Noble Emblem

Chapter 288: legend

[Broadcasting] Pay attention to "Beginning of Reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the New Year, this time they can show their skills.

The opening ceremony of the temple is very important! This is not only about whether the goddess will notice this temple, but also about the face and prestige of this temple.

Wendy had already said that someone would mess up at the time. From the heart, Beta doesn't believe her words. Because Beta is a materialist, she is inherently immune to any causal spells and prophecies. In other words, it is impossible for Wendy to see things related to Beta.

Beta is now presiding over the opening of the temple. It is impossible for Wendy to 'see' the scene during this time, unless Beta is not here at this time.

But Beta is here now, that is to say, the predictions Wendy sees are just another possibility, and the probability of appearing is not high.

Despite this, Katie still hides people in the crowd, preventing any possible attacks.

But until the opening ceremony was over, the statue of Working radiated a mild golden light in the temple. No one stood up and said that they did not agree to the establishment of the temple here, and no one rushed out to make trouble, which was surprisingly smooth.

At this time, Beta was even more disinterested in fate. The so-called goddess of fate, the so-called prophecy, after going through the affairs of Emma and Wendy, he felt that destiny was meaningless and even disdainful.

After the opening ceremony was completed, Beta stood on the chanting table and looked forward, and then he found that no one dared to walk in except Shirley and his six students.

The reason is simple. The people here are all poor. They felt that their status was low and that their bodies were dirty. Although the temple was built by them. But the temple after the opening ceremony. But a sacred breath emerged.

They dare not go in casually, because they are filthy.

Beta wasn't surprised, either, as he expected. Moreover, he did not want ordinary people. Come to the temple with a sour smell to pray. It can be regarded as a public place, although there is no such thing as high or low. But there are clean and unclean, and clean and untidy.

Next, Beta was the one who planned to let the slums. Become clean.

When he was about to go out to announce his next plan, he unexpectedly saw Greenton come with his daughter Alice. Behind them. There is also a chaise.

"The city's owner is here!"

The poor murmured with shock.

Greenton is the owner ... There are few people who don't know him in Bronze Drum City. Civilians see him. Immediately gave way, he looked around. Then he said to Beta, "Well, it's done well, and it looks a lot better."

Because now it's in public. Beta, of course, can't be too casual, the face that should be given to Greenton must be given. He stooped slightly and smiled: "You, the city owner, are here in person.

Greenton's eyes were grateful, and he took his daughter into the temple. A few soldiers ran out in the carriage behind them. They carried a box and walked to the temple, then dropped to the ground.

Greenton looked at the statue in the faint golden light, then turned to Beta and said, "This time, I want to ask you a favor."

"Please speak."

"I want to sacrifice gold coins," Greenton said with a smile.

Beta looked at Greenton for a while, then nodded: "You are only one step away from the legend, but even this step requires a lot of gold coins. From the perspective of cost performance, it is not suitable, there are many other ways to do it, such as Say knight or something. "

"No, those methods are too cumbersome, thank you very much for reminding me." Greenton nodded secretly to Beta, he knew what the other party meant, and thanked him for thinking about him: "But I don't want to wait too long."

Beta understands that the sooner you enter the legend, the more unstable your mind becomes and the more anxious you are. And let Greenton make this decision that consumes a lot of money to improve his strength, mostly because the holy war is about to come ... he has to get used to the feeling and state after the legend.

"Okay, no problem." Beta looked at Alice on the side. "Why didn't you persuade your father before? At this moment, your family must take out at least three thousand gold coins."

"I've persuaded it," said Alice helplessly, "but my father is a very stubborn man."

Greenton smiled aside.

Beta shook her head helplessly. He didn't get three thousand gold coins. It was just too wasteful to use it to improve his strength. Gold coins can do a lot of things, such as building and purchasing top-level equipment, establishing mercenary regiments, etc., can only bring hidden power bonuses, which is definitely much better than increasing that experience value.

But Greenton had already made a decision, and he was too lazy to persuade him.

The temple management menu was called from the system, and the function of "gold coin offering" was directly selected.

In front of Beta, a golden magic circle appeared immediately, slowly turning.

Greenton took a deep breath and walked in. Then on the back wall of the shrine, the tall relief of the goddess of Vol'jin spit out two golden lights in his eyes, shining on Greenton's body.

Beta said to the soldiers, "Pour gold coins into the magic circle."

Several soldiers doubled up the box, opened the mouth, and dumped the contents of the box into the magic circle.

The golden magic array, the golden coins, and the two golden lights shot from the goddess eyes. These three things add up to form an inexplicably luxurious atmosphere. Those civilians have no professional. They don't feel Greenton's increasing mental strength and momentum. They can only see the scene in front of them, but they also feel a sense of nobility and rich solemnity.

Professionals like Beta, Alice and Zorro can feel that Greenton's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Six boxes of gold coins crashed into the magic circle, and the golden light shot by the statue of the goddess of gold became brighter and brighter. About a minute later, Greenton laughed loudly, but the momentum he had just climbed up was completely retracted at this time. The whole man's spirit was restrained, and he became a normal person.

Without the strong sense of oppression of the professional and the distinctive temperament of the professional, Greenton at this time seemed like an ordinary half-elf.

But Beta is very clear that Greenton is already a legendary powerhouse, because the first sign of reaching this level is:

Return to Park!

The golden magic array disappeared, and the golden light from the statue of Vol'jin was gone. Beta stepped forward and asked with a smile: "What talent skills have you awakened?"

"Tianma Summon!"

Greenton raised his fist and shouted loudly. A white magic circle suddenly appeared in front of him, and after the light had dissipated, a white horse with two wings appeared in front of everyone.

A ecstatic look appeared in Greenton's eyes. He jumped onto Tianma's back, and then Tianma jumped his hoof and hissed his wings, and then flew out of the high gate of the temple with a flap of his wings. He flew in a few seconds At high altitude, only a white spot can be seen from the ground.

"Fast speed." Beta sighed.

"Father, wait for me." Alice shouted, summoned the unicorn, and chased it.

Although unicorns are better than Tianma, unicorns must at least wait for the legendary level if they want to fly. At this time, it is impossible for the unicorn to catch up with Pegasus.

Greenton itself is a cavalry, a legendary cavalry, and the awakened legendary talent has six types of skills, the best of which are ‘Call of Heaven’ and ‘Cavalry Force’.

The former is a substantial increase in single player strength, while the latter is a group offensive skill. Both are quite practical, and it doesn't matter which is better.

But for most people, Tianma Summoning has more practical significance. After all, for a non-flying profession, soaring in the air is a hard-to-reach dream.

Seeing that the master and the lady were gone, the soldiers gathered the remaining gold coins and hurried the carriage towards the castle.

Beta stepped out of the temple, and by this time many slum dwellers had been surrounded.

These people are still staring blankly at the sky, Beta puts on a magic scroll of sound reinforcement, and then said, "The temple has been built, and we welcome anyone to pray and repent in the temple."

"Everyone can." Beta emphasised the tone of the sentence, but he turned sharply and continued: "But there are rules. First of all, you must wear clean clothes. Your clothes can be very worn and very old. But there must be no smell, and you have to take a bath before entering the temple, otherwise it is disrespect to the goddess. "

Everyone was whispering with joy. Generally speaking, those who can enter the temple and pray to the gods at close range are only the aristocracy or the rich, and ordinary people can only worship outside the temple.

Beta's words are excellent news for those who are interested in Workin.

"Our goddess of woking ~ ~ is a very pragmatic god. She never tells you that trusting her for eternal life. Nor will she tell you that trusting her will make you rich. That is not true." Beta smiled lightly: "But we can do a lot. People who really believe in the goddess. We can help him build a good house. People who believe in the goddess. If it is a child, we will teach him to read."

This remark was more appealing than before, and the voice of the crowd suddenly exploded. If it was a whisper, it is now being discussed excitedly.

"Quiet, can you ask me anything?"

Beta was already very popular in the slums, and with a word he calmed everyone down.

An adult raised his hand: "Her Beta, how do you confirm that a lamb truly believes in the goddess of Vol'jin"

Beta pointed to the child around the adult: "Children, come here."

Ps. Children's shoes to be updated, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The 515 Red Envelope Countdown counts down. Let me get a ticket, ask for extra and praise tickets, and finally rush! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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