Noble Emblem

Chapter 287: New shrine built

After Beta returned to the hotel in Tonggu City, she immediately went to rest. Shirley was very unhappy.

She thought that she would stay in Winterwind City at night, find a chance to hypnotize Beta with magic, and then use the power of the succubus to bring her master into the nightmare space, and then do something "indescribable".

She knew that the blend of souls was the most memorable. It's like the host obviously doesn't like the mixed succubus of the lady of the city owner, but often, it will be invisible for her consideration and help her.

If he had fulfilled his scabbard responsibility in the nightmare space, then Beta would be better for himself in reality!

This was Shirley's plan, but it was a pity that Beta was very alert, and she left Winterwind City directly, without any clutter. This immediately made Shirley's plan go to waste.

But Shirley soon became happy. Since the owner is unwilling to go to Winterwind City, then he can bring the lady of the city to the Bronze Drum City. The nightmare space can be launched as long as it is within a certain range. In a few days, she brings Sophia over and hides somewhere nearby. As long as Beta doesn't know, he will definitely sleep, as long as he sleeps ... hehe.

The next day, having breakfast, Beta looked at Shirley, who had been smirking, and said helplessly, "You seem to be treacherous!"

Shirley's face straightened up: "Are you there?"

The picture that did not admit it looked very cute. The six students who had breakfast with Beta, after seeing this scene, stayed for a while, and then gradually came back to God.

Next, Beta focused on supervising the construction of the temple. He watched the foundation lay, watched the big stones bulge, and watched that the temple soon had a prototype. Although it was not completely completed, the sense of the atmosphere was already revealed.

At this time, it was only five days before the March period promised by Greenton, and the temple was about to be built.

He estimated that soon there would be other deities believers from Tonggu City to preach, but he did not expect that other people in the temple had not yet appeared, and Katie, who had been disappearing, suddenly came to Beta.

"We found an interesting piece of news."

Katie wore a pretty tight night dress, showing her soft and slender figure. It was extremely attractive. Beta's eyes turned around her, and then fell on her familiar and pretty face: "said Come and listen. "

Katie felt Beta's gaze. "The Claude you asked us to watch is a believer in the goddess of fate, but in essence, he is a believer in love."

"Love God!" Beta froze. "He is a believer in God? This is really interesting!"

Generally speaking, believers who love God are all women. Because Eros is in charge of desire and love, she is also the protector of prostitutes, so the followers of Eros are almost all goddesses, and occasionally there are several males, and the number is also less than one ten thousandth. This is not that men do not want to believe in God, but that God does not like men to believe in her.

"In addition, we also found a true believer in Goddess of Destiny, you can never guess who she is!"

"Say, I listen."

Katie looked at Beta's face and shook her head and smiled. "In the presence of a lady, it's not good to be too impatient."

Beta froze, and then knew that Katie was joking, and he smiled and said, "You are a powerful assassin. You say you are a lady? Don't you feel shy?"

Katie took a deep look at Beta, then flicked her waist, and saw that the lower half of her tights turned twice, and the fabric stretched into a black skirt.

She opened her hand, turned it in a circle, and looked at Beta: "Aren't I a lady like this?"

Beta's EQ is not low. He knows that Katy has absolutely no joke, and now flattery says: "Of course it is a lady, the most beautiful lady I have ever seen."

Katie smiled suddenly.

Shirley, not far away, snorted softly.

Katie suddenly knew that she was dysfunctional, she coughed gently, and then said, "The believer of the goddess of fate is Sissau's wife. And we suspect that you and Claude's last direct conflict was hers. ghost."

"I know someone led me to Claude on purpose." Beta nodded. "But I didn't expect to be a believer in Goddess of Destiny! Can you be sure that you are a true believer, not a fake one?"

The goddess of destiny is the most mysterious person among all the gods. No one knows what she looks like, and no one has ever seen her.

Many people in this world claim to be followers of the goddess of fate, but in essence these people are false believers, because the goddess of fate has never taught, and people don't even know the content of her teachings. But some people are still favored by the goddess of destiny. They have the ability to predict, can change many things, and control the destiny of those around them in their own hands.

"I'm sure it's true," Katy said.

"If it is true, it shouldn't be easy for you to find." Beta is a little puzzled: "After all, she is a believer in Goddess of Destiny and has a strong ability to predict. If you want to hide it, no one can find it."

"Actually she didn't catch us, but she came to her door." Katie looked at Beta. "She said she wanted to see you."

see me? Beta is a little puzzled. He still remembers Emma's Flame Imp, who said that in the last Divine War, the initiator and the manipulator behind the scenes was the goddess of fate. Therefore, he has great caution against the goddess of destiny. Now a believer of the goddess of destiny actually wants to see himself. Is the goddess of fate already aware of himself?

But soon he shook his head, not to mention that he has not yet had a direct conflict of interest with the goddess of destiny, and most importantly, if he is 'attention' by the god, it must be a vision of heaven, just like the last shadow God does that.

Beta thought about it and said, "Take me to see her."

An hour later, Beta was led by Katie into a grove near the rich area, and then Katie opened a secret door on the ground and led him in.

In the gloomy magic spar light, Beta came to a small secret room. In addition to Katie's men, there was a young woman sitting inside.

She was wearing a long white linen dress with long ponytail hair. Her pupils were pale white, but she didn't look scared when she looked at them. Although she is not very beautiful, she also has a temperament to look out and looks attractive. Of course, compared with people like Emma and Shirley, the gap is quite obvious, even Katie can throw her as far as a few streets.

When she saw Beta, she stood up, opened her skirt corner, and gave a gentle gift: "Dear Sir, I'm glad you can come and meet me."

Beta looked at each other and found that the woman was a LV6 professional. However, it is normal to think about it. The believers of the goddess of fate, if they do not have some strength, really do not conform to common sense.

"My name is Beta, may I ask you?"

The woman nodded: "I already know the name of Lord Beta, you are a rare good priest. My name is Wendy, as you see, a believer in the goddess of fate."

"Why do you see me?" As a player, Beta has developed a habit of never talking nonsense in key plots.

"I know prophecy." Wendy looked at Beta with a puzzled expression on everyone's face: "But recently, my prophecy has become increasingly inaccurate. At first I thought it was a goddess no longer I took care of me, but then I realized that as long as I was away from a certain distance, my prophecy would become normal again. "

Beta nodded slightly, he seemed to know what the reason was, but he said, "Please continue."

Wendy nodded: "After several days of testing, I found that the main reason is to take care. Now that you are standing in front of me, I am more affirmative of this. I am curious, how does Your Excellency shield your destiny?

Beta smiled. "Maybe I don't believe in fate."

Wendy's face had a bit of stubbornness. After all, she believed in the goddess of destiny, and Beta didn't believe in destiny, so she fundamentally rejected her belief. But soon she put away her little expression, and then said, "Lord Beta, I'm coming to you this time. The other purpose is to give you something."


Wendy took out a small crystal from his clothes: "This is what all our believers have. The goddess of fate once gave it to us. If we encounter a life that cannot be controlled by fate, give it to him . "

Beta glanced at the little crystal and shook her head, unwilling to accept it.

"This is the shrine of the goddess of fate, and I ask you to put it away."

Beta still shook her head. He doesn't believe in destiny, and possesses a materialist talent. Born to be the nemesis and enemies of the goddess of fate, if you change yourself, you will be blamed if you do not kill the enemy. How could you be so kind and give something ... If the thing sent is very lethal, then it is naturally another time thing.

Seeing Beta's reluctance to ask, Wendy was really angry at this moment: "You don't want what the goddess of fate gave you?"

She already had a bit of a threat in her words ~ ~ Beta still shook her head.

"Okay, don't regret it in the future." Katy snorted and turned and left, but soon she turned back and said, "I saw a few days ago that when your temple was built, there would be very powerful people coming. Trouble, you better take some defensive measures yourself. "

When Wendy left, Beta felt a little worried. As a believer, Wendy will definitely report that Beta is not affected by fate to the goddess of fate. How Goddess of Fate will deal with him next has to consider.

Katie immediately began to convene staff and began to lay out. She planned to capture all the enemies directly on the day the temple was built.

And Beta pretended not to know anything, waiting for the completion of the temple.

Six days later, the grand temple was completed, and the opening ceremony of the temple was next.

Katie took his subordinates into the civilian population early, watching the suspicious person at any time.

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