "Master, I don't want to go back. I want to stay here and chat with Mrs. Sophia."

joke! She finally persuaded the lady of the city master that if Beta was returned now, her plan would be lost.

But Beta was insistent, he said, "Then you stay and chat with Ms. Sophia. I'll go back first."

Immediately after that, Beta started teleporting magic, and she was teleported away.

"Master waits for me!"

Shirley was so annoyed that her little plan completely failed. She stomped angrily, and Shirley jumped into the magic circle and was teleported with Beta to the hotel in Bronze Drum City.

Looking at the disappearing magic formation, Uther breathed a sigh of relief. He asked: "What did Ms. Shirley talk to you, you seem very strange ~ ~ He also sees the difference of his wife just now, after all, it is a husband and wife of nearly twenty years, Sophia Some of his little habits can't hide from him.

The lady of the town owner was a little shy and said, "Ms. Shirley is still a virgin, but she wants to serve her master and make her master happy, so she wants to ask me some questions about that experience."

"Oh!" The Lord Uther came to his senses, and then believed. He was confident he could see if his wife had lied.

But in fact, the succubus is one of the creatures that is best at deceiving people, especially now that Sophia has consciously awakened the blood of the succubus. Her half-truths and half-truths were easy to say, but she took it for granted, and she almost lied to her.

Half an hour later, Sophia was alone in the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, and found that not only was her temperament and appearance worse, but she didn't seem to be as good as she was yesterday.

"I must be a Knight of the Round Table again."

Sophia murmured to herself, looking at her nose-bleeding body.

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